What Stranded Americans In Afghanistan? SHAME: Biden Claims United States Has 'Turned the Page' on Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Afghanistan? Americans Left Behind? Dead Americans? Al Qaeda & ISIS Back?
I Have Issued The Decree That The United States Has 'Officially' Turned The Page
On Afghanistan! Furthermore, I Am Signing Today An Edict Making It Illegal For
Reporters To Ask Me Any More Questions About Anything Related To Afghanistan.
C'Mon, Man! Get Over It! There Is NOTHING TO SEE HERE!


“I stand here today, for the first time in 20 years, with the United States not at war. We’ve turned the page,” Biden said. “All the unmatched strength, energy, commitment, will, and resources of our nation are now fully and squarely focused on what’s ahead of us, not what was behind.”


Like dead American military members and hundreds of American citizens and allies STILL stranded in Afghanistan.


"turning the page on Afghanistan......" aka doing on
OSTRICH-----running away and burying his head in the
View attachment 542538
Afghanistan? Americans Left Behind? Dead Americans? Al Qaeda & ISIS Back?
I Have Issued The Decree That The United States Has 'Officially' Turned The Page
On Afghanistan! Furthermore, I Am Signing Today An Edict Making It Illegal For
Reporters To Ask Me Any More Questions About Anything Related To Afghanistan.
C'Mon, Man! Get Over It! There Is NOTHING TO SEE HERE!


“I stand here today, for the first time in 20 years, with the United States not at war. We’ve turned the page,” Biden said. “All the unmatched strength, energy, commitment, will, and resources of our nation are now fully and squarely focused on what’s ahead of us, not what was behind.”


Like dead American military members and hundreds of American citizens and allies STILL stranded in Afghanistan.


Sorry you didn't get the mileage out of it you right wingers were expecting.
Sorry you didn't get the mileage out of it you right wingers were expecting.
I'm sorry if you are an American and still live in Afghanistan, it's your own fault.

She went back to get married.

All I can get out is you and your daughter because you hold the right passport. She will tell you just, all she has left is who is left in her family from the bombing. She can’t leave them. I could not make that decision with a member of any of my family.
I'm sorry if you are an American and still live in Afghanistan, it's your own fault.

She went back to get married.

All I can get out is you and your daughter because you hold the right passport. She will tell you just, all she has left is who is left in her family from the bombing. She can’t leave them. I could not make that decision with a member of any of my family.

Biden kept repeating publicly that the Afghan Army was strong, that it was not going to fall anytime soon. It's reasonable that any Americans still in country would feel they had time to finish up whatever they were doing.
This is based on the illusion that Biden helped create because since the fall of Afghanistan we had learned that Biden knew things were much worse than he was saying publicly.
Biden also did not coordinate with our own European allies making the transition very difficult on them.

Biden takes no responsibility for anything and just keeps repeating hollow words. Still, he promised that his administration had planned for every contingency in the event something went wrong.... when has he ever been held accountable for that by anyone in the liberal news media?
well, if they tried he would simply turn his back and walk away.... so there is that.
He's a terrible president, could have told you that twenty years ago. he was a terrible senator as well.
Biden kept repeating publicly that the Afghan Army was strong, that it was not going to fall anytime soon. It's reasonable that any Americans still in country would feel they had time to finish up whatever they were doing.
This is based on the illusion that Biden helped create because since the fall of Afghanistan we had learned that Biden knew things were much worse than he was saying publicly.
Biden also did not coordinate with our own European allies making the transition very difficult on them.

Biden takes no responsibility for anything and just keeps repeating hollow words. Still, he promised that his administration had planned for every contingency in the event something went wrong.... when has he ever been held accountable for that by anyone in the liberal news media?
well, if they tried he would simply turn his back and walk away.... so there is that.
He's a terrible president, could have told you that twenty years ago. he was a terrible senator as well.
Yea yea yea. Whatever.

Any American in the country should have known better. And anyone still there, wants to be there.
Yea yea yea. Whatever.

Any American in the country should have known better. And anyone still there, wants to be there.

WE have the most powerful military in the world, technically the military exists for what purpose?
isnt its very existence to protect Americans? Biden has one basic job... that is to protect the interest of this countries citizens.

It was very doable to get people out of Afghanistan without so much difficulty, it would have involved driving the Taliban back using air power and retaking an air base or two early on.
Early on, was the key, Biden simply did not how to react. You can see why our military allies were so pissed at him and dissappointed. They know whats up, but its only true believers who listen to MSNBC who somehow think Biden did a beautiful job.
WE have the most powerful military in the world, technically the military exists for what purpose?
isnt its very existence to protect Americans? Biden has one basic job... that is to protect the interest of this countries citizens.

It was very doable to get people out of Afghanistan without so much difficulty, it would have involved driving the Taliban back using air power and retaking an air base or two early on.
Early on, was the key, Biden simply did not how to react. You can see why our military allies were so pissed at him and dissappointed. They know whats up, but its only true believers who listen to MSNBC who somehow think Biden did a beautiful job.
No he doesn't have to protect every American living abroad. Get real.

If it was so easy why didn't Trump do it? Oh yea, he lost.
It's these people's fault that the Taliban intervened and determined who they would let on planes out of
our former stronghold and who couldn't go. Right?

Blaming stranded Americans for the acts of the Taliban to try and save Joe Biden's wrinkled withered ass
is just the height partisan idiocy and moral decay.

It's like blaming Jews for not fleeing Nazi Germany though that decision was totally out of their hands.
That Anne Frank deserved what she had coming....right?

Just when I think the Bidenists can't sink any lower or display an even lower modicum of human decency
they never fail to dwell in the sewers of human respectability while they kiss Old Racist Joe's ass even more!
It's these people's fault that the Taliban intervened and determined who they would let on planes out of
our former stronghold and who couldn't go. Right?

Blaming stranded Americans for the acts of the Taliban to try and save Joe Biden's wrinkled withered ass
is just the height partisan idiocy and moral decay.

It's like blaming Jews for not fleeing Nazi Germany though that decision was totally out of their hands.
That Anne Frank deserved what she had coming....right?

Just when I think the Bidenists can't sink any lower or display an even lower modicum of human decency
they never fail to dwell in the sewers of human respectability while they kiss Old Racist Joe's ass even more!
People who go work in Afghanistan know the risks.
People who go work in Afghanistan know the risks.
What kind of rationalizing is that? What sort of cowardly excuse making are you trying to push?
People working in Afghanistan somehow knew Joe Biden would let the nation seamlessly slide
under the control of the Taliban almost over night?

You'd better spread that bullshit over some roses. Your cop outs and alibis are just gutless excuse making.
What kind of rationalizing is that? What sort of cowardly excuse making are you trying to push?
People working in Afghanistan somehow knew Joe Biden would let the nation seamlessly slide
under the control of the Taliban almost over night?

You'd better spread that bullshit over some roses. Your cop outs and alibis are just gutless excuse making.
Oh brother.

Just remember if this were happening and Trump was president, you'd be singing a completely different tune.
Oh brother.

Just remember if this were happening and Trump was president, you'd be singing a completely different tune.
Ironic, considering how you are smooching Joe's ass despite his key part in Ameica's worst foreign policy
blunder in the last fifty years.
I'd like to say I thought you were smarter than that but obviously, you are not.
Giving away Bagram and billions in advanced weaponry to the savages in the Taliban are text book blunders that will be discussed in class rooms for decades to come.

If Trump were president I wouldn't have to rationalize and try to give cover to him.
Only the senile racist Joe Biden could have made such colossal blunders that are still
reverberating and will continue to have adverse consequences for the nation and for the world for decades to come.

Defending the indefensible is, in itself, indefensible.
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