Democrats, Incapable of Compromise..

Weak...Where is the compromise on the major issues all the little stuff are just to give people like you talking points for the great compromiser Obama. You’re a joke

Wow speaking of Weak

little stuff are you kidding me?

Expand the earned income tax credit
Establish a small business initiative for rural America
Create a tax credit of $500 for workers
Freeze the 2009 estate tax law
Create a National Health Insurance Exchange
Invest $10 billion per year in early intervention educational and developmental programs
Allow all veterans back into the Veterans Administration
Limit Guard and Reserve deployments to one year for every six years
Revise the Patriot Act to increase oversight on government surveillance
Urge China to stop manipulation of its currency value
Require more disclosure and a waiting period for earmarks
Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit to offset college costs
Crack down on employers who hire undocumented immigrants
Set a three-month moratorium on foreclosures
Extend Production Tax Credit to encourage renewable energy
Require drilling on current oil and gas leases
Weatherize 1 million homes per year
Modernize air traffic system
Create clean technology venture capital fund
Create a $3,000 tax credit for companies that add jobs
Go "line by line" over earmarks to make sure money being spent wisely

If you think ANY of those things are "little" then youre just not paying attention.

Tax credit this ..Tax credit that...Were is the Reform of the tax code he promised? Tax credits just a bunch of bullshit centralized government cronyism what a joke
Obama proposed tax reform however republicans and conservative democrats killed it. So tax reform would of been passed if idiots like you didn't vote for conservaitves
1st post
Tax credit this ..Tax credit that...Were is the Reform of the tax code he promised? Tax credits just a bunch of bullshit centralized government cronyism what a joke

Like I said...youre not paying attention.

Obama to offer corporate tax reform plan - CNN

and whats worse...the Republicans have been doing it for 27 years!!!

From 1985: ( notice it was actually supported by Reagan but blocked by Republicans anyway...even back then Reagan was far too reasonable for the Republican party )

House Republicans block Dem tax reform measure 12/12/1985 | Archives | - Houston Chronicle

"Today, with glee in their faces, Republican congressmen voted to humiliate the man who had led them to victory," O'Neill said, declaring the tax bill was a bipartisan product that gave the president what he wanted.

A PERFECT example of Democrats willing to meet in the middle, to compromise and the Republicans throwing a tantrum.

After almost 30 years of blocking Dems efforts at real tax reform, even you should have noticed the TRUTH by now. Its not even something new. Its HISTORICAL FACT!

Now link to a SINGLE Republican offered compromise. I typed " Republicans offer compromise" into google and google fucking laughed at me.

:lol:That’s all you got? In 1985 Republicans blocked something? Obama totally ignored his own debt commission, he said he would reform the tax code where is it? The Republicans have theirs where is Obama's tax reform proposal?
ROTF you illiterate dumbas the psot you just replied to HAD Obama's tax reform in it
But since you are illiterate and a retard ill post it again for you Right here you dumbass
Obama proposes lowering corporate tax rate to 28 percent - The Washington Post
Barack Obama on Tax Reform
No Plz post your bogus GOP tax reform that says it reduces deductions but doesn't name a single one they want tor educe
Oh,,,,for crying out loud! :mad:

Can we get a little real here? OK, how about just a little real? Both parties have migrated into Extreme-o-rama Land.
Yes Democrats embracing republican policies of the 90's and 80's equals democrats being extreme

The GOP and the Dems have both drifted further and further away from the middle to the point that both parties are more extreme than they have been in decades!
Yep the Democrats proposing a conservative health plan means they drifftedaway from the middle.
Clearly you are a dumbass with no clue
Oh,,,,for crying out loud! :mad:

Can we get a little real here? OK, how about just a little real? Both parties have migrated into Extreme-o-rama Land. The GOP and the Dems have both drifted further and further away from the middle to the point that both parties are more extreme than they have been in decades!

Now, when you have both parties that extreme you're not going to get anything done, compromise is not just a dirty little word,,it's become blasphemy.

Below is a graph I stole from another thread. It shows, (in a Political Scientist's mind and mine own mind), exactly the direction both parties have chosen.....Extremism!
Every poll I have seen, certainly have shown the utter disgust by the general public at the none-goings on by both political parties. A common phrase used to describe the environment in Washington is dysfunctional and it's dysfunctional because both parties are so extreme left/right and nothing gets done for the good of the country. The GOP and Democrats can go screw off because they are screwing America! Both parties have solidly put party over country, Fuck em!

Ummmm not to be nitpicky...ok its nitpicking...but your chart shows that the Republicans have moved 5 times further right than the Dems have moved left in the same time period.

dems .03 to .04...reps .02 to .07!!!

Thats hardly..."both parties have moved from the middle to the extremes!"

just saying


IN FACT, if you take their starting points as a baseline, the Democrats are EXACTLY where they started, while the Republicans have moved further right than they have EVER been and .03 from their starting position. So your assertion that its "both" partys is completely proven wrong by your own data.
Last edited:
Oh,,,,for crying out loud! :mad:

Can we get a little real here? OK, how about just a little real? Both parties have migrated into Extreme-o-rama Land. The GOP and the Dems have both drifted further and further away from the middle to the point that both parties are more extreme than they have been in decades!

Now, when you have both parties that extreme you're not going to get anything done, compromise is not just a dirty little word,,it's become blasphemy.

Below is a graph I stole from another thread. It shows, (in a Political Scientist's mind and mine own mind), exactly the direction both parties have chosen.....Extremism!
Every poll I have seen, certainly have shown the utter disgust by the general public at the none-goings on by both political parties. A common phrase used to describe the environment in Washington is dysfunctional and it's dysfunctional because both parties are so extreme left/right and nothing gets done for the good of the country. The GOP and Democrats can go screw off because they are screwing America! Both parties have solidly put party over country, Fuck em!

Ummmm not to be nitpicky...ok its nitpicking...but your chart shows that the Republicans have moved 5 times further right than the Dems have moved left in the same time period.

dems .03 to .04...reps .02 to .07!!!

Thats hardly..."both parties have moved from the middle to the extremes!"

just saying

I won't argue you're point, because you are correct. The Dems haven't gone to the extreme with the gusto that the GOP has gone,,,but they have migrated away from the middle towards the extreme. Two wrongs don't make a right (no pun intended).

I just want things to get done in Washington and at this point, it's looking more and more like it's not going to get better, it's going to get worse. This is bad for America.

Every successful company in the business world, weighs all options and opinions to improve their business. Successful businesses compromise ideas to retain their success and their goal is too appeal to the masses, not a small segment of their desired demographic customer/client base. I think Washington could learn alot from the way successful businesses do their strategic planning to retain and expand their customer base because it's based on compromise.
5th post
Oh,,,,for crying out loud! :mad:

Can we get a little real here? OK, how about just a little real? Both parties have migrated into Extreme-o-rama Land.
Yes Democrats embracing republican policies of the 90's and 80's equals democrats being extreme

The GOP and the Dems have both drifted further and further away from the middle to the point that both parties are more extreme than they have been in decades!
Yep the Democrats proposing a conservative health plan means they drifftedaway from the middle.
Clearly you are a dumbass with no clue

Oh,,,,for crying out loud! :mad:

Can we get a little real here? OK, how about just a little real? Both parties have migrated into Extreme-o-rama Land. The GOP and the Dems have both drifted further and further away from the middle to the point that both parties are more extreme than they have been in decades!

Now, when you have both parties that extreme you're not going to get anything done, compromise is not just a dirty little word,,it's become blasphemy.

Below is a graph I stole from another thread. It shows, (in a Political Scientist's mind and mine own mind), exactly the direction both parties have chosen.....Extremism!
Every poll I have seen, certainly have shown the utter disgust by the general public at the none-goings on by both political parties. A common phrase used to describe the environment in Washington is dysfunctional and it's dysfunctional because both parties are so extreme left/right and nothing gets done for the good of the country. The GOP and Democrats can go screw off because they are screwing America! Both parties have solidly put party over country, Fuck em!

Ummmm not to be nitpicky...ok its nitpicking...but your chart shows that the Republicans have moved 5 times further right than the Dems have moved left in the same time period.

dems .03 to .04...reps .02 to .07!!!

Thats hardly..."both parties have moved from the middle to the extremes!"

just saying

I won't argue you're point, because you are correct. The Dems haven't gone to the extreme with the gusto that the GOP has gone,,,but they have migrated away from the middle towards the extreme. Two wrongs don't make a right (no pun intended).

I just want things to get done in Washington and at this point, it's looking more and more like it's not going to get better, it's going to get worse. This is bad for America.

Every successful company in the business world, weighs all options and opinions to improve their business. Successful businesses compromise ideas to retain their success and their goal is too appeal to the masses, not a small segment of their desired demographic customer/client base. I think Washington could learn alot from the way successful businesses do their strategic planning to retain and expand their customer base because it's based on compromise.

I'm going to have to disagree with you again. What your chart shows is the radicalization of the right.

According to your chart, the two party's both begin .04 off of middle. Which means if they could compromise from that starting position, both giving equal ground, the compromise ends up at 0 position. That's good.

But, at their current positions, left .04 and right .07, if they both given up equal ground, it ends up at .015 right. Therefore a right wing victory in every compromise.

Thus, .015 right becomes the new middle ground. and the right then takes another step right.

With the right pushing further and further right, the only way to equalize their radicalization, is for the left to move equally as far from the center, thus moving the middle back to the 0 position.

Further, the left is sitting at its same starting position of .04.

Lastly, I would be very interested in seeing the source of this chart...could you please post a link? I find it a fascinating visual reference and would very much like to learn about the data collection process that went into it.
Obama has done nothing BUT compromise. He bent over fucking backwards time and time again for you whining bitches.
What the past almost 6 years has shown the American people is that Democrats in a leadership capacity are incapable of compromise.

Having 2/3ers or all of the Legislative or Executive political power over the past almost 6 years has rendered the country into a state of economic fragility and lack of faith in government ability to solve the problems facing each American citizen.

It seems to me that our government was set up for compromise (both extremes end up pissed) and Democrats refuse to play the game as the rules dictate.

How is voting for their continued inflexibility going to help the country?

In the past 6 years, Democrats ended up agreeing with the original Republican ideas of cap-and-trade, of the individual mandate, and for extending the Bush tax cuts two more years.

In the past 6 years, where has the Republican party shown compromise?
10th post
What the past almost 6 years has shown the American people is that Democrats in a leadership capacity are incapable of compromise.

Having 2/3ers or all of the Legislative or Executive political power over the past almost 6 years has rendered the country into a state of economic fragility and lack of faith in government ability to solve the problems facing each American citizen.

It seems to me that our government was set up for compromise (both extremes end up pissed) and Democrats refuse to play the game as the rules dictate.

How is voting for their continued inflexibility going to help the country?

In the past 6 years, Democrats ended up agreeing with the original Republican ideas of cap-and-trade, of the individual mandate, and for extending the Bush tax cuts two more years.

In the past 6 years, where has the Republican party shown compromise?

Democrat compromise... lol

Cap & trade was a job killer, the individual mandate is probably unconstitutional (about 1/2 the Democrats agree) and not raising taxes before an election was politically advantageous for Democrats.

and Republican compromises are generally rejected by Democrats...
What the past almost 6 years has shown the American people is that Democrats in a leadership capacity are incapable of compromise.

Having 2/3ers or all of the Legislative or Executive political power over the past almost 6 years has rendered the country into a state of economic fragility and lack of faith in government ability to solve the problems facing each American citizen.

It seems to me that our government was set up for compromise (both extremes end up pissed) and Democrats refuse to play the game as the rules dictate.

How is voting for their continued inflexibility going to help the country?

The inability to even get a budget passed tells all.
What the past almost 6 years has shown the American people is that Democrats in a leadership capacity are incapable of compromise.

Having 2/3ers or all of the Legislative or Executive political power over the past almost 6 years has rendered the country into a state of economic fragility and lack of faith in government ability to solve the problems facing each American citizen.

It seems to me that our government was set up for compromise (both extremes end up pissed) and Democrats refuse to play the game as the rules dictate.

How is voting for their continued inflexibility going to help the country?

In the past 6 years, Democrats ended up agreeing with the original Republican ideas of cap-and-trade, of the individual mandate, and for extending the Bush tax cuts two more years.

In the past 6 years, where has the Republican party shown compromise?

Democrat compromise... lol

Cap & trade was a job killer, the individual mandate is probably unconstitutional (about 1/2 the Democrats agree) and not raising taxes before an election was politically advantageous for Democrats.

and Republican compromises are generally rejected by Democrats...

Nothing you just stated changes the FACT that both were Republican ideas that came directly from the Heritage Foundation. The current Affordable Care Act is almost exactly like the Bob Dole answer to HillaryCare.
I think this chart says it all...

What the past almost 6 years has shown the American people is that Democrats in a leadership capacity are incapable of compromise.

Having 2/3ers or all of the Legislative or Executive political power over the past almost 6 years has rendered the country into a state of economic fragility and lack of faith in government ability to solve the problems facing each American citizen.

It seems to me that our government was set up for compromise (both extremes end up pissed) and Democrats refuse to play the game as the rules dictate.

How is voting for their continued inflexibility going to help the country?

In the past 6 years, Democrats ended up agreeing with the original Republican ideas of cap-and-trade, of the individual mandate, and for extending the Bush tax cuts two more years.

In the past 6 years, where has the Republican party shown compromise?

Democrat compromise... lol

Cap & trade was a job killer, the individual mandate is probably unconstitutional (about 1/2 the Democrats agree) and not raising taxes before an election was politically advantageous for Democrats.

and Republican compromises are generally rejected by Democrats...

Right. And how many days has it been since the Democrats passed a budget? How much legislation from the House languishes on Harry Reid's desk collecting dust?
In the past 6 years, Democrats ended up agreeing with the original Republican ideas of cap-and-trade, of the individual mandate, and for extending the Bush tax cuts two more years.

In the past 6 years, where has the Republican party shown compromise?

Democrat compromise... lol

Cap & trade was a job killer, the individual mandate is probably unconstitutional (about 1/2 the Democrats agree) and not raising taxes before an election was politically advantageous for Democrats.

and Republican compromises are generally rejected by Democrats...

Nothing you just stated changes the FACT that both were Republican ideas that came directly from the Heritage Foundation. The current Affordable Care Act is almost exactly like the Bob Dole answer to HillaryCare.

Soooo you're admitting Republicans have more acceptable policies/ideas then.

Well you got me there... I don't recall a 2,700 page affordable care act proposal from Bob Dole.. I suspect I'm not alone on that though....:D
When you can't attack the facts, attack the source. Well done Lumpy.

Public Wants a Debt Ceiling Compromise, Expects a Deal Before Deadline
GOP Widely Viewed as 'More Extreme in Its Positions'

Fully 68% say that lawmakers who share their views on this issue should compromise, even it means striking a deal they disagree with. Just 23% say lawmakers who share their views should stand by their principles, even if that leads to default. [...]

Large majorities of Democrats (81%) and independents (69%) favor a compromise to avoid default, but Republicans are more divided: 53% favor a compromise, while 38% say lawmakers who share their views should stand by their principles even if it leads to a default.

Among all Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, 53% of those who agree with the Tea Party favor lawmakers standing by their principles even if it means the government goes into default. Just 24% of Republicans and GOP leaners who do not agree with the Tea Party express this view.[...]

However, Republicans are viewed much more negatively than the Democrats on several important traits and characteristics. Notably, 50% view the Republican Party as “more extreme in its positions.” Far fewer (35%) say this phrase better describes the Democratic Party. Majorities of Democrats (64%) and independents (51%) view the GOP as more extreme, as do about a third of Republicans (35%).

As was the case in April, the Democrats also lead by wide margins as the party more willing to work with political leaders from the other party (by 25 points) and more concerned with the needs of typical Americans (by 21 points). Democrats continue to hold a smaller lead on honest governance (12 points).

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