Democrats, a party stuck in the past


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
As I see democrats expend all of their energy on impeaching a President that has left office, I have to ask, does this benefit America? When people by the thousands are dying everyday from Covid and out of work because of Covid, how is focusing on Trump dealing with our problems today? What will impeaching Trump do? It won't even put Trump behind bars. It won't do much of anything other than create a circle jerk celebration among democrats as they arrogantly strut around thinking they are so much better than their political rivals. But I guess that in of itself, is worth it to them. It is then worth living in the past and not looking towards the future. In fact, all problems from here on out will be Trump's fault. The media and democrat party will see to it that you are told so, and if you refuse to believe, they will indoctrinate your children. But we need leadership today to unify us, and not divide us, which is something the democrat party is incapable of doing.

But the democrat party lives in the past regarding other issues. They constantly refer back to the days of slavery. Think of it, the slaves were emancipated as far back as the 1800's, yet when listening to them talk today you would think they were still in the cotton fields in the deep South. You would have no inkling that a black President had been elected, not once, but twice, yet they would convince you that the entire country is still buried in systemic racism. And when your children are in school, they won't be taught that white men fought the bloodiest Civil war over it. Think of it, white brother against brother slaughtering each other in the hundreds of thousands to free black men, yet no credit will ever be given their sacrifice. No credit will even be given to the political party that freed them. In fact, the political party that freed them is now labeled racist by the media and democrat party, the party that enslaved black people. And your children will be taught that the US is the only racist country in the world. In reality though, slavery was rampant all around the world when slaves were first brought to America. The ironic part is, slaves in America were treated the best, as they were allowed families but in other countries they were not. As a result of reproducing, America wound up with more black slaves than any other country. Again, America is demonized while the other countries awarded sainthood based on such myths. But there is no looking at ending slavery that exists today. I even bet most don't know that today there are more slaves in the world than at any other time in human history, yet the democrat party is stuck in gear in the 1800's,. so how on earth can those in slavery today be helped by such people?

The ideology democrats revolve around also is stuck in the past. Whether it be elements of Marxism, who ironically was a racist man himself thinking Jews and blacks were inferior., we have democrat organizations like BLM proudly proclaim to be Marxist. Do these democrat voters even know that Marx was a racist? Moreover, do they care? Is racism really an issue or just a ploy to them to achieve political power? But those democrats who don't revere Marx do revere FDR. These folks live for the positive rights he proclaimed should be law, and have fought ever since to make the law. Essentially they want free everything, as they get little by little every year. But as the country drowns in $30 trillion of debt, the most debt in human history, should the push be for more free stuff when nothing is actually free? Again, this is just another myth propagated by the Left. Are there any voices in the democrat party questioning another $2 trillion in stimulus? How about free college? How about more free medical? How about spending trillions to fight the air? How much is too much spending before the bubble bursts like with the credit crisis? So there is no real leadership in the democrat party other than taxing and increasing spending and throwing money at all our problems.

But the cruelest irony of all is, how can a party that is stuck in the past be so ignorant of the past? Do they not know the past horrors of Socialism and communism and Marxism with hundreds of millions slaughtered? Do they not know the history of oppression of those that survived that had endured it? Do they not know the history of reckless spending by governments and the inevitable inflation that will follow and the long lists of economies that have been destroyed by such practices? And do they not know that minorities have had it better in the US than pretty much everywhere else in the world? There is a reason that hundreds of thousands of illegals pour into the US everyday, and no, its not to experience systemic racism, rather, it is for liberty and hope.
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Dude, the whole MAGA thing was about evoking notions of the past, driven mostly by older white people dislocated from the changing America, and feeding on people's grievances.

The future sought by the Democrats was clearly itemized in a world-famous horror novel. MAGA is merely a reaction to the potential that horror will become reality.
Dude, the whole MAGA thing was about evoking notions of the past, driven mostly by older white people dislocated from the changing America, and feeding on people's grievances.
Do you believe the democrats who continue to believe America was never all that great?

NY Governor Cuomo: America was 'never that great' - YouTube

Just listen to the gasps of disbelief from the media that he would ever utter such an untruth. Hysterical, although they would never dare write a bad thing about their task masters like Coumo.
As I see democrats expend all of their energy on impeaching a President that has left office, I have to ask, does this benefit America? When people by the thousands are dying everyday from Covid and out of work because of Covid, how is focusing on Trump dealing with our problems today? What will impeaching Trump do? It won't even put Trump behind bars. It won't do much of anything other than create a circle jerk celebration among democrats as they arrogantly strut around thinking they are so much better than their political rivals. But I guess that in of itself, is worth it to them. It is then worth living in the past and not looking towards the future. In fact, all problems from here on out will be Trump's fault. The media and democrat party will see to it that you are told so, and if you refuse to believe, they will indoctrinate your children. But we need leadership today to unify us, and not divide us, which is something the democrat party is incapable of doing.

But the democrat party lives in the past regarding other issues. They constantly refer back to the days of slavery. Think of it, the slaves were emancipated as far back as the 1800's, yet when listening to them talk today you would think they were still in the cotton fields in the deep South. You would have no inkling that a black President had been elected, not once, but twice, yet they would convince you that the entire country is still buried in systemic racism. And when your children are in school, they won't be taught that white men fought the bloodiest Civil war over it. Think of it, white brother against brother slaughtering each other in the hundreds of thousands to free black men, yet no credit will ever be given their sacrifice. No credit will even be given to the political party that freed them. In fact, the political party that freed them is now labeled racist by the media and democrat party, the party that enslaved black people. And your children will be taught that the US is the only racist country in the world. In reality though, slavery was rampant all around the world when slaves were first brought to America. The ironic part is, slaves in America were treated the best, as they were allowed families but in other countries they were not. As a result of reproducing, America wound up with more black slaves than any other country. Again, America is demonized while the other countries awarded sainthood based on such myths. But there is no looking at ending slavery that exists today. I even bet most don't know that today there are more slaves in the world than at any other time in human history, yet the democrat party is stuck in gear in the 1800's,. so how on earth can those in slavery today be helped by such people?

The ideology democrats revolve around also is stuck in the past. Whether it be elements of Marxism, who ironically was a racist man himself thinking Jews and blacks were inferior., we have democrat organizations like BLM proudly proclaim to be Marxist. Do these democrat voters even know that Marx was a racist? Moreover, do they care? Is racism really an issue or just a ploy to them to achieve political power? But those democrats who don't revere Marx do revere FDR. These folks live for the positive rights he proclaimed should be law, and have fought ever since to make the law. Essentially they want free everything, as they get little by little every year. But as the country drowns in $30 trillion of debt, the most debt in human history, should the push be for more free stuff when nothing is actually free? Again, this is just another myth propagated by the Left. Are there any voices in the democrat party questioning another $2 trillion in stimulus? How about free college? How about more free medical? How about spending trillions to fight the air? How much is too much spending before the bubble bursts like with the credit crisis? So there is no real leadership in the democrat party other than taxing and increasing spending and throwing money at all our problems.

But the cruelest irony of all is, how can a party that is stuck in the past be so ignorant of the past? Do they not know the past horrors of Socialism and communism and Marxism with hundreds of millions slaughtered? Do they not know the history of oppression of those that survived that had endured it? Do they not know the history of reckless spending by governments and the inevitable inflation that will follow and the long lists of economies that have been destroyed by such practices? And do they not know that minorities have had it better in the US than pretty much everywhere else in the world? There is a reason that hundreds of thousands of illegals pour into the US everyday, and no, its not to experience systemic racism, rather, it is for liberty and hope.
Yet, the trumpists are stuck in the past of foreign governments that failed and threatened the world and support of present governments like Myanmar that overthrow their own governments, as well as totalitarian regimes loved by the X-president, on trial for impeachment due to fomenting insurrection against the government of the United States.
As I see democrats expend all of their energy on impeaching a President that has left office, I have to ask, does this benefit America? When people by the thousands are dying everyday from Covid and out of work because of Covid, how is focusing on Trump dealing with our problems today? What will impeaching Trump do? It won't even put Trump behind bars. It won't do much of anything other than create a circle jerk celebration among democrats as they arrogantly strut around thinking they are so much better than their political rivals. But I guess that in of itself, is worth it to them. It is then worth living in the past and not looking towards the future. In fact, all problems from here on out will be Trump's fault. The media and democrat party will see to it that you are told so, and if you refuse to believe, they will indoctrinate your children. But we need leadership today to unify us, and not divide us, which is something the democrat party is incapable of doing.

But the democrat party lives in the past regarding other issues. They constantly refer back to the days of slavery. Think of it, the slaves were emancipated as far back as the 1800's, yet when listening to them talk today you would think they were still in the cotton fields in the deep South. You would have no inkling that a black President had been elected, not once, but twice, yet they would convince you that the entire country is still buried in systemic racism. And when your children are in school, they won't be taught that white men fought the bloodiest Civil war over it. Think of it, white brother against brother slaughtering each other in the hundreds of thousands to free black men, yet no credit will ever be given their sacrifice. No credit will even be given to the political party that freed them. In fact, the political party that freed them is now labeled racist by the media and democrat party, the party that enslaved black people. And your children will be taught that the US is the only racist country in the world. In reality though, slavery was rampant all around the world when slaves were first brought to America. The ironic part is, slaves in America were treated the best, as they were allowed families but in other countries they were not. As a result of reproducing, America wound up with more black slaves than any other country. Again, America is demonized while the other countries awarded sainthood based on such myths. But there is no looking at ending slavery that exists today. I even bet most don't know that today there are more slaves in the world than at any other time in human history, yet the democrat party is stuck in gear in the 1800's,. so how on earth can those in slavery today be helped by such people?

The ideology democrats revolve around also is stuck in the past. Whether it be elements of Marxism, who ironically was a racist man himself thinking Jews and blacks were inferior., we have democrat organizations like BLM proudly proclaim to be Marxist. Do these democrat voters even know that Marx was a racist? Moreover, do they care? Is racism really an issue or just a ploy to them to achieve political power? But those democrats who don't revere Marx do revere FDR. These folks live for the positive rights he proclaimed should be law, and have fought ever since to make the law. Essentially they want free everything, as they get little by little every year. But as the country drowns in $30 trillion of debt, the most debt in human history, should the push be for more free stuff when nothing is actually free? Again, this is just another myth propagated by the Left. Are there any voices in the democrat party questioning another $2 trillion in stimulus? How about free college? How about more free medical? How about spending trillions to fight the air? How much is too much spending before the bubble bursts like with the credit crisis? So there is no real leadership in the democrat party other than taxing and increasing spending and throwing money at all our problems.

But the cruelest irony of all is, how can a party that is stuck in the past be so ignorant of the past? Do they not know the past horrors of Socialism and communism and Marxism with hundreds of millions slaughtered? Do they not know the history of oppression of those that survived that had endured it? Do they not know the history of reckless spending by governments and the inevitable inflation that will follow and the long lists of economies that have been destroyed by such practices? And do they not know that minorities have had it better in the US than pretty much everywhere else in the world? There is a reason that hundreds of thousands of illegals pour into the US everyday, and no, its not to experience systemic racism, rather, it is for liberty and hope.
It must suck to be a loser R.
As I see democrats expend all of their energy on impeaching a President that has left office, I have to ask, does this benefit America? When people by the thousands are dying everyday from Covid and out of work because of Covid, how is focusing on Trump dealing with our problems today? What will impeaching Trump do? It won't even put Trump behind bars. It won't do much of anything other than create a circle jerk celebration among democrats as they arrogantly strut around thinking they are so much better than their political rivals. But I guess that in of itself, is worth it to them. It is then worth living in the past and not looking towards the future. In fact, all problems from here on out will be Trump's fault. The media and democrat party will see to it that you are told so, and if you refuse to believe, they will indoctrinate your children. But we need leadership today to unify us, and not divide us, which is something the democrat party is incapable of doing.

But the democrat party lives in the past regarding other issues. They constantly refer back to the days of slavery. Think of it, the slaves were emancipated as far back as the 1800's, yet when listening to them talk today you would think they were still in the cotton fields in the deep South. You would have no inkling that a black President had been elected, not once, but twice, yet they would convince you that the entire country is still buried in systemic racism. And when your children are in school, they won't be taught that white men fought the bloodiest Civil war over it. Think of it, white brother against brother slaughtering each other in the hundreds of thousands to free black men, yet no credit will ever be given their sacrifice. No credit will even be given to the political party that freed them. In fact, the political party that freed them is now labeled racist by the media and democrat party, the party that enslaved black people. And your children will be taught that the US is the only racist country in the world. In reality though, slavery was rampant all around the world when slaves were first brought to America. The ironic part is, slaves in America were treated the best, as they were allowed families but in other countries they were not. As a result of reproducing, America wound up with more black slaves than any other country. Again, America is demonized while the other countries awarded sainthood based on such myths. But there is no looking at ending slavery that exists today. I even bet most don't know that today there are more slaves in the world than at any other time in human history, yet the democrat party is stuck in gear in the 1800's,. so how on earth can those in slavery today be helped by such people?

The ideology democrats revolve around also is stuck in the past. Whether it be elements of Marxism, who ironically was a racist man himself thinking Jews and blacks were inferior., we have democrat organizations like BLM proudly proclaim to be Marxist. Do these democrat voters even know that Marx was a racist? Moreover, do they care? Is racism really an issue or just a ploy to them to achieve political power? But those democrats who don't revere Marx do revere FDR. These folks live for the positive rights he proclaimed should be law, and have fought ever since to make the law. Essentially they want free everything, as they get little by little every year. But as the country drowns in $30 trillion of debt, the most debt in human history, should the push be for more free stuff when nothing is actually free? Again, this is just another myth propagated by the Left. Are there any voices in the democrat party questioning another $2 trillion in stimulus? How about free college? How about more free medical? How about spending trillions to fight the air? How much is too much spending before the bubble bursts like with the credit crisis? So there is no real leadership in the democrat party other than taxing and increasing spending and throwing money at all our problems.

But the cruelest irony of all is, how can a party that is stuck in the past be so ignorant of the past? Do they not know the past horrors of Socialism and communism and Marxism with hundreds of millions slaughtered? Do they not know the history of oppression of those that survived that had endured it? Do they not know the history of reckless spending by governments and the inevitable inflation that will follow and the long lists of economies that have been destroyed by such practices? And do they not know that minorities have had it better in the US than pretty much everywhere else in the world? There is a reason that hundreds of thousands of illegals pour into the US everyday, and no, its not to experience systemic racism, rather, it is for liberty and hope.
It must suck to be a loser R.

Your inability to address the CONTENT of post one must terrify you......., you avoid it by making an empty dead on arrival juvenile reply.
What I don't understand is why white Trampettes are telling black Democrats there is no racism.
No one said there is no racism. There has always been racism, and you will always have it. It's all part of the human condition.

But to demonize a nation as being mostly racist is another thing altogether, and to demonize it as being the worst in terms of racism is simply insanity.
What I don't understand is why white Trampettes are telling black Democrats there is no racism.
No one said there is no racism. There has always been racism, and you will always have it. It's all part of the human condition.

But to demonize a nation as being mostly racist is another thing altogether, and to demonize it as being the worst in terms of racism is simply insanity.
USA, Canada, NW Europe are the least racists places on Earth. One reason everyone wants to move there.
More Than 750 Million Worldwide Would Migrate If They Could
  • Desire to migrate in Northern America up for the first time
  • U.S. still No. 1 desired destination for potential migrants
  • 18 countries attract two-thirds of all potential migrants worldwide

Countries Where at Least Half of Adults Would Like to Move
Desire to migrate
Sierra Leone71
El Salvador52
Congo (Kinshasa)50
Dominican Republic49

Top Desired Destinations for Potential Migrants
To which country would you like to move?
2010-20122015-2017Estimated number of adults
%%(in millions)
United States2221158
United Kingdom7434
Saudi Arabia5324
United Arab Emirates2212
New Zealand119
South Africa117
South Korea116
What will impeaching Trump do?

It will condemn Trumps actions in perpetuity
It will provide History a definitive record of the events of Jan 6 and the Republican defense of his actions
It provides a record of who condemned those actions and those who excuse them
It prevents Trump from running again
What will impeaching Trump do?

It will condemn Trumps actions in perpetuity
It will provide History a definitive record of the events of Jan 6 and the Republican defense of his actions
It provides a record of who condemned those actions and those who excuse them
It prevents Trump from running again
What this will do is show a permanent record of

1. A partisan democrat overseeing the impeachment of a political hated foe when a Chief justice of the Supreme court is suppose to do so who is impartial
2. It will be the first person over seeing a court case who proclaims to be a victim of the defendent.
3. It will establish once and for all that the democrat party is a party of hate, unconstitutional power, and partisan ramblings, nothing more
What will impeaching Trump do?

It will condemn Trumps actions in perpetuity
It will provide History a definitive record of the events of Jan 6 and the Republican defense of his actions
It provides a record of who condemned those actions and those who excuse them
It prevents Trump from running again
What this will do is show a permanent record of

1. A partisan democrat overseeing the impeachment of a political hated foe when a Chief justice of the Supreme court is suppose to do so who is impartial
2. It will be the first person over seeing a court case who proclaims to be a victim of the defendent.
3. It will establish once and for all that the democrat party is a party of hate, unconstitutional power, and partisan ramblings, nothing more

It will show that a majority of the House and a majority of the Senate supported Impeachment

Interesting take on “victim”. The person presiding over the hearings was a victim, so are all those voting on the Impeachment. Unprecedented

It will establish, for the Historical record, that the majority of Republicans lacked the moral courage to hold the President accountable.

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