Delegitimising Israel: Nobody does it better than the Israelis themselves

Truth is though, Jews lived in peace and were well respected in Muslim countries before Israel was created.

Amazing how people actually believe this fucking garbage.

Before Zionism, Jews were far better treated and integrated into the society in Muslim countries than in Europe. Just a fact asshole.

Not saying much. Better to be a dhimmi with only occasional massacres than living under constant pogroms. And how DARE the Jewish people actually wanted self-determination and independence -- you know, true equality.

Instead of claiming that its better to be dhimmi than dead, why don't you encourage ME Muslim nations to show full and true equality for the Jewish people?
Truth is though, Jews lived in peace and were well respected in Muslim countries before Israel was created.

Amazing how people actually believe this fucking garbage.

Before Zionism, Jews were far better treated and integrated into the society in Muslim countries than in Europe. Just a fact asshole.

Not saying much. Better to be a dhimmi with only occasional massacres than living under constant pogroms. And how DARE the Jewish people actually wanted self-determination and independence -- you know, true equality.

Instead of claiming that its better to be dhimmi than dead, why don't you encourage ME Muslim nations to show full and true equality for the Jewish people?
There has never been a dhimmi status in Palestine. It is not even up for discussion.

So why do you keep bringing it up?
There has never been a dhimmi status in Palestine. It is not even up for discussion.

So why do you keep bringing it up?

Because others keep bringing up how "wonderful" it is for Jews to live in Muslim nations. Why don't you ask them to stop doing that?
There has never been a dhimmi status in Palestine. It is not even up for discussion.

So why do you keep bringing it up?

Because others keep bringing up how "wonderful" it is for Jews to live in Muslim nations. Why don't you ask them to stop doing that?
Palestine is a multi religious place. There are no laws about different religions. There are other forums for other countries.
How could Europeans have had the right to expel the native people of Palestine, subjugate the native people and steal their land?

Hey, monte, if all the European Jews left Israel and went "home" (ahem, cough, cough), would it be okay with your for the Jewish people to have a National Homeland, you know, in their actual ancestral homeland?
They already have one Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Wikipedia
Stalin did that not because he liked Jews, but because he wanted to get them as far away as possible, kind of like Hitler's Madagascar plan.

Truth is though, Jews lived in peace and were well respected in Muslim countries before Israel was created.

Is that why they were seen as 4th class citizens, then beaten and their daughters taken as sex slaves
In Nazi Germany they were.

You clearly have some kind of problem upstairs though.

No I have no problem. but it seems that you do when you deny proven facts. Where do you think the Nazi's got the ideas from in the first place. Nothing in place until the mufti fled to Germany in the very early 1930's, and he planted the seeds of the final solution in Hitlers mind
Hey, monte, if all the European Jews left Israel and went "home" (ahem, cough, cough), would it be okay with your for the Jewish people to have a National Homeland, you know, in their actual ancestral homeland?
They already have one Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Wikipedia
Stalin did that not because he liked Jews, but because he wanted to get them as far away as possible, kind of like Hitler's Madagascar plan.

Truth is though, Jews lived in peace and were well respected in Muslim countries before Israel was created.

Tell that to the ignoramuses that post here. They live in an alternate reality, created by the Zionist propaganda they have been fed. None have actually ever read a factual account from an objective source on the subject of Israel.
Another anti-Semite crawls out of the woodwork, and Monte has found a new friend.

WHO IS AN ARAB JEW? by Albert Memmi

Reflections By An

by Ella Habiba Shohat

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

Did yiu bother to read your link where it said

For those of us who don't hide our Middle Easterness under one Jewish "we," it becomes tougher and tougher to exist in an American context hostile to the very notion of Easterness.

Seems that you yanks are just as bad ?
There has never been a dhimmi status in Palestine. It is not even up for discussion.

So why do you keep bringing it up?

Because others keep bringing up how "wonderful" it is for Jews to live in Muslim nations. Why don't you ask them to stop doing that?
Palestine is a multi religious place. There are no laws about different religions. There are other forums for other countries.

So why cant Jews and Christians worship at their sacred sites without the fear of being killed by arab muslims. Why did the aeab muslims institute dhimmi on the Jews and Christians against the laws of the Ottomans, and then stop them from showing any outward signs of their religion.
While America stifles free speech, Ireland opens up the debate on Israel’s legitimacy and exceptionalism

The laugh is that Israel does a splendid job of delegitimising itself without any outside help. In the wake of the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan, which granted the Jews territory within defined borders, they declared statehood in 1948 without borders, grabbing as much extra land as they could by armed terror and ethnic cleansing. The new state of Israel’s admission to the UN in 1949 was conditional upon honouring the UN Charter and implementing UN General Assembly Resolutions 181 and 194. It failed to do so and to this day repeatedly violates provisions and principles of the charter.

Israel even fails to comply with the provisions of the European Union-Israel Association Agreement of 1995 which requires adherence to the principles of the UN Charter and states that “respect for human rights and democratic principle constitute an essential element of this agreement”, in return for trading privileges. It gets the privileges without delivering on the obligations.

In 2004 the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague ruled that construction of what’s often referred to as the Apartheid Wall breaches international law and Israel must dismantle it and make reparation. Israel nevertheless continues building its hideous wall with American tax dollars. The ICJ also ruled that

all states are under an obligation not to recognise the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by such construction.
Delegitimising Israel: Nobody does it better than the Israelis themselves

Israel and it's little helper's
Well if the arab leadership in Judea and Samaria didn't send terrorists to target Israeli civilians there wouldn't be a need for a wall
There has never been a dhimmi status in Palestine. It is not even up for discussion.

So why do you keep bringing it up?

Because others keep bringing up how "wonderful" it is for Jews to live in Muslim nations. Why don't you ask them to stop doing that?
Palestine is a multi religious place. There are no laws about different religions. There are other forums for other countries.

Then why don't you tell them to quit posting about other countries?

As for the rest, perhaps you should show me some photos of the vibrant Jewish religious practice in Gaza and maybe suggest where I might attend a public menorah lighting there? Or in the West Bank.
No I have no problem. but it seems that you do when you deny proven facts. Where do you think the Nazi's got the ideas from in the first place. Nothing in place until the mufti fled to Germany in the very early 1930's, and he planted the seeds of the final solution in Hitlers mind
Yeah right, the Grand Mufti wrote "Mein Kampf" in Arab and someone translated it for Hitler. :happy-1:

Seriously though, that's an unpopular view even (or especially) in Israel:

Netanyahu blames Jerusalem mufti for Holocaust, is accused of ‘absolving Hitler’
Hey, monte, if all the European Jews left Israel and went "home" (ahem, cough, cough), would it be okay with your for the Jewish people to have a National Homeland, you know, in their actual ancestral homeland?
They already have one Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Wikipedia
Stalin did that not because he liked Jews, but because he wanted to get them as far away as possible, kind of like Hitler's Madagascar plan.

Truth is though, Jews lived in peace and were well respected in Muslim countries before Israel was created.

Tell that to the ignoramuses that post here. They live in an alternate reality, created by the Zionist propaganda they have been fed. None have actually ever read a factual account from an objective source on the subject of Israel.
Another anti-Semite crawls out of the woodwork, and Monte has found a new friend.

WHO IS AN ARAB JEW? by Albert Memmi

Reflections By An

by Ella Habiba Shohat

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

I think I will go with what Albert Memmi has to say since he and the various members of the Jimena organization happened to live in Middle East countries and experienced what happened to Jews. Perhaps you can take a little time from your attempting to demonize Israel and do some research on this group.
There has never been a dhimmi status in Palestine. It is not even up for discussion.

So why do you keep bringing it up?

Because others keep bringing up how "wonderful" it is for Jews to live in Muslim nations. Why don't you ask them to stop doing that?
Palestine is a multi religious place. There are no laws about different religions. There are other forums for other countries.

Then why don't you tell them to quit posting about other countries?

As for the rest, perhaps you should show me some photos of the vibrant Jewish religious practice in Gaza and maybe suggest where I might attend a public menorah lighting there? Or in the West Bank.
When were there Jews in Gaza? When did they leave and why?
Stalin did that not because he liked Jews, but because he wanted to get them as far away as possible, kind of like Hitler's Madagascar plan.

Truth is though, Jews lived in peace and were well respected in Muslim countries before Israel was created.

Tell that to the ignoramuses that post here. They live in an alternate reality, created by the Zionist propaganda they have been fed. None have actually ever read a factual account from an objective source on the subject of Israel.
Another anti-Semite crawls out of the woodwork, and Monte has found a new friend.

WHO IS AN ARAB JEW? by Albert Memmi

Reflections By An

by Ella Habiba Shohat

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

I think I will go with what Albert Memmi has to say since he and the various members of the Jimena organization happened to live in Middle East countries and experienced what happened to Jews. Perhaps you can take a little time from your attempting to demonize Israel and do some research on this group.

Of course you would read something written under the auspices of the Israel Academic Committee on the Middle East rather than an objective essay. LOL
Stalin did that not because he liked Jews, but because he wanted to get them as far away as possible, kind of like Hitler's Madagascar plan.

Truth is though, Jews lived in peace and were well respected in Muslim countries before Israel was created.

Tell that to the ignoramuses that post here. They live in an alternate reality, created by the Zionist propaganda they have been fed. None have actually ever read a factual account from an objective source on the subject of Israel.
Another anti-Semite crawls out of the woodwork, and Monte has found a new friend.

WHO IS AN ARAB JEW? by Albert Memmi

Reflections By An

by Ella Habiba Shohat

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

I think I will go with what Albert Memmi has to say since he and the various members of the Jimena organization happened to live in Middle East countries and experienced what happened to Jews. Perhaps you can take a little time from your attempting to demonize Israel and do some research on this group.

Of course you would read something written under the auspices of the Israel Academic Committee on the Middle East rather than an objective essay. LOL

So, Jew Hater, Jews from the Middle East are not allowed to have their own organization

"Revisionist history of the Middle East conveniently excludes the fact that over half of Israel’s Jewish population live there not because European atrocities during World War II, but because of Anti-Jewish Arab governments who dispossessed and displaced their native Jewish populations following the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Adopted narratives of the Arab-Israeli conflict fail to address the fact that Israel was the largest refugee camp in the Middle East, providing safe haven to some 650,000 dispossessed Middle Eastern and North African Jewish refugees whose ancestors had a continuous presence in the region for over 3,000 years."
There has never been a dhimmi status in Palestine. It is not even up for discussion.

So why do you keep bringing it up?

Because others keep bringing up how "wonderful" it is for Jews to live in Muslim nations. Why don't you ask them to stop doing that?
Palestine is a multi religious place. There are no laws about different religions. There are other forums for other countries.

Then why don't you tell them to quit posting about other countries?

As for the rest, perhaps you should show me some photos of the vibrant Jewish religious practice in Gaza and maybe suggest where I might attend a public menorah lighting there? Or in the West Bank.
When were there Jews in Gaza? When did they leave and why?
You might ask that question referencing any of the Islamist nations in the Middle East. Jews nor Christians both have been largely purged from every Islamist fascist nation in that area of the world.
Ahh, those pesky facts.
Yes, those pesky facts that there were hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa, and they happen to have their own organization. Why don't you tell us who is the majority of the Jewish population in Israel?

Maybe you can also tell us on the appropriate forum how many Christians were killed in the Middle East today since you always tell us you are a good Catholic, or since the Jews are not involved, this is not an important issue for you.
When were there Jews in Gaza? When did they leave and why?
There have been Jewish people in Gaza for three thousand years. Except of times when they were ethnically cleansed by various peoples. Since I'm relatively certain you already knew this, what's your point?

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