Democrat Anti-Semites Running The Party: Eliminates Money For Israel's Defense Against Terrorist Rocket / Missile Attacks


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Anti-Semites Get Their Wish: Democrats Yank Money for Israel Defense

Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran whine to Anti-Semite Democrats that Israel's 'IRON DOME' rocket / missile DEFENSE system works TOO well, and US support for Israel's self-defense system must end. The 'Squad' heard them....

Democrats removed $1 billion that had been allotted for Israel’s missile defense from a government funding package Tuesday afternoon. Jew-hating “progressives” protested against the essential money because they support terrorism and thus do not want Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system to exist. House leadership, eternally fearful of their left flank, stripped the provision just minutes before a procedural vote.

This latest episode of anti-Israel bigotry from the left comes as Republicans portray the Democrats as anti-Israel due to the left’s long-standing disdain for the United States’ alliance with the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.

“To comprehend just how much contemporary progressives detest Israel, let’s remember that the Iron Dome is a defensive weapon. It has not only saved thousands of Jewish lives from missiles attacks emanating from Islamic terror groups but countless Palestinian lives”


Anti-Semites Get Their Wish: Democrats Yank Money for Israel Defense

Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran whine to Anti-Semite Democrats that Israel's 'IRON DOME' rocket / missile DEFENSE system works TOO well, and US support for Israel's self-defense system must end. The 'Squad' heard them....

Democrats removed $1 billion that had been allotted for Israel’s missile defense from a government funding package Tuesday afternoon. Jew-hating “progressives” protested against the essential money because they support terrorism and thus do not want Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system to exist. House leadership, eternally fearful of their left flank, stripped the provision just minutes before a procedural vote.

This latest episode of anti-Israel bigotry from the left comes as Republicans portray the Democrats as anti-Israel due to the left’s long-standing disdain for the United States’ alliance with the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.

“To comprehend just how much contemporary progressives detest Israel, let’s remember that the Iron Dome is a defensive weapon. It has not only saved thousands of Jewish lives from missiles attacks emanating from Islamic terror groups but countless Palestinian lives”

It’s just a ploy to get dumb Republicans to support the bill.

GOP won’t support Dem’s bill to destroy America.
Dems pull cash for Israel.
GOP flip out and demand cash for Israel.
Dems put cash for Israel back in bill.
GOP thinks they “won” and vote for the bill.


Anti-Semites Get Their Wish: Democrats Yank Money for Israel Defense

Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran whine to Anti-Semite Democrats that Israel's 'IRON DOME' rocket / missile DEFENSE system works TOO well, and US support for Israel's self-defense system must end. The 'Squad' heard them....

Democrats removed $1 billion that had been allotted for Israel’s missile defense from a government funding package Tuesday afternoon. Jew-hating “progressives” protested against the essential money because they support terrorism and thus do not want Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system to exist. House leadership, eternally fearful of their left flank, stripped the provision just minutes before a procedural vote.

This latest episode of anti-Israel bigotry from the left comes as Republicans portray the Democrats as anti-Israel due to the left’s long-standing disdain for the United States’ alliance with the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.

“To comprehend just how much contemporary progressives detest Israel, let’s remember that the Iron Dome is a defensive weapon. It has not only saved thousands of Jewish lives from missiles attacks emanating from Islamic terror groups but countless Palestinian lives”

As opposed to the whole supremacists shrieking “Jews will not replace us”?

thanks Sergei
the interesting take-away from the OBJECTION TO THE
IRON DOME phenomenon is-------it's an objection to a
life saving device, sorta like the islamic objection to the SALK
VACCINE----great grandfather to the current islamic objection
to covid vaccine

Anti-Semites Get Their Wish: Democrats Yank Money for Israel Defense

Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran whine to Anti-Semite Democrats that Israel's 'IRON DOME' rocket / missile DEFENSE system works TOO well, and US support for Israel's self-defense system must end. The 'Squad' heard them....

Democrats removed $1 billion that had been allotted for Israel’s missile defense from a government funding package Tuesday afternoon. Jew-hating “progressives” protested against the essential money because they support terrorism and thus do not want Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system to exist. House leadership, eternally fearful of their left flank, stripped the provision just minutes before a procedural vote.

This latest episode of anti-Israel bigotry from the left comes as Republicans portray the Democrats as anti-Israel due to the left’s long-standing disdain for the United States’ alliance with the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.

“To comprehend just how much contemporary progressives detest Israel, let’s remember that the Iron Dome is a defensive weapon. It has not only saved thousands of Jewish lives from missiles attacks emanating from Islamic terror groups but countless Palestinian lives”

Nope. Obama pledged another $38 billion to Israel before he left office. How much did Trump give them?
the interesting take-away from the OBJECTION TO THE
IRON DOME phenomenon is-------it's an objection to a
life saving device, sorta like the islamic objection to the SALK
VACCINE----great grandfather to the current islamic objection
to covid vaccine

Muslims didn't object to the polio vaccine. Where do you come up with such crap?
Muslims didn't object to the polio vaccine. Where do you come up with such crap?
several places---pakistan being one---termed the
shot a zionist plot to cause sterility in muslims. I
don't do crap

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