Democrats Facing Big Decision!

The well recognized double standard means that sex related scandals only affect republicans.

Not true.

Scandals have become so commonplace that neither side is effected much; look at Weiner and Spitzer; democrats running for office again.

What damages the GOP brand with women is the constant assault on their reproductive rights and the refusal to back such things as equal pay for the same job. The outliers are the Akin's who go over the top and think that you can will yourself into an abortion.
Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. That's just a fact.

He also was sexually assaulting a friend (Kathleen Willey) while she was in the White House begging for a job at the SAME EXACT TIME her husband was at home committing suicide because of the despair of hitting rock bottom.

There is nothing lower than a dimocrap. And no, I'm not talking about the politicians. I'm talking about the SCUM who are aware of the fact that they constantly elect Domestic Terrorists (Bobby Rush) homesexual predators (Gerry Studs and Bawney Fwank), perverts [Anthony (let me show you my) Weiner], indicted thieves (Jesse Jackson Jr), chronic abusers of women (Jerry Sanders).

It's time to stop pulling our punches, people. dimocraps are not "Good people with bad ideas"

They're scumbags.
That you have to try to explain what you meant is either an indictment of your inability to make a point or your inability to make a point that matters. I believe both are true.

Besides, Newt Gingrich isn't a Democrat so the lowest scum available isn't available.

No, that's how you heckel someone who doesn't give a rip what you think. That is how you waste your're following me around trying to explain yourself. I don't care...and I would wager few actually do give a rip what you think.

This foray into mayoral indiscretion equating to a problem with the DNC is silly; plain and simple.

Sell crazy somewhere else.

2. "Besides, Newt Gingrich isn't a Democrat so the lowest scum available isn't available."

I know that that is what your masters in the media told you.....

Still following me around I see; still trying to use a mayor of San Diego as some sort of example for National Democrats. Going to bat for Newt Gingrich is the icing on the cake...

The last time I took a laxative I thought of you when it hit.

Welcome to camp USMB, today’s lesson: conflict resolution.

1. "Still following me around I see...."

Was this your thread?

I didn't meant to beat you so thoroughly that you became irrational?
What's that? started out that way.

2. "Going to bat for Newt Gingrich is the icing on the cake..."

Let's document what a sniveling coward you are.
I asked you to back up your smear of Gingrich.....

And all you did was write the above. couldn't do any more than verify that you repeat whatever your Liberal masters
tell you.

3. You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson for you is 'never try'.

Bet you thought I'd run out of ways to humiliate you, huh?

When you fill out your tax returns, under ‘occupation,’ be sure to write “Jay Leno punch line.”
The well recognized double standard means that sex related scandals only affect republicans.

Not true.

Scandals have become so commonplace that neither side is effected much; look at Weiner and Spitzer; democrats running for office again.

What damages the GOP brand with women is the constant assault on their reproductive rights and the refusal to back such things as equal pay for the same job. The outliers are the Akin's who go over the top and think that you can will yourself into an abortion.

"...refusal to back such things as equal pay for the same job."

It takes a special kind of idiot to believe that fabrication.
...the 'reliable Democrat voter.'

Double dog dare ya' to challenge me to prove it's a lie.
Right now, the Congressional Black Caucus is trying to drag the democratic party down the river of no return over self defense. If the democrats don't cut them loose they will sink.
Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. That's just a fact.

He also was sexually assaulting a friend (Kathleen Willey) while she was in the White House begging for a job at the SAME EXACT TIME her husband was at home committing suicide because of the despair of hitting rock bottom.

There is nothing lower than a dimocrap. And no, I'm not talking about the politicians. I'm talking about the SCUM who are aware of the fact that they constantly elect Domestic Terrorists (Bobby Rush) homesexual predators (Gerry Studs and Bawney Fwank), perverts [Anthony (let me show you my) Weiner], indicted thieves (Jesse Jackson Jr), chronic abusers of women (Jerry Sanders).

It's time to stop pulling our punches, people. dimocraps are not "Good people with bad ideas"

They're scumbags.

The above is why reasoning with the rightwing nuts is an exercise in futility.
Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. That's just a fact.

He also was sexually assaulting a friend (Kathleen Willey) while she was in the White House begging for a job at the SAME EXACT TIME her husband was at home committing suicide because of the despair of hitting rock bottom.

There is nothing lower than a dimocrap. And no, I'm not talking about the politicians. I'm talking about the SCUM who are aware of the fact that they constantly elect Domestic Terrorists (Bobby Rush) homesexual predators (Gerry Studs and Bawney Fwank), perverts [Anthony (let me show you my) Weiner], indicted thieves (Jesse Jackson Jr), chronic abusers of women (Jerry Sanders).

It's time to stop pulling our punches, people. dimocraps are not "Good people with bad ideas"

They're scumbags.

The above is why reasoning with the rightwing nuts is an exercise in futility.

Care to dispute any of the FACTS I posted?

Didn't think so.

Here's another reason to despise you and people like you....

Rolling Stone Mag-Rag is giving a TERRORIST the Rock Star treatment.


It's called a 'glam' shot.

Fuck you.

You people are the lowest form of life on Earth.

Treating murderers like Hollywood Stars?

Fuck you. Go somewhere and die.

I will never respect you. I will never talk to you. I will never listen to you.

I will despise you forever and for all eternity.
Last edited:
The idea that the GOP can claim the moral high ground on sex scandal baggage is ludicrous.

The only thing more ludicrous is someone stupid enough to think otherwise.


Clinton, Cuomo, O'Malley, Biden. For starters on the list of possible candidates that the GOP would be hard pressed to find a competitive rival against.

lol, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz nothwithstanding. lolol

I disagree;

Whomever the Dems run, the previous 8 years will be their record; citizens rarely remember the good things government does (look at the "Don't trust the Government" threads here) day in and day out. They remember the supposed injuries they supposedly suffer. Whomever the Dems nominate either has to embrace the Obama record warts and all or distance themselves from it. The primaries and campaign in 2015/2016 will be the proving ground for that and it's hard to run against a sitting president of your own party. Gore ran against 8 years of peace and prosperity for some bizarre reason. The dem nominees in 2016 won't have that luxury of running on 8 years of prosperity (steady improvement yes; prosperity no) so they had better get the chisel out and distance themselves.

This is, again, why I think the Dems had better get someone out of Obama's orbit. I can't see Biden or Clinton being able to break out that chisel effectively. O'Malley or Cuomo could, of course but they hvae a visibility problem at this point.

This is not a small problem.

I'd put a leash on that I don't mean Political Chic...I mean the predictions of a Democrat rout of the opposition.

lol, I was referring to Beau Biden.

George Bush Sr. won fairly easily following Reagan, who had plenty of warts.

2016 should be similar to 1988 with the parties in reverse - a Democrat following in Obama's legacy beating some GOP'er who's too immoderate to take the center back.
Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. That's just a fact.

He also was sexually assaulting a friend (Kathleen Willey) while she was in the White House begging for a job at the SAME EXACT TIME her husband was at home committing suicide because of the despair of hitting rock bottom.

There is nothing lower than a dimocrap. And no, I'm not talking about the politicians. I'm talking about the SCUM who are aware of the fact that they constantly elect Domestic Terrorists (Bobby Rush) homesexual predators (Gerry Studs and Bawney Fwank), perverts [Anthony (let me show you my) Weiner], indicted thieves (Jesse Jackson Jr), chronic abusers of women (Jerry Sanders).

It's time to stop pulling our punches, people. dimocraps are not "Good people with bad ideas"

They're scumbags.

The above is why reasoning with the rightwing nuts is an exercise in futility.

( know she's correct.)
Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. That's just a fact.

He also was sexually assaulting a friend (Kathleen Willey) while she was in the White House begging for a job at the SAME EXACT TIME her husband was at home committing suicide because of the despair of hitting rock bottom.

There is nothing lower than a dimocrap. And no, I'm not talking about the politicians. I'm talking about the SCUM who are aware of the fact that they constantly elect Domestic Terrorists (Bobby Rush) homesexual predators (Gerry Studs and Bawney Fwank), perverts [Anthony (let me show you my) Weiner], indicted thieves (Jesse Jackson Jr), chronic abusers of women (Jerry Sanders).

It's time to stop pulling our punches, people. dimocraps are not "Good people with bad ideas"

They're scumbags.

The above is why reasoning with the rightwing nuts is an exercise in futility.

( know she's correct.)

It's "He"

Edgetho was Beowulf's Father.

I use that avatar because I appreciate beauty. The world can never have enough of it.

You're welcome :)
I know that that is what your masters in the media told you.....

Still following me around I see; still trying to use a mayor of San Diego as some sort of example for National Democrats. Going to bat for Newt Gingrich is the icing on the cake...

The last time I took a laxative I thought of you when it hit.

When you fill out your tax returns, under ‘occupation,’ be sure to write “Jay Leno punch line.”

That joke was so lame it made me laugh; I bet you get a lot of that.
The idea that the GOP can claim the moral high ground on sex scandal baggage is ludicrous.

The only thing more ludicrous is someone stupid enough to think otherwise.


Clinton, Cuomo, O'Malley, Biden. For starters on the list of possible candidates that the GOP would be hard pressed to find a competitive rival against.

lol, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz nothwithstanding. lolol

I disagree;

Whomever the Dems run, the previous 8 years will be their record; citizens rarely remember the good things government does (look at the "Don't trust the Government" threads here) day in and day out. They remember the supposed injuries they supposedly suffer. Whomever the Dems nominate either has to embrace the Obama record warts and all or distance themselves from it. The primaries and campaign in 2015/2016 will be the proving ground for that and it's hard to run against a sitting president of your own party. Gore ran against 8 years of peace and prosperity for some bizarre reason. The dem nominees in 2016 won't have that luxury of running on 8 years of prosperity (steady improvement yes; prosperity no) so they had better get the chisel out and distance themselves.

This is, again, why I think the Dems had better get someone out of Obama's orbit. I can't see Biden or Clinton being able to break out that chisel effectively. O'Malley or Cuomo could, of course but they hvae a visibility problem at this point.

This is not a small problem.

I'd put a leash on that I don't mean Political Chic...I mean the predictions of a Democrat rout of the opposition.

lol, I was referring to Beau Biden.

George Bush Sr. won fairly easily following Reagan, who had plenty of warts.

2016 should be similar to 1988 with the parties in reverse - a Democrat following in Obama's legacy beating some GOP'er who's too immoderate to take the center back.

Reagan swept 49 States. The voters didn't notice many flaws and perception is reality.
The Democrat's best bet in 2016 is a GOP split. Cue the TEA party.
Still following me around I see; still trying to use a mayor of San Diego as some sort of example for National Democrats. Going to bat for Newt Gingrich is the icing on the cake...

The last time I took a laxative I thought of you when it hit.

When you fill out your tax returns, under ‘occupation,’ be sure to write “Jay Leno punch line.”

That joke was so lame it made me laugh; I bet you get a lot of that.

The you.
I disagree;

Whomever the Dems run, the previous 8 years will be their record; citizens rarely remember the good things government does (look at the "Don't trust the Government" threads here) day in and day out. They remember the supposed injuries they supposedly suffer. Whomever the Dems nominate either has to embrace the Obama record warts and all or distance themselves from it. The primaries and campaign in 2015/2016 will be the proving ground for that and it's hard to run against a sitting president of your own party. Gore ran against 8 years of peace and prosperity for some bizarre reason. The dem nominees in 2016 won't have that luxury of running on 8 years of prosperity (steady improvement yes; prosperity no) so they had better get the chisel out and distance themselves.

This is, again, why I think the Dems had better get someone out of Obama's orbit. I can't see Biden or Clinton being able to break out that chisel effectively. O'Malley or Cuomo could, of course but they hvae a visibility problem at this point.

This is not a small problem.

I'd put a leash on that I don't mean Political Chic...I mean the predictions of a Democrat rout of the opposition.

lol, I was referring to Beau Biden.

George Bush Sr. won fairly easily following Reagan, who had plenty of warts.

2016 should be similar to 1988 with the parties in reverse - a Democrat following in Obama's legacy beating some GOP'er who's too immoderate to take the center back.

Reagan swept 49 States. The voters didn't notice many flaws and perception is reality.
The Democrat's best bet in 2016 is a GOP split. Cue the TEA party.

At this point the conservatives around here can't even name any electable Republicans.

btw Iran Contra was after the 84 election. As was the 87 stock market crash.
Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. That's just a fact.

He also was sexually assaulting a friend (Kathleen Willey) while she was in the White House begging for a job at the SAME EXACT TIME her husband was at home committing suicide because of the despair of hitting rock bottom.

There is nothing lower than a dimocrap. And no, I'm not talking about the politicians. I'm talking about the SCUM who are aware of the fact that they constantly elect Domestic Terrorists (Bobby Rush) homesexual predators (Gerry Studs and Bawney Fwank), perverts [Anthony (let me show you my) Weiner], indicted thieves (Jesse Jackson Jr), chronic abusers of women (Jerry Sanders).

It's time to stop pulling our punches, people. dimocraps are not "Good people with bad ideas"

They're scumbags.

The above is why reasoning with the rightwing nuts is an exercise in futility.

Care to dispute any of the FACTS I posted?

It is not a fact that Bill Clinton raped anyone.

There. You've been disputed and proven wrong. Now shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.
Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. That's just a fact.

He also was sexually assaulting a friend (Kathleen Willey) while she was in the White House begging for a job at the SAME EXACT TIME her husband was at home committing suicide because of the despair of hitting rock bottom.

There is nothing lower than a dimocrap. And no, I'm not talking about the politicians. I'm talking about the SCUM who are aware of the fact that they constantly elect Domestic Terrorists (Bobby Rush) homesexual predators (Gerry Studs and Bawney Fwank), perverts [Anthony (let me show you my) Weiner], indicted thieves (Jesse Jackson Jr), chronic abusers of women (Jerry Sanders).

It's time to stop pulling our punches, people. dimocraps are not "Good people with bad ideas"

They're scumbags.

The above is why reasoning with the rightwing nuts is an exercise in futility.
that's what the left wing anti gun nuts said after sandy hook.
The above is why reasoning with the rightwing nuts is an exercise in futility.

Care to dispute any of the FACTS I posted?

It is not a fact that Bill Clinton raped anyone.

There. You've been disputed and proven wrong. Now shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

It IS a fact.

Unfortunately, as is the case in most rapes, it remains unpunished.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned
The mayor of San Diego...what a perv. One of those guys that doesn't understand the meaning of NO. And he thinks he can weather this thing and stay in office! Well, if he thinks he can do that, he better build a storm shelter, because the hurricane is bearing down.
Care to dispute any of the FACTS I posted?

It is not a fact that Bill Clinton raped anyone.

There. You've been disputed and proven wrong. Now shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

It IS a fact.

Unfortunately, as is the case in most rapes, it remains unpunished.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

In other words,

Bill Clinton is as much a rapist as George Zimmerman is a murderer.
Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. That's just a fact.

He also was sexually assaulting a friend (Kathleen Willey) while she was in the White House begging for a job at the SAME EXACT TIME her husband was at home committing suicide because of the despair of hitting rock bottom.

There is nothing lower than a dimocrap. And no, I'm not talking about the politicians. I'm talking about the SCUM who are aware of the fact that they constantly elect Domestic Terrorists (Bobby Rush) homesexual predators (Gerry Studs and Bawney Fwank), perverts [Anthony (let me show you my) Weiner], indicted thieves (Jesse Jackson Jr), chronic abusers of women (Jerry Sanders).

It's time to stop pulling our punches, people. dimocraps are not "Good people with bad ideas"

They're scumbags.

The above is why reasoning with the rightwing nuts is an exercise in futility.
that's what the left wing anti gun nuts said after sandy hook.

The gun nuts managed to block legislation that was supported by 90% of the public.

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