DEBUNKED: Stl news exposes Holders lies about Ferguson Police!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
DOJ will home in on Ferguson traffic stop numbers News

Well well well. Let the lies see sunlight.

This article talks about one DOJ boogie man myth:
"Ferguson blacks far more likely to be searched than whites".

Yes. But...Holders the story says...counted "search incident to arrest" as a "search". Meaning...cops charge you...THEN search you before taking you to jail.

And it says of ALL blacks searched...."search incident to arrest" was BY FAR the #1 cause for blacks to be searched...AND by far the "majority" of those arrests were for.......drum roll please.....OUTSTANDING WARRANTS.


Blacks were NOT subjected to mass random searches. They were mostly searched AFTER arrest....and most of those arrests were due to having WARRANTS.

SO Eric Holders findings could just as easily have read "Blacks more likely to commit arrestable crimes or have warrants...and thus get searched after being placed under arrest."

So the "bias" was what? That cops arrested blacks...for crimes and warrants...and searched them? What the fuck do they want them to do? Ignore crime? NOT SEARCH a wanted man before taking him into jail booking?

What a piece of shit this administration is to attempt such an irresponsible smear job like this. Blacks got searched more often than whites...because blacks had outstanding warrants fsr more often and Holder decided to count "search incident to arrest" as equal statistically to a consent or probable cause search.

He did that on purpose because he KNEW more blacks get arrested and have outstanding there would be far more post-arrest searches and would create a VERY misleading stat.
So...basically....1 white guy and 1 black guy get tickets for stop light runs. White guy pays fine. Black guy...doesnt show up to court.

Black guy gets stopped...arrested for unpaid ticket warrant and searched.

Stats: Black was stopped twice, once searched. White wasnt searched and only stopped once.

Cop haters and liberals...can you offer a solution? Ban arresting blacks? Excuse all warrants?
So...basically....1 white guy and 1 black guy get tickets for stop light runs. White guy pays fine. Black guy...doesnt show up to court.

Black guy gets stopped...arrested for unpaid ticket warrant and searched.

Stats: Black was stopped twice, once searched. White wasnt searched and only stopped once.

There ya go...Not to mention all the blacks from OTHER municipalities that drive through Ferguson on a regular basis. Biggest bunch of bullshit charges ever.
So...basically....1 white guy and 1 black guy get tickets for stop light runs. White guy pays fine. Black guy...doesnt show up to court.

Black guy gets stopped...arrested for unpaid ticket warrant and searched.

Stats: Black was stopped twice, once searched. White wasnt searched and only stopped once.

There ya go...Not to mention all the blacks from OTHER municipalities that drive through Ferguson on a regular basis. Biggest bunch of bullshit charges ever.

Yep. The citizens and taxpayers should be outraged at this hit piece put on a local police department.

For him to include post-arrest searches in the search stat- knowing blacks get arrested at a higher rate- all but guaranteed the "Blacks searched more often" headline they wanted.
Yep. They spent months and millions of dollars trying to find some statistical twist to enable them to say "See told ya so they're racist".

Meanwhile...hispanic drug cartel and ISIS sympathizers keep growning in America.
Hmmm. No left wing cop hating morons chiming in yet. Either they want to ignore this truth. Or its just to much of an academic/statistical discussion for their rotted brains.
Wait. Blacks are arrested more often than whites after traffic stops but that is because they have outstanding warrants? Aren't you supposed to arrest people with outstanding warrants?
Wait. Blacks are arrested more often than whites after traffic stops but that is because they have outstanding warrants? Aren't you supposed to arrest people with outstanding warrants?

Yes. And you have to search them.

So if a black in Ferguson is wanted...and cops pull him over...arrest him.....Eric Holder counts that as a bias stop and search.

Thats how he used the post arrest searches, called a "search incident to arrest", to skew this story.

He and Obama just HAD to find an olive branch to give the Al Sharpton crowd to save face.
Interesting. This paper supported Obama in each election.

The "fourth branch" of American politics (ie: the constitutionally protected media) has utterly failed to do their jobs in the past 15 years, and has been the biggest change agent in the country pushing us leftward. Rome is burning, and the media is just now smelling smoke.
Imagine that, the liar in chief, has an administration that also lies. Liberals are showing their true colors. I ask liberals, do you support this?
Interesting. This paper supported Obama in each election.

I dont think they realized what the term "search incident to arrest" meant. Its the search..AFTER they arrest.

So if more blacks commit crimes...then there will.obviously be more of those searches. And DOJ included these searches to skew the numbers.
Liberals don't support this, but leftists do. Leftists continue to support anything that divides a productive capitalist population.
Yep. They spent months and millions of dollars trying to find some statistical twist to enable them to say "See told ya so they're racist".

Meanwhile...hispanic drug cartel and ISIS sympathizers keep growning in America.

So emails stating that "No black can hold a job for 4 years." and "Crimestoppers gave a check to a black woman who aborted her fetus" is not racist? There were more than just the stops but I like how you ignored that part.

But you hit on a crucial point. Racial and socioeconomic targeting.

I have a police friend who said they were always on the lookout for "warrant cars". I asked him what he meant and he said "older cars with some damage to them" and I asked why "They likely have an FTA warrant out and if they don't we just write them a ticket."

So you have two cars, both speeding, one is a Mercedes and the other is a 1988 Ford escort. Who is more likely to have the money to pay a ticket? More times than not, the Mercedes. But who gets pulled over? The Escort. That is socioeconomic targeting. They won't go after the rich person because that person can cause problems for them and make their job harder because they have the money to fight them. But a poor person doesn't have that power. No one cares about the abuse of poor people so these authority figures take advantage. They run them through the ringer and even abuse their power to get what they want, like sex.

So they pull them over, find out they have no warrant but give them a ticket. The fine is $150. You can't hire an attorney to fight it so you either pay the fine of $150 (plus $50 court cost) or go to jail. You make only $300 gross a week, take home around $225. So can a poor person really afford to pay that? No. So what do they do? Create a bench warrant for their arrest.

Months or years later, they get stopped and the warrant is found and they are arrested. Again, they have no money to pay the original fine nor money to get out of jail. So then the bail is set at the fine amount and the family has to find a way to pay the fine or the person will be stuck in jail until the judge determines they have served enough for the infraction.

But now, they likely lost their job, have no income and any job they apply for will throw their app out because they have an arrest record.

Now, who are the majority of poor people in this country? Blacks and Hispanics. Who are targeted mostly? Blacks and hispanics.

So since they are poor, ignorant people think they are lazy (See Ferguson email #1) and then they are cirminals (See Email #2) and then you see a black person on the street, what are you thinking? That person is a lazy criminal and I have to stop him.

And the cycle begins again.

That's the whole point, they are targeting the poorest people for these violations and thus keeping them in the perpetual state of poverty.
JFK - I completely agree that the LEGAL SYSTEM is often a main driver in putting people, and keeping people, into poverty. How we fix this I do not know other than reducing the number of laws and regulations we have. It is another example of the government being the problem, not being the solution to the problem.

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