Democrat Economics: Underwriting The End Of America


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Before illustrating where Democrat government really values life, let’s begin with a baseline figure:

“Putting a Dollar Value on Life? Governments Already Do

In his book The Economists’ Hour, Binyamin Appelbaum of The New York Times documents how estimates of the economic value of life have influenced regulatory decisions since the 1970s. In 1972, a member of a Nixon administration task force on regulating the auto industry put a life’s worth at $885,000 in today’s dollars.

Two years later, using a similar figure, the Department of Transportation rejected a regulation to install bars at the rear of trucks to prevent passenger vehicles from sliding underneath them in a collision. The reasoning? It would not have been cost effective, meaning the cost would have exceeded the value of lives it would have saved. The bars became required in 1998 when the Department of Transportation’s value of a life reached $2.5 million.

Today, the commission uses a figure of $8.7 million. Other U.S. departments’ and agencies’ values differ somewhat. The Environmental Protection Agency uses $7.4 million.

The Department of Transportation (which includes the Federal Aviation Administration) uses $9.6 million.”

Putting a Dollar Value on Life? Governments Already Do

2. But….if the Democrat see a political angle to a death….and they can use your money to pay for that political advantage….

“George Floyd’s family to receive record $27 million in settlement approved by Minneapolis City Council”

3. And nowhere in the calculation do we see any culpability of the deceased, or the costs of this:

Two years later, using a similar figure, the Department of Transportation rejected a regulation to install bars at the rear of trucks to prevent passenger vehicles from sliding underneath them in a collision. The reasoning? It would not have been cost effective, meaning the cost would have exceeded the value of lives it would have saved. The bars became required in 1998 when the Department of Transportation’s value of a life reached $2.5 million.
They prevent damage to the trucks themselves, and serve as a backstop backing into a loading dock.
Christifascist gop crashes the economy every time the losers have power.

you’re welcome

Let's check:

Now....about Trump's economic miracle....

"He created perhaps the greatest economy in U.S. history before COVID-19. And now he's doing it again!
Who's gonna vote against that?
Remember the brilliant wisdom of Democratic strategist James Carville: "It's the economy, stupid."

The first time, Trump had to rebuild former President Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden's disastrous economy. Obama and Biden were even worse when it came to jobs. It took them four years to get unemployment below 8%. But after the start of the disastrous COVID-19 pandemic, when unemployment hit 14%, it took Trump only five months to get unemployment back under 8%.

Let's go back to GDP. Because economic growth is what really matters. That's how you create jobs. That's how you make Americans feel "better off." The Atlanta Fed is projecting the third-quarter GDP number released on Oct. 29 will be 34.6%. That would be the fastest quarterly economic growth in history. Even if the projection is high, even if the number comes in at 30%, or 27%, or 25%, it would still be the highest in America's history, by a wide margin.

But wait; it gets better. Trump achieved this miracle with a large portion of the country closed for business. Trump did it with deep-blue states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan mostly locked down and closed for business for most of the quarter.

What if all those states had been open for business?

But it gets better. On Friday, the government announced U.S. core retail sales were up a stunning 9.1% year to year -- the greatest rise in America's history. Again, this happened while a dozen blue states were still mostly shut down. They didn't even have indoor dining in California and most of New York City in September.

Optimism of small-business owners climbed to an all-time high in September. Even more significant, the National Federation of Independent Business optimism index October reading of 204 points was the highest since January. That means small-business owners are the most excited and optimistic they've been since before the pandemic.
By the way, economists predicted this small-business optimism index would rise to between 99 and 102 in September. Instead, it doubled to 204, ..."

Trump Is on His Way to Victory -- Because of the Trump Miracle Economy

3. The Democrats do their due diligence when it comes to spending your money for their own benefit.

Take the Grand Vote-Buying Scheme........the welfare industry.

They have spent $22 Trillion of your dollars to buy votes of the 'poor' when there are no real poor.

Poor means no home, no heat, no food. It doesn't exist beyond a rounding error in any calculation.
And this..... "The government’s own statistics show that people who are said to be “living in poverty” spend more than $1.50 for each dollar of income they claim." http://theghostfighters.wordpress.c...ding-ovation-the-faculty-were-deathly-silent/

Sooooo....what are they buying with settlements like $27 million to the George Floyd family?

5. An example of how carefully Democrats use the public fisc to buy votes:

Let's compare the cost of building a wall to gain control of the costs of illegal immigration, to the cost to Americans for buying the votes of illegal aliens.....

"Lindsey Graham tells Trump to 'dig in,' demand $5B border wall from Democrats

Trump, Schumer, and Pelosi will meet Tuesday to see if they can work out a deal to fund the Department of Homeland Security and other departments for the rest of the fiscal year. But Democrats say they can only give Trump $1.6 billion, and the impasse is threatening a partial government shutdown if they can't reach a deal in two weeks."
Lindsey Graham tells Trump to 'dig in,' demand $5B border wall from Democrats

"Illegal Immigration Costs $116 billion Annually
“(Washington, D.C.) - Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year - an increase of some $16 billion compared to previous estimates - according to a new study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The study is the most comprehensive to date on the cost to federal, state and local taxpayers of the nation's 12.5 million illegal immigrants and their 4.2 million citizen children.

The report, “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers,” examines the cost of illegal immigration through a detailed analysis of federal, state and local programs that are available to the nation’s illegal immigrant population, their U.S.-born children, or accessed via fraud.

The staggering total costs of illegal immigrants and their children outweigh the taxes paid to federal and state governments by a ratio of roughly 7 to 1, with costs at nearly $135 billion compared to tax revenues at nearly $19 billion.”

Those Democrats sure know how to spend your money, don't they.
6. To reveal exactly how important the illegal alien vote is to the Democrat Party, they sent funds out of the country to entice aliens to cross the border:

Not only are illegals welcome.....but Democrats promise them free welfare, just come in and vote Democrat.

Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally

A Spanish-language leaflet that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has provided to the Mexican Embassy in Washington advises border-crossing Mexicans that they can collect taxpayer-funded food stamp benefits for their children without admitting that they're illegal immigrants.

Underlined and in boldface type, the document tells immigrants who are unlawfully in the United States that, 'You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.'

Read more: Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally
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"Omnibus Spending Bill Continues Funding Food Stamp Ads in Mexico"
Omnibus Spending Bill Continues Funding Food Stamp Ads in Mexico - Breitbart

1.Before illustrating where Democrat government really values life, let’s begin with a baseline figure:

“Putting a Dollar Value on Life? Governments Already Do

In his book The Economists’ Hour, Binyamin Appelbaum of The New York Times documents how estimates of the economic value of life have influenced regulatory decisions since the 1970s. In 1972, a member of a Nixon administration task force on regulating the auto industry put a life’s worth at $885,000 in today’s dollars.

Two years later, using a similar figure, the Department of Transportation rejected a regulation to install bars at the rear of trucks to prevent passenger vehicles from sliding underneath them in a collision. The reasoning? It would not have been cost effective, meaning the cost would have exceeded the value of lives it would have saved. The bars became required in 1998 when the Department of Transportation’s value of a life reached $2.5 million.

Today, the commission uses a figure of $8.7 million. Other U.S. departments’ and agencies’ values differ somewhat. The Environmental Protection Agency uses $7.4 million.

The Department of Transportation (which includes the Federal Aviation Administration) uses $9.6 million.”

Putting a Dollar Value on Life? Governments Already Do

2. But….if the Democrat see a political angle to a death….and they can use your money to pay for that political advantage….

“George Floyd’s family to receive record $27 million in settlement approved by Minneapolis City Council”

3. And nowhere in the calculation do we see any culpability of the deceased, or the costs of this:

Democrats are the enemy of America

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