Democrats are Now Dropping Jefferson?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These Marxist idiots are the future Dhimmicratic Party and they think that T Jefferson was a rapist and a racist.

College of William & Mary Students Want Statue of 'Incestuous Rapist' And 'Racist' Thomas Jefferson Removed - Breitbart

Students at the College of William & Mary want Thomas Jefferson’s status removed from campus because they call him an “incestuous rapist” and a “racist.”
The Jefferson statue there is now covered in yellow notes that say things including: “he knew it was wrong,” “racist” “rapist,” “black lives matter,” and ” stop worshiping racists.”

The College of William & Mary, Jefferson’s alma mater, is one of many schools in America where student activists are debating the legacy of the Founding Fathers and demanding the removal of anything that commemorates them.
Here is a two year old site that gives the reasons to reject Thomas Jefferson as an American hero.

10 Things You Should Know About Thomas Jefferson* Before You Tour ‘Slavery at Jefferson’s Monticello’ | News | Philadelphia Magazine

3. He was a rapist
As U.S. Envoy and Minister to France, Jefferson began living there periodically from 1784-1789. He took with him his oldest daughter, Martha, and a few of those whom he enslaved, including James Hemings. In 1787, he requested that his daughter Polly join him. This meant that Polly’s enslaved chambermaid, 14-year-old seamstress Sally Hemings (James’ younger sister), was to accompany her. Sally was described in 1787 as “quite a child” and "good natured,” in 1847 as “handsome (with) long straight hair down her back,” and in 1851 as “decidedly good looking.”

Both Sally and James were among the six mulatto offspring of Jefferson’s father-in-law, John Wayles, and his enslaved “domestic servant” Betty Hemings. Sally and James were half siblings of Thomas Jefferson’s late wife, Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson. Thomas, after repeatedly sexually forcing himself on Sally while in Paris, impregnated her. Her first child died after she returned to America. But she had six more of Thomas’s children at Monticello.

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I know what the Jefferson apologists are saying right now. They’re saying that there’s no proof that he fathered any of Sally’s children. I say there is. Actually, the prestigious Thomas Jefferson Foundation Research Committee says that he’s the father of at least six. And her son — I mean their son — Madison says Thomas is the father of all seven. Thomas’ white daughter, Martha Jefferson Randolph, and two of her children, namely Ellen Randolph Coolidge and Thomas Jefferson Randolph, deny all of this. They contend that it was impossible on “moral and practical grounds.” Yeah. They really said that. But, colloquially speaking, science don’t lie. The 1998 DNA testing and its scholarly review in 2010 concluded that Thomas Jefferson is “most likely” the father of the six listed in the Monticello records. They include Harriet who was born in 1795 but died in infancy, Beverly born 1798, an unnamed daughter born in 1799 but who died in infancy, (another) Harriet born in 1801, Madison born in 1805, and Eston born in 1808.

The above lie has been disproven by genetic testing.
Hey dum dum ... its the rabid right who wants Jefferson removed from history books because, according to them, 'he didn't contribute anything'.

Tells you how little truth university's are teaching today.
Here is a two year old site that gives the reasons to reject Thomas Jefferson as an American hero.

10 Things You Should Know About Thomas Jefferson* Before You Tour ‘Slavery at Jefferson’s Monticello’ | News | Philadelphia Magazine

3. He was a rapist
As U.S. Envoy and Minister to France, Jefferson began living there periodically from 1784-1789. He took with him his oldest daughter, Martha, and a few of those whom he enslaved, including James Hemings. In 1787, he requested that his daughter Polly join him. This meant that Polly’s enslaved chambermaid, 14-year-old seamstress Sally Hemings (James’ younger sister), was to accompany her. Sally was described in 1787 as “quite a child” and "good natured,” in 1847 as “handsome (with) long straight hair down her back,” and in 1851 as “decidedly good looking.”

Both Sally and James were among the six mulatto offspring of Jefferson’s father-in-law, John Wayles, and his enslaved “domestic servant” Betty Hemings. Sally and James were half siblings of Thomas Jefferson’s late wife, Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson. Thomas, after repeatedly sexually forcing himself on Sally while in Paris, impregnated her. Her first child died after she returned to America. But she had six more of Thomas’s children at Monticello.

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I know what the Jefferson apologists are saying right now. They’re saying that there’s no proof that he fathered any of Sally’s children. I say there is. Actually, the prestigious Thomas Jefferson Foundation Research Committee says that he’s the father of at least six. And her son — I mean their son — Madison says Thomas is the father of all seven. Thomas’ white daughter, Martha Jefferson Randolph, and two of her children, namely Ellen Randolph Coolidge and Thomas Jefferson Randolph, deny all of this. They contend that it was impossible on “moral and practical grounds.” Yeah. They really said that. But, colloquially speaking, science don’t lie. The 1998 DNA testing and its scholarly review in 2010 concluded that Thomas Jefferson is “most likely” the father of the six listed in the Monticello records. They include Harriet who was born in 1795 but died in infancy, Beverly born 1798, an unnamed daughter born in 1799 but who died in infancy, (another) Harriet born in 1801, Madison born in 1805, and Eston born in 1808.

The above lie has been disproven by genetic testing.
One of the people involved in assisting with the DNA study showed that the DNA study did not prove Thomas Jefferson fathered Eston Hemmings, but that he was only 1 out of 8 candidates that could have, and he could not have fathered any of the other children as they could not have the male Jefferson genetic marker. And yet the Marxist historians continue to insist that the documentation over rules the science and that Thomas Jefferson fathered all of Sally Heston's Children.

Background DNA Study
In late October 1998, Dr. Foster informed me that the results of the DNA test would be published in the next few days in the journal Nature, a science magazine published in England. There hadn’t been any meeting between Dr. Foster, others or myself (at least to my knowledge) to discuss the presentation of the results. The next week, Naturecontained an article written by Dr. Foster with the title “Jefferson Fathered Slave’s Last Child”. The article contained the following findings. There was no match between the DNA of descendants of Jefferson and Woodson. This finding was extremely important. It meant that Thomas Jefferson (or any other Jefferson) did not father Thomas Woodson as stated in Callender’s 1802 article. There was no match between the DNA of Woodson, Hemings and Carr descendants. This meant that neither of the Carr brothers fathered Thomas Woodson or Eston Hemings. However, it is still conceivable that they could have fathered one or more of Sally’s other children. A match was found between the DNA of descendants of Field Jefferson and descendants of Eston Hemings. This only means that any one of the Jefferson men previously mentioned, could have fathered Eston Hemings, but doesn’t indicate which Jefferson.

In the article, Dr. Foster says that the purpose of the study was to prove or disprove the Carr brothers being the father. Since the Carr brothers were eliminated, the simplest explanation is that Thomas fathered Eston Hemings. This may have been the simplest explanation, but to offer it as “the” explanation without explaining the rest of the story gives a grossly incomplete story that results in an inaccurate conclusion. Dr. Foster’s only caveat was that the DNA study was not conclusive. However, without explaining why the study was not conclusive, that there were other Jeffersons with access to Sally, leaves the reader with “the simplest explanation”.

Needless to say I was extremely upset with the article and its misleading title. It implied that Thomas Jefferson was, as a matter of fact, the father of Eston Hemings. I had given Dr. Foster significant amounts of historical information that needed to be considered by everyone before any conclusion was reached. I could not believe that Dr. Foster would have allowed this article to be published with this title.

I later discovered that Dr. Foster and Nature negotiated the headline for the simple DNA findings. Dr. Foster knew the title for the article would be “Jefferson Fathered Slave’s Last Child”. These are mighty powerful words to place on the name of President Thomas Jefferson and especially with no conclusive proof to back them up. Dr. Foster had previously informed me that, “Since I (Dr. Foster) am not a professional historian I don’t have the training and skills needed to evaluate one item of historical evidence in the context of other evidence. So, I will continue to leave that to the historian and will read their opinions and conclusions with interest.” Why then, did he allow the conclusion, based on the DNA analysis, that Thomas Jefferson was the biological father of Eston Hemings? He knew for a fact that the DNA analysis alone could not conclusively prove that it was Thomas and knew of the existence of a number of other male Jeffersons that should have been considered.
The goal isn't just to eliminate Thomas Jefferson but other Presidents as well. One by one, remove all prior presidents until only obama remains as the first president.
It is bad that Dhimmicrats are dropping Jefferson, but replacing him with Karl Marx is just insane!

Ludly is predictable in that in any discussion on any topic he will say the stupidest thing posssible.

"Democrats are Now Dropping Jefferson?"

This fails as a straw man fallacy.

Nowhere in the linked article is anyone identified as a ‘democrat.’

The thread premise is therefore a lie.

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