‘Democrat-run cities’ fuel the economy, keep many red states afloat


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Trump and his political allies frequently blast “Democrat-run cities” as cesspools of violence, rioting and looting.

But such attacks are devoid of nuance about crime in America. Moreover, they conveniently ignore that Democratic-voting areas fuel a whopping two-thirds of the American economy. Republican-led parts of the United States, on the other hand, are remarkably unproductive.

The economic divergence between red and blue states is staggering — and growing rapidly. While income and education levels are increasing at a swift rate in Democratic areas, they are stagnant or declining in red states, which is a recipe for disaster.

Indeed, studies have linked dire economic conditions in GOP-voting districts to extreme political polarization (See: Trump, election of).

Far worse, an epidemic of opioid and alcohol-fueled suicides is killing Trump’s white, blue-collar base at a staggering rate.

Republicans attacking “Democrat-run cities” also seem to forget that billions of dollars from economically dynamic blue states keep many Republican-voting states afloat. In light of this red state socialism, conservatives may want to reconsider biting the hand that feeds them.’

Red state socialism, indeed.
‘Trump and his political allies frequently blast “Democrat-run cities” as cesspools of violence, rioting and looting.

But such attacks are devoid of nuance about crime in America. Moreover, they conveniently ignore that Democratic-voting areas fuel a whopping two-thirds of the American economy. Republican-led parts of the United States, on the other hand, are remarkably unproductive.

The economic divergence between red and blue states is staggering — and growing rapidly. While income and education levels are increasing at a swift rate in Democratic areas, they are stagnant or declining in red states, which is a recipe for disaster.

Indeed, studies have linked dire economic conditions in GOP-voting districts to extreme political polarization (See: Trump, election of).

Far worse, an epidemic of opioid and alcohol-fueled suicides is killing Trump’s white, blue-collar base at a staggering rate.

Republicans attacking “Democrat-run cities” also seem to forget that billions of dollars from economically dynamic blue states keep many Republican-voting states afloat. In light of this red state socialism, conservatives may want to reconsider biting the hand that feeds them.’

Red state socialism, indeed.

I don't mind driving on gravel roads if it means we have a few less democrats around these parts.
‘Trump and his political allies frequently blast “Democrat-run cities” as cesspools of violence, rioting and looting.

But such attacks are devoid of nuance about crime in America. Moreover, they conveniently ignore that Democratic-voting areas fuel a whopping two-thirds of the American economy. Republican-led parts of the United States, on the other hand, are remarkably unproductive.

The economic divergence between red and blue states is staggering — and growing rapidly. While income and education levels are increasing at a swift rate in Democratic areas, they are stagnant or declining in red states, which is a recipe for disaster.

Indeed, studies have linked dire economic conditions in GOP-voting districts to extreme political polarization (See: Trump, election of).

Far worse, an epidemic of opioid and alcohol-fueled suicides is killing Trump’s white, blue-collar base at a staggering rate.

Republicans attacking “Democrat-run cities” also seem to forget that billions of dollars from economically dynamic blue states keep many Republican-voting states afloat. In light of this red state socialism, conservatives may want to reconsider biting the hand that feeds them.’

Red state socialism, indeed.

Here's daily life in Democrat-run cities:

LOL. The thread premise is so incredibly stupid it hurts.

These cities are carrying the country-but drowning in debt at the same time.


‘Trump and his political allies frequently blast “Democrat-run cities” as cesspools of violence, rioting and looting.

But such attacks are devoid of nuance about crime in America. Moreover, they conveniently ignore that Democratic-voting areas fuel a whopping two-thirds of the American economy. Republican-led parts of the United States, on the other hand, are remarkably unproductive.

The economic divergence between red and blue states is staggering — and growing rapidly. While income and education levels are increasing at a swift rate in Democratic areas, they are stagnant or declining in red states, which is a recipe for disaster.

Indeed, studies have linked dire economic conditions in GOP-voting districts to extreme political polarization (See: Trump, election of).

Far worse, an epidemic of opioid and alcohol-fueled suicides is killing Trump’s white, blue-collar base at a staggering rate.

Republicans attacking “Democrat-run cities” also seem to forget that billions of dollars from economically dynamic blue states keep many Republican-voting states afloat. In light of this red state socialism, conservatives may want to reconsider biting the hand that feeds them.’

Red state socialism, indeed.
Cities depend on regional, state and federal taxes for a lot of their revenues. Public Transportation and Schools are just two of the massive payments to cities from these taxing authorities. And there is a lot more.
‘Trump and his political allies frequently blast “Democrat-run cities” as cesspools of violence, rioting and looting.

But such attacks are devoid of nuance about crime in America. Moreover, they conveniently ignore that Democratic-voting areas fuel a whopping two-thirds of the American economy. Republican-led parts of the United States, on the other hand, are remarkably unproductive.

The economic divergence between red and blue states is staggering — and growing rapidly. While income and education levels are increasing at a swift rate in Democratic areas, they are stagnant or declining in red states, which is a recipe for disaster.

Indeed, studies have linked dire economic conditions in GOP-voting districts to extreme political polarization (See: Trump, election of).

Far worse, an epidemic of opioid and alcohol-fueled suicides is killing Trump’s white, blue-collar base at a staggering rate.

Republicans attacking “Democrat-run cities” also seem to forget that billions of dollars from economically dynamic blue states keep many Republican-voting states afloat. In light of this red state socialism, conservatives may want to reconsider biting the hand that feeds them.’

Red state socialism, indeed.
Republicans hate being reminded that red states take far more in aid from the Big Fed Gubmint than the amount of taxes they pay in.
‘Trump and his political allies frequently blast “Democrat-run cities” as cesspools of violence, rioting and looting.

But such attacks are devoid of nuance about crime in America. Moreover, they conveniently ignore that Democratic-voting areas fuel a whopping two-thirds of the American economy. Republican-led parts of the United States, on the other hand, are remarkably unproductive.

The economic divergence between red and blue states is staggering — and growing rapidly. While income and education levels are increasing at a swift rate in Democratic areas, they are stagnant or declining in red states, which is a recipe for disaster.

Indeed, studies have linked dire economic conditions in GOP-voting districts to extreme political polarization (See: Trump, election of).

Far worse, an epidemic of opioid and alcohol-fueled suicides is killing Trump’s white, blue-collar base at a staggering rate.

Republicans attacking “Democrat-run cities” also seem to forget that billions of dollars from economically dynamic blue states keep many Republican-voting states afloat. In light of this red state socialism, conservatives may want to reconsider biting the hand that feeds them.’

Red state socialism, indeed.
Cities usually take a fairly long time to due, but once the rot sets-in (and it has, long-since) and companies leave and revenues drop, it's quite difficult to stop.

And many of these Dem-run cities are sooooo deep in the $hitter that they're not coming back without a massive breaking-up of ethnic residential groupings.

And that won't happen.
I suspect most of the counties were food is produced in a blue state are red counties.

Lets look at NY for example:



Thing is when the national divorce takes place it's not going to be by state, it will be the hinterlands letting the cities fend for themselves.
"Escape from New York"? ;)
‘Trump and his political allies frequently blast “Democrat-run cities” as cesspools of violence, rioting and looting.

But such attacks are devoid of nuance about crime in America. Moreover, they conveniently ignore that Democratic-voting areas fuel a whopping two-thirds of the American economy. Republican-led parts of the United States, on the other hand, are remarkably unproductive.

The economic divergence between red and blue states is staggering — and growing rapidly. While income and education levels are increasing at a swift rate in Democratic areas, they are stagnant or declining in red states, which is a recipe for disaster.

Indeed, studies have linked dire economic conditions in GOP-voting districts to extreme political polarization (See: Trump, election of).

Far worse, an epidemic of opioid and alcohol-fueled suicides is killing Trump’s white, blue-collar base at a staggering rate.

Republicans attacking “Democrat-run cities” also seem to forget that billions of dollars from economically dynamic blue states keep many Republican-voting states afloat. In light of this red state socialism, conservatives may want to reconsider biting the hand that feeds them.’

Red state socialism, indeed.

Democrat run cities fuel democrat election coffers nationwide.

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