Democrats Facing Big Decision!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Never let it be said that the Democrats have a 'thin bench'......

1. " ....San Diego Mayor Bob Filner ....detailing sexual harassment claims against him, which include jamming his tongue down a woman’s throat, putting his hand inside her bra and telling another she would do better work without panties on.

Former Councilwoman Donna Frye alleged that a pattern of behavior had emerged that included questioning a woman’s relationship status, isolating her, asking for a later meeting, making sexual comments and “physically imposing himself upon her.”

“Bob Filner is tragically unsafe for any woman to approach,..."
Details of mayor's alleged sexual harassment begin to emerge | La Jolla Light

Filner has refused to resign.....following in the footsteps of two-time Democrat President and serial harasser, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

2. The problem for Filner is that he must share the spotlight with soon-to-be NYC major, trumpeting his own brand of...'support'... for women:

"Did liberal hero and would-be Mayor of New York Rep. Anthony Weiner (D - N.Y.) Tweet a picture of his own, underwear-clad erection last night?....The pic, according to writer "Publius", was posted last night to Weiner's official account on yFrog, the Twitter picture service, and sent out on his Twitter feed. It was apparently quickly deleted, but not before Publius grabbed what he says is a screenshot of the yFrog page. (The original Tweet still exists on archiving site Tweet Congress.)"
Did Anthony Weiner Tweet a Picture of His Weiner?

Democrats, seeking a presidential candidate for 2016, have a tough decision ahead!

....or, one of them could lead the "Republicans have a War on Women" campaign.
Never let it be said that the Democrats have a 'thin bench'......

1. " ....San Diego Mayor Bob Filner ....detailing sexual harassment claims against him, which include jamming his tongue down a woman’s throat, putting his hand inside her bra and telling another she would do better work without panties on.

Former Councilwoman Donna Frye alleged that a pattern of behavior had emerged that included questioning a woman’s relationship status, isolating her, asking for a later meeting, making sexual comments and “physically imposing himself upon her.”

“Bob Filner is tragically unsafe for any woman to approach,..."
Details of mayor's alleged sexual harassment begin to emerge | La Jolla Light

Filner has refused to resign.....following in the footsteps of two-time Democrat President and serial harasser, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

2. The problem for Filner is that he must share the spotlight with soon-to-be NYC major, trumpeting his own brand of...'support'... for women:

"Did liberal hero and would-be Mayor of New York Rep. Anthony Weiner (D - N.Y.) Tweet a picture of his own, underwear-clad erection last night?....The pic, according to writer "Publius", was posted last night to Weiner's official account on yFrog, the Twitter picture service, and sent out on his Twitter feed. It was apparently quickly deleted, but not before Publius grabbed what he says is a screenshot of the yFrog page. (The original Tweet still exists on archiving site Tweet Congress.)"
Did Anthony Weiner Tweet a Picture of His Weiner?

Democrats, seeking a presidential candidate for 2016, have a tough decision ahead!

....or, one of them could lead the "Republicans have a War on Women" campaign.

When Anthony Weiner put his hat in the ring the spokesperson for the dems (MSNBC) announced that previous sexual deviancy should not be a factor when considering who to vote for.
Christ Almighty, PC.

dimocrap scum voted for a rapist as POTUS.

They elected a former felon who was a member of a Domestic Terrorist Organization (Bobby Rush)

They elected and re-elected a Congressman who took an underage boy overseas for the express purpose of having sex with him -- Several times (Gerry Studs).

After admitting it in front of Congress, dimocrap scum gave him A STANDING OVATION!!

You think they give a FLYING FUCK about one of their own feeling up a couple females?

Get real.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

All of them. Get that through your head
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Christ Almighty, PC.

dimocrap scum voted for a rapist as POTUS.

They elected a former felon who was a member of a Domestic Terrorist Organization (Bobby Rush)

They elected and re-elected a Congressman who took an underage boy overseas for the express purpose of having sex with him -- Several times (Gerry Studs).

After admitting it in front of Congress, dimocrap scum gave him A STANDING OVATION!!

You think they give a FLYING FUCK about one of their own feeling up a couple females?

Get real.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

All of them. Get that through your head

Then there was Ted Kennedy, who wouldn't open a car door for a lady.....
If the facts you present here are accurate - it seems victims, lawyers, prosecutors and city residents who probably have a recall petition option at their disposal have decisions to make.

Not real sure that the democrats - as a group - are real high on the list of those who need mull this thing over - I guess it just depends on how sensitive they are to those who want to try to find everything they can to try to hammer them.

And there is no response they could make they will get you (and the hyper-partisans like you) off their case now is there?
If the facts you present here are accurate - it seems victims, lawyers, prosecutors and city residents who probably have a recall petition option at their disposal have decisions to make.

Not real sure that the democrats - as a group - are real high on the list of those who need mull this thing over - I guess it just depends on how sensitive they are to those who want to try to find everything they can to try to hammer them.

And there is no response they could make they will get you (and the hyper-partisans like you) off their case now is there?

To keep the big picture in sight, the Left/progressives/Liberals/Democrats are largely the folks who invest a private morality, postmodernism, moral equivalency, pragmatism.....

...and the alternative party, more often, supports traditional views, or, what you claim is hyper-partisanship.

Whenever possible, those like you should be reminded of the results of their doctrines.

As I have done.

You can live with it....or realize it's not how you'd like your children to turn out.
Carry on.
Christ Almighty, PC.

dimocrap scum voted for a rapist as POTUS.

They elected a former felon who was a member of a Domestic Terrorist Organization (Bobby Rush)

They elected and re-elected a Congressman who took an underage boy overseas for the express purpose of having sex with him -- Several times (Gerry Studs).

After admitting it in front of Congress, dimocrap scum gave him A STANDING OVATION!!

You think they give a FLYING FUCK about one of their own feeling up a couple females?

Get real.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

All of them. Get that through your head

Then there was Ted Kennedy, who wouldn't open a car door for a lady.....

Different story.

I wasn't but my girlfriend at the time was at the party. I know what happened to Mary Jo and how.

Short version....

Mary Jo was there and she wanted to go home because she was pregnant, tired, not drinking and not having a lot of fun.

So Ted was leaving with a woman 'friend' of his and Mary Jo (who knew her) hitched a ride.

Mary Jo laid down in the back of the car and fell asleep so Ted and his lady friend decided to pull over on the Banks of the Chappaquidick, park the Car, take a blanket with them and 'Watch the Stars'. :)

It had been raining all day, the ground was soft and slippery and the banks of the creek are pretty steep.

The car evidently slid down the bank and into the creek. Which is pretty deep. (creek, canal, whatever)

Ted and his friend came back from their 'star-gazing' and saw the car was gone. They're thinking that Mary Jo woke up, got tired of waiting and drove home.

So Ted and his friend make their way home (not sure how) and thought little of it until later when nobody knew where Mary Jo. So Ted goes back and dives into the creek and the rest is history.

The Lady Ted hooked up with was either really important herself or was married to somebody really important. I don't remember if my girlfriend told me or not.

I really didn't care that much at the time. We were in the process of going our own way. My fault, not hers

Sorry to bore you, but that's what I know
If the facts you present here are accurate - it seems victims, lawyers, prosecutors and city residents who probably have a recall petition option at their disposal have decisions to make.

Not real sure that the democrats - as a group - are real high on the list of those who need mull this thing over - I guess it just depends on how sensitive they are to those who want to try to find everything they can to try to hammer them.

And there is no response they could make they will get you (and the hyper-partisans like you) off their case now is there?

To keep the big picture in sight, the Left/progressives/Liberals/Democrats are largely the folks who invest a private morality, postmodernism, moral equivalency, pragmatism.....

...and the alternative party, more often, supports traditional views, or, what you claim is hyper-partisanship.

Whenever possible, those like you should be reminded of the results of their doctrines.

As I have done.

You can live with it....or realize it's not how you'd like your children to turn out.
Carry on.

Traditional views are not what "I call hyper-partisan". You are making assumptions that are far from the truth.
Hyper-partisan means those who are more wed to a political party or ideology than they are to truth. So your assuming what my position is - based on your ideology rather than the truth - tends to support (yet again) you being a hyper-partisan. Suggesting that one party or one ideology is more prone to scandal is yet another nail for that coffin. (But maybe your just having a bad day - no need to rush to judgement on that. )
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Christ Almighty, PC.

dimocrap scum voted for a rapist as POTUS.

They elected a former felon who was a member of a Domestic Terrorist Organization (Bobby Rush)

They elected and re-elected a Congressman who took an underage boy overseas for the express purpose of having sex with him -- Several times (Gerry Studs).

After admitting it in front of Congress, dimocrap scum gave him A STANDING OVATION!!

You think they give a FLYING FUCK about one of their own feeling up a couple females?

Get real.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

All of them. Get that through your head

Then there was Ted Kennedy, who wouldn't open a car door for a lady.....

Different story.

I wasn't but my girlfriend at the time was at the party. I know what happened to Mary Jo and how.

Short version....

Mary Jo was there and she wanted to go home because she was pregnant, tired, not drinking and not having a lot of fun.

So Ted was leaving with a woman 'friend' of his and Mary Jo (who knew her) hitched a ride.

Mary Jo laid down in the back of the car and fell asleep so Ted and his lady friend decided to pull over on the Banks of the Chappaquidick, park the Car, take a blanket with them and 'Watch the Stars'. :)

It had been raining all day, the ground was soft and slippery and the banks of the creek are pretty steep.

The car evidently slid down the bank and into the creek. Which is pretty deep. (creek, canal, whatever)

Ted and his friend came back from their 'star-gazing' and saw the car was gone. They're thinking that Mary Jo woke up, got tired of waiting and drove home.

So Ted and his friend make their way home (not sure how) and thought little of it until later when nobody knew where Mary Jo. So Ted goes back and dives into the creek and the rest is history.

The Lady Ted hooked up with was either really important herself or was married to somebody really important. I don't remember if my girlfriend told me or not.

I really didn't care that much at the time. We were in the process of going our own way. My fault, not hers

Sorry to bore you, but that's what I know

Not the case.

1. "Kennedy has never told anything close to the whole story of Chappaquiddick, the details of which were covered up by Kennedy associates with the help of compliant local authorities, but he has denied that he was driving drunk, or on his way to an assignation when he turned down the deserted dirt road to Dike Bridge. No writer who has seriously studied the events of the night—and there have been many—has believed him.

2. . Leo Damore, whose 1988 book, Senatorial Privilege: The Chappaquiddick Cover-Up, is the most thorough examination of the accident, offers strong evidence that Kennedy was probably drunk behind the wheel and probably on his way to a tryst (not, as he claimed, to the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard).

3....leaving the party alone with Kopechne and without his driver; failing to notice that the had taken a ninety-degree turn that led down a very bumpy dirt road away from the smooth asphalt road that led to the ferry; never calling the police for help in rescuing the trapped drying Kopechne but relying solely and clandestinely on his two closest aides; and failing to report the accident until after it was discovered ten hours later."

4. "As long as we’re on the subject of humor this morning, what kind of jokes did the late Ted Kennedy like to tell his closest friends? One of Kennedy’s close friends, former editor of Newsweek and New York Times Magazine Ed Klein, tells the Diane Rehm Show that Chappaquiddick jokes were high up on the list (audio here, at 30:10):

I don’t know if you know this or not, but one of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself. And he would ask people, “have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?” That is just the most amazing thing. It’s not that he didn’t feel remorse about the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, but that he still always saw the other side of everything and the ridiculous side of things, too.

If that’s true it makes Kennedy kind of a monster. The odd thing is that if you listen to the whole show, the tone of everyone involved is nauseatingly haigographic and reverential. Klein apparently let his guard down a bit; after he lets it slip Kennedy liked to joke about the woman he killed you can actually hear in his voice that he’s trying to backpedal."
?One of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself?; Update: Audio added « Hot Air

As far as 'nobody knew where Mary Jo was....'

Kennedy did.

His testimony:
"I remember thinking that as the cold water rushed in around my head that I was for certain drowning," he said. "Then water entered my lungs and I actually felt the sensation of drowning. But somehow I struggled to the surface alive. I made immediate and repeated efforts to save Mary Jo by diving into the strong and murky current, but succeeded only in increasing my state of utter exhaustion and alarm."
Ted Kennedy Car Accident in Chappaquiddick - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
If the facts you present here are accurate - it seems victims, lawyers, prosecutors and city residents who probably have a recall petition option at their disposal have decisions to make.

Not real sure that the democrats - as a group - are real high on the list of those who need mull this thing over - I guess it just depends on how sensitive they are to those who want to try to find everything they can to try to hammer them.

And there is no response they could make they will get you (and the hyper-partisans like you) off their case now is there?

To keep the big picture in sight, the Left/progressives/Liberals/Democrats are largely the folks who invest a private morality, postmodernism, moral equivalency, pragmatism.....

...and the alternative party, more often, supports traditional views, or, what you claim is hyper-partisanship.

Whenever possible, those like you should be reminded of the results of their doctrines.

As I have done.

You can live with it....or realize it's not how you'd like your children to turn out.
Carry on.

Traditional views are not what "I call hyper-partisan". You are making assumptions that are far from the truth.
Hyper-partisan means those who are more wed to a political party or ideology than they are to truth. So your assuming what my position is - based on your ideology rather than the truth - tends to support (yet again) you being a hyper-partisan. Suggesting that one party or one ideology is more prone to scandal is yet another nail for that coffin. (But maybe your just having a bad day - no need to rush to judgement on that. )

1. "Suggesting that one party or one ideology is more prone to scandal is yet another nail for that coffin."

Did you just try evasion?

This is what I said:
To keep the big picture in sight, the Left/progressives/Liberals/Democrats are largely the folks who invest a private morality, postmodernism, moral equivalency, pragmatism.....

Did you see the word 'scandal'? you not understand the terms I've used.

I am correct.
And you, dancing as fast as you can.

2. Of course, you know that I am correct...that's why you try to make the post about me, rather than the facts as I have revealed same.

In truth...I like conversations about me.
Don't stop.
stupid adolescent thread. what does the mayor of san diego have to do with the 2016 presidential race? really?

"stupid adolescent thread."?

Glad to make you feel right at home.

not really at home... kinda like playing a round of miniature golf...

again... your OP is stupid to suggest that Anthony Wiener and the mayor of San Diego have fuck all to do with the 2016 democratic presidential candidate selection process. It's just a silly thread, like so many of yours are... I only stop by to comment on them every once in a while, for the same reason that I really prefer playing grown up golf.
Then there was Ted Kennedy, who wouldn't open a car door for a lady.....

Different story.

I wasn't but my girlfriend at the time was at the party. I know what happened to Mary Jo and how.

Short version....

Mary Jo was there and she wanted to go home because she was pregnant, tired, not drinking and not having a lot of fun.

So Ted was leaving with a woman 'friend' of his and Mary Jo (who knew her) hitched a ride.

Mary Jo laid down in the back of the car and fell asleep so Ted and his lady friend decided to pull over on the Banks of the Chappaquidick, park the Car, take a blanket with them and 'Watch the Stars'. :)

It had been raining all day, the ground was soft and slippery and the banks of the creek are pretty steep.

The car evidently slid down the bank and into the creek. Which is pretty deep. (creek, canal, whatever)

Ted and his friend came back from their 'star-gazing' and saw the car was gone. They're thinking that Mary Jo woke up, got tired of waiting and drove home.

So Ted and his friend make their way home (not sure how) and thought little of it until later when nobody knew where Mary Jo. So Ted goes back and dives into the creek and the rest is history.

The Lady Ted hooked up with was either really important herself or was married to somebody really important. I don't remember if my girlfriend told me or not.

I really didn't care that much at the time. We were in the process of going our own way. My fault, not hers

Sorry to bore you, but that's what I know

Not the case.

1. "Kennedy has never told anything close to the whole story of Chappaquiddick, the details of which were covered up by Kennedy associates with the help of compliant local authorities, but he has denied that he was driving drunk, or on his way to an assignation when he turned down the deserted dirt road to Dike Bridge. No writer who has seriously studied the events of the night—and there have been many—has believed him.

2. . Leo Damore, whose 1988 book, Senatorial Privilege: The Chappaquiddick Cover-Up, is the most thorough examination of the accident, offers strong evidence that Kennedy was probably drunk behind the wheel and probably on his way to a tryst (not, as he claimed, to the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard).

3....leaving the party alone with Kopechne and without his driver; failing to notice that the had taken a ninety-degree turn that led down a very bumpy dirt road away from the smooth asphalt road that led to the ferry; never calling the police for help in rescuing the trapped drying Kopechne but relying solely and clandestinely on his two closest aides; and failing to report the accident until after it was discovered ten hours later."

4. "As long as we’re on the subject of humor this morning, what kind of jokes did the late Ted Kennedy like to tell his closest friends? One of Kennedy’s close friends, former editor of Newsweek and New York Times Magazine Ed Klein, tells the Diane Rehm Show that Chappaquiddick jokes were high up on the list (audio here, at 30:10):

I don’t know if you know this or not, but one of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself. And he would ask people, “have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?” That is just the most amazing thing. It’s not that he didn’t feel remorse about the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, but that he still always saw the other side of everything and the ridiculous side of things, too.

If that’s true it makes Kennedy kind of a monster. The odd thing is that if you listen to the whole show, the tone of everyone involved is nauseatingly haigographic and reverential. Klein apparently let his guard down a bit; after he lets it slip Kennedy liked to joke about the woman he killed you can actually hear in his voice that he’s trying to backpedal."
?One of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself?; Update: Audio added « Hot Air

As far as 'nobody knew where Mary Jo was....'

Kennedy did.

His testimony:
"I remember thinking that as the cold water rushed in around my head that I was for certain drowning," he said. "Then water entered my lungs and I actually felt the sensation of drowning. But somehow I struggled to the surface alive. I made immediate and repeated efforts to save Mary Jo by diving into the strong and murky current, but succeeded only in increasing my state of utter exhaustion and alarm."
Ted Kennedy Car Accident in Chappaquiddick - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Ted Kennedy was a scumbag. Period.

I'm just telling you what I know and what I was told. Some or all of it could be wrong.

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