Dear Poor; What is Keeping You Poor?


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.
"Every day I watch people fight for their own poverty"~ Anti-Party

The Bible was written by PEOPLE. I try to remember that as a struggling Christian.

Christianity is founded on a select few keeping everything and leaving the majority out to starve. Jesus watched the Government and Religious figures use their power to take everything from the people and live extravagant lifestyles while some prayed for one days meal.

Just like the depression.

Just like what we are creeping up on.
Who came up with the stupid idea to give CEO's such HUGE checks to begin with??? Gimme a break. They should get a salary like everyone else...and NO BONUS CHECK. That check could go back into the business to the EMPLOYEES that make the machinery work.
It is the result of bad policies of govt.
^look at all that information

Look kiddo, this is an informational forum. Care to back that claim or do you just want to say that and walk away?

If you feel that way SURELY you have some information behind it.
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Motivated people look to themselves for what they want and need, the unmotivated look to blame others for what they don't have. It's that simple.
“These crackers, they’re getting pretty racist these days and that’s a problem for us since they've got something now they haven't had in years, the political pull to make it okay to be a big ol' honkin racist. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. I’ll have those crackers voting Republicans for the next 200 years."
- Ronald Reagan (speaking to a banana while in a dementia induced stupor in 1983)

Isn't that a parody of LBJ???

ALLEN WEST: LBJ, “I’ll Have Those N*ggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years”

Sounds like one of those urban myth thingies to me!!

ALLEN WEST LBJ I ll Have Those N ggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years Doug Giles ClashDaily

West is black, so he is allowed to say it.

Seems in most Democrats' minds he's an Uncle Tom....though I suspect the quote is an urban myth. But that's for another thread. I question whether the "poor" are to blame for their poverty. Of course some are just scum, though you don't have to be poor for that. The "trap" is where available jobs actually send people backwards in their living standard, or where there simply aren't any jobs at all. The former is really the most insidious.

Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Uh........R &D is outsourced as well as Legal. So, you have highly educated people that are forced into low wages.
Legal outsourcing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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