Democrats can win if we Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs

We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!

Nobody is shaming white men.

Good Dems are shaming bigots and misogynists. They just happen to be mostly white men.

We don’t want their fucking votes.
We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!

1. when your system of "socializing" is by free choice ScienceRocks
NOT dictated by others or it defeats the spirit and becomes oppressive as you and I both rally against. I have anarchist friends who literally need space to build their own community
and "socialized" systems by their own group rules, that nobody else wants responsiblity for.
2. if people choose libertarianism let them govern themselves under that!
same with Buddhism or Christianity.
to each their own. if it's a bad idea let them suffer their own consequences.
that's how humans learn, by experience. So give them what they ask.
even if it means a rope to hang themselves with, let them learn the way THEY
are willing to pay for including the cost of their decisions good or bad!
The road back to political power for the Democratic Party, on the national level...

1. throw (your stance alongside) Illegal Aliens under the bus
2. throw (your stance alongside) the Gay Mafia under the bus
3. throw your Hispanic DNC chair under the bus (doubling-down on Stupid after the alleged White Backlash of Nov 8, 2016)
4. throw your Muslim DNC vice-chair under the bus (that was particularly stupid, post-election, and will not serve you nor the Republic well, moving forward)
5. kiss and make-up with White Straight Christian Middle America
6. become the party of the Working Man again (rather than just Big Labor bosses, whose influence is waning, anyway)
7. keep us out of bad trade deals
8. crucify American companies that send jobs and money off-shore yet do business in the US (begin with canceling government contracts for those)
9. rebuild the military - allowing them to Fight Smart, and better, with less, against 21st Century threats
10. keep us out of useless wars
11. rebuild and expand infrastructure using American labor and resources
12. build massive renewable energy projects using American labor and resources
13. establish conditions legally onerous to the 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, so that they want to go home
14. secure our borders and tighten-up immigration, to permanently reduce the flow from all quarters
15. hold a series of national referendums on gun control, seeking public consensus on future direction
16. reform the tax code for the sake of simplification and breaks, without giving-away the farm to Big Business and the rich
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We create jobs with business tax rates the highest in the world...................yeah investment flows in that direction in a liberal mind...........just like Niagra Falls water is really flowing up instead of down..................


Find me a company that actually pays those rates .
LOL. They pass it on to the consumer unless you live under a rock...........

You fools just don't get it.

It worked in the early to mid 20th century when the ceo paid 70-80% in taxes and had to pay his workers much better because most companies had unions. Guess what, the worker could typically afford a house, a wife, 3-4 kids and a car.The ceo today has made 950% more wealth since the 1980's, while the workers get shit on!

What we do is make damn sure they can't offshore, outsource or get away with screwing over the workers. With the profit more evenly spread out the consumer will also be vastly better off and can pay the slight uptick.
You know who the president was before President Trump? Why did all those companies offshore and shit upon the "workers"?
We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!

Fat chance at that happening. Your precious Democrats are trying to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. That way they have a good chance at turning this country into a one-party nation never to be seriously challenged again.
The best thing for the survival of the D party is Trump. If he continues to flounder, the D party will refuse to change and continue it's criminal corportatist policies.

Your biggest mistake is to think either major party will change by themselves. They may talk about it, but don't be fooled. They will never change.
Offer a new new deal in the mold of FDRs
Promise to rebuild our middle class with stronger unions, by enforcing our anti-trust laws(yes, we need to break up big media, stop corporations from buying out smaller businesses and make sure small business has a chance), make sure we punish all offshoring of wealth, demand better schools, move forward with rebuilding our infrastructure and promise an America that is for all people.

We need to scream this message loudly on the t.v and we need to drown out the goddamn republicans so they can't control the message. We need to point out how the labor movement of the early 20th century built our middle class and promise outright a better life for peoples children then they ever had slaving away for 10 bucks per hour these past 30 years as the porkers at the top took it all.

If we can do that we have a chance.

Trump won Michigan, Pa and Wis based on his message of I'll do something about your job going over seas. Consider that, Even through he was the snake, he was right as the democrats haven't done crap in the past 35 years to stop it and he was the only one saying it. People voted for him because he had a good message! Democrats also need to make damn sure sure we point out that Trump lied to these people and won't do shit as he said he would.

You have to be a victim to be in the dem party now. Another reason why the party is failing.
We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!

Nobody is shaming white men.

Good Dems are shaming bigots and misogynists. They just happen to be mostly white men.

We don’t want their fucking votes.

Pfui. Absolute Rubbish. Let’s be honest. Most of the people named as sexual predators who were creating hostile work environments are Democrats, or Democratic Supporters. Nothing new there, Senators and Congressmen have been doing it for years.

Clinton was Reprehensible, but not Impeachable. He was not the only example. But he was the most public.

Sadly, if Clinton had resigned, Gore would have run as an incumbent, and won the election in 2000. But I digress.

You not only want the votes of the people you denounce as bigots and misogynists, you expect them to vote for you. You blame them for voting against their own interests when they don’t. In fact, the definition of any of those labels is anyone who votes against the Democratic Party.

This skit on SNL after the election was funny. It was funny because it was true.

I just watched a Documentary on the election. It was planned ahead of time, and a half dozen directors picked people to follow through Election Day. Most of the people were Hillary Supporters. There were a couple of token Trump voters. But it was supposed to be a documentary on how awesome it was to back a winner, like Hillary. If you want to avoid watching the growing disappointment and despair, then the skit from SNL is not a bad way to do it.

Those misogynistic bigoted whites after the election, were the strong pro union Democrats the day of the election. They were the blue wall that was going to put Hillary in the White House. They were the bastion, the unassailable rampart that would insure no Republican would ever become President again.

That is until the votes were counted. Then they were the sexist bastards who picked the orange fool. Then they were the racist assholes who voted against their own interests.

When proposition 8 passed in California, homosexuals walked down the streets shouting despicable names at blacks. Names that would get any Republican blacklisted. Names that would have been the entire news story the next day. But they were liberals, and Liberals get passes for that kind of thing. You see, they were just angry and lashing out. A liberal who is angry and lashes out, is fine. The conservative who gets angry and lashes out is a racist. The N-Bomb is Dropped on Black Passersby at Prop 8 Protests | HuffPost

This is why nobody is buying this bullshit. People who donated to support Prop 8 were protested against and even had the companies they worked at boycotted. But homosexual supporters who shout racial epitaphs and insults are not boycotted, they aren’t even relentlessly pursued on social media. They are given a pass.

So take your hypocritical crap, and stick it where the sun don’t shine. The reason those labels don’t work anymore, is because everyone is so inoculated by the relentless use of them. You idiots on the left slap them on everyone, except those who deserve it.
We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!

Nobody is shaming white men.

Good Dems are shaming bigots and misogynists. They just happen to be mostly white men.

We don’t want their fucking votes.

Pfui. Absolute Rubbish. Let’s be honest. Most of the people named as sexual predators who were creating hostile work environments are Democrats, or Democratic Supporters. Nothing new there, Senators and Congressmen have been doing it for years.

Clinton was Reprehensible, but not Impeachable. He was not the only example. But he was the most public.

Sadly, if Clinton had resigned, Gore would have run as an incumbent, and won the election in 2000. But I digress.

You not only want the votes of the people you denounce as bigots and misogynists, you expect them to vote for you. You blame them for voting against their own interests when they don’t. In fact, the definition of any of those labels is anyone who votes against the Democratic Party.

This skit on SNL after the election was funny. It was funny because it was true.

I just watched a Documentary on the election. It was planned ahead of time, and a half dozen directors picked people to follow through Election Day. Most of the people were Hillary Supporters. There were a couple of token Trump voters. But it was supposed to be a documentary on how awesome it was to back a winner, like Hillary. If you want to avoid watching the growing disappointment and despair, then the skit from SNL is not a bad way to do it.

Those misogynistic bigoted whites after the election, were the strong pro union Democrats the day of the election. They were the blue wall that was going to put Hillary in the White House. They were the bastion, the unassailable rampart that would insure no Republican would ever become President again.

That is until the votes were counted. Then they were the sexist bastards who picked the orange fool. Then they were the racist assholes who voted against their own interests.

When proposition 8 passed in California, homosexuals walked down the streets shouting despicable names at blacks. Names that would get any Republican blacklisted. Names that would have been the entire news story the next day. But they were liberals, and Liberals get passes for that kind of thing. You see, they were just angry and lashing out. A liberal who is angry and lashes out, is fine. The conservative who gets angry and lashes out is a racist. The N-Bomb is Dropped on Black Passersby at Prop 8 Protests | HuffPost

This is why nobody is buying this bullshit. People who donated to support Prop 8 were protested against and even had the companies they worked at boycotted. But homosexual supporters who shout racial epitaphs and insults are not boycotted, they aren’t even relentlessly pursued on social media. They are given a pass.

So take your hypocritical crap, and stick it where the sun don’t shine. The reason those labels don’t work anymore, is because everyone is so inoculated by the relentless use of them. You idiots on the left slap them on everyone, except those who deserve it.

The D Party has yet to come to terms with the reasons for it's multiple failures. Obama was largely responsible for these multiple failures. During his reign the D party imploded. They lost election after election. He did nothing to keep the DNC flush with cash and he watched as Hillary took it over for her purposes, hurting Bernie, yet he did nothing about it. Obama is the culprit, but the D Party won't admit that.

Hillary was the worse candidate EVAH! She thought she could win the election, without actually campaigning. The D Party thought their voters would vote for a warmongering corporatist with a criminal background. How fucked up is that?
the democrat party is in ruins face it

it has become a collection of various hate groups

normal folks see through any false face it paints on itself

sure you will hang onto your liberal strong holds

but the nation as a whole is finished with you traitors
We need to be inclusive to all people! That includes our friends the white men that work hard and want a better future too.

Drop the shaming of these guys and prove that we're the better party! Fight like hell for their votes and prove that liberterianism is a bad idea to them. Social democracy is the number one system of government and it is a winner!

Nobody is shaming white men.

Good Dems are shaming bigots and misogynists. They just happen to be mostly white men.

We don’t want their fucking votes.

Pfui. Absolute Rubbish. Let’s be honest. Most of the people named as sexual predators who were creating hostile work environments are Democrats, or Democratic Supporters. Nothing new there, Senators and Congressmen have been doing it for years.

Clinton was Reprehensible, but not Impeachable. He was not the only example. But he was the most public.

Sadly, if Clinton had resigned, Gore would have run as an incumbent, and won the election in 2000. But I digress.

You not only want the votes of the people you denounce as bigots and misogynists, you expect them to vote for you. You blame them for voting against their own interests when they don’t. In fact, the definition of any of those labels is anyone who votes against the Democratic Party.

This skit on SNL after the election was funny. It was funny because it was true.

I just watched a Documentary on the election. It was planned ahead of time, and a half dozen directors picked people to follow through Election Day. Most of the people were Hillary Supporters. There were a couple of token Trump voters. But it was supposed to be a documentary on how awesome it was to back a winner, like Hillary. If you want to avoid watching the growing disappointment and despair, then the skit from SNL is not a bad way to do it.

Those misogynistic bigoted whites after the election, were the strong pro union Democrats the day of the election. They were the blue wall that was going to put Hillary in the White House. They were the bastion, the unassailable rampart that would insure no Republican would ever become President again.

That is until the votes were counted. Then they were the sexist bastards who picked the orange fool. Then they were the racist assholes who voted against their own interests.

When proposition 8 passed in California, homosexuals walked down the streets shouting despicable names at blacks. Names that would get any Republican blacklisted. Names that would have been the entire news story the next day. But they were liberals, and Liberals get passes for that kind of thing. You see, they were just angry and lashing out. A liberal who is angry and lashes out, is fine. The conservative who gets angry and lashes out is a racist. The N-Bomb is Dropped on Black Passersby at Prop 8 Protests | HuffPost

This is why nobody is buying this bullshit. People who donated to support Prop 8 were protested against and even had the companies they worked at boycotted. But homosexual supporters who shout racial epitaphs and insults are not boycotted, they aren’t even relentlessly pursued on social media. They are given a pass.

So take your hypocritical crap, and stick it where the sun don’t shine. The reason those labels don’t work anymore, is because everyone is so inoculated by the relentless use of them. You idiots on the left slap them on everyone, except those who deserve it.

The D Party has yet to come to terms with the reasons for it's multiple failures. Obama was largely responsible for these multiple failures. During his reign the D party imploded. They lost election after election. He did nothing to keep the DNC flush with cash and he watched as Hillary took it over for her purposes, hurting Bernie, yet he did nothing about it. Obama is the culprit, but the D Party won't admit that.

Hillary was the worse candidate EVAH! She thought she could win the election, without actually campaigning. The D Party thought their voters would vote for a warmongering corporatist with a criminal background. How fucked up is that?

That may explain Hillary, but it doesn't explain the loss of the Congress, Senate and most Governorships across the country.

My opinion is people are sick of being criticized by the left. This non-stop racist nonsense has most Americans fed up. Anybody that disagrees with liberalism is part of the basket of deplorables, and nobody likes being lumped in with this group or that group of people.

During Obama's eight years, the government got involved in the healthcare industry, they got involved in the banking industry, they got involved in the auto industry, they got involved in the insurance industry, they got involved in the tobacco industry, they got involved in the credit card industry, they got involved in the energy industry, they got involved in the food industry. Many Americans don't want the government running every aspect of their life. Government should govern--not run all our industries, especially when they run those industries to their political advantage or their constituents.
When being honest, most people admit that they align more with libertarianism than any other ideology.

It really is commies v. libertarians, and it will be a bloody war eventually.
1. when your system of "socializing" is by free choice ScienceRocks
NOT dictated by others or it defeats the spirit and becomes oppressive as you and I both rally against. I have anarchist friends who literally need space to build their own community
and "socialized" systems by their own group rules, that nobody else wants responsiblity for.
2. if people choose libertarianism let them govern themselves under that!
same with Buddhism or Christianity.
to each their own. if it's a bad idea let them suffer their own consequences.
that's how humans learn, by experience. So give them what they ask.
even if it means a rope to hang themselves with, let them learn the way THEY
are willing to pay for including the cost of their decisions good or bad!

Libertarianism, though commonly misrepresented by its detractors and those who otherwise simply do not yet properly understand the concept of Individual liberty, actually gives full permission for voluntary socialism so long as you've rejected the use of force.

Though there will be predictable consequences for the voluntary socialist. It's very inefficient. History is ripe with reference. Here's a short, concise, explanation.

As an aside, anarcho-capitalism, is also doomed to fail. Notwithstanding the fact that it's an oxymoron. You'd just be trading one state for another except you'd end up with a far more tyrannical one with zero means of checks and balances.
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