Debate With Atheists/Leftists is Futile

"Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

What is a foolish man?

"The fool hath said in his heart there is no God. - The Holy Bible

"Answer not a fool according to his folly lest thou be like unto him." - The Holy Bible
Awww. Very cute quotes you cite there.
No matter what facts, no matter what evidence, what science, what compelling data and research you provide to Leftists/atheists, they will spin it, deny it, trivialize it, and completely refute it. So simply post an opening message for the good of thinking, rational people, and don't respond to lying atheists.
Why do you package deal atheism with leftism?
They're not worth your time and effort.

The effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude greater than the effort required to produce it. - Brandolini's Law

Further reading:
The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day and Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn.
Lmfao, Vox Day. XD
… 72.9 percent of professors polled described the Bible as “an ancient book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts,” compared to 17.5 percent of the general population. – page 15
The Bible is literally and exactly an ancient book of fables, legends, history and (im)moral precepts. More importantly it is pure and utter seuperstition based on mysticism and not reality.
Studies have shown that those without religion have life expectancies seven years shorter than the average churchgoer, are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol and be depressed or obese, and they are much less likely to marry or have children. – page 20 (The Irrational Atheist)
A highly dubious claim. What bs studies is this referring to exactly?
The atheist consequently finds himself committed to a set of logical contradictions; that he is free, except there is no such thing as freedom; that all men are basically good, though moral good itself is only useful fiction; and finally that his life has meaning in a universe that has none – or at least none that we can possibly know of at any rate. Modern atheism is… an abstract mess.- Line1950
Read Ayn Rand.
In order to establish an explanation as the best, you do not have to have an explanation for the explanation. [That would necessitate explanations all the way down.] The universe has demonstrated that it requires an explanation. God has not. – 1989

“I just go one god further (in my atheism than do theists).” – Richard Dawkins, who finds this wordplay “an amusing strategy”. This is an example of the “fallacy of pluralism,” which is to say that since multiple representations of the same thing have been suggested, it follows that the very thing itself, therefore, does not exist. – 2019

Contemporary atheism does no resolve in the conclusion that God does not exist as much as it begins with it. – 2270

If the evidence from sociology is not powerful enough, we now have recent studies from the field of psychology which validate the ridiculousness of this fictional psychological pre-disposition to atheism. – 2385
(Illogical Atheism, Kindle Edition)
"Every argument for God and every attribute ascribed to Him rests on a false metaphysical premise. None can survive for a moment on a correct metaphysics.

For instance, God is infinite. Nothing can be infinite, according to the Law of Identity. Everything is what it is, and nothing else. It is limited in its qualities and in its quantity: it is this much, and no more. “Infinite” as applied to quantity does not mean “very large”: it means “larger than any specific quantity.” That means: no specific quantity—i.e., a quantity without identity. This is prohibited by the Law of Identity.

Is God the creator of the universe? There can be no creation of something out of nothing. There is no nothing.

Is God omnipotent? Can he do anything? Entities can act only in accordance with their natures; nothing can make them violate their natures . . .

“God” as traditionally defined is a systematic contradiction of every valid metaphysical principle. The point is wider than just the Judeo-Christian concept of God. No argument will get you from this world to a supernatural world. No reason will lead you to a world contradicting this one. No method of inference will enable you to leap from existence to a “super-existence.”"
- Peikoff, Leonard
Awww. Very cute quotes you cite there.

Why do you package deal atheism with leftism?

Lmfao, Vox Day. XD

A highly dubious claim. What bs studies is this referring to exactly?

Read Ayn Rand.

"Every argument for God and every attribute ascribed to Him rests on a false metaphysical premise. None can survive for a moment on a correct metaphysics.

For instance, God is infinite. Nothing can be infinite, according to the Law of Identity. Everything is what it is, and nothing else. It is limited in its qualities and in its quantity: it is this much, and no more. “Infinite” as applied to quantity does not mean “very large”: it means “larger than any specific quantity.” That means: no specific quantity—i.e., a quantity without identity. This is prohibited by the Law of Identity.

Is God the creator of the universe? There can be no creation of something out of nothing. There is no nothing.

Is God omnipotent? Can he do anything? Entities can act only in accordance with their natures; nothing can make them violate their natures . . .

“God” as traditionally defined is a systematic contradiction of every valid metaphysical principle. The point is wider than just the Judeo-Christian concept of God. No argument will get you from this world to a supernatural world. No reason will lead you to a world contradicting this one. No method of inference will enable you to leap from existence to a “super-existence.”"
- Peikoff, Leonard
True: an argument will not gain a person eternal life. Christ in our mind, making our end to be peace, even when they sees a male having sex with another species or sees a woman pleasing another species, in the way she wants to please them. God will make this mortal to put on immortality. That body will be able to move through things that we see as solid objects
Not even the omniverse?
Could time exist at all if time were not infinite? What other possibility? Time will end? Then what? Cold pizza?
Time will end as we know it. We will be in time, even as God is in time. Don't worry about food in God's kingdom. You will not need to eat, but you will still be able to enjoy eating. We are in the middle of the Universe no matter where you are in the universe. God is infinite. God will make what he is. Time, as we know it, begain, when death became a reality.
God's Spirit is in a Rottweiler. Jesus did not look like a Rottweiler. People did not create God. All things would not be living including us, had we created God. God, would not be God, had people manufactured, God. We would not even be here, to to do that, without God making us in the first place. Why manufacture God, when God made us?
I hear faithless demons who cannot bless anyone with their words. God will talk throuiigh a person or his enemy will talk thropugh a person. You are clueless.

What we see is not what was, before sin. God is both unseen and seen. The Unseen Father is in the mind of Jesus. They are one. People need to know the voice of the master. There is a battle for the mind. Satan wants people to be like that being, to end up being burned up on the last day. Satan hates god's image. Muslims obey a being who was with God for a time who was Lucifer. That being imitate how God talks as closely as that being can. That being speaks of that beings self. I see, and hear, that being when I read the words in the Quran. I know the mind behind the words. Muslims are extravagant, showy, straight faced liars. They use lies that the church established, like Racium, Freedom of religon, Diversity, co existence.

So, if there's a being who can imitate God, how do you know you're talking to the right one?
And why assume only one? Monotheism may simplify things for those in the religion bidness.
But I've read the original text read: in the beginning, gods (plural) created the heaven and the Earth.

That's part of the problem with relying on a definition of god from a storybook from millennia ago. Man creates books. God creates trees. That's why for defining god, I turn to the forest, not the library.
Problem here is that people claim God made the universe. If God is spiritual, then how did he make the physical?
The most logical hypothesis is through energy. Another thought that makes sense is that just as God is eternal, the same might be true of matter.
If there's a "spiritual world" and God created it, why wouldn't all people experience it?
Why? Because we are not a physical beings searching for a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings experiencing a physical existence.
Why do people who are born Muslim experience a spiritual world that's DIFFERENT to those who are Christian, or Jewish, or Buddhist etc etc?
Experiences may actually be similar, but we express that experience through the lens of our own cultures.
Awwww. Very cute quotes you cite there. Why do you package deal atheism with leftism?

Read and think this through.
You Leftists package religious faith with the right.
"Right wing religious extremists" is one of your favorite epithets, making you Godless Leftists feel smug and superior.

The local head librarian once spat her Leftist nonsense in my face:
"You CONSERVATIVES just want to KILL EVERYBODY and let GOD sort it out."

Using the Socratic method, I countered her ignorance:
"Name for me one prominent conservative who said that."

Silence. Her first lie was vanquished with a question which shut up that lie.

"Well what about the Crusades?" was her second ignorant lie.

I replied, "The Crusades took place in the 12th Century. There was no America. There were no CONSERVATIVES. Can you get a little more current?"

Silence. That second ignorant lie of hers was vanquished with a question she had never heard from her sheepish Leftist pals.

Left dangling foolishly at her desk, she reached for her telephone between us which had been utterly silent: "I've got to get this." Picked it up and put it to her ear, pretending to take a call because her stupidity and mendacity had smashed her in her Leftist face.

I walked away and never spoke to her again. Amidst this library full of mankind's best and brightest works, she reveled in ignorance and anger - much as you do.

And now to my Ignore List you go just as she did. "Awwww."

ciao brutto
Read and think this through.
You Leftists package religious faith with the right.
"Right wing religious extremists" is one of your favorite epithets, making you Godless Leftists feel smug and superior.

I am not a Leftist.
The local head librarian once spat her Leftist nonsense in my face:
"You CONSERVATIVES just want to KILL EVERYBODY and let GOD sort it out."

Using the Socratic method, I countered her ignorance:
"Name for me one prominent conservative who said that."

Silence. Her first lie was vanquished with a question which shut up that lie.

"Well what about the Crusades?" was her second ignorant lie.

I replied, "The Crusades took place in the 12th Century. There was no America. There were no CONSERVATIVES. Can you get a little more current?"

Silence. That second ignorant lie of hers was vanquished with a question she had never heard from her sheepish Leftist pals.

Left dangling foolishly at her desk, she reached for her telephone between us which had been utterly silent: "I've got to get this." Picked it up and put it to her ear, pretending to take a call because her stupidity and mendacity had smashed her in her Leftist face.

I walked away and never spoke to her again. Amidst this library full of mankind's best and brightest works, she reveled in ignorance and anger - much as you do.

And now to my Ignore List you go just as she did. "Awwww."

ciao brutto
Cute anecdote.
Read and think this through.
You Leftists package religious faith with the right.
"Right wing religious extremists" is one of your favorite epithets, making you Godless Leftists feel smug and superior.

The local head librarian once spat her Leftist nonsense in my face:
"You CONSERVATIVES just want to KILL EVERYBODY and let GOD sort it out."

Using the Socratic method, I countered her ignorance:
"Name for me one prominent conservative who said that."

Silence. Her first lie was vanquished with a question which shut up that lie.

"Well what about the Crusades?" was her second ignorant lie.

I replied, "The Crusades took place in the 12th Century. There was no America. There were no CONSERVATIVES. Can you get a little more current?"

Silence. That second ignorant lie of hers was vanquished with a question she had never heard from her sheepish Leftist pals.

Left dangling foolishly at her desk, she reached for her telephone between us which had been utterly silent: "I've got to get this." Picked it up and put it to her ear, pretending to take a call because her stupidity and mendacity had smashed her in her Leftist face.

I walked away and never spoke to her again. Amidst this library full of mankind's best and brightest works, she reveled in ignorance and anger - much as you do.

And now to my Ignore List you go just as she did. "Awwww."

ciao brutto
I'm a godless leftist (left-leaning moderate to be accurate) but not all Leftists are godless, for example Martin Luther King was a Christian minister if you recall. One really has nothing to do with the other.
"Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

What is a foolish man?

"The fool hath said in his heart there is no God. - The Holy Bible

"Answer not a fool according to his folly lest thou be like unto him." - The Holy Bible

No matter what facts, no matter what evidence, what science, what compelling data and research you provide to Leftists/atheists, they will spin it, deny it, trivialize it, and completely refute it. So simply post an opening message for the good of thinking, rational people, and don't respond to lying atheists.
They're not worth your time and effort.

The effort necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude greater than the effort required to produce it. - Brandolini's Law

Further reading:
The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day and Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn.

Excellent, persuasive books by former militant atheists.

The idea that he is a devotee of reason seeing through the outdated superstitions believed by less intelligent beings is the foremost conceit of the atheist. – page 7

… 72.9 percent of professors polled described the Bible as “an ancient book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts,” compared to 17.5 percent of the general population. – page 15

… the High Church atheist’s undeveloped social skills are often so dramatic as to be reasonably described as a form of social autism. – page 16

Democrats are more than twice as likely to be someone who has dropped out of high school than to be an individual with a master’s degree. – page 19

Studies have shown that those without religion have life expectancies seven years shorter than the average churchgoer, are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol and be depressed or obese, and they are much less likely to marry or have children. – page 20 (The Irrational Atheist)

The atheist consequently finds himself committed to a set of logical contradictions; that he is free, except there is no such thing as freedom; that all men are basically good, though moral good itself is only useful fiction; and finally that his life has meaning in a universe that has none – or at least none that we can possibly know of at any rate. Modern atheism is… an abstract mess.- Line1950

In order to establish an explanation as the best, you do not have to have an explanation for the explanation. [That would necessitate explanations all the way down.] The universe has demonstrated that it requires an explanation. God has not. – 1989

“I just go one god further (in my atheism than do theists).” – Richard Dawkins, who finds this wordplay “an amusing strategy”. This is an example of the “fallacy of pluralism,” which is to say that since multiple representations of the same thing have been suggested, it follows that the very thing itself, therefore, does not exist. – 2019

Contemporary atheism does no resolve in the conclusion that God does not exist as much as it begins with it. – 2270

If the evidence from sociology is not powerful enough, we now have recent studies from the field of psychology which validate the ridiculousness of this fictional psychological pre-disposition to atheism. – 2385
(Illogical Atheism, Kindle Edition)
Aside from your usual spamming threads with cut and paste ''quotes'', you're unable to provide, ''what evidence, what science, what compelling data and research...'' in support of your various gods.

It would appear you are at fault for doing what you accuse others of doing,

How's that working out for you? See if you can find a ''quote'' at Harun Yahya you can cut and paste.
Why? Because we are not a physical beings searching for a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings experiencing a physical existence.

Why? Because we're biological beings. We function, more or less, in the same way.

You see light. I see light.

You hear sound waves. I hear sound waves.

Molecules go into your nose and you "smell" them. Molecules go into my nose and I "smell" then.

And yet apparently some people communicate with God and I've never had the slightest connection at any point in my life.

Really? I don't think so.
Experiences may actually be similar, but we express that experience through the lens of our own cultures.

Or perhaps our experiencing through our culture is making us see things that simply aren't there.

The history of humanity is full of frauds, liars and schizophrenics, isn't it?
It takes a complete imbecile to debate theology.......which is nothing more than the science of fantasy.

Call me an imbecile, because for all of it's hypocrisy, lies, and fantastical, delusional imagery.......I love to debate theology. I love theological based movies as well. The fact that some human minds can be so easily duped, brainwashed, and controlled, has always fascinates me to no end!!
You need to consider what JESUS said. He believed HIMSELF to be God.
Aside from your usual spamming threads with cut and paste ''quotes'', you're unable to provide, ''what evidence, what science, what compelling data and research...'' in support of your various gods.
You already got the explanation of the universe and Earth here, the Bible explained how it happened in detail and chronological order, how science backs it up such as quantum mechanics, singularity and big bang, and the supreme logic of KCA.

OTOH, atheists gives us no God/gods necessary with evolution and stuff happens.

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