Dem Rep. Quigley on Taxes: ‘If You Love This Country, One of the Things You Do Is Pay Your Fair Share’

Taxes on the rich were way higher in the past.
The tax rates were sky high, but nobody actually paid them cuz here were so many deductions and loopholes. AND, back then everybody paid federal income tax, and I mean EVERYBODY. Not like today where nearly have of the income earners pay no federal income tax.

People don't seem to understand that there are consequences when you raise taxes sky high. For one thing, the rich investors stop or reduce investing in taxable enterprises to avoid the higher tax rate. If you study what happened when other countries tried to soak the rich, the rich left the country. France, Sweden, Britain, etc., they all tried to screw the rich and their economies tanked as a result. Eventually those countries reduced the tax rates back to a reasonable amount; look it up if you don't believe me. Some of them even move their businesses offshore or across the border into Mexico. And some of them just gave up and closed their businesses if they couldn't sell it.

Do you like innovation and technological advances? What do you think happens when a gov't taxes capital gains as regular income at a higher rate like the democrats want to do? Do you really believe there would be no impact on the economy? Do you not understand that rich people and big corporations will cut back on R&D, they'll only pay for the advances that offer the most revenue, regardless of the social value. That is reality, kiddo. You don't have to like it but that is the world we live in.

Tell you what, why don't you progressive liberals raise taxes on everybody like they do in Sweden or Denmark? Why don't you guys propose a VAT tax on 25% so everybody pays for that great social safety net, that's what they do. And then income taxes on top of that. Let's see how many elections you win with that platform.
The goal of the Biden admin is rather than the IRS screen a select few tax returns based on a computer system "trigger," to instead basically screen EVERY return for the slightest reason to audit them, so, expect audits to increase exponentially next year as the Big Shakedown begins.

What I've seen in interviews is the following. You know when you file your taxes and they send you a letter that says you owe an additional $500? Most people don't even contest that because it's too much additional hassle. If the IRS did that to everyone it would add up to a huge pile of money.
The tax rates were sky high, but nobody actually paid them cuz here were so many deductions and loopholes. AND, back then everybody paid federal income tax, and I mean EVERYBODY. Not like today where nearly have of the income earners pay no federal income tax.

People don't seem to understand that there are consequences when you raise taxes sky high. For one thing, the rich investors stop or reduce investing in taxable enterprises to avoid the higher tax rate. If you study what happened when other countries tried to soak the rich, the rich left the country. France, Sweden, Britain, etc., they all tried to screw the rich and their economies tanked as a result. Eventually those countries reduced the tax rates back to a reasonable amount; look it up if you don't believe me. Some of them even move their businesses offshore or across the border into Mexico. And some of them just gave up and closed their businesses if they couldn't sell it.

Do you like innovation and technological advances? What do you think happens when a gov't taxes capital gains as regular income at a higher rate like the democrats want to do? Do you really believe there would be no impact on the economy? Do you not understand that rich people and big corporations will cut back on R&D, they'll only pay for the advances that offer the most revenue, regardless of the social value. That is reality, kiddo. You don't have to like it but that is the world we live in.

Tell you what, why don't you progressive liberals raise taxes on everybody like they do in Sweden or Denmark? Why don't you guys propose a VAT tax on 25% so everybody pays for that great social safety net, that's what they do. And then income taxes on top of that. Let's see how many elections you win with that platform.
A lot of European countries don't' even tax corporations or capital gains. They only tax personal income
I would say a 1000% tax on guns , ammo and big stupid diesel trucks with a zero percent tax on food is fair.
Violation of the 2nd Amendment. Do you want food delivered to the grocery store? Apparently you prefer to starve.
Okay, asshole, but no kingdom or nation-state in the history of civilization has ever held that view. Good luck asserting that "right".
No thief has ever held the view that he isn't entitled to you money.

True, but I'm guessing you have insurance or some kind. You'd have to be an idiot not to.
Insurance is voluntary, asshole.

Ask a lawyer, as theft has a statutory definition.
The government definition is self-serving.
The United States is not a democracy, retard. Have an adult look it up for you.
What about all those elections?
Bills being passed, or not?
Schools being built, or not?
Roads being repaired, or not?
Company board meetings on expansion, or not?

The minority got its way?
Just like clockwork, a democrat is in power and republicans whine about taxes, the deficit and debt.
If you don't want to pay taxes in the US ..............get the fuck out.
Just like clockwork, a democrat is in power and republicans whine about taxes, the deficit and debt.
If you don't want to pay taxes in the US ..............get the fuck out.
Taxes are a must. People in approved groups at the working-class level get breaks as compared to others of the same. Some of it is justified. A lot is not. Most taxes combined are from the working-class levels. Once we started increasing taxes in all ways we peaked out and then started our decline.

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