Democrat Running Ads Comparing Trump To Bin Laden

The filthy ass Democrats can run all the stupid ads they want. American ain't buying their silly ass hate mongering.

Just like in 2016 where they spent over a billion dollars more than the Republicans but yet it got them nothing because the American people understands that this batshit crazy extreme far Left agenda is a disaster of this country.

No wonder that they have lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. They have become.the party of commie assholes.

Come November the Republicans will still maintain control over the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President and working hard on his agenda to make this country great again after that Obama disaster..

The stupid Moon Bat will still be marching around in their silly pink pussy hates, shedding their Liberal Tears and howling at the sky. .
In any case, Osama Bin Laden was never America's biggest threat. A threat, perhaps, but, biggest?
If he feels that way, as a military man he is obligated to gather forces and attack the white house exactly as he would do to Bin Laden.
I know, making America great again is scaring the shit out of Democrat. That's the last thing they want is a strong America. It ruins their plans. But now they're running ads that compare Trump to Osama Bin Laden.

Liberals are like Christmas lights – They all hang together, half of them don't work, and the ones that do aren't very bright.


Democratic House candidate in Virginia compares Trump to Osama bin Laden

(CNN)A Democratic candidate for Congress from Virginia compares President Donald Trump to Osama bin Laden in a digital and television ad released on Wednesday.

"After 9/11, the greatest threat to our democracy lived in a cave," narrates candidate Dan Helmer as a photo of bin Laden flashes on the screen. "Today, he lives in the White House. No one, even the President, is above the law."
Helmer -- an Army veteran who served in Iraq -- is running in the Democratic primary in Virginia's 10th Congressional District to face incumbent Republican Rep. Barbara Comstock. The advertisement, titled "Different," plays up Helmer's military service, emphasizing a new approach that Democrats are taking to recruit military veterans.
In a statement, White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah called the ad "nothing short of reprehensible."
"Leaders from across the political spectrum — starting with Leader (Nancy) Pelosi — must swiftly condemn this abhorrent message," Shah said. House candidate in Virginia compares Trump to bin Laden - CNNPolitics

The Dirty Democrats praised Osama after the 9-11 muslim mass murder terrorist attack.
Remember how Obama's spiritual mentor Rev. Wright said that America deserved it.
The Left always call people who complain about these recurring muslim mass murder attacks as "islamophobic"
Obama still refuses to utter the words "muslim terrorist"
Democrats are terrorist sympathizers.
Dan Helmer? flush twice and giggle the handle
It's dramatic hyperbole and nothing more. He is trying to make a name for himself and garner some press cause a Democrat hasn't won in Virginia's 11th since before I was born.
It's dramatic hyperbole and nothing more. He is trying to make a name for himself and garner some press cause a Democrat hasn't won in Virginia's 11th since before I was born.
I can name several Democrats and members of the media that have done worse....

The point is this: Democrats think they can run on lying about Trump. Russian collusion is a red-herring. They have no new ideas. The suck at running the country, so all they have is hate and racism.
It's dramatic hyperbole and nothing more. He is trying to make a name for himself and garner some press cause a Democrat hasn't won in Virginia's 11th since before I was born.
I can name several Democrats and members of the media that have done worse....

The point is this: Democrats think they can run on lying about Trump. Russian collusion is a red-herring. They have no new ideas. The suck at running the country, so all they have is hate and racism.

Your posts have inspired my newest thread.
The filthy ass Democrats can run all the stupid ads they want. American ain't buying their silly ass hate mongering.

Just like in 2016 where they spent over a billion dollars more than the Republicans but yet it got them nothing because the American people understands that this batshit crazy extreme far Left agenda is a disaster of this country.

No wonder that they have lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. They have become.the party of commie assholes.

Come November the Republicans will still maintain control over the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President and working hard on his agenda to make this country great again after that Obama disaster..

The stupid Moon Bat will still be marching around in their silly pink pussy hates, shedding their Liberal Tears and howling at the sky. .

Yep...the DUMS never learn which it's fine with us! The k00ks have hijacked that party so their message now is sure to get out all the radicals but center left find the messaging silly. All you have to do is tune in CNN any night to see the level of absurdity.... it's laughable..... the petty shit they make fun of Trump with!! The racist references.... if you are a conservative you want that morning noon and night with that kind of messaging!!!:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
The filthy ass Democrats can run all the stupid ads they want. American ain't buying their silly ass hate mongering.

Just like in 2016 where they spent over a billion dollars more than the Republicans but yet it got them nothing because the American people understands that this batshit crazy extreme far Left agenda is a disaster of this country.

No wonder that they have lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. They have become.the party of commie assholes.

Come November the Republicans will still maintain control over the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President and working hard on his agenda to make this country great again after that Obama disaster..

The stupid Moon Bat will still be marching around in their silly pink pussy hates, shedding their Liberal Tears and howling at the sky. .

Yep...the DUMS never learn which it's fine with us! The k00ks have hijacked that party so their message now is sure to get out all the radicals but center left find the messaging silly. All you have to do is tune in CNN any night to see the level of absurdity.... it's laughable..... the petty shit they make fun of Trump with!! The racist references.... if you are a conservative you want that morning noon and night with that kind of messaging!!!:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The more batshit crazy the Democrats are the more they will lose.

Their zeal to become more batshit crazy extreme far Left will not work out like they think it will.
Leave it to the DEGENERATES to pin everything on Trump that was actually Obama.

Gawd they are such stupid asses it's sickening.

Meanwhile even photoshop creates a true reality


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