Democrats Have Created Another Fake Issue.....The US Postal Scam

and yet trump admits he is doing just that voter suppression.....funny how yall get pissed at what trump says he is doing and try to blame others....project much there
Yep, Trump just spelled it out, we didn't have to guess he was trying to rig the election, he simply told us, out loud, on tape.

What he seems to forget, as most repubs, in a democracy we voters choose our govt. Leaders....

The Rs believe the leaders get to choose the voters.

That's what happens with despot leaders in Belarus, and Russia, etc....

This is just a total setup by Democrats.
They're lying about what Trump is really doing and they're attempting to hold up the election results till after the 20th of January 2021. That means that if the results isn't decided, according to the US Constitution, Nancy Pelosi will become out 46th president.
he is denying vet meds by slowing it down....but he could care less about those people or anyone else...

167 k is what it is
Once again....if you insist on repeating bogus talking-points, you'd better have a source.
And I counter that many of the 160,000+ that have died are the result of faked statistics and criminal negligence by Governors and Mayors, not the president. Democrats have been fighting, tooth and nail, against any cure to COVID-19. Never mind all of the doctors that have gone public to show that they already have a treatment for the virus, and have been harassed by the left into fearing for their jobs and their futures.
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The US postal service is unable to process these ballots as currently configured. The monies they are asking for are to pay up the 25 billion in retirement benefits they are unable to pay for due to mismanagement. There is no money to reconfigure the US postal service to meet an all mail in ballot system.

This whole thing is a pile of bullshit and a huge pile... ITs a scam as the bill provides NOTHING to reconfigure the postal system. This is a gawd damn scam!
what have i lied about trump admits he is doing this to suppress the you watch any news oter than fox and hell i think they covered it
If you're watching any news you're going to get a slanted view of world events. Even NPR and PBS are nothing short of leftist propaganda.

It's up to you to stay informed any way possible and then watch these idiots on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and the networks so you can decide for yourself what is real and what is BS.
The US postal service is unable to process these ballots as currently configured. The monies they are asking for are to pay up the 25 billion in retirement benefits they are unable to pay for due to mismanagement. There is no money to reconfigure the US postal service to meet an all mail in ballot system.

This whole thing is a pile of bullshit and a huge pile... ITs a scam as the bill provides NOTHING to reconfigure the postal system. This is a gawd damn scam!
I remember when Obama froze pay for federal employees and the military for 6 years.
Nobody on the left accused him of screwing everything up intentionally.
I don't know what is going on with the post office. I've read articles about shortages of funding and conspiracy theories that it's being "sabotaged" by the president. What I do know is my mail delivery has slowed considerably. My father sent me something from Florida over a week ago and I have not received it and my cousins in Singapore sent me some documents over three weeks ago and I haven't received those.
more sheeeeeeesh. I read a little----that crazy
nut-esssss wants to lower the voting age to 16!!!!!
-------for the record---the FOREBRAIN is not yet
developed to adult at age 16------voting age should
be 25 (and restricted to those who have not used
marijuana more than once in their lives and who have
some history of paying SS tax
I don't know what is going on with the post office. I've read articles about shortages of funding and conspiracy theories that it's being "sabotaged" by the president. What I do know is my mail delivery has slowed considerably. My father sent me something from Florida over a week ago and I have not received it and my cousins in Singapore sent me some documents over three weeks ago and I haven't received those.

when singapore papers show up----FUMIGATE THEM IN THE SUN.
I don't know what is going on with the post office. I've read articles about shortages of funding and conspiracy theories that it's being "sabotaged" by the president. What I do know is my mail delivery has slowed considerably. My father sent me something from Florida over a week ago and I have not received it and my cousins in Singapore sent me some documents over three weeks ago and I haven't received those.

when singapore papers show up----FUMIGATE THEM IN THE SUN.

It's been well over the 14 days at this point. lol
what have i lied about trump admits he is doing this to suppress the you watch any news oter than fox and hell i think they covered it
Lay off the grape kool aid.
Donald Trump admitted on Thursday he opposed additional funding for the United States Postal Service (USPS) in order to make it more difficult to deliver mail-in ballots.

Trump’s comments lend evidence for critics who say the president is deliberately trying to hamstring the USPS in advance of the November elections to help his re-election bid
Fake news.
Democrats actually think this is a winner. They're all screaming, while on vacation, that Trump is trying to change the post office to make it harder for them to steal elections.

Democrats are outraged once again over a problem they themselves created.
Why have the Democrats wanted total mail-in balloting?
Because of, they say, COVID-19.

So once again the Democrats are trying to blame someone else for a problem they intentionally or accidentally created themselves.

Couldn't be further from the truth. Dems did not create this problem, but Trump did in order to steal the election.
If this is not the case, why is he cutting funding to the postal service all of a sudden? Of course, it is a covid virus rational motive, and Dems created nothing. Trump should want as many as possible to vote and should make it easier to do so in these times, but no. Anything he can do to disrupt the process so that he can win is what he is all about.
And you insist that the grifter loves our country? He is in the process of destroying our democracy.
and yet trump admits he is doing just that voter suppression.....funny how yall get pissed at what trump says he is doing and try to blame others....project much there
Where's your link of Trump admitting he's doing voter suppression?

Let me chime in.

Here is Rump saying for the last time crap like this. His suit to block mail-in voting has run into a snag. The Federal Judge has demanded that he provides all that proof he says he has.

Then we go to this.

Now, from the Crooks own mouth.

Now, let's here from the Postal Workers.

Look for the States to get involved. It's a Felony to knowingly delay a ballot. Rump has pretty well lost Arizona over this. And I imagine a few other states as well.

had enough? There is a lot more.

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