Democrats Considering ‘Boycott’ Of Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings, Refuse To Meet With Amy Coney Barrett


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Democrats are reportedly considering a plan to boycott upcoming Senate Supreme Court confirmation hearings and at least two Democratic Senators — Hawaii’s Mazie Hirono and Connecticut’s Richard Blumenthal — say they will not meet with nominee Amy Coney Barrett because it would “legitimize” President Donald Trump’s decision to kick off a nomination process just weeks from a presidential election.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Democratic senators are “mapping out how they will wield their limited procedural weapons in the fight over President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee” and are “grappling with a central question: How much legitimacy do they give his candidate?”

“With little power to actually derail Trump’s pick, Democrats are coming under considerable pressure from their activist base to use every tactic at their disposal to not just throw sand in the gears of the confirmation fight, but to portray the consideration of expected nominee Amy Coney Barrett as a farce that shouldn’t even occur,” the outlet notes.

Democrats are reportedly considering a plan to boycott upcoming Senate Supreme Court confirmation hearings and at least two Democratic Senators — Hawaii’s Mazie Hirono and Connecticut’s Richard Blumenthal — say they will not meet with nominee Amy Coney Barrett because it would “legitimize” President Donald Trump’s decision to kick off a nomination process just weeks from a presidential election.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Democratic senators are “mapping out how they will wield their limited procedural weapons in the fight over President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee” and are “grappling with a central question: How much legitimacy do they give his candidate?”

“With little power to actually derail Trump’s pick, Democrats are coming under considerable pressure from their activist base to use every tactic at their disposal to not just throw sand in the gears of the confirmation fight, but to portray the consideration of expected nominee Amy Coney Barrett as a farce that shouldn’t even occur,” the outlet notes.

It figures. What KNUCKLEHEADS.:(
Fuck these jackasses. Didnt they impeach Trump knowing full well it was bogus?

Schiff lied that he doesnt know who the whistleblower is.

Politicians with power flex. POTUS and senate are the same party. Its not like we dont know the consequences,

RBG should have retired in 2009.Blame her.
Democrats are reportedly considering a plan to boycott upcoming Senate Supreme Court confirmation hearings and at least two Democratic Senators — Hawaii’s Mazie Hirono and Connecticut’s Richard Blumenthal — say they will not meet with nominee Amy Coney Barrett because it would “legitimize” President Donald Trump’s decision to kick off a nomination process just weeks from a presidential election.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Democratic senators are “mapping out how they will wield their limited procedural weapons in the fight over President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee” and are “grappling with a central question: How much legitimacy do they give his candidate?”

“With little power to actually derail Trump’s pick, Democrats are coming under considerable pressure from their activist base to use every tactic at their disposal to not just throw sand in the gears of the confirmation fight, but to portray the consideration of expected nominee Amy Coney Barrett as a farce that shouldn’t even occur,” the outlet notes.


Judge Barrett was already vetted and Confirmed in 2017 for the Court she is already on, no actual reason then to have ANOTHER Confirmation situation, just put her to a Senate vote THIS WEEK a straight up and down vote and then get her seated on The United States Supreme Court by the first Monday in October.
Who fucking cares, here's what I would do, I'd just have Graham immediately advance her to a vote and dispense with hearings altogether, they just interviewed the women two years ago, everything is in order, just forego the stupid hearings altogether!

We just basically posted the SAME thing at the SAME time, great minds, great minds....
I'm not sure what this is suppose to accomplish.
I don't know either....

The Senate has a quorum if the Republicans show up, so they can hold the vote without the Democrats...

quorum - The number of senators that must be present for the Senate to do business. The Constitution requires a majority of senators (51) for a quorum. Often, fewer senators are actually present on the floor, but the Senate presumes that a quorum is present unless the contrary is shown by a roll call vote or quorum call.
Democrats are reportedly considering a plan to boycott upcoming Senate Supreme Court confirmation hearings and at least two Democratic Senators — Hawaii’s Mazie Hirono and Connecticut’s Richard Blumenthal — say they will not meet with nominee Amy Coney Barrett because it would “legitimize” President Donald Trump’s decision to kick off a nomination process just weeks from a presidential election.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Democratic senators are “mapping out how they will wield their limited procedural weapons in the fight over President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee” and are “grappling with a central question: How much legitimacy do they give his candidate?”

“With little power to actually derail Trump’s pick, Democrats are coming under considerable pressure from their activist base to use every tactic at their disposal to not just throw sand in the gears of the confirmation fight, but to portray the consideration of expected nominee Amy Coney Barrett as a farce that shouldn’t even occur,” the outlet notes.

The nominee Barrett is driving them insane.. They can not directly attack her without alienating suburban women who are college educated. They further can not attack her indirectly like this without risking the same alienation.

Biden has already shifted his campaign strategy to try and stop the hemorrhaging of voters in his base. Failing to meet with Barret will also alienate the suburban female voters.. they are damned if the do and damned if they dont.. And moderates who like the Barret nomination will now vote for Trump....

TO top it off many of the House races are now toss ups in Democrat run cities that have burned and rioted... They are about to lose bigly! and they do not know what to do. The reset in Biden's campaign, with just five weeks to go, tells me they in all out panic mode.
The nominee Barrett is driving them insane.. They can not directly attack her without alienating suburban women who are college educated. They further can not attack her indirectly like this without risking the same alienation.

Biden has already shifted his campaign strategy to try and stop the hemorrhaging of voters in his base. Failing to meet with Barret will also alienate the suburban female voters.. they are damned if the do and damned if they dont.. And moderates who like the Barret nomination will now vote for Trump....

TO top it off many of the House races are now toss ups in Democrat run cities that have burned and rioted... They are about to lose bigly! and they do not know what to do. The reset in Biden's campaign, with just five weeks to go, tells me they in all out panic mode.

Now that was a short drive .....
Democrats are reportedly considering a plan to boycott upcoming Senate Supreme Court confirmation hearings and at least two Democratic Senators — Hawaii’s Mazie Hirono and Connecticut’s Richard Blumenthal — say they will not meet with nominee Amy Coney Barrett because it would “legitimize” President Donald Trump’s decision to kick off a nomination process just weeks from a presidential election.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Democratic senators are “mapping out how they will wield their limited procedural weapons in the fight over President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee” and are “grappling with a central question: How much legitimacy do they give his candidate?”

“With little power to actually derail Trump’s pick, Democrats are coming under considerable pressure from their activist base to use every tactic at their disposal to not just throw sand in the gears of the confirmation fight, but to portray the consideration of expected nominee Amy Coney Barrett as a farce that shouldn’t even occur,” the outlet notes.

Well then. Fuck ‘em!
I'm not sure what this is suppose to accomplish.
I don't know either....

The Senate has a quorum if the Republicans show up...

quorum - The number of senators that must be present for the Senate to do business. The Constitution requires a majority of senators (51) for a quorum. Often, fewer senators are actually present on the floor, but the Senate presumes that a quorum is present unless the contrary is shown by a roll call vote or quorum call.
A quorum in the committee is 51%.. as long as all republicans are present this moves forward.. IF they(democrats) fail to participate and refuse to meet with Barret its on them... Makes calling it to a vote happen real fast..
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Looking forward to seeing who they are going to have claim that she raped them forty years ago and has just now decided to come forward.

But seriously the dems don’t need to be at any hearings. If they want to set them out that’s their choice.
Looking forward to seeing who they are going to have claim that she raped them forty years ago and has just now decided to come forward.

But seriously the dems don’t need to be at any hearings. If they want to set them out that’s their choice.
It's gonna be Mayor Pete ..... :oops:
I'm not sure what this is suppose to accomplish.
I think it demonstrates what buffoons they are. If they refuse to meet with Barrett, the procedure will go much swifter and the consent can be provided much sooner. Perhaps they will refuse to go to the Senate to vote on her candidacy. Then she'll get a very high or possibly an oral vote that would say they were unanimous on voting to give her a seat on the SCOTUS.
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