Democrats and the Abortion Issue

Nope, some women pick having a baby, some pick to end an unwanted pregnancy.

It's kind of stupid for a couple of people named "Joe" and "Robert" to discuss what women SHOULD do with their bodies. If making babies were left up to the men, the birthrate would drop.
why do you say end the pregnancy instead of what theyre really doing which is killing their child??

and that child is not her body,,,
Nope, some women pick having a baby, some pick to end an unwanted pregnancy.

It's kind of stupid for a couple of people named "Joe" and "Robert" to discuss what women SHOULD do with their bodies. If making babies were left up to the men, the birthrate would drop.
Do you understand her concequences though? She made a choice. She committed crimes in some states, yet others approve her abortion. But she lives with the consequences forever.

To those of us with three-digit IQ's, the Dobbs decision took abortion off the table as a FEDERAL issue. It is a matter for the States to decide, period. In fact, if Congress passed a law trying to establish a Federal/National position on abortion, "we" all know that law would be nullified as unconstitutional as quickly as a case could be brought and appealed up through the Federal court pyramid.

But look at what has happened in recent months. Our Addled President has openly stated that if he were permitted to do so, he would pass just such an unconstitutional law to "protect a woman's so-called Right to Choose." And although we all know that he is no Constitutional scholar, even he knows that is bullshit.

Democrat (Biden) television ads have grotesquely painted a picture of some woman rushing to an out-of-state abortion clinic being stopped by police and forced to do a pregnancy test. [A pox on the house of every Leftist who was involved in any way with that abortion of an ad].

Clearly, the Democrats are determined to make this non-issue their biggest pitch in the coming general election campaign.

What can you say about this? They are knowingly focusing on something they know the President can literally do NOTHING about, in the hope that their voters are too ignorant to realize it.

And of course, the Media, far from pointing out Democrat duplicity, are constantly posting articles and opinion pieces that support this false Narrative of Biden "protecting abortion rights."

Sometimes I think the Left is stupid, but in this case, I think it's evil.

Wrong. Don’t know how the government works?

Only Congress has the power to pass laws.


If the House passes a reproductive rights bill, it passes in the Senate, and the President signs it. That is the law of the land.

And the Supremacy Clause means that new federal law over rides any state restrictions that would interfere with its implementation.


And the most corrupt court ever n American history has no say in the matter.

Hope I was able to clear that up for you.
Whats the old joke. If men could get pregnant there would be Planned Parenthoods on every street corner?
If men could get pregnant we’d try to out due each other.

You only got 4 kids, 💩 dude, I got 8, and during childbirth all I did was bite down on a bullet!
Wrong. Don’t know how the government works?

Only Congress has the power to pass laws.


If the House passes a reproductive rights bill, it passes in the Senate, and the President signs it. That is the law of the land.

And the Supremacy Clause means that new federal law over rides any state restrictions that would interfere with its implementation.


And the most corrupt court ever n American history has no say in the matter.

Hope I was able to clear that up for you.
But that court could say that, since women are the only ones with the right to abortion as a birth control method, then men can’t be held responsible when she does not exercise that right. And government can no longer compel child support!

See, I’m the most pro choice member of this board!
Alito might go for it
He should as should all fair minded people. Men have zero control of the situation from beginning to end (if abortion is legal), they should have just as much obligation. Zero.
But it's INSIDE her body, which makes it her choice.

Fetuses aren't children.
she made her choice when she spread her legs,,

as per the dictionary a fetus is the offspring of a mammal/human being still in the womb and another word for offspring is child,,

the dictionary also says an abortion results in the death of a fetus,, and since a fetus is just another word for child, an abortion is the intentional killing of a human being,,

dont take my word for it,, just look it up yourself,,
she made her choice when she spread her legs,,
And she made another when she went to the clinic!

as per the dictionary a fetus is the offspring of a mammal/human being still in the womb and another word for offspring is child,,
But not the same as a human being. We don't have funerals for miscarriages. We don't count them in the census. You can't claim them as tax deductions. and, yes, you can suck them into a medical waste container. Because they are NOT the same.

the dictionary also says an abortion results in the death of a fetus,, and since a fetus is just another word for child, an abortion is the intentional killing of a human being,,
No, because the death is because it can't live outside the womb. It's unviability makes it less so

dont take my word for it,, just look it up yourself,,
I don't have to.

Women are going to get abortions whether you like it or not, and most people will support that.
And she made another when she went to the clinic!

But not the same as a human being. We don't have funerals for miscarriages. We don't count them in the census. You can't claim them as tax deductions. and, yes, you can suck them into a medical waste container. Because they are NOT the same.

No, because the death is because it can't live outside the womb. It's unviability makes it less so

I don't have to.

Women are going to get abortions whether you like it or not, and most people will support that.
are you saying you dont think its a human child because of taxation????

we are talking biology here not politics ,,

and biology says its a human child at conception,,,

if the death rsults from the abortion it died because it was aborted,,
she made her choice when she spread her legs,,

as per the dictionary a fetus is the offspring of a mammal/human being still in the womb and another word for offspring is child,,

the dictionary also says an abortion results in the death of a fetus,, and since a fetus is just another word for child, an abortion is the intentional killing of a human being,,

dont take my word for it,, just look it up yourself,,

She controls all aspect of this, from beginning to end. And if abortion is legal, then she must be held solely responsible for her decision NOT to afford hersel of this right, and the courts should never again make men responsible for her decision. Court ordered child support should end immediately upon legalizing of abortion.

Then this gets real.
She controls all aspect of this, from beginning to end. And if abortion is legal, then she must be held solely responsible for her decision NOT to afford hersel of this right, and the courts should never again make men responsible for her decision. Court ordered child support should end immediately upon legalizing of abortion.

Then this gets real.
the child supports a given,, and should already be the case,,

dont agree its up to her if she can kill another human being,,

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