Dear Poor; What is Keeping You Poor?

Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Uh........R &D is outsourced as well as Legal. So, you have highly educated people that are forced into low wages.
Legal outsourcing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In some cases I suppose.

If you have a BA or Bachelor of Science degree, you should be able to morph into another field at a higher entry wage than someone in the field without a degree.

Its not a "rich" thing...but a "why are you poor"?. By no means am I working in the field I chose way back in the 70's when I was dreaming of my future. I would imagine few are.
I have people ask how they can get to work how I did. I spell it out to them very explicitly what they need to do. It would take two years of hard work to get just an Associate Degree and then they could get hired into an industry that pays well and in the very near future, like right now, has many jobs opening due to retirements. But it involves work as does everything that amounts to anything, most are not interested.
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Uh........R &D is outsourced as well as Legal. So, you have highly educated people that are forced into low wages.
Legal outsourcing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In some cases I suppose.

If you have a BA or Bachelor of Science degree, you should be able to morph into another field at a higher entry wage than someone in the field without a degree.

Its not a "rich" thing...but a "why are you poor"?. By no means am I working in the field I chose way back in the 70's when I was dreaming of my future. I would imagine few are.

The thread was created as an opportunity to slap the shit out of a bunch of right wing libertopian free market poor folks on the interwebs who firmly believe that the government is the hindrance and not the CEOs or corporations. I understand that. Hell, they deserve it.

However, education does not somehow alter the myth of the STEM shortage or outsourcing of R & D, legal and banking. So, at some point you have to address the whole, "Why acquire an education if the social mobility factor has been sold out?"

The odds of the ability to actually do something about the checks the CEOs get are what? Zilch. So, everybody kick rocks for five minutes as opposed to silence. Great for polarization but doesn't accomplish anything.

Identifying and targeting what can be changed would be more than what any of the political parties are prepared to deal with.
One can be surviving well on their paycheck, but then something awful happens and they wind up poor. So when they try to find work to bring themselves back up to pay, they are not hired because they are "over qualified". No matter they are homeless, on foodstamps, rely on programs for medical care. They are over qualified so no job for them.
Dear Rich people, you're still rich ... shocker !!
People are poor because they make choices and decisions that keep them poor. They work for the next day off, vacation, retirement. They work at the job they have not at the job they want. If a poor person wanted to be CEO, there's nothing to stop them. A poor person will never take an extra step knowing they won't be paid for it. They watch that clock like hawks. One minute more tidying up their work station and it's towering resentment. Call the shop steward, I'm a slave.

There is a mind set to being poor. A personality trait. Likely they developed this personality from the very earliest childhood from parents who were poor themselves.
People are poor because they make choices and decisions that keep them poor. They work for the next day off, vacation, retirement. They work at the job they have not at the job they want. If a poor person wanted to be CEO, there's nothing to stop them. A poor person will never take an extra step knowing they won't be paid for it. They watch that clock like hawks. One minute more tidying up their work station and it's towering resentment. Call the shop steward, I'm a slave.

There is a mind set to being poor. A personality trait. Likely they developed this personality from the very earliest childhood from parents who were poor themselves.

Wrong. Many people are poor because the economy they live in doesn't have enough to go around.
People are poor because they make choices and decisions that keep them poor. They work for the next day off, vacation, retirement. They work at the job they have not at the job they want. If a poor person wanted to be CEO, there's nothing to stop them. A poor person will never take an extra step knowing they won't be paid for it. They watch that clock like hawks. One minute more tidying up their work station and it's towering resentment. Call the shop steward, I'm a slave.

There is a mind set to being poor. A personality trait. Likely they developed this personality from the very earliest childhood from parents who were poor themselves.

Is that how you explain the millions of poor people in Africa?
People are poor because they make choices and decisions that keep them poor. They work for the next day off, vacation, retirement. They work at the job they have not at the job they want. If a poor person wanted to be CEO, there's nothing to stop them. A poor person will never take an extra step knowing they won't be paid for it. They watch that clock like hawks. One minute more tidying up their work station and it's towering resentment. Call the shop steward, I'm a slave.

There is a mind set to being poor. A personality trait. Likely they developed this personality from the very earliest childhood from parents who were poor themselves.

Wrong. Many people are poor because the economy they live in doesn't have enough to go around.
Yep. That or they lost their job, were unable to find one, and were blacklisted for being unemployed for too long. Which seems to be the trend for the higher paid jobs these days.
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

No doubt that explains why there are so few opportunities for college graduates these days.
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do
. . . .
Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

You made a good description, but not complete. The problem begins with customers wanting things cheap without regard to where and how it is made. To get low quality cheap junk made by a slave in China we have less and lower paying jobs, and this efficient business makes CEO more money by paying employees less because profits increase.

Where I worked at Walgreens the CEO made $3.5 million salary and the year he retired got a $10 million bonus. They with retirement in his 50's, he got another CEO job of another company. Now to meet the costs, store employee wages were reduced, not by rate, but number of hours. I used to work overtime each week, now there are half as many employees per hour as their used to be. It it totally impossible to complete all assignments, so the store is a mess, as most of them are now.

If Americans simply refused to purchase where employees are not well treated (as I did at WalMart 11 years ago), there would be great economy improvements. It will not happen because customers are just as greedy as the CEO. (I have knows people drive for miles to save a penny. That sort of thing is complete stupidity!) Personally I gladly pay double price to a small family operation than at any corporation.

Who came up with the stupid idea to give CEO's such HUGE checks to begin with??? Gimme a break. They should get a salary like everyone else...and NO BONUS CHECK. That check could go back into the business to the EMPLOYEES that make the machinery work.

I partly disagree. What the CEO deserves depends on how it was earned and how he/she uses the money. If the CEO treated employees right, paid them all a little more than competitors, but might have a lot more efficiency from happy employees than competitors, he/she deserves higher salary for that attitude.
Who came up with the stupid idea to give CEO's such HUGE checks to begin with??? Gimme a break. They should get a salary like everyone else...and NO BONUS CHECK. That check could go back into the business to the EMPLOYEES that make the machinery work.

I partly disagree. What the CEO deserves depends on how it was earned and how he/she uses the money. If the CEO treated employees right, paid them all a little more than competitors, but might have a lot more efficiency from happy employees than competitors, he/she deserves higher salary for that attitude.
CEOs make what they do because the board of directors think he's worth it. They make millions but can make the company billions. Employees make what they do because that's all they need to pay to keep that level of employee around. In a booming economy with more opportunity they have to pay more to keep them from leaving the fold.
Every single day I see poor people flood political forums (not just this one) absolutely outraged that they aren't making more money than they are...............

Poor people statistically aren't very educated and they ask their boss for the hard work I guarantee they do and their CEO probably tells them, "You know what, we can't afford raises because the government is breathing down our backs taking all our money"

Then the lower educated poor people get on forums sure that they can't get ahead because of Government.

Since they aren't very well educated they missed that turning point when CEO's became the position of turning down raises. American CEO's know almost nothing about the product yet they have a swag when they turn you down for a raise for working hard.

Current CEO's turn down raises on a massive scale and in return, are getting EXTREME wages. If you turn down 100% of the workers asking for raises and save the Corporation $500k that year, The owner will have no trouble giving that CEO (a single person) a $250k bonus that year.

And there you have it.

Why not encourage workers to organize in teams, and start buying out houses and apt complexes.
That's how the rich people retire: investing their money and credit into rental property they can write off their taxes.
And as long as their income exceeds their costs including taxes, then they profit off borrowing other people's money.

Why not organize whole district to buy out their schools and start managing their own cities where
they pay taxes to hire their own councils and police to make decisions.

Why not hold wrongdoers responsible for paying back the costs of their crimes.
So with the credits back to taxpayers, we don't have to work so much of the year
and pay so much of our labor toward paying for criminals costing us 50K a year.

We can use more of the money we earn for our own kids' health care and education, not some crook's.

If the Federal Reserve lends money to the govt and charges the public the interest on the loans,
why not lend money to us for debts and damages, and charge the costs to the wrongdoers who incurred them?
[/QUOTE]Why not encourage workers to organize in teams, and start buying out houses and apt complexes.
That's how the rich people retire: investing their money and credit into rental property they can write off their taxes.
. . . . If the Federal Reserve lends money to the govt and charges the public the interest on the loans,
why not lend money to us for debts and damages, and charge the costs to the wrongdoers who incurred them?[/QUOTE]

Yes, that would succeed, except poor people are either ignorant of these procedures, or lazy, or work too hard to think about it. My work for three years limited my food supply to one dollar per meal. My Social security pays 30% more than wages when I worked then. But this was because hours dropped to make more profits with less expense, and I preferred my food limit to going in debt.
People are poor because they make choices and decisions that keep them poor. They work for the next day off, vacation, retirement. They work at the job they have not at the job they want. If a poor person wanted to be CEO, there's nothing to stop them. A poor person will never take an extra step knowing they won't be paid for it. They watch that clock like hawks. One minute more tidying up their work station and it's towering resentment. Call the shop steward, I'm a slave.

There is a mind set to being poor. A personality trait. Likely they developed this personality from the very earliest childhood from parents who were poor themselves.

Wrong. Many people are poor because the economy they live in doesn't have enough to go around.
Yep. That or they lost their job, were unable to find one, and were blacklisted for being unemployed for too long. Which seems to be the trend for the higher paid jobs these days.
If you have a job and are not preparing for your next job it is your own fault. There is plenty to go around. You just aren't worth what there is going around.
People are poor because they make choices and decisions that keep them poor. They work for the next day off, vacation, retirement. They work at the job they have not at the job they want. If a poor person wanted to be CEO, there's nothing to stop them. A poor person will never take an extra step knowing they won't be paid for it. They watch that clock like hawks. One minute more tidying up their work station and it's towering resentment. Call the shop steward, I'm a slave.

There is a mind set to being poor. A personality trait. Likely they developed this personality from the very earliest childhood from parents who were poor themselves.

Wrong. Many people are poor because the economy they live in doesn't have enough to go around.
Yep. That or they lost their job, were unable to find one, and were blacklisted for being unemployed for too long. Which seems to be the trend for the higher paid jobs these days.
If you have a job and are not preparing for your next job it is your own fault. There is plenty to go around. You just aren't worth what there is going around.
To have that attitude you had to have either never lost a job in your life, or got all your jobs handed to you.
Why not encourage workers to organize in teams, and start buying out houses and apt complexes.
That's how the rich people retire: investing their money and credit into rental property they can write off their taxes.
. . . . If the Federal Reserve lends money to the govt and charges the public the interest on the loans,
why not lend money to us for debts and damages, and charge the costs to the wrongdoers who incurred them?[/QUOTE]

Yes, that would succeed, except poor people are either ignorant of these procedures, or lazy, or work too hard to think about it. My work for three years limited my food supply to one dollar per meal. My Social security pays 30% more than wages when I worked then. But this was because hours dropped to make more profits with less expense, and I preferred my food limit to going in debt.[/QUOTE]

So how do we organize? Online? I'm overwhelmed also.

the difference is it takes more of us with limited resources to do what one person can do who can hire out the work.

So it just takes more organization to achieve the same on a smaller scale.

How can we organize? Form a Taxpayers Union? And start making demands on the govt?
Like paying us back 24 billion wasted on the govt shutdown because the health care bill wasn't written and passed by consensus the first time?

Can we pick a simple issue, write a budget for how we want our 24 billion reimbursement invested,
such as in longterm Veteran facilities and reform that can serve the rest of the public in turn,
and then go on collective strike,
refusing to vote for candidates of EITHER major party until BOTH parties pay back 24 B into a fund
for long term sustainable health care reforms that both parties agree with, starting with our Vets.

Is that simple enough? that working people like us can unite around it?
[QUOTE . . . If you have a job and are not preparing for your next job it is your own fault. There is plenty to go around. You just aren't worth what there is going around.[/QUOTE]

There are a lot of both valid and invalid reasons someone is not hired. In my case at the interview I told them because of my injury at another business with an accident because they refused to replace a ladder I warned about and caused seven weeks coma, I insisted on safety. Nothing else would they hear, that is the end. But later I found out they were trying to hire new people because those who were fired were near a law requiring pay raise, so all replacements would receive absolute minimum payment. Because of this I never shop there anymore.

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