ROOT (for us)


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2015
*They have rigged and stolen elections- including the Presidency- with mail-in ballots, no Voter ID, ballot harvesting (a crime everywhere else in the world) and ballot drop boxes. Pure voter fraud has been legalized.

*They have opened the border, and invited, and welcomed the whole world in. Millions have come. Tens of millions more are coming. Our enemies’ prisons are being emptied. America is being overrun. This is an invasion worse than Russia invading Ukraine. No city can survive the financial burden- even Democrat mayors are screaming bloody murder.

*Every major city in America run by Democrats now looks like a third world craphole.
*Our schools have been destroyed by the same nonstop communist brainwashing, white hate…and convincing our children to change genders without informing parents.

*All over America, woke companies will not hire whites for executive training programs.

*Elite medical schools have eliminated test scores. Now you get into medical school based only on race. Insanity.
*The FBI and government agencies collude with the media and Big Tech to silence, ban, and censor conservatives, criminalize free speech, and change the news feed to elect only Democrats.

*The ruthless government again and again indicts the only man who can stop them from one party control in 2024…they even arrest President Trump’s lawyers.

*Democrats have created the worst inflation in modern history, that is literally wiping out the middle class.

*Retail stores are being robbed into bankruptcy.
*Democrats have added 86,000 new IRS agents. This is their personal Gestapo to target and attack conservatives.

*Democrats are working day and night to kill the oil and gas industry, while driving electric and fuel prices to levels that will bankrupt the American people.

*East Palestine and Maui have been destroyed. The government has abandoned the victims. Is your city next?

*Democrat DAs let every vicious thug out with no bail. Yet peaceful Republican protesters are hunted down, tortured in third world prisons, and sentenced to long prison terms.

*Democrats have poisoned the military with purges of conservatives and white Americans…forced vaccines…critical race theory…transgender brainwashing and troops flying rainbow flags.

*And then we come to Covid. If you’re not blind, you can see we are going back any day now to mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and quite possibly even lockdowns. Companies and schools will almost certainly start requiring the latest Covid booster- that has never been tested on a single human being.

This is only a partial list. I could go on for days listing the evil, destruction and dysfunction happening in America.

Democrats have no shame. They are throwing caution to the wind. They hate America. They are suicide bombers out to destroy America.
not much more I would want to add to the list of facts we face. I dont have answers or cures. I still go back to 100 million of us need to somehow go on Strike, start one day a week. Cut off money to Leftist puke in some way? A Truckers Strike to Sanctuary cities? I don’t know? True Leftist supporting scum live on every block. Its not like red vs. blue armies. What to do before ite TOO LATE. Or is it already?
*They have rigged and stolen elections- including the Presidency- with mail-in ballots, no Voter ID, ballot harvesting (a crime everywhere else in the world) and ballot drop boxes. Pure voter fraud has been legalized.

*They have opened the border, and invited, and welcomed the whole world in. Millions have come. Tens of millions more are coming. Our enemies’ prisons are being emptied. America is being overrun. This is an invasion worse than Russia invading Ukraine. No city can survive the financial burden- even Democrat mayors are screaming bloody murder.

*Every major city in America run by Democrats now looks like a third world craphole.
*Our schools have been destroyed by the same nonstop communist brainwashing, white hate…and convincing our children to change genders without informing parents.

*All over America, woke companies will not hire whites for executive training programs.

*Elite medical schools have eliminated test scores. Now you get into medical school based only on race. Insanity.
*The FBI and government agencies collude with the media and Big Tech to silence, ban, and censor conservatives, criminalize free speech, and change the news feed to elect only Democrats.

*The ruthless government again and again indicts the only man who can stop them from one party control in 2024…they even arrest President Trump’s lawyers.

*Democrats have created the worst inflation in modern history, that is literally wiping out the middle class.

*Retail stores are being robbed into bankruptcy.
*Democrats have added 86,000 new IRS agents. This is their personal Gestapo to target and attack conservatives.

*Democrats are working day and night to kill the oil and gas industry, while driving electric and fuel prices to levels that will bankrupt the American people.

*East Palestine and Maui have been destroyed. The government has abandoned the victims. Is your city next?

*Democrat DAs let every vicious thug out with no bail. Yet peaceful Republican protesters are hunted down, tortured in third world prisons, and sentenced to long prison terms.

*Democrats have poisoned the military with purges of conservatives and white Americans…forced vaccines…critical race theory…transgender brainwashing and troops flying rainbow flags.

*And then we come to Covid. If you’re not blind, you can see we are going back any day now to mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and quite possibly even lockdowns. Companies and schools will almost certainly start requiring the latest Covid booster- that has never been tested on a single human being.

This is only a partial list. I could go on for days listing the evil, destruction and dysfunction happening in America.

Democrats have no shame. They are throwing caution to the wind. They hate America. They are suicide bombers out to destroy America.
not much more I would want to add to the list of facts we face. I dont have answers or cures. I still go back to 100 million of us need to somehow go on Strike, start one day a week. Cut off money to Leftist puke in some way? A Truckers Strike to Sanctuary cities? I don’t know? True Leftist supporting scum live on every block. Its not like red vs. blue armies. What to do before ite TOO LATE. Or is it already?
Feel better?...No??

Quite simply put, none of what you put in your first sentence happens. It quite simply, doesn't exist. It's a figment of alt-right media's constant drilling of lies and misinformation into your skull day after day.
Problem is, I can't not blame you as well. Because you swallow it whole...willingly.
*They have rigged and stolen elections- including the Presidency- with mail-in ballots, no Voter ID, ballot harvesting (a crime everywhere else in the world) and ballot drop boxes. Pure voter fraud has been legalized.

*They have opened the border, and invited, and welcomed the whole world in. Millions have come. Tens of millions more are coming. Our enemies’ prisons are being emptied. America is being overrun. This is an invasion worse than Russia invading Ukraine. No city can survive the financial burden- even Democrat mayors are screaming bloody murder.

*Every major city in America run by Democrats now looks like a third world craphole.
*Our schools have been destroyed by the same nonstop communist brainwashing, white hate…and convincing our children to change genders without informing parents.

*All over America, woke companies will not hire whites for executive training programs.

*Elite medical schools have eliminated test scores. Now you get into medical school based only on race. Insanity.
*The FBI and government agencies collude with the media and Big Tech to silence, ban, and censor conservatives, criminalize free speech, and change the news feed to elect only Democrats.

*The ruthless government again and again indicts the only man who can stop them from one party control in 2024…they even arrest President Trump’s lawyers.

*Democrats have created the worst inflation in modern history, that is literally wiping out the middle class.

*Retail stores are being robbed into bankruptcy.
*Democrats have added 86,000 new IRS agents. This is their personal Gestapo to target and attack conservatives.

*Democrats are working day and night to kill the oil and gas industry, while driving electric and fuel prices to levels that will bankrupt the American people.

*East Palestine and Maui have been destroyed. The government has abandoned the victims. Is your city next?

*Democrat DAs let every vicious thug out with no bail. Yet peaceful Republican protesters are hunted down, tortured in third world prisons, and sentenced to long prison terms.

*Democrats have poisoned the military with purges of conservatives and white Americans…forced vaccines…critical race theory…transgender brainwashing and troops flying rainbow flags.

*And then we come to Covid. If you’re not blind, you can see we are going back any day now to mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and quite possibly even lockdowns. Companies and schools will almost certainly start requiring the latest Covid booster- that has never been tested on a single human being.

This is only a partial list. I could go on for days listing the evil, destruction and dysfunction happening in America.

Democrats have no shame. They are throwing caution to the wind. They hate America. They are suicide bombers out to destroy America.
not much more I would want to add to the list of facts we face. I dont have answers or cures. I still go back to 100 million of us need to somehow go on Strike, start one day a week. Cut off money to Leftist puke in some way? A Truckers Strike to Sanctuary cities? I don’t know? True Leftist supporting scum live on every block. Its not like red vs. blue armies. What to do before ite TOO LATE. Or is it already?
If our enemies prisons are being emptied doesn't that make their prisoners the good guys? Who else would our enemies imprison?
I think it's too late. It took generations to dumb down the population and subjugate it, and I don't see it returning to normal in our lifetime, if ever.

Luckily, I've lived overseas as much as I've lived here, in this 3rd-world shithole, so I have the option to give up any connection to this filthy fuckhole and move somewhere else. I'd rather live in Russia (I already lived there for 4 years). I'm not going to be "led" by a bed-shitting, stuttering fucktard whose greatest accomplishments have been to steal an election and extort $100 Million from various countries with the help of his crackhead sprog.

decency 99w.jpg
I knew an older guy. He retired very sick. I said “now you can rest and heal”. He said “it won’t get better”. Without treatment. He died w/i two more years after steady decline. I went by his house the day before…he could barely get up-down. Died that night in sleep.

America is sick. W/O treatment it will only decline. Yeah, bring the tissue box You dumb Oxen.I know a lot of newborn Child relatives. //
Feel better?...No??
View attachment 830058

Quite simply put, none of what you put in your first sentence happens. It quite simply, doesn't exist. It's a figment of alt-right media's constant drilling of lies and misinformation into your skull day after day.
Problem is, I can't not blame you as well. Because you swallow it whole...willingly.
The elections are over. The following paragraphs describe the results.
The elections are over. What followed paragraph one is the results.
Can't tell that by the OP. No. What followed was a bitch fest list. A whine rant.
DEMOCRATS>>BAD!!! Could have just skipped to the not so quiet part. :)
But..keep whining and presenting no solutions for the average voter.....
*They have rigged and stolen elections- including the Presidency- with mail-in ballots, no Voter ID, ballot harvesting (a crime everywhere else in the world) and ballot drop boxes. Pure voter fraud has been legalized.

*They have opened the border, and invited, and welcomed the whole world in. Millions have come. Tens of millions more are coming. Our enemies’ prisons are being emptied. America is being overrun. This is an invasion worse than Russia invading Ukraine. No city can survive the financial burden- even Democrat mayors are screaming bloody murder.

*Every major city in America run by Democrats now looks like a third world craphole.
*Our schools have been destroyed by the same nonstop communist brainwashing, white hate…and convincing our children to change genders without informing parents.

*All over America, woke companies will not hire whites for executive training programs.

*Elite medical schools have eliminated test scores. Now you get into medical school based only on race. Insanity.
*The FBI and government agencies collude with the media and Big Tech to silence, ban, and censor conservatives, criminalize free speech, and change the news feed to elect only Democrats.

*The ruthless government again and again indicts the only man who can stop them from one party control in 2024…they even arrest President Trump’s lawyers.

*Democrats have created the worst inflation in modern history, that is literally wiping out the middle class.

*Retail stores are being robbed into bankruptcy.
*Democrats have added 86,000 new IRS agents. This is their personal Gestapo to target and attack conservatives.

*Democrats are working day and night to kill the oil and gas industry, while driving electric and fuel prices to levels that will bankrupt the American people.

*East Palestine and Maui have been destroyed. The government has abandoned the victims. Is your city next?

*Democrat DAs let every vicious thug out with no bail. Yet peaceful Republican protesters are hunted down, tortured in third world prisons, and sentenced to long prison terms.

*Democrats have poisoned the military with purges of conservatives and white Americans…forced vaccines…critical race theory…transgender brainwashing and troops flying rainbow flags.

*And then we come to Covid. If you’re not blind, you can see we are going back any day now to mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and quite possibly even lockdowns. Companies and schools will almost certainly start requiring the latest Covid booster- that has never been tested on a single human being.

This is only a partial list. I could go on for days listing the evil, destruction and dysfunction happening in America.

Democrats have no shame. They are throwing caution to the wind. They hate America. They are suicide bombers out to destroy America.
not much more I would want to add to the list of facts we face. I dont have answers or cures. I still go back to 100 million of us need to somehow go on Strike, start one day a week. Cut off money to Leftist puke in some way? A Truckers Strike to Sanctuary cities? I don’t know? True Leftist supporting scum live on every block. Its not like red vs. blue armies. What to do before ite TOO LATE. Or is it already?
The scary part here is that you whack-jobs actually believe that shit.
Can't tell that by the OP. No. What followed was a bitch fest list. A whine rant.
DEMOCRATS>>BAD!!! Could have just skipped to the not so quiet part. :)
But..keep whining and presenting no solutions for the average voter.....
The average voter doesn't really give a shit. They just go home feeling good because they voted. And most know that all their vote does is put another clown in office.
*They have rigged and stolen elections- including the Presidency- with mail-in ballots, no Voter ID, ballot harvesting (a crime everywhere else in the world) and ballot drop boxes. Pure voter fraud has been legalized.

*They have opened the border, and invited, and welcomed the whole world in. Millions have come. Tens of millions more are coming. Our enemies’ prisons are being emptied. America is being overrun. This is an invasion worse than Russia invading Ukraine. No city can survive the financial burden- even Democrat mayors are screaming bloody murder.

*Every major city in America run by Democrats now looks like a third world craphole.
*Our schools have been destroyed by the same nonstop communist brainwashing, white hate…and convincing our children to change genders without informing parents.

*All over America, woke companies will not hire whites for executive training programs.

*Elite medical schools have eliminated test scores. Now you get into medical school based only on race. Insanity.
*The FBI and government agencies collude with the media and Big Tech to silence, ban, and censor conservatives, criminalize free speech, and change the news feed to elect only Democrats.

*The ruthless government again and again indicts the only man who can stop them from one party control in 2024…they even arrest President Trump’s lawyers.

*Democrats have created the worst inflation in modern history, that is literally wiping out the middle class.

*Retail stores are being robbed into bankruptcy.
*Democrats have added 86,000 new IRS agents. This is their personal Gestapo to target and attack conservatives.

*Democrats are working day and night to kill the oil and gas industry, while driving electric and fuel prices to levels that will bankrupt the American people.

*East Palestine and Maui have been destroyed. The government has abandoned the victims. Is your city next?

*Democrat DAs let every vicious thug out with no bail. Yet peaceful Republican protesters are hunted down, tortured in third world prisons, and sentenced to long prison terms.

*Democrats have poisoned the military with purges of conservatives and white Americans…forced vaccines…critical race theory…transgender brainwashing and troops flying rainbow flags.

*And then we come to Covid. If you’re not blind, you can see we are going back any day now to mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and quite possibly even lockdowns. Companies and schools will almost certainly start requiring the latest Covid booster- that has never been tested on a single human being.

This is only a partial list. I could go on for days listing the evil, destruction and dysfunction happening in America.

Democrats have no shame. They are throwing caution to the wind. They hate America. They are suicide bombers out to destroy America.
not much more I would want to add to the list of facts we face. I dont have answers or cures. I still go back to 100 million of us need to somehow go on Strike, start one day a week. Cut off money to Leftist puke in some way? A Truckers Strike to Sanctuary cities? I don’t know? True Leftist supporting scum live on every block. Its not like red vs. blue armies. What to do before ite TOO LATE. Or is it already?
:trolls: 🧦
Feel better?...No??
View attachment 830058

Quite simply put, none of what you put in your first sentence happens. It quite simply, doesn't exist. It's a figment of alt-right media's constant drilling of lies and misinformation into your skull day after day.
Problem is, I can't not blame you as well. Because you swallow it whole...willingly.

LOL, how much longer does the left think they can keep up the "the election wasn't stolen" spin when their own base is in the streets protesting against illegals flooding their neighborhoods and children's schools?
Remember Leftist saying “they are not banning Gas stoves”. Or all the other camel nose under tent items.

Note, I am not sure there are any Republicans left now in DC? It appears to be Uni-Party and/or full-blown wackjobs?

By Wayne Allyn Root

I don’t think enough Americans understand the gravity of the situation we’re in.

We are facing the end of the GOP. We are facing the reality that if Trump doesn’t win in 2024, there will never be another Republican president. That’s not a possibility, it’s a certainty.

But it’s much worse than that. With Democrats in full control of power, there will never be a Republican again. PERIOD.

With one-party rule…and the weaponization of government in full force…and censorship of dissent by media and social media in full force…with free speech being criminalized (as it is now versus Trump) against all Americans…with no opposition to communist Big Brother government…being Republican, or conservative, or patriotic, will almost certainly be criminalized out of existence.
It’s a curse! :biggrin:
Thread killing black OX.

And once America goes, so goes the entire world. We are the last holdout. The last bastion of freedom, and free speech, and capitalism. The shining city on the hill. Without America leading the way, the rest of the world falls.

Democrats are that afraid of Trump. They understand what’s at stake. They understand the gravity of the situation. They understand they are one election and one year away from officially turning America into a one-party-rule country.

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