Dear Vivek, Global Warming aka Co2 based climate change is a "hoax," climate change is a science


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021

I like you and your views. But you really need to watch the wordsmiths on the climate issue. You blew it.

The fraud is Co2. Co2 does nothing. Earth climate change is 99% about where land is relative to the poles, and land moves.

If you want to learn how to go onto any TV show and blow out the Co2 FRAUD side, just ask, it is all here...
And as, to date, the only candidate who has actually tried to articulate the words HOAX and CLIMATE in the same sentence, and espousing fiscally conservative ides....

Vivek gets the EMH endorsement

Now let's get the right argument out there....
Follow the money, global warming is a financial scam, look at the solution, the USA giving away trillions, on the hook for hundreds of trillions of dollars

It’s a global transition for which we have an estimated price tag: some have put the global figure between $100 and $150 trillion over the next three decades. At the same time, addressing climate change is the greatest economic opportunity of our time

I like you and your views. But you really need to watch the wordsmiths on the climate issue. You blew it.

The fraud is Co2. Co2 does nothing. Earth climate change is 99% about where land is relative to the poles, and land moves.

If you want to learn how to go onto any TV show and blow out the Co2 FRAUD side, just ask, it is all here...
any chance you can post his own words??

I like you and your views. But you really need to watch the wordsmiths on the climate issue. You blew it.

The fraud is Co2. Co2 does nothing. Earth climate change is 99% about where land is relative to the poles, and land moves.

If you want to learn how to go onto any TV show and blow out the Co2 FRAUD side, just ask, it is all here...
why would you lie about what he said??

that explains why you didnt post his words,,

Quesriom, wasn't the signing of the Paris Accord supposed to solve this problem?

The Co2 FRAUD has a long history of lying, fudging data, and misdiagnosing actual environmental problems. They tried 20 years ago to blame "bleaching coral" on ficticious "ocean warming," when in reality Thai and other fishermen were squirting bleach, cyanide and other toxic chemicals into coral to flush fish out into their nets. Thai banned bleach, cyanide, and certain suntan products as a result, but the Co2 FRAUD misdiagnosed, something they have done many times. The misdiagnosed Arctic sea ice melt, largely caused by volcanoes under the Arctic Ocean.

And now the Co2 FRAUD is misdiagnosing the fires, and the fires are getting worse, and the media is just cheering that on....
any chance you can post his own words??


Vivek should have said the Co2 Fraud or Global Warming, not climate change.

Vivek isn't going to win live debates getting "out-wordsmithed" by professional liars.

Vivek should come here and get a lecture...

The key to what Ramaswamy said was his statement (sorry, not wading through to find his exact words) that bad climate regulation kills more people than climate change. It's pointless to try to argue science with people who have completely politicized science, and redefined the term to mean fealty to the orthodoxy. Parsing words only slows us down.

Climate Change, Global Warming, AGW, are nothing more than excuses to control us and to slow or stop the rise of industrialization. Political leaders are smart, but never as smart as industrialists. Therefore industrialists are a threat to those political leaders.

Industrialization, particularly industrialization in the U.S. has been the greatest boon to mankind since the invention of agriculture. Slowing or stopping it is harmful to all the people of the planet. Only the most ruthless power seekers (or the most gullible of dupes) would advocate for that.
The key to what Ramaswamy said was his statement (sorry, not wading through to find his exact words) that bad climate regulation kills more people than climate change. It's pointless to try to argue science with people who have completely politicized science, and redefined the term to mean fealty to the orthodoxy. Parsing words only slows us down.

Climate Change, Global Warming, AGW, are nothing more than excuses to control us and to slow or stop the rise of industrialization. Political leaders are smart, but never as smart as industrialists. Therefore industrialists are a threat to those political leaders.

Industrialization, particularly industrialization in the U.S. has been the greatest boon to mankind since the invention of agriculture. Slowing or stopping it is harmful to all the people of the planet. Only the most ruthless power seekers (or the most gullible of dupes) would advocate for that.

Climate Change is about what changes the climate of Earth.

AGW, Global Warming, Co2 based climate change is a THEORY.

The THEORY is that increasing atmospheric Co2 warms the atmosphere.

We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons. Both showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere with high correlation despite rising Co2, and were hence FUDGED with laughable bullshit in 2005.



BEING A MORON ABOUT WORDS and BEING OUT-WORDSMITHED is a PROBLEM for the GOP and Conservatives, but not Libertarians...
The Co2 FRAUD has a long history of lying, fudging data, and misdiagnosing actual environmental problems. They tried 20 years ago to blame "bleaching coral" on ficticious "ocean warming," when in reality Thai and other fishermen were squirting bleach, cyanide and other toxic chemicals into coral to flush fish out into their nets. Thai banned bleach, cyanide, and certain suntan products as a result, but the Co2 FRAUD misdiagnosed, something they have done many times. The misdiagnosed Arctic sea ice melt, largely caused by volcanoes under the Arctic Ocean.

And now the Co2 FRAUD is misdiagnosing the fires, and the fires are getting worse, and the media is just cheering that on....
What did Exxon Mobil scientists conclude in the late 1970’s?
What did Exxon Mobil scientists conclude in the late 1970’s?

Who cares what bullshit your Co2 FRAUD cooked up using our $$$ taxdollars for morons like you to parrot?

Science is not about parroting.

The satellites went up in the late 1970s.

Theory - increasing atmospheric Co2 would warm atmosphere

DATA - highly correlated satellite and balloon data show NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2

Who cares what bullshit your Co2 FRAUD cooked up using our $$$ taxdollars for morons like you to parrot?

Science is not about parroting.

The satellites went up in the late 1970s.

Theory - increasing atmospheric Co2 would warm atmosphere

DATA - highly correlated satellite and balloon data show NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2

What did the scientists at Exxon Mobil conclude in the late 1970’s?
The warmers claim the Maui fires were about "warming."

Problem - they have NO WARMING

Record high temp for Hawaii 100F in 1931

Record high for Honolulu 95F in 1994

The past two months Honolulu, during the "warmest ever" bullshit, DID NOT GET TO 90F!!!

So once again we have the Co2 FRAUD and the media lying, and the data tells us the truth


that also proves the Pacific Ocean is NOT WARMING EITHER...
What did the scientists at Exxon Mobil conclude in the late 1970’s?



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The key to what Ramaswamy said was his statement (sorry, not wading through to find his exact words) that bad climate regulation kills more people than climate change. It's pointless to try to argue science with people who have completely politicized science, and redefined the term to mean fealty to the orthodoxy. Parsing words only slows us down.

Climate Change, Global Warming, AGW, are nothing more than excuses to control us and to slow or stop the rise of industrialization. Political leaders are smart, but never as smart as industrialists. Therefore industrialists are a threat to those political leaders.

Industrialization, particularly industrialization in the U.S. has been the greatest boon to mankind since the invention of agriculture. Slowing or stopping it is harmful to all the people of the planet. Only the most ruthless power seekers (or the most gullible of dupes) would advocate for that.
Global climate change is real. It's here. It leads to mass migration which in turn leads to fascism.
The Co2 FRAUD has a long history of lying, fudging data, and misdiagnosing actual environmental problems.
Democrats have CORRUPTED science and scientists with their climate change hoax BS. Dems borrow and gift hundred of billions of dollars to the climate change scheme? Why? For the kickbacks. The money flows out then is kicked back to them in all sorts of ways. No different than their other money kickback schemes.
Democrats have CORRUPTED science and scientists with their climate change hoax BS. Dems borrow and gift hundred of billions of dollars to the climate change scheme? Why? For the kickbacks. The money flows out then is kicked back to them in all sorts of ways. No different than their other money kickback schemes.

Please use Co2 FRAUD, Global Warming

not "climate change"

You will notice that when there are record cold temps, the wordsmithing liars claim

"climate change is real" which is like saying "chemistry is real"

Their FRAUD is Co2. The cause of Earth climate change is the position of land near the poles, and land moves.
Please use Co2 FRAUD, Global Warming

not "climate change"

You will notice that when there are record cold temps, the wordsmithing liars claim

"climate change is real" which is like saying "chemistry is real"

Their FRAUD is Co2. The cause of Earth climate change is the position of land near the poles, and land moves.
It's all Dem propaganda. They just keep shouting the climate change propaganda 24/7. Drowning out obvious evidence to the contrary. Silencing anyone who dares disagree. If not the Co2 fraud it would be (and has been) other forms of climate change evidence fraud. Co2 is just the latest climate change propaganda talking point.

Hot weather, climate change. Cold weather, climate change. Rain, wind, snow, climate change. Fires, climate change. Whenever anything happens, climate change.
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