Democrats Attack Gay Trump Nomination

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Why do democrats hate gays? You'd think they would be on board with this nomination and in nominating the first gay to a cabinet level position. But, I guess it is like them calling conservative blacks Uncle Toms.

Democrats hate gay conservatives.
Democrats hate gays, women, or blacks who are conservatives far more than they hate white men who are conservatives.

This is because it goes against the narrative that the GOP is the party of white men who are racists, and the narrative is the only thing they have left.

The irony here is, the DNC fights diversity within the GOP at all costs.
Why do democrats hate gays? You'd think they would be on board with this nomination and in nominating the first gay to a cabinet level position. But, I guess it is like them calling conservative blacks Uncle Toms.

Well here is the dumbest thread of the week, already.
Bruce has also claimed that Democrats are funding research into human-animal hybrids "from hell," falsely painting stem cell regeneration that aims to produce possible body parts or tissues as attempts to create "mutants."


Our new spokesperson for the State Dept

Why do democrats hate gays? You'd think they would be on board with this nomination and in nominating the first gay to a cabinet level position. But, I guess it is like them calling conservative blacks Uncle Toms.

Can he find a Lesbian who isnt' a crazy person?
Democrats hate gays, women, or blacks who are conservatives far more than they hate white men who are conservatives.

This is because it goes against the narrative that the GOP is the party of white men who are racists, and the narrative is the only thing they have left.

The irony here is, the DNC fights diversity within the GOP at all costs.

The complaint against her isn't her sexuality, it's that she says batshit crazy stuff.

The inmates have taken over the asylum.
Why do democrats hate gays? You'd think they would be on board with this nomination and in nominating the first gay to a cabinet level position. But, I guess it is like them calling conservative blacks Uncle Toms.

This is the typical reaction from the left to any minority that doesn't follow the rules Democrats demand of them.

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