Democrats feel as though we need tens of millions of thirdworlders to improve America


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Yet they are offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”
Is anybody else confused by their position on this?
They felt like America was so bad that millions of thirdworlders would enhance our country....WAIT....UNLESS, they were hoping for further degradation and not improvement all along...hmmm?
I’m starting to believe they’re actually offended by someone willing to work diligently to IMPROVE America.
Think about that...look at their constituents....If most in America prosper and thrive doesn’t the Party become irrelevant?
That said, you don’t need to strain your mind to accurately identify their you?
The correct amount of immigration is zero.

We need 3rd world immigrants like Rome needed the Barbarians.
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Yet they are offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”
Is anybody else confused by their position on this?
They felt like America was so bad that millions of thirdworlders would enhance our country....WAIT....UNLESS, they were hoping for further degradation and not improvement all along...hmmm?
I’m starting to believe they’re actually offended by someone willing to work diligently to IMPROVE America.
Think about that...look at their constituents....If most in America prosper and thrive doesn’t the Party become irrelevant?
That said, you don’t need to strain your mind to accurately identify their you?

Not really, they are just that desperate for new supports to replace those that are jumping their ship. To prove how bleak things are in demodummie land, they are even trying to tap the prisions for new voters now.
What a load of crap GOP propaganda, Super doopers. Pass the 2010 comprehensive immigration bill from the Democrats with an ID card and end this GOP scam forever.
What a load of crap GOP propaganda, Super doopers. Pass the 2010 comprehensive immigration bill from the Democrats with an ID card and end this GOP scam forever.
Perhaps that could have been passed by the Prog Socialist Communists that had total massive control of everything at that time.
What a load of crap GOP propaganda, Super doopers. Pass the 2010 comprehensive immigration bill from the Democrats with an ID card and end this GOP scam forever.
Perhaps that could have been passed by the Prog Socialist Communists that had total massive control of everything at that time.
Actually, brainwashed functional moron. They had control 4 35 days in session which was all spent on Obamacare and barely got it passed. In 2010 they had less than 60 votes and of course the GOP would not go along with anything the black guy wanted. Who knew the voters of Massachusetts would be so dumb and elect Scott Brown? Next time the Democrats have 51 votes in the Senate and the president etc, they should use the nuclear option and we can catch up to the rest of the world and lead it again. That means taxing the rich their fair share and using the money to invest in America and Americans for a change. Why are we the only country in the modern world that doesn't have a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and the training, great infrastructure and vacations etc etc. and of course an ID card to end illegal immigration....
What a load of crap GOP propaganda, Super doopers. Pass the 2010 comprehensive immigration bill from the Democrats with an ID card and end this GOP scam forever. say lots of dumb shit...this might be the dumbest.
Do you honestly believe Mexicrats would back any sort of wetback restrictions?
What a load of crap GOP propaganda, Super doopers. Pass the 2010 comprehensive immigration bill from the Democrats with an ID card and end this GOP scam forever.
Perhaps that could have been passed by the Prog Socialist Communists that had total massive control of everything at that time.
Actually, brainwashed functional moron. They had control 4 35 days in session which was all spent on Obamacare and barely got it passed. In 2010 they had less than 60 votes and of course the GOP would not go along with anything the black guy wanted. Who knew the voters of Massachusetts would be so dumb and elect Scott Brown? Next time the Democrats have 51 votes in the Senate and the president etc, they should use the nuclear option and we can catch up to the rest of the world and lead it again. That means taxing the rich their fair share and using the money to invest in America and Americans for a change. Why are we the only country in the modern world that doesn't have a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and the training, great infrastructure and vacations etc etc. and of course an ID card to end illegal immigration....
When the Republicans get back in they can cut all those things again and see how that works for them...
rightwinger Mr Clean and pknopp continue to tell us how we become a better nation as we increase the number of poor, illiterate and taxpayer dependent. Shouldn’t that feel like a slap in the face? They actually think that little of our nation.
Imagine if someone said the Yankees could be a better team if they increased their number of bad players....WTF?
rightwinger Mr Clean and pknopp continue to tell us how we become a better nation as we increase the number of poor, illiterate and taxpayer dependent. Shouldn’t that feel like a slap in the face? They actually think that little of our nation.
Imagine if someone said the Yankees could be a better team if they increased their number of bad players....WTF?

I said we are going to do nothing about illegals. You can make your own judgements as to whether that is good. I do not think it is but probably for different reasons that you. But dishonesty runs rampant here.
Yet they are offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”
Is anybody else confused by their position on this?
They felt like America was so bad that millions of thirdworlders would enhance our country....WAIT....UNLESS, they were hoping for further degradation and not improvement all along...hmmm?
I’m starting to believe they’re actually offended by someone willing to work diligently to IMPROVE America.
Think about that...look at their constituents....If most in America prosper and thrive doesn’t the Party become irrelevant?
That said, you don’t need to strain your mind to accurately identify their you?

Leftists themselves are the most confused about their positions.
Personally I have no problem with anybody coming to America that wants to work and better their life for themselves and their family. For those seeing it as a problem a good reference on the matter of what changed "the look of the country" is the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965.

Personally I have no problem with anybody coming to America that wants to work and better their life for themselves and their family. For those seeing it as a problem a good reference on the matter of what changed "the look of the country" is the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965.

I know you know that nobody is discouraged by people “coming to America to work and better their lives for themselves and their families”.
America is sovereign, funded and run by We The People.
Do you think The People should have the right to decide who joins them in continuing to build the greatest nation on earth?
Do you think criminal minded, underachieving, illiterate thirdworlders whom can’t speak our native language can help better this nation? Have you ever been to ANY predominantly Hispanic stronghold?
Yet they are offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”
Is anybody else confused by their position on this?
They felt like America was so bad that millions of thirdworlders would enhance our country....WAIT....UNLESS, they were hoping for further degradation and not improvement all along...hmmm?
I’m starting to believe they’re actually offended by someone willing to work diligently to IMPROVE America.
Think about that...look at their constituents....If most in America prosper and thrive doesn’t the Party become irrelevant?
That said, you don’t need to strain your mind to accurately identify their you?
The White Protestant Work Ethic is what made America great. Libs refuse to acknowledge this fact.
Personally I have no problem with anybody coming to America that wants to work and better their life for themselves and their family. For those seeing it as a problem a good reference on the matter of what changed "the look of the country" is the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965.
We don't need people from shit hole countries.

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