Democrats Have Created Another Fake Issue.....The US Postal Scam


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats actually think this is a winner. They're all screaming, while on vacation, that Trump is trying to change the post office to make it harder for them to steal elections.

Democrats are outraged once again over a problem they themselves created.
Why have the Democrats wanted total mail-in balloting?
Because of, they say, COVID-19.

So once again the Democrats are trying to blame someone else for a problem they intentionally or accidentally created themselves.

Now the democrats are calling for more demonstrations over mail-in voting. These are very sick creatures that must be squashed in the election.
Oh really. Democrats are calling for more riots?
That's pretty reckless on their part.
I wonder if anyone in America still believes the Democrats aren't behind all of the violence and destruction going on all over the country?
This bitch needs to be arrested for inciting violence and her employers held accountable monetarily for any damages that can be remotely shown to be instigated by her inciting.
Once again the Democrats have literally made up an issue because of a problem they created.

If Trump tries to change anything at our horribly inefficient US Postal Service, they have no problem with accusing him of trying to dismantle it.
Literally any change that he makes will be deemed an attempt to undermine the election.
Who cares that mail-in ballots are THEIR ATTEMPT to undermine the election in the first place.

In 2006, the Rs passed a bill that the post office had to fund their pensions for employees out for the next 75 years... out of their budget....

And the post office has not met a budget since.

The new law was meant to squash the post office.... it was INTENTIONAL.....

There is no private business or corporation that pays in to their pension fund, the next 75 years of retirement pensions in to it.

The People they have to estimate and fund a pension on, are not even born yet, for goodness sake!!!!

THIS IS THE REASON WHY THE USPS is not showing a so called profit.

AND why in the heck do you think a constitutionally mandated entity, as the post office is, even has to make some sort of profit. HINT they don't, just like the Military doesn't.

Republicans have USPS competitors as big donors and want to hurt or kill the post office, to RETURN their campaign donors favor.
She's calling for unrest?

This woman has gone off the rails into lunacy.
Just look at her.
She looks like they should have her in a straitjacket.

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You rtwingnutjobs deserve each other. Rump has admitted to the slowdown in the Postal Service and the reason for it. I mean, damn, it's about the only government sponsored program that has ever worked. And he wants to kill it off? It's "If it ain't broke don't fix it" not "If it ain't Fixed, break it". This is his latest "Here Hold my Beer" moment to try and get reelected. We ain't buying it.

Not only is he affecting mail-in votes, he's affecting my medicines from the VA. Due to the Pandemic, I can't go to the VA and get that medicine. I call for it and they mail it to me. And I need that medicine to live even a fraction of a happy life. It keeps me out of the Hospital Ward and off respirators. But you clowns think we should just let everyone die rather than send the Rump packing. He's toast.

Rump today

Rump on Jan 22, 2021
In 2006, the Rs passed a bill that the post office had to fund their pensions for employees out for the next 75 years... out of their budget....

And the post office has not met a budget since.

The new law was meant to squash the post office.... it was INTENTIONAL.....

There is no private business or corporation that pays in to their pension fund, the next 75 years of retirement pensions in to it.

The People they have to estimate and fund a pension on, are not even born yet, for goodness sake!!!!

THIS IS THE REASON WHY THE USPS is not showing a so called profit.

AND why in the heck do you think a constitutionally mandated entity, as the post office is, even has to make some sort of profit. HINT they don't, just like the Military doesn't.

Republicans have USPS competitors as big donors and want to hurt or kill the post office, to RETURN their campaign donors favor.
Did you come up with the bullshit yourself, or did you get this lie from some source?
Where's your link.
I need to see your source before I start blowing it out of the water.
Donald Trump admitted on Thursday he opposed additional funding for the United States Postal Service (USPS) in order to make it more difficult to deliver mail-in ballots.

Trump’s comments lend evidence for critics who say the president is deliberately trying to hamstring the USPS in advance of the November elections to help his re-election bid

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