Democrats lie about recession

And you should do the same with someone who is unemployed. Good luck, you'll have a lot harder time finding one of those now than you would have while Trump was president.
There were plenty of jobs when Trump was President. Now the problem is the working poor have to decide between food, fuel and rent. Pick two you can't have all three.
While GDP declined for the second consecutive quarter, the official definition of recession is a judgmental mix of levels and rates-of-change across several variables, most of which continued to expand in the first half of the year." – Jan Hatzius, chief economist, Global Investment Research Division at Goldman Sachs
Spin (read:LIE) all you want. People see the truth. Recession is here and the continued denials of the left just makes the Republican wave in November even larger. Gas prices already projected to between $6 and $7 a gallon by fall. The 2nd quarter GDP will likely be revised downward. Still 4 million jobs shy of pre-Fauci flu employment levels. 50 year high inflation. Facts.
Indeed, the economy these days is just plain weird. Just look at how it's generating all sorts of contradictory data. The labor market, in particular, sure doesn't look recessionary. The economy created 2.7 million jobs in the first half of 2022. An ultra-low unemployment rate of 3.6% likewise doesn't square with an economic slump. And then there's consumer spending, which remains surprisingly robust.
We still are not up to pre-covid employment levels.
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We have a REAL recession now, Shitflinger.

You lie because the facts hurt you in the polls.
There’s no consensus among policy makers and economists as to a recession.

Of course, that won’t keep the reprehensible right from lying about a ‘recession’ for some perceived partisan advantage.

Indeed, that conservatives would welcome and celebrate a recession – welcome and celebrate the suffering of the American people – is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance and have contempt for sound, responsible governance.

There’s no consensus among policy makers and economists as to a recession.

Of course, that won’t keep the reprehensible right from lying about a ‘recession’ for some perceived partisan advantage.

Indeed, that conservatives would welcome and celebrate a recession – welcome and celebrate the suffering of the American people – is further proof that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance and have contempt for sound, responsible governance.

Quick rule of thumb
Lers see if US Economic Analysts declare a recession based on multiple economic factors

We can also see if that -0.9 percent gets adjusted upward as more data is received.

You seem so anxious to declare a recession
You mean you are actually defending Biden's attempt to redefine the definition of the word recession?

Biden has made all you idiots go insane.

  1. a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters:
    "the country is in the depths of a recession" · "measures to pull the economy out of recession

Any person taking a college level economic course has learned that a recession is two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP.

But a recession isn't helpful to the democrats in furthering their agenda so they have undertaken the Orwellian task of lying reality out of existence.

Biden's top economic dog, Janet Yellen is faced with addressing the recession, and has chosen a favorite tactic of the democrat party - she is flat out lying.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen doubled down on her claim that the US economy is not in a recession — despite the fact that the latest GDP report showed its second straight quarterly decline.

Yellen said experts “should avoid a semantic battle” when discussing the US economy, even as the White House on Thursday scrambled to push back against the widely held view among economists that two straight quarters of GDP declines are the definition of a recession.}

Joe Biden lied to the America people as well.

Will the lies of the democrats lessen the impact of this recession? Will the public buy into it? Will the NY Times and other party propaganda be able to erase 200 years of economic reality to serve the current regime?

But why should they not? If they could pass off the vaccines as "safe and effective" why not try for this lie too?


They are learning this one is a bridge too far...
But why should they not? If they could pass off the vaccines as "safe and effective" why not try for this lie too?


They are learning this one is a bridge too far...
Vaccines saved hundreds of thousands of lives

The lies and misinformation you repeatedly spread killed 100,000 unnecessarily

  1. a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters:
    "the country is in the depths of a recession" · "measures to pull the economy out of recession

Any person taking a college level economic course has learned that a recession is two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP.

But a recession isn't helpful to the democrats in furthering their agenda so they have undertaken the Orwellian task of lying reality out of existence.

Biden's top economic dog, Janet Yellen is faced with addressing the recession, and has chosen a favorite tactic of the democrat party - she is flat out lying.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen doubled down on her claim that the US economy is not in a recession — despite the fact that the latest GDP report showed its second straight quarterly decline.

Yellen said experts “should avoid a semantic battle” when discussing the US economy, even as the White House on Thursday scrambled to push back against the widely held view among economists that two straight quarters of GDP declines are the definition of a recession.}

Joe Biden lied to the America people as well.

Will the lies of the democrats lessen the impact of this recession? Will the public buy into it? Will the NY Times and other party propaganda be able to erase 200 years of economic reality to serve the current regime?
They're trying to avoid the label of the "Biden recession".... But it won't help them....Most American's experiencing their high gas prices, high food costs, will start feeling the reality of reduced hours, and lay offs by November...

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