Dealing With School Bullying Especially at a Career Center

Sep 6, 2015
  • I know a person named Bella that got in a bad situation because the school counselor didn't give a crap if they hurt you. The counselor doesn't care about rumors that are going around that the counselors didn't even inform the principal and the parents. Bella told two counselors about the situation but they pushed her subject away like she was nothing, and she didn't get to tell the whole story with proof.

  • The counselors and the actual principal doesn't even look at the camera's for proof that someone was stalking someone, Bella and her ex best friend Robert had the same classes in a row. Bella knows how slow it takes Robert to leave the classroom to the next class which was Hospitality. They both had the same class two times in a row and Bella took the stairs that she always takes because its faster to get to class. And Robert took the same stairs as I did. Robert didn't arrive to Hospitality class until one minute later.

  • Second: They don't care if people with disabilities is making death threats to another person with disabilities. On the bullying hot line that is connected to the school/career center, they make up excuses that they never got the message when clearly they did because Bella used all suspects in one message. she said 4 suspects names but there were only 3 in one situation. Bella got to tell about the other one suspect before the message was over.

  • Third: When there were bad rumors going around that are illegal, the counselors didn't care, they hurt Bella emotionally. When Bella got manipulated by the bully who started it, the counselors said Bella started it without explaining how. And the big principal believed them without any evidence that Bella started it. If a bully is telling you there's a rumor going around when there wasn't in the first place technically that bully started the rumor by saying there were rumors when there wasn't in the first place.

  • The rumor was very bad and it made Bella very depressed and she wanted to kill herself when the counselors let the bully manipulate her. The fake reason why she wanted to kill herself was because of how her ex best friend Robert let his friends say death threats to her. It was so obvious that wasn't the real reason because those death threats happened about 5 months before she heard about the rumors. The real reason why Bella wanted to kill herself, well more like Bella wanted to fake her death death and start a new life. The real reason Bella wanted to run away is because she let the bully, the counselors and the others manipulate her on thinking the rumor was true when it wasn't. The counselors should of done there job correctly.
*If you would want to know the full story about the rumors, let me know please. It was wrong on how everyone mis-treated Bella because the counselors were too lazy to help Bella out on her situation before it got worse and it did get worse.
The parents need to make an issue out of it. Newspapers, etc.
This country doesn't tolerate bullying anymore.
If it gets to the press, problem solved.
The parents need to make an issue out of it. Newspapers, etc.
This country doesn't tolerate bullying anymore.
If it gets to the press, problem solved.

You are crazy. Bullying is the American way. Look at the people on this forum. Half of them don't even discuss the issues, but resort to bullying. It's the culture. Half the population are bullies.

You can't even discuss the policies of Obama, without someone attacking you for being racists. What is that? That's being a bully.
The parents need to make an issue out of it. Newspapers, etc.
This country doesn't tolerate bullying anymore.
If it gets to the press, problem solved.
"Bullying" is actually very helpful to learn life's lessons. It teaches kids whom they can mess with, whom they cannot. I got my ass whoopped a few times and I doled it out too. If you want pussies for future generations then give everybody a trophy.
The parents need to make an issue out of it. Newspapers, etc.
This country doesn't tolerate bullying anymore.
If it gets to the press, problem solved.

You are crazy. Bullying is the American way. Look at the people on this forum. Half of them don't even discuss the issues, but resort to bullying. It's the culture. Half the population are bullies.

You can't even discuss the policies of Obama, without someone attacking you for being racists. What is that? That's being a bully.

I think it's more about the DRAMA than the bullying.....
In a sense you are right. But in this society of political correctness, in a school environment, it can be fought (but not solved, I agree).

People like to bully because they want power and control over people.
We are, by nature, selfish and self indulgent.
It's much worse here because people can drop the "façade" of compassion and altruism.
The parents need to make an issue out of it. Newspapers, etc.
This country doesn't tolerate bullying anymore.
If it gets to the press, problem solved.
"Bullying" is actually very helpful to learn life's lessons. It teaches kids whom they can mess with, whom they cannot. I got my ass whoopped a few times and I doled it out too. If you want pussies for future generations then give everybody a trophy.

Cool! Can I whoop yours?
I think everyone should be exposed to the realities of life and deal with them.
Kids that are bullied should be taught or equipped to deal with it.
Not muffle people so others don't get hurt. That is not how the "real" world works.
It's like making every team/kid a winner. Not realistic and it will hurt children in the long run....
When reality DOES hit they will end up on a clock tower (or in a school now) shooting everyone up out of rage.
  • I know a person named Bella that got in a bad situation because the school counselor didn't give a crap if they hurt you. The counselor doesn't care about rumors that are going around that the counselors didn't even inform the principal and the parents. Bella told two counselors about the situation but they pushed her subject away like she was nothing, and she didn't get to tell the whole story with proof.
  • The counselors and the actual principal doesn't even look at the camera's for proof that someone was stalking someone, Bella and her ex best friend Robert had the same classes in a row. Bella knows how slow it takes Robert to leave the classroom to the next class which was Hospitality. They both had the same class two times in a row and Bella took the stairs that she always takes because its faster to get to class. And Robert took the same stairs as I did. Robert didn't arrive to Hospitality class until one minute later.

  • Second: They don't care if people with disabilities is making death threats to another person with disabilities. On the bullying hot line that is connected to the school/career center, they make up excuses that they never got the message when clearly they did because Bella used all suspects in one message. she said 4 suspects names but there were only 3 in one situation. Bella got to tell about the other one suspect before the message was over.

  • Third: When there were bad rumors going around that are illegal, the counselors didn't care, they hurt Bella emotionally. When Bella got manipulated by the bully who started it, the counselors said Bella started it without explaining how. And the big principal believed them without any evidence that Bella started it. If a bully is telling you there's a rumor going around when there wasn't in the first place technically that bully started the rumor by saying there were rumors when there wasn't in the first place.

  • The rumor was very bad and it made Bella very depressed and she wanted to kill herself when the counselors let the bully manipulate her. The fake reason why she wanted to kill herself was because of how her ex best friend Robert let his friends say death threats to her. It was so obvious that wasn't the real reason because those death threats happened about 5 months before she heard about the rumors. The real reason why Bella wanted to kill herself, well more like Bella wanted to fake her death death and start a new life. The real reason Bella wanted to run away is because she let the bully, the counselors and the others manipulate her on thinking the rumor was true when it wasn't. The counselors should of done there job correctly.
*If you would want to know the full story about the rumors, let me know please. It was wrong on how everyone mis-treated Bella because the counselors were too lazy to help Bella out on her situation before it got worse and it did get worse.
Your story about "Bella" doesn't make much sense. It's just disjointed ramblings.
  • I know a person named Bella that got in a bad situation because the school counselor didn't give a crap if they hurt you. The counselor doesn't care about rumors that are going around that the counselors didn't even inform the principal and the parents. Bella told two counselors about the situation but they pushed her subject away like she was nothing, and she didn't get to tell the whole story with proof.
  • The counselors and the actual principal doesn't even look at the camera's for proof that someone was stalking someone, Bella and her ex best friend Robert had the same classes in a row. Bella knows how slow it takes Robert to leave the classroom to the next class which was Hospitality. They both had the same class two times in a row and Bella took the stairs that she always takes because its faster to get to class. And Robert took the same stairs as I did. Robert didn't arrive to Hospitality class until one minute later.
  • Second: They don't care if people with disabilities is making death threats to another person with disabilities. On the bullying hot line that is connected to the school/career center, they make up excuses that they never got the message when clearly they did because Bella used all suspects in one message. she said 4 suspects names but there were only 3 in one situation. Bella got to tell about the other one suspect before the message was over.

  • Third: When there were bad rumors going around that are illegal, the counselors didn't care, they hurt Bella emotionally. When Bella got manipulated by the bully who started it, the counselors said Bella started it without explaining how. And the big principal believed them without any evidence that Bella started it. If a bully is telling you there's a rumor going around when there wasn't in the first place technically that bully started the rumor by saying there were rumors when there wasn't in the first place.

  • The rumor was very bad and it made Bella very depressed and she wanted to kill herself when the counselors let the bully manipulate her. The fake reason why she wanted to kill herself was because of how her ex best friend Robert let his friends say death threats to her. It was so obvious that wasn't the real reason because those death threats happened about 5 months before she heard about the rumors. The real reason why Bella wanted to kill herself, well more like Bella wanted to fake her death death and start a new life. The real reason Bella wanted to run away is because she let the bully, the counselors and the others manipulate her on thinking the rumor was true when it wasn't. The counselors should of done there job correctly.
*If you would want to know the full story about the rumors, let me know please. It was wrong on how everyone mis-treated Bella because the counselors were too lazy to help Bella out on her situation before it got worse and it did get worse.
Your story about "Bella" doesn't make much sense. It's just disjointed ramblings.

It was weird, but, I took the opportunity of the story to do some truth telling.........
  • I know a person named Bella that got in a bad situation because the school counselor didn't give a crap if they hurt you. The counselor doesn't care about rumors that are going around that the counselors didn't even inform the principal and the parents. Bella told two counselors about the situation but they pushed her subject away like she was nothing, and she didn't get to tell the whole story with proof.
  • The counselors and the actual principal doesn't even look at the camera's for proof that someone was stalking someone, Bella and her ex best friend Robert had the same classes in a row. Bella knows how slow it takes Robert to leave the classroom to the next class which was Hospitality. They both had the same class two times in a row and Bella took the stairs that she always takes because its faster to get to class. And Robert took the same stairs as I did. Robert didn't arrive to Hospitality class until one minute later.
  • Second: They don't care if people with disabilities is making death threats to another person with disabilities. On the bullying hot line that is connected to the school/career center, they make up excuses that they never got the message when clearly they did because Bella used all suspects in one message. she said 4 suspects names but there were only 3 in one situation. Bella got to tell about the other one suspect before the message was over.

  • Third: When there were bad rumors going around that are illegal, the counselors didn't care, they hurt Bella emotionally. When Bella got manipulated by the bully who started it, the counselors said Bella started it without explaining how. And the big principal believed them without any evidence that Bella started it. If a bully is telling you there's a rumor going around when there wasn't in the first place technically that bully started the rumor by saying there were rumors when there wasn't in the first place.

  • The rumor was very bad and it made Bella very depressed and she wanted to kill herself when the counselors let the bully manipulate her. The fake reason why she wanted to kill herself was because of how her ex best friend Robert let his friends say death threats to her. It was so obvious that wasn't the real reason because those death threats happened about 5 months before she heard about the rumors. The real reason why Bella wanted to kill herself, well more like Bella wanted to fake her death death and start a new life. The real reason Bella wanted to run away is because she let the bully, the counselors and the others manipulate her on thinking the rumor was true when it wasn't. The counselors should of done there job correctly.
*If you would want to know the full story about the rumors, let me know please. It was wrong on how everyone mis-treated Bella because the counselors were too lazy to help Bella out on her situation before it got worse and it did get worse.

Yeah, listen kid, all of this is too convoluted for me to give you any real good advice.

All I can say, is that the majority of USMB's members are adults. Disfuntional in some way, but adults. They all may act somewhat immature, but, by and large, they do not bully, and would love to help you. They are far more interested in ethics, morals, culture, and politics than gossip. And this. . . seems so fleeting?

I know it seems REALLY like the end of the world and a terribly tragic situation to be in right now, but, unless you share specifics, nobody can tell what you are talking about, and with less than a few hundred posts, no one is going to care to PM you. I'm sorry if that seems cold, but the world, the REAL WORLD, and reality is harsh. If you want people to care, you need to care. Clearly, you don't. You have been here less than a year, posted less than a hundred post, etc.

Now, I have been a crisis counselor, and a recognize someone who is in emotional crises even w/o specifics. You wouldn't have bothered writing as much as you did if you felt you had very little places to turn for advice. Either that or you are desperately lonely and just seeking emotional contact. Too bad we don't have Delta4's email in that case. . . . :lmao:

I can only guess as to the reasons why your issues are not being taken seriously by the administration of your school and/or your parents. Only two reasons come to mind.

The first reason is a prison of your own making. As a grew up, I was different. Society and my peers picked on me, and so, I became what they expected. And then, my parents treated me that way. Social isolation is not fun. So I can understand where you might be coming from. In the teen years it can be absolute torture, surely. So if you act out, you have less credibility. Folks tend to ignore and ridicule those they perceive as different. You only give them more reason to when you act out. It's a feed back loop. I was there, I know. Eventually, you will have to make a choice, do you want to be different for positive reasons, or negative reasons. I eventually decided my high level IQ and perceptive ability that people thought I was so different for, could be used in a positive way, rather than a smart ass way.

OTH, if you and your family come from less wealthy and less powerful means, and those kids that are bullying you are more popular and come from families that are wealthy and influential, with a lot of control over the school board or lots of influence over the voters? Well, it wouldn't surprise me at all if nobody in the establishment hears your cries for help. Especially if your face is covered with piercings and your hair is dyed weird colors. The establishment powerful in the high school hierarchy, is the same in there as it is in the working world. Get used to it now kid, it doesn't change. Conform now and you will have more credibility.

But, if you look and act normal and you are just poor and lonely and your big mouth just got you into trouble? Keep your trap shut, your head down, and wait it out. You are out of there at 18 and you never have to see any of those people again.
Mr. Sir, Bella is 22 years old. And she was an option 23 student at the career center as an adult. Bella was there when she was 19 years old to 21 years old. And this is a big deal, especially when you hear the whole story. It just wasn't a small tale rumor, it was a big rumor that could of been easily turned illegal and it did because of that bully. So yes this is a good subject matter because those bullies need to be punished especially the counselors and the principal.
  • I know a person named Bella that got in a bad situation because the school counselor didn't give a crap if they hurt you. The counselor doesn't care about rumors that are going around that the counselors didn't even inform the principal and the parents. Bella told two counselors about the situation but they pushed her subject away like she was nothing, and she didn't get to tell the whole story with proof.

  • The counselors and the actual principal doesn't even look at the camera's for proof that someone was stalking someone, Bella and her ex best friend Robert had the same classes in a row. Bella knows how slow it takes Robert to leave the classroom to the next class which was Hospitality. They both had the same class two times in a row and Bella took the stairs that she always takes because its faster to get to class. And Robert took the same stairs as I did. Robert didn't arrive to Hospitality class until one minute later.

  • Second: They don't care if people with disabilities is making death threats to another person with disabilities. On the bullying hot line that is connected to the school/career center, they make up excuses that they never got the message when clearly they did because Bella used all suspects in one message. she said 4 suspects names but there were only 3 in one situation. Bella got to tell about the other one suspect before the message was over.

  • Third: When there were bad rumors going around that are illegal, the counselors didn't care, they hurt Bella emotionally. When Bella got manipulated by the bully who started it, the counselors said Bella started it without explaining how. And the big principal believed them without any evidence that Bella started it. If a bully is telling you there's a rumor going around when there wasn't in the first place technically that bully started the rumor by saying there were rumors when there wasn't in the first place.

  • The rumor was very bad and it made Bella very depressed and she wanted to kill herself when the counselors let the bully manipulate her. The fake reason why she wanted to kill herself was because of how her ex best friend Robert let his friends say death threats to her. It was so obvious that wasn't the real reason because those death threats happened about 5 months before she heard about the rumors. The real reason why Bella wanted to kill herself, well more like Bella wanted to fake her death death and start a new life. The real reason Bella wanted to run away is because she let the bully, the counselors and the others manipulate her on thinking the rumor was true when it wasn't. The counselors should of done there job correctly.
*If you would want to know the full story about the rumors, let me know please. It was wrong on how everyone mis-treated Bella because the counselors were too lazy to help Bella out on her situation before it got worse and it did get worse.

Always been bullying. Only recently though has it been portrayed as a life and death issue. Kids need to toughen up and quit being such limp-wristed pansies. Someone bullies you, smash their face in. Bullies don't bully people prone to wailing on them or even just trying to. They go for the ones who take it endlessly.

I was bullied in school right up until I started getting physical with people. Then the bullying stopped.
Mr. Sir, Bella is 22 years old. And she was an option 23 student at the career center as an adult. Bella was there when she was 19 years old to 21 years old. And this is a big deal, especially when you hear the whole story. It just wasn't a small tale rumor, it was a big rumor that could of been easily turned illegal and it did because of that bully. So yes this is a good subject matter because those bullies need to be punished especially the counselors and the principal.

Well, okay then, I made some assumptions I shouldn't have. I'm an ass.

But, then again, so did other people. What the hell are parents having getting involved with their adult children's behavior to begin with? I didn't know that we were talking about folks older than 18. I'm done with this thread.

You want people's advice on shit, but you don't tell them any details, then you complain when they don't know things. This whole thing is a farce. Jesus, folks at that center should just grow up. If something illegal was done, call the cops. If it's just bullying, ignore it. For fuck's sake, problem solved.

Go back to the rock you crawled out from under Bella. It's no wonder you get bullied.
On January 11,2014 was when it all started (part 1). Bella told Leigh that she was done with Robert. Bella told her about what ended there friendship. Bella told Leigh about Robert's past about how he used to touch girls inappropiately in Middle school. And Bella also told her that she spent two nights at Robert's house in August. Leigh was acting all nice until she said this......She was thinking that Robert and Bella might of slept together and done something. Bella told Leigh that her and Robert both believe in no sex until marriage. Bella told Leigh that she slept in Robert's bed and he slept in the basement. And Roberts parents were home. Leigh said this to Bella "oh yea that's why people are saying ur pregnant with Roberts baby". Then Bella said this "Who is saying that I am pregnant with Robert's baby"? Leigh then said this "ok you're pregnant. There's a rumor going all over school and facebook and from everyone". So Bella said this "How do you know everyone at school thinks I am pregnant when you don't goto the career center anymore? And when did people start saying that I am pregnant"? BTW Leigh dropped out of the career center day before thanksgiving break. So Leigh said "Ummm who cares ain't my problem". So Bella asked what did they say. And Leigh said "they said BELLA is six months pregnant with ROBERT'S baby.. It's all over facebook". So Bella said "Wow I don't even look pregnant and I don't even look like six months pregnant. Who is they"?.So Leigh said "It's all over fb that's how I found out". So Bella said "I want to see the proof of who is saying that I am pregnant". So Bella said this "It's everywhere on fb". so after that Bella said this "ok I will search on all my friends wall. And what month did they post it?".So Leigh said this "It's not on of ur friends facebooks haha". So Bella said this "You said its everywhere on facebook. Everywhere would be on someone's wall". So Leigh said this "Leave me alone with ur baby and fake a** relationship". So after that, the next day on January 12th, Leigh contacted Bella on her other facebook. Bella told Leigh "Did Tony ever admit that I was pregnant? I like to know if Tony did tell anyone that I am pregnant?". Leigh said "Bella why don't you believe me?" Bella never heard Robert say it ever and Bella knows that he wouldn't do that to her. So Bella told Leigh this "Because Robert would never start stuff like that". Leigh said "Are you sure thoght". Bella said this "I know that Robert wouldn't say stuff that weren't true". Bella is sure bc Leigh told her a week or two ago that she hates Bella. So Leigh said this "Just calm down. I'll help u through it but I sware to god I didn't say anything". so Bella said this "Do you sware to god that Robert told you that I was pregnant?". Leigh said this "Yes I sware on my grandma's grave. It was awhile back when I was at school of course". So Bella said "What happens if I ask him and he denies it"? So Leigh said this "U know as much as I do he's going to bc he don't want u mad at him. Like I wouldn't lie to you. Text me plz it's easier".

(Part 2) So Leigh started to text Bella instead of Facebooking her. And by the way Bella use to have a cell phone. Its just not activated right now..So when Bella started to text Leigh. She told Bella this "I will help you through this, but I swear I didn't say anything". Bella asked her "who said it". And Leigh was like "Robert came up to me and said that Bella's pregnant with my baby"..And Leigh also said "don't tell Robert I told you that". Bella kept telling Leigh over and over again that she didn't believe her and Leigh wouldn't stop. Bella couldn't tell Robert because we ended our friendship like 2 weeks before this started. And Robert couldn't talk to Bella. So Bella asked Leigh this "what happens if I call the cops on you for starting the rumours"?.And Leigh said this "fine I will take the fall for something I didn't do". Right there Leigh like confused Bella. At that point Bella's mind was really spinning out of control bc Leigh really was trying really hard to get under Bella's skin and manipulate her. Bella was already mad at the fact that Bella and Robert weren't friends anymore and now this. Bella told Leigh this " I will be looking your mom up on facebook and tell her what you been doing". So Leigh said this "thats stalking and she said if I try to talk to her she would have me arrested for stalking". Bella was afraid to call the cops bc she said that. Bella is just a too nice of a person and Bella can be easily manipulated. Bella tend to let people get to her and she is trying to change that. So on Monday January 13,2014. Bella decided to tell her Hospitality class instrutor's helper teacher Mrs.Perry on what was going on. She said ignore Leigh shes probably lying. But as a teacher she should of notiffied the Prinicpal, Bella's special education coordinator and both Roberts & Bella's parents. But she didn't..So Monday and Tuesday Leigh was trying really hard to get under Bellas skin. So Wednesday 15th came around. Bella felt like Mrs.Perry did nothing about it. So Bella went to Ms. Gasca's office at lunch time and she wasn't there, so Bella left her a note. Bella told her this: "I need to talk to you about this issue. Leigh told me on Facebook that Robert is saying that I am pregnant with his baby and saying that Robert told Leigh this. I like to talk to you about it"..sorry I skipped something. During 1st period on that same day. Ms. Gasca had to come in to sub our reasourse lab for a teacher name Mrs.Sankey, she had to get boxes out of her car for a fundraiser. Ms.Gasca looked at Bella and SENSED that there was something wrong and she asked Bella if she wanted to talk about it. Bella said its not really the place to talk about it bc people were in the room. Ms. Gasca flat out lied to Bella. She said she would come get Bella during Hospitality class periods 2-4/5. She never camed up to see Bella. So thats why Bella left her that note on the exact day. So at 9th period finally Ms. Gasca came to get Bella. They went to the guidence Counselor and she was there with Bella & Ms.Gasca. Ms.Gasca said she went to see Robert (back of Bella's head started to think why would you tell him first instead of talking to me first to get the full story). Ms. Gasca said that Robert said it wasn't true. And Bella said "ok". Then Ms. Gasca was like ok lets talk about some other issue. Like right there Ms. Gasca made Bella mad bc she still wanted to talk about it and she pushed Bella away like a bag of garbage..Truthfully Bella don't think Ms.Gasca talked to Robert about it bc Bella knows for a fact that if she did tell him, he would of told his parents about it. And his mom would of definately told Bella's mom about it. So Bella told three total adults at the career center and they did nothing about it. They didn't inform Bella's mom about what was going on, they didn't tell Robert's parents bc Roberts mom would of told Bellas mom, they didn't tell the principal and they might of told Leigh, thats probably why she was still trying to get to Bella. So after that Bella's brain was spinning out of control, Bella was feeling really depressed that they didn't even do anything about it, Leigh kept bugging Bella soo much. Ms. Gasca let her manipulate Bella and she really got to her Leigh acted all nice and saying that "I need to calm down and let her help me through thiis". She was telling Bella that Robert really did tell her..And also plus the other stuff before shes been saying.

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