Democracy is "mob rule."


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
I had another reply to me talking about Proportional Representation that was essentially "Democracy is mob rule".

So, Proportional Representation, which is the closest we're going to get to pure democracy in a mass election system, is it "mob rule"?

How would Germany be "mob rule" and the US isn't?

What is it about Denmark that has mobs controlling everything?

The US has two political parties that control EVERYTHING. Germany and Denmark and other PR countries have many more parties. They have representatives that REPRESENT the voters, not the money, they have more sensible politics instead of the partisan politics in the US.

So, how is Democracy mob rule?
When you hear someone say stuff like that you know you are dealing with a fascist. Democracy is not and never has been a system of government. It is the ideal that a free people must pick their own leaders. Authoritarians cannot oppress the people if the people can take back the power they give to their leaders. Fascists have no faith in the people to know what's best for them. Instead of a nation of free people they see an unruly mob that needs to be forcibly controlled by leaders who can never be removed.
I had another reply to me talking about Proportional Representation that was essentially "Democracy is mob rule".

So, Proportional Representation, which is the closest we're going to get to pure democracy in a mass election system, is it "mob rule"?

How would Germany be "mob rule" and the US isn't?

What is it about Denmark that has mobs controlling everything?

The US has two political parties that control EVERYTHING. Germany and Denmark and other PR countries have many more parties. They have representatives that REPRESENT the voters, not the money, they have more sensible politics instead of the partisan politics in the US.

So, how is Democracy mob rule?
The opposite of 'mob rule' is minority rule like the nobles of old times or the cliches of China's one party system. Mob rule is way better. Our system is strong since there are protections for our minorities built into our Constitution.
The opposite of 'mob rule' is minority rule like the nobles of old times or the cliches of China's one party system. Mob rule is way better. Our system is strong since there are protections for our minorities built into our Constitution.

But with the protections and Proportional Representation, the US would be much better.
But with the protections and Proportional Representation, the US would be much better.
Republicanism alone is not proof against tyranny. China, the Soviets, N Korea and every other modern shithole have all been republics. Simply sending local representatives to a central location to go through the motions of government is not enough to guarantee freedom.
We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy.
You are a nation of whom a large proportion have never met a dictionary. You are a prime example.


1a : government by the people

especially : rule of the majority

b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

2 : a political unit that has a democratic government
Our system is strong since there are protections for our minorities built into our Constitution.
I would call the filibuster a critical weakness, not that it's mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

And your system is irredeemably flawed, as illustrated by its present dysfunction.
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Republicanism alone is not proof against tyranny. China, the Soviets, N Korea and every other modern shithole have all been republics. Simply sending local representatives to a central location to go through the motions of government is not enough to guarantee freedom.

I know, which is why Proportional Representation works better. The US has a system where people are voted for, but really a lot of them are buying votes, and there's no way in hell there'd only be two political parties with a fair system like Proportional Representation.

I'd bet at the very least 33% would turn against the Reps and Dems at the first PR election held. Hence why they don't want it. Hence why people call it "mob rule" (because they've been told it's "mob rule") and hence why they claim not to want it.
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I know, which is why Proportional Representation works better. The US has a system where people are voted for, but really a lot of them are buying votes, and there's no way in hell there'd only be two political parties with a fair system like Proportional Representation.

I'd bet at the very least 33% would turn against the Reps and Dems at the first PR election held. Hence why they don't want it. Hence why people call it "mob rule" (because they've been told it's "mob rule") and hence why they claim not to want it.
If America had any appetite for European style politcs we would have it already. Our two party system is already one choice too many for an embarrassing number of Americans.
If America had any appetite for European style politcs we would have it already. Our two party system is already one choice too many for an embarrassing number of Americans.

How do you have "any appetite" for something when the people in charge don't want it?

Most people don't even know what PR is, they don't know how it functions, they don't know the results. So how can you know they don't have "any appetite" for it?

The problem with limited choice is that it's easy to manipulate. That the people who manipulate are the ones telling people not to have this system, is kind of telling, don't you think?
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Americans have been captured by the two party system. Turkeys are not going to vote for Thanksgiving.

The turkeys are always voting for Thanksgiving. That's what an election is in the US.
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You are a nation of whom a large proportion have never met a dictionary. You are a prime example.


1a : government by the people

especially : rule of the majority

b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

2 : a political unit that has a democratic government

In a democracy, the 51% rules over the 49% and has total control. The 51% can do whatever it wants, because democracies lack the structures in place to protect individual rights.

Under a constitutional republic, the people are governed by a written constitution that safeguards certain rights against tyrannical majorities. There are separations of power, courts, and layers of government to ensure that knee-jerk reactions do not become law.

“Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments” - Hamilton

“The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.” - Jefferson

“Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy.” - Plato

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” - Adams

Like I said, we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy.
In a democracy, the 51% rules over the 49% and has total control. The 51% can do whatever it wants, because democracies lack the structures in place to protect individual rights.
You were just given the dictionary definition, you fucking ignorant idiot. But I repeat myself.
I had another reply to me talking about Proportional Representation that was essentially "Democracy is mob rule".

So, Proportional Representation, which is the closest we're going to get to pure democracy in a mass election system, is it "mob rule"?

How would Germany be "mob rule" and the US isn't?

What is it about Denmark that has mobs controlling everything?

The US has two political parties that control EVERYTHING. Germany and Denmark and other PR countries have many more parties. They have representatives that REPRESENT the voters, not the money, they have more sensible politics instead of the partisan politics in the US.

So, how is Democracy mob rule?
Unfortunately, PR just creates political gridlock.
You are a nation of whom a large proportion have never met a dictionary. You are a prime example.


1a : government by the people

especially : rule of the majority

b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

2 : a political unit that has a democratic government
Correct, the US was not founded as a government by the people; it was supposed to be a government of law. Not a government of the mobs; a government of law. Not rule of the majority; rule of law.

It was a republic, not a democracy.

Ever met a history book?
I had another reply to me talking about Proportional Representation that was essentially "Democracy is mob rule".

So, Proportional Representation, which is the closest we're going to get to pure democracy in a mass election system, is it "mob rule"?

How would Germany be "mob rule" and the US isn't?

What is it about Denmark that has mobs controlling everything?

The US has two political parties that control EVERYTHING. Germany and Denmark and other PR countries have many more parties. They have representatives that REPRESENT the voters, not the money, they have more sensible politics instead of the partisan politics in the US.

So, how is Democracy mob rule?
What you're hearing is a conservative who's party is clinging to power with a minority electorate through institutions like gerrymandering and the US Senate.
Correct, the US was not founded as a government by the people; it was supposed to be a government of law. Not a government of the mobs; a government of law. Not rule of the majority; rule of law.

It was a republic, not a democracy.

Ever met a history book?
A. Our republic is a representative democracy. Derp.

B. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.".

C. Government of the people, by the people, for the people".

Abraham Lincoln.

D. The United States was founded as a democracy. It continues to be a democracy and will always be a democracy no matter how many times you treasonous bastards try to change it.
A. Our republic is a representative democracy. Derp.
It's a constitutional republic. Derp.
B. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.".
Do you think the people ratified the Preamble? Here's a clue: the states did. Derp.
C. Government of the people, by the people, for the people".

Abraham Lincoln.
D. The United States was founded as a democracy.
Show us where, Genius. Anywhere in the DoI or the Constitution. Take your time.

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