"Democracy" Don't make me laff


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Liberals are so fond of saying that "we live in a democracy," and yet most liberal initiatives are based not on any concept of democracy at all, but rather the dictatorship of [liberal] judges. The opposite of democracy.

Take for example the phenomenon of "Gay Marriage." There is nothing in any state or the Federal Constitution that prevents a state from deciding that it will not permit "gay marriages." The U.S. Constitution gives no rights to "couples," and indeed it only requires that all persons be treated equally under the law. Thus as long as state law treats every individual man and woman the same, to wit, allows them ALL to marry a person of the opposite sex, there is no Federal constitutional issue coming into play.

Parenthetically, one might say that the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (commonly referred to as, "DOMA") runs afoul of the Constitution's "Full Faith & Credit" clause (Article IV, Section I), in that it purports to allow states and the federal government to ignore marriages legally recognized in certain other states.

Be that as it may, however, there is nothing in the Federal constitution and nothing explicit in any state's constitution that requires any state or the Federal government to permit gay "marriages," particularly if the people or the legislatures of the state in question have explicitly stated that they do NOT want to recognize gay "marriages."

But we now have a veritable plethora of cases going on around the country where liberals are charging into the courts of liberal judges and justices who politically favor gay "marriages," and who are willing to ignore the relevant laws, "Propositions," constitutions, and other legal impediments and just baldly decree that gay "marriages" are okey dokey; thank you very much.

It doesn't matter what the people say (i.e., "democracy"); doesn't matter what the legislatures say (i.e., the peoples' representatives); doesn't matter what each state's constitution or the Federal Constitution says - this is what the liberal judges want, and it appears that the People can't do a fucking thing to prevent it - especially when these outrageous court decisions are cast in concrete effectively by the aforementioned "full faith & credit" clause, which forces all other states and the Feds to recognize these "marriages" which are based on the veritable quicksand of some pinko judge's personal predilections.

"Democracy," Don't make me laff.

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