Democrats Attack Gay Trump Nomination

They treat the poor like heros. I have known a good many of the rich and never were they assholes. They spend money that creates jobs. Why do you hate jobs JoeB131?

You're confused cult boy. The Rich don't create jobs, consumer demand does. A rich person can create a plant that produces Shit Sandwiches, but it won't be in business very long.

We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory taxes and 33% of the workforce were in unions.

The only reason why the rich kind of went along with this was they didn't want Americans to start thinking Socialism sounded nifty. So they made capitalism just slightly less of a shit sandwich.
You mean the part where they stopped pandering to racists and religious nuts?
JoeB131, I was in the Army serving in Germany when my president of that time was murdered in Dallas. At that time he seemed to me to be one of the good guys. I was for decades like you as a loyal Democrat. Kennedy had not tried to help blacks. It was Johnson who later decided to try this trick on Blacks. Pretend he loved them by passing a law to help him. And boy this pissed off Democrats. I agree that Democrats hate religion. Though per the constitution no law against religion will be passed by the Government.

Is that why you joined the Democrat party to be part of hating Religion?
The Rich don't create jobs, consumer demand does.
JoeB131, why can't you show examples? Ford the car pioneer had enough cash to start the Ford factory and pay workers wages to manufacture cars. Do you realize that when Edison invented his light bulbs he went to Corning the factory to get their help since they owned the factory that could manufacture glass lights?

I was poor myself as a child with Democrat parents. Joe, as loyal Democrats never did my parents tell me to be rich!!! Why joe given the rich have excellent lives did my parents never encourage me to get rich?

Joe you admire the poor so much let's see if you tell your children to be poor. You tell us the middle class. But do you think they used to be rich or poor?
Naw, man, I was a Republican because I was in the military and Republicans were good to the military.
JoeB131, I was drafted as a Democrat. Why couldn't I locate those Republicans at the time?
We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory taxes and 33% of the workforce were in unions.
Joe you are discussing this fiction with a man who was living in that era.

My dad a Democrat got me hired as a Journeyman Pile Driver paying me high wages because they had no apprentices. Dad told me to lie about my age of then 19 since the union rules only allowed then 21 year olds to join the union. The union has my records now making me much older than I am. I did not know at the time how many of the public were in unions. Dad got me my job when the telephone company fired me. And it had a union that did not protect me at all. I wanted then to graduate from college and the Phone company forced me out of the job I had for many months into being a Janitor where women who were filthy complained their ash trays were not properly cleaned. They smoked all damned day and yet whined their trays were not clean. Why didn't the phone company union protect me from my then boss?
We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory taxes and 33% of the workforce were in unions.
Joe, the Democrats did not help the working class since I was both a Democrat and the working class and in a union. Democrats laid it on us like we should pay a lot more taxes. Even though we were unionized and making then a good living, the Government wanted to milk us for more and more. I am talking of John Kennedy who did actually slash taxes on us but also on Johnson who to pay for his war in Vietnam was soaking us for his war.
Naw, man, I was a Republican because I was in the military and Republicans were good to the military.
JoeB131, do you think that $70 per month is great wages? Democrats paid me that to be drafted in the Army when as a Pile Driver at the time I was making over $600 per month to drive piles into the ground?
but damned fucking straight if I win the lottery tonight, I'm using that money to take care of me and mine.
Joe, you want the Democrats to hate you?
The only reason why the rich kind of went along with this was they didn't want Americans to start thinking Socialism sounded nifty. So they made capitalism just slightly less of a shit sandwich.
JoeB131, you were hired. Did you get work provided to you by the poor?
Why do you now hate capitalist so much when you tell us if you win the lottery you will use that money to support yourself and family. Aren't you worried democrats will see you as a traitor?
Yes, most rich people are assholes.
The Democrats don't want us to be poor. The Democrats gave us the middle class that your side has been trying to take away. If you are old enough to have lived when FDR was around, you'd know this.

Republican policies don't bring us out of poverty.

10 of the last 11 recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature.
Many Democrats are rich. What have they done for the Middle Class lately?
10 of the last 11 recessions happened when Republicans were in charge
This is my explanation.

The US Economy does not leap around. It moves very slowly both ways. So when Democrats leave office, the economy was already moving to depression or recession. When Republicans take over the slow economy, as slow as it moves, it moves forward late in the period of Republicans causing the public to think republicans did it when the fact is it was caused by Democrats.

For the slow thinkers. Democrat will claim the economy is getting slow well ahead of Republicans and this causes the economy to slow way down. With a Republican now in charge, this causes the public to put the blame on the Republican when thanks to slow walking Democrats, it was they causing the economy to slow. They are now claiming Biden had a great economy. The public proved this is a lie by electing Trump. But when this lie is exposed as a lie, the Democrat will still want Trump blamed.
You mean the part where they stopped pandering to racists and religious nuts?
Joe I was living in Republican CA when the Army drafted me and sent me to Democrat Georgia where I saw first hand the way Democrats there hated blacks. I had black friends and offered to gas up this blacks convertible to go downtown Columbus GA when he informed me he would never drive there with a white in his car. I asked why and he told me we would all be killed or beaten up by white Democrats who lived there.
JoeB131, I was in the Army serving in Germany when my president of that time was murdered in Dallas. At that time he seemed to me to be one of the good guys. I was for decades like you as a loyal Democrat. Kennedy had not tried to help blacks. It was Johnson who later decided to try this trick on Blacks. Pretend he loved them by passing a law to help him. And boy this pissed off Democrats. I agree that Democrats hate religion. Though per the constitution no law against religion will be passed by the Government.

Is that why you joined the Democrat party to be part of hating Religion?

Wow, guy, you can tell you belong to a racist cult.

Yup, how dare that LBJ guy "trick" blacks by ending laws that treated them like second-class citizens. They were totally happy singing spirituals and eating watermelon, in your world. I bet you think "Song of the South" was a documentary!

You are perfectly free to grovel in front of your imaginary sky friend at church on Sunday. Just don't try to impose your stupidity on the rest of us.
Joe I was living in Republican CA when the Army drafted me and sent me to Democrat Georgia where I saw first hand the way Democrats there hated blacks. I had black friends and offered to gas up this blacks convertible to go downtown Columbus GA when he informed me he would never drive there with a white in his car. I asked why and he told me we would all be killed or beaten up by white Democrats who lived there.

All those racists in the South became Republicans now. Are you happy to have them?

@JoeB131, you were hired. Did you get work provided to you by the poor?
Why do you now hate capitalist so much when you tell us if you win the lottery you will use that money to support yourself and family. Aren't you worried democrats will see you as a traitor?

I don't worry about that kind of stuff at all. I'm just trying to get to retirement in one piece. became less likely now that you've put Cheeto Hitler back in office and he'll fuck up the economy again.

@JoeB131, do you think that $70 per month is great wages? Democrats paid me that to be drafted in the Army when as a Pile Driver at the time I was making over $600 per month to drive piles into the ground?


The Army was also providing you room, board, food, clothing, etc. Not to mention lifetime VA benefits. Not bad for two years of your life.

And if you were too dumb to avoid the draft in 1961, that's kind of on you. Most people who had any kind of prospects were able to.

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