Dear South time to bring Graham home?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Is it time to bring Lindsey Graham home and send new representation to Washington?

I'm not a South Carolinian, but if Graham was my Senator, there would be a primary lose in his future...

What say you?
Is it time to bring Lindsey Graham home and send new representation to Washington?

I'm not a South Carolinian, but if Graham was my Senator, there would be a primary lose in his future...

What say you?

AZ needs to bring McCain home, SC, Graham, both RINOS are worse than my Senator Landrieu.

The damage collaborationists like Graham and McCain have inflicted on this country is worse than that wrought by actual libs.
Is it time to bring Lindsey Graham home and send new representation to Washington?

I'm not a South Carolinian, but if Graham was my Senator, there would be a primary lose in his future...

What say you?
I would rather see him a Governor than a Senator, because I think that's where you really need a guy who can work both sides of the aisle.

You can't work both sides of the aisle in a Senate in which the Democrat Party solicits, pays for and keeps private FBI files secreted away for use to get what they want when they want it, even when people's constituents would benefit by conservative measures. People need to send people to Washington who are above reproach and not beneath contempt.

I learned it from Hillary Clinton when she kept telling the Grand Jury she couldn't remember stuff. Yeah, right.
If I was from Missouri I would worry about the political career of the first senator to endorse Obama. What the hell has senator Clare McCaskel done but kiss Harry Reid's ass and promote the manslaughter of the unborn?
If I was from Missouri I would worry about the political career of the first senator to endorse Obama. What the hell has senator Clare McCaskel done but kiss Harry Reid's ass and promote the manslaughter of the unborn?

She is not up for re-election...Graham is.

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