Democrats can win if we Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs

We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!

Nobody is shaming white men.

Good Dems are shaming bigots and misogynists. They just happen to be mostly white men.

We don’t want their fucking votes.
Good Dems
Now there is an oxymoron, if I ever did see one...
Food stamps before jobs?? Not bloody likely. Hillary tried that and FAILED!!!


Nope, even through food stamps do go towards the business just like dollars do that shouldn't be the focus.

The focus should be 1. To allow more small businesses to have a chance at competing and 2. rebuilding the unions so the workers doing the work get a larger share of the pie. With a larger share they can have a chance at 1....

I am all for food stamps but lets be honest my friend...We need to focus on improving the situation so the worker doesn't have to rely on those.

Until you stop the Dem party from vampire sucking small businesses to death at the state level, which you will not, your plan will fail.
FDR dragged out the Great Depression years longer than it needed to be

Duh. How else will we inspire the workers to revolt? We have to make things as bad as possible. That's the point of disasters like ACA. The socialists know these steps will make things worse, not better. It's the only way they can get people to succumb to socialism.
FDRs new deal was an abject failure. Every time a Democrat has tried to push a new one its failed miserably.

Here is a crazy idea. Instead of returning to the same old play book you've used for the past 100 years, you try to actually help people by turning back to the constitution and getting government out of our way so we can reach for our dreams?

Get out of my way and empower me instead of regulating me and I could consider voting for you.
FDRs new deal was an abject failure. Every time a Democrat has tried to push a new one its failed miserably.

Here is a crazy idea. Instead of returning to the same old play book you've used for the past 100 years, you try to actually help people by turning back to the constitution and getting government out of our way so we can reach for our dreams?

Get out of my way and empower me instead of regulating me and I could consider voting for you.

Civil liberties used to be something Democrats were proud to support.
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.
I don't think any policy will actually be implemented that raises consumer prices. Note that Trump hasn't actually done jack shit to make imports more expensive. And if he did, his support would tank even more.

What liberals proposed, with Krugman being in the lead, was to raise taxes on the wealthy to improve workers access to education and healthcare. Obama and the dems failed to fully follow through because during the height of the recession some thought that if taxes were raised any more on capital the econ could tank even more. However, that was erroneous in that the rich recovered quite quickly and are doing even better. And the dems faint-heartedness led to the OWS and misguided econ populism of Berine's "free shit for us all."
FDRs new deal was an abject failure. Every time a Democrat has tried to push a new one its failed miserably.

Here is a crazy idea. Instead of returning to the same old play book you've used for the past 100 years, you try to actually help people by turning back to the constitution and getting government out of our way so we can reach for our dreams?

Get out of my way and empower me instead of regulating me and I could consider voting for you.

Civil liberties used to be something Democrats were proud to support.

Lets be honest, they didn't even support them during the civil rights era. They fought it tooth and nail and when it was all over claimed victory pretending they always supported it against the evil Republicans.
FDRs new deal was an abject failure. Every time a Democrat has tried to push a new one its failed miserably.

Here is a crazy idea. Instead of returning to the same old play book you've used for the past 100 years, you try to actually help people by turning back to the constitution and getting government out of our way so we can reach for our dreams?

Get out of my way and empower me instead of regulating me and I could consider voting for you.

Civil liberties used to be something Democrats were proud to support.

Lets be honest, they didn't even support them during the civil rights era. They fought it tooth and nail and when it was all over claimed victory pretending they always supported it against the evil Republicans.

I suppose. Maybe it was just for a brief period during my youth, but I seem to recall Democrats defending freedom, even for unpopular minorities. They used to stand by the principle that freedom is for everyone, not just those who appease government.
suppose. Maybe it was just for a brief period during my youth, but I seem to recall Democrats defending freedom, even for unpopular minorities. They used to stand by the principle that freedom is for everyone, not just those who appease governme
It was the ultimate pick your poison. Dems were for civil liberty but were commies. Rs were for economic freedom but were Jesus Nazis.

Now, Dems are complete statists and Rs are worthless do-nothings with no principles, and are still Jesus Nazis.


Vote for none of the above.
Yea, right. Using the Venezuela model for the US is really going to do wonders for our economy.

The last things we need are more unions, more government influence and more welfare. There will be no more middle class. Just welfare minions and socialist boss fat cats.

Democrats have lost 1,000 national seats, the congress and the presidency by advocating stupid socialist programs. Demanding more socialism will just result in more losses. Hopefully they will continue to be stupid.
We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!

Nobody is shaming white men.

Good Dems are shaming bigots and misogynists. They just happen to be mostly white men.

We don’t want their fucking votes.

Pfui. Absolute Rubbish. Let’s be honest. Most of the people named as sexual predators who were creating hostile work environments are Democrats, or Democratic Supporters. Nothing new there, Senators and Congressmen have been doing it for years.

Clinton was Reprehensible, but not Impeachable. He was not the only example. But he was the most public.

Sadly, if Clinton had resigned, Gore would have run as an incumbent, and won the election in 2000. But I digress.

You not only want the votes of the people you denounce as bigots and misogynists, you expect them to vote for you. You blame them for voting against their own interests when they don’t. In fact, the definition of any of those labels is anyone who votes against the Democratic Party.

This skit on SNL after the election was funny. It was funny because it was true.

I just watched a Documentary on the election. It was planned ahead of time, and a half dozen directors picked people to follow through Election Day. Most of the people were Hillary Supporters. There were a couple of token Trump voters. But it was supposed to be a documentary on how awesome it was to back a winner, like Hillary. If you want to avoid watching the growing disappointment and despair, then the skit from SNL is not a bad way to do it.

Those misogynistic bigoted whites after the election, were the strong pro union Democrats the day of the election. They were the blue wall that was going to put Hillary in the White House. They were the bastion, the unassailable rampart that would insure no Republican would ever become President again.

That is until the votes were counted. Then they were the sexist bastards who picked the orange fool. Then they were the racist assholes who voted against their own interests.

When proposition 8 passed in California, homosexuals walked down the streets shouting despicable names at blacks. Names that would get any Republican blacklisted. Names that would have been the entire news story the next day. But they were liberals, and Liberals get passes for that kind of thing. You see, they were just angry and lashing out. A liberal who is angry and lashes out, is fine. The conservative who gets angry and lashes out is a racist. The N-Bomb is Dropped on Black Passersby at Prop 8 Protests | HuffPost

This is why nobody is buying this bullshit. People who donated to support Prop 8 were protested against and even had the companies they worked at boycotted. But homosexual supporters who shout racial epitaphs and insults are not boycotted, they aren’t even relentlessly pursued on social media. They are given a pass.

So take your hypocritical crap, and stick it where the sun don’t shine. The reason those labels don’t work anymore, is because everyone is so inoculated by the relentless use of them. You idiots on the left slap them on everyone, except those who deserve it.

The D Party has yet to come to terms with the reasons for it's multiple failures. Obama was largely responsible for these multiple failures. During his reign the D party imploded. They lost election after election. He did nothing to keep the DNC flush with cash and he watched as Hillary took it over for her purposes, hurting Bernie, yet he did nothing about it. Obama is the culprit, but the D Party won't admit that.

Hillary was the worse candidate EVAH! She thought she could win the election, without actually campaigning. The D Party thought their voters would vote for a warmongering corporatist with a criminal background. How fucked up is that?

I would argue that it was less Obama’s fault, than a sense in the party of invincibility after a black man reached the highest office. The you can’t stop us now, we’re on top arrogance that afflicts many successful organizations.

The Democrats were right, much of the Obamacare package was popular. The Democrats were wrong, the entire package was unpopular. Some majorities wanted this part, or that part, but not the whole.

The Democrats also planned on Obamacare to fail. They expected it to work for a decade, or two at the max, and then when it was failing, to take it to Single Payer. The problem with that theory is that when your car repair fails, you don’t return to the same mechanic to fix it again. You go with someone else.

For years the suggestion I had was to nationalize the insurance industry. In other words, not have one plan for this state, and another plan, with another fee, in another state with the same company.

Most people may not be old enough to remember this, but when I was young the businesses had stickers in the windows. These stickers told the customer what credit cards were accepted. There would be a sticker for Visa, Master Card, Diners Club, American Express, and others.

When ATM’s came out, the first thing was you had to use your bank. Then banks got together and formed groupings. These groupings were networks, and there were multiple networks. If the ATM was not in network, your card would not work. It was just that simple. Then we got a network where everyone was in it, and the smaller networks were gone.

Why is it that Blue Cross has Doctors in network in Savannah, but not in Atlanta? It’s the same state. Why not have all the Doctors do like the ATM’s or Businesses of yesteryear? Have stickers showing what insurance they accept. Then if you have an emergency in Atlanta, your Savannah Insurance is still good.

Automobile insurance is valid everywhere. Your insurance is not going to claim that your car is out of network if you have a crash in the next state. This simple answer was not even considered. Because the goal was not to end the insurance nightmare, it was to achieve single payer, step by miserable step.

The only universal coverage plan I liked was the one in Switzerland, where you can buy insurance from anyone, and it is good everywhere in the nation. That was the model I thought we should go with.

Obamacare is more popular than most people think. That’s the reason the Republicans aren’t scrapping it. They’re trying to do something similar. Make it untenable, and when it fails, it isn’t their fault. It just failed because it was a bad idea to begin with.
Social democracy, political ideology that originally advocated a peaceful evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism using established political processes.

social democracy

Somebody needs to suck my smart dick.

I have no doubt that your little head is smarter than your big head. As far as sucking it. I don’t need to floss right now.

But to help you out, you need to read the ENTIRE article you linked to. Dumbass.

After World War II, social democratic parties came to power in several nations of western Europe—e.g., West Germany, Sweden, and Great Britain (in the Labour Party)—and laid the foundations for modern European social welfare programs. With its ascendancy, social democracy changed gradually, most notably in West Germany. These changes generally reflected a moderation of the 19th-century socialist doctrine of wholesale nationalization of business and industry. Although the principles of the various social democratic parties began to diverge somewhat, certain common fundamental principles emerged. In addition to abandoning violence and revolution as tools of social change, social democracy took a stand in opposition to totalitarianism. The Marxist view of democracy as a “bourgeois” facade for class rule was abandoned, and democracy was proclaimed essential for socialist ideals. Increasingly, social democracy adopted the goal of state regulation of business and industry as sufficient to further economic growth and equitable income.

Now, regulation is not control. Regulation is minimum standards for a product. You know, keeping lead paint off of Children’s toys. Things like that. Idiot.

So Social Democracy may have started out one way, but it has evolved and adapted to the real world. Like the Liberatarian party. They used to be in favor of National Ideals, but now they are just another group advocating Globalist propaganda.
Social democracy, political ideology that originally advocated a peaceful evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism using established political processes.

social democracy

Somebody needs to suck my smart dick.

I have no doubt that your little head is smarter than your big head. As far as sucking it. I don’t need to floss right now.

But to help you out, you need to read the ENTIRE article you linked to. Dumbass.

After World War II, social democratic parties came to power in several nations of western Europe—e.g., West Germany, Sweden, and Great Britain (in the Labour Party)—and laid the foundations for modern European social welfare programs. With its ascendancy, social democracy changed gradually, most notably in West Germany. These changes generally reflected a moderation of the 19th-century socialist doctrine of wholesale nationalization of business and industry. Although the principles of the various social democratic parties began to diverge somewhat, certain common fundamental principles emerged. In addition to abandoning violence and revolution as tools of social change, social democracy took a stand in opposition to totalitarianism. The Marxist view of democracy as a “bourgeois” facade for class rule was abandoned, and democracy was proclaimed essential for socialist ideals. Increasingly, social democracy adopted the goal of state regulation of business and industry as sufficient to further economic growth and equitable income.

Now, regulation is not control. Regulation is minimum standards for a product. You know, keeping lead paint off of Children’s toys. Things like that. Idiot.

So Social Democracy may have started out one way, but it has evolved and adapted to the real world. Like the Liberatarian party. They used to be in favor of National Ideals, but now they are just another group advocating Globalist propaganda.
You believe the social democrats changed their stripes?

Commies NEVER try to hide their true nature.

You're a naive little twat.
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.
Democrats have to bring something to the table

Pointing out that Republicans are batshit crazy does nothing. People seem to like batshit crazy
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.
Democrats have to bring something to the table

Pointing out that Republicans are batshit crazy does nothing. People seem to like batshit crazy
The Ds plan as you describe it, works very well on dummies like you and the OP. They know and will not change because there are lots of dummies out there.
Social democracy is FUCKING COMMUNISM!!!

Kill a commie for mommy!

Methinks you have no idea what it means
Commies could not have a Bolshevik-style revolution here in America because too many people (who hate communism) have guns.


Instead, they have tried to slowly lead us to commie bullshit using our system to change and manipulate our laws. Then, when we find out what they are up to, tthey change their name and methods to where we can't easily identify and expose them. But, make no mistake, commies only give up when they are dead, thus, the only good commie is a dead one.

Don't try and piss on my back and tell me it's raining.

Now, be a good commie...
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.

You keep mentioning infrastructure yet I'll have you know our leftist Jerry Brown hasn't lifted a finger in that direction; he's 100% about giving illegals a free ride and nothing else. He taxes the shit out of everything to pay for it and has the arrogance to start calling the public names if they complain. That's why I always say Brown is to California what Obama is to all of America: the most loathsome creature in that realm.

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