Deal is done, Iran wins?


A failed Improvised Rocket-Assisted Missile attack on a U.S. military outpost in eastern Iraq led an explosives team to this nearby weapons cache in July. Analysis indicates that the 107mm rockets are unique to Iranian design and manufacturing, validating U.S. assertions that the Iranian Regime has been playing an increasingly nefarious role within Iraq’s borders. (Fox News/TF Troy Iram)
Iranian Weapons Killing Our Troops in Iraq U.S. Says

Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Iranian-backed Shiite militias "are killing our troops" in Iraq with sophisticated weapons that include lethal armor-piercing versions of IEDs and rocket-boosted mortars.

Fifty-one American troops have been killed in Iraq since President Obama declared an end to combat operations there last August, and the fighting has wounded 244 U.S. soldiers. Roughly 46,000 troops remain advising and training Iraqi army and police forces, but they are due to be withdrawn by Dec. 31.

n a meeting with reporters Thursday, Mullen said Iran is "shipping high-tech weapons in there -- the forensics prove it." He said top Iranian officials "know about it," but he declined to say the anti-U.S campaign was being directed by Iran's leadership.

"Iran is playing an outsize role" in Iraq as the shaky government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki struggles to stem the growing violence, Mullen said. "That has to be dealt with. It's killing our people."

Selling weapons shows that the free market is alive and well in Iran.
You should be rejoicing.
Iranian Weapons Killing Our Troops in Iraq U.S. Says

Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Iranian-backed Shiite militias "are killing our troops" in Iraq with sophisticated weapons that include lethal armor-piercing versions of IEDs and rocket-boosted mortars.

Fifty-one American troops have been killed in Iraq since President Obama declared an end to combat operations there last August, and the fighting has wounded 244 U.S. soldiers. Roughly 46,000 troops remain advising and training Iraqi army and police forces, but they are due to be withdrawn by Dec. 31.

n a meeting with reporters Thursday, Mullen said Iran is "shipping high-tech weapons in there -- the forensics prove it." He said top Iranian officials "know about it," but he declined to say the anti-U.S campaign was being directed by Iran's leadership.

"Iran is playing an outsize role" in Iraq as the shaky government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki struggles to stem the growing violence, Mullen said. "That has to be dealt with. It's killing our people."

Selling weapons shows that the free market is alive and well in Iran.
You should be rejoicing.

Maybe I should repeat my last post..................


and YOU if you are making fun of Iranian weapons killing Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan..............

70% of all fatalities in Iraq were from IED's..................
You are wrong. No, You are worse than wrong. The Irish did with practically nothing what it took George Washington and an army which would have failed without the French to do. The war of 1776 was no more worthy than what the Irish did to make the British leave Ireland.
The British are still in Northern Ireland because the Northern Irish voted to remain British citizens. Not everyone in Northern Ireland agrees with the majority. As far as I'm aware, they're more than welcome to immigrate to the Republic just fine.

Yes there were those that made money having the British in Ireland. We have those kind here that will turn treason for a dollar. Probably your best friends no doubt.
Or they felt closer to the Protestant UK than the Catholic Republicans? Or they simply preferred to live in peace? I don't think that you have the right to tell them what their motivations were/are. They should be allowed to speak for themselves without requiring a terrorist loving foreign spokesman.

The British had no claim to Ireland. The oppressed my own kin for centuries. What the English did to the Irish was beyond the pale.
According to the democratic vote which saw the north remain part of the UK, they do. If you don't believe me, then please. Go to a Northern Irish pub and start singing rebel songs and vocally wishing for the good old days of the 60s through the 90s. I mean, it's not like they're called The Troubles for any particular reason. I'm sure the patrons would be more than happy to tell you how they feel about your views - especially once you tell them that you're just as Irish as they are because your great great great grandmother might have passed through Dublin on her way to America.

The Irish were a peace loving people before forced to use all means available to rid themselves of the tyrants. The Irish never attacked the British, attempted to steal British land nor property nor provoked them in any way.
The British Isles have a complex history which I don't have the space to educate you about here. It's true that the English fucked over Ireland just like all of the other British nations (the Scots, Welsh, Manx, and Cornish). It's true that their imperialist policies caused horrific hardships for the Irish people. The thing, though, is that that's pretty much over now. The people of both countries want to live in peace and cooperate for mutual gain. You know what doesn't help that? Foreigners with no connection of note to either nation sticking their dick in their business and trying to stir up hate and revive problems better left in the past.

Britain's empire was built on the backs of the poor and those unable to defend themselves all over the globe. If you are a defender of England then your ancestors were probably the POS's that were on the side of the Crown when this nation was born. so piss on you and those that spawned you.

If you are Irish then you are a snake, vermin. A rat in the store of the grain Irish have broken their backs to harvest. You are the weasel that comes around to take the King's share. If this is so I hope my people took your people as often as possible.
Exactly like you're doing here. Quite frankly, if you're neither an Irish nor British citizen, then none of that is really your business and every sensible person would quite like for you to STFU about it. I'm not Irish. I'm an American who has some degree of Irish descent, which is common as dirt and in no way makes me special or privileged to fuck up the efforts of actual Irish people to put the worst parts of their history behind them. I'm going on the assumption that you're one as well. The difference between us is that I recognize their right to do this without my interference or support for the terrorists who were murdering them just twenty years ago. If you really have such a hard on for all things Irish then go patronize an Irish business or support their soccer team or something. Don't defend fucking terrorist scum. It just makes us look bad by association.
This is the framework they are working on.......pretty impressive huh?

This means Republicans have till June to fear monger and try to sabotage the deal

If this "framework" is so impressive how come the Arabs and Israelis aren't imressed? I guess you know more about this deal than they do, huh?

Russia, China, Germany, UK, France and the US are impressed

Israel hates everything. They love to stir up the pot and then pout as others try to clean up their mess

Russia and China have agreed to resupply the Iranians in a war.

France thinks Obama is a pussy.

THe UK and Germany?

They need Russian Oil and Natural Gas.

You aren't very good at this sissy boy.

Odd.......they were all present at the negotiations and agreed with the deal

Where are you getting your information again?


that explains everything
They were chanting Death to America a week before this So Called Deal...........Dumb ass.............

Let's go to the table.................

Hmmmm............Iranian.....................DEATH TO AMERICA...............

Kerry............yeah well.......we want to lift sanctions if you promise to be nice................

Iranian............he he...........Ok..................Sure.........why not............haw haw...........

They did?

Did your feelings get hurt?
If this "framework" is so impressive how come the Arabs and Israelis aren't imressed? I guess you know more about this deal than they do, huh?

Russia, China, Germany, UK, France and the US are impressed

Israel hates everything. They love to stir up the pot and then pout as others try to clean up their mess

Russia and China have agreed to resupply the Iranians in a war.

France thinks Obama is a pussy.

THe UK and Germany?

They need Russian Oil and Natural Gas.

You aren't very good at this sissy boy.

Odd.......they were all present at the negotiations and agreed with the deal

Where are you getting your information again?


that explains everything
They were chanting Death to America a week before this So Called Deal...........Dumb ass.............

Let's go to the table.................

Hmmmm............Iranian.....................DEATH TO AMERICA...............

Kerry............yeah well.......we want to lift sanctions if you promise to be nice................

Iranian............he he...........Ok..................Sure.........why not............haw haw...........

They did?

Did your feelings get hurt?

Your response is expected. Because people like you rule by emotion. You base your belief's by emotion. I do not.

I used a satirical response to the deal. Making fun of the deal cut, as I believe they are cutting a deal with a country that will never honor it. They are known liars on the world stage, and will lie their asses off to get a deal that moves their agenda in the direction they choose.

If you are concerned with getting your feelings hurt agendas I suggest you talk only with those like you who actually care about emotions in their views. They may actually care if someone's feelings get hurt.

As I simply don't care in that aspect.
like you he didn't know who his daddy was.

i was given a heads up from a friend who is a well traveled individual and knowledgable of the workings of terrorists, etc. he had been given info that hussein O's father was either a Chimp or a Howler monkey.

:lmao: .......................... :up:
Russia, China, Germany, UK, France and the US are impressed

Israel hates everything. They love to stir up the pot and then pout as others try to clean up their mess

Russia and China have agreed to resupply the Iranians in a war.

France thinks Obama is a pussy.

THe UK and Germany?

They need Russian Oil and Natural Gas.

You aren't very good at this sissy boy.

Odd.......they were all present at the negotiations and agreed with the deal

Where are you getting your information again?


that explains everything
They were chanting Death to America a week before this So Called Deal...........Dumb ass.............

Let's go to the table.................

Hmmmm............Iranian.....................DEATH TO AMERICA...............

Kerry............yeah well.......we want to lift sanctions if you promise to be nice................

Iranian............he he...........Ok..................Sure.........why not............haw haw...........

They did?

Did your feelings get hurt?

Your response is expected. Because people like you rule by emotion. You base your belief's by emotion. I do not.

I used a satirical response to the deal. Making fun of the deal cut, as I believe they are cutting a deal with a country that will never honor it. They are known liars on the world stage, and will lie their asses off to get a deal that moves their agenda in the direction they choose.

If you are concerned with getting your feelings hurt agendas I suggest you talk only with those like you who actually care about emotions in their views. They may actually care if someone's feelings get hurt.

As I simply don't care in that aspect.
What makes you think they will not honor it?
Just because the rightwing media tells you so?
Russia and China have agreed to resupply the Iranians in a war.

France thinks Obama is a pussy.

THe UK and Germany?

They need Russian Oil and Natural Gas.

You aren't very good at this sissy boy.

Odd.......they were all present at the negotiations and agreed with the deal

Where are you getting your information again?


that explains everything
They were chanting Death to America a week before this So Called Deal...........Dumb ass.............

Let's go to the table.................

Hmmmm............Iranian.....................DEATH TO AMERICA...............

Kerry............yeah well.......we want to lift sanctions if you promise to be nice................

Iranian............he he...........Ok..................Sure.........why not............haw haw...........

They did?

Did your feelings get hurt?

Your response is expected. Because people like you rule by emotion. You base your belief's by emotion. I do not.

I used a satirical response to the deal. Making fun of the deal cut, as I believe they are cutting a deal with a country that will never honor it. They are known liars on the world stage, and will lie their asses off to get a deal that moves their agenda in the direction they choose.

If you are concerned with getting your feelings hurt agendas I suggest you talk only with those like you who actually care about emotions in their views. They may actually care if someone's feelings get hurt.

As I simply don't care in that aspect.
What makes you think they will not honor it?
Just because the rightwing media tells you so?

During the Iraq War, their arms and training were being used to kill Americans specifically with advanced IED tech from their Qud forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. I've documented some of this already. When called on it they admitted it and promised to stop arming the insurgents. They lied as even under Obama their weapons were still being used to kill the Lion's share of the people there with IED's.............

They have refused to honor any UN resolution.

They continue to arm Hamas and Hezballah.

Under the deal their regional TERROR ACTIVITIES are NOT addressed...........Why wasn't this in the deal............huh.............It is exactly why they are labeled a terror supporting state.

A week before the so called deal they were again chanting Death to America.

The Right wing media didn't tell me this lib. I used Centcom sites already to back up my opinion. What have you provided other than rhetoric as you defend your precious Obama in every thing he does.

Iran is laughing at us now. They see us as one of the videos I've already posted they openly said the same.


5.6: IRAN Iran’s goals in Afghanistan remain focused on maintaining friendly relations with the Afghan central government, preventing a Taliban return to power, and minimizing western presence and influence. Tehran’s strategy includes employing a soft-power campaign to promote a proIranian and pro-Shia sentiment within Afghanistan through a $1 billion donor aid program to upgrade infrastructure, provide humanitarian, cultural/religious support, and economic assistance. Concurrently, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Qods Force provides calibrated lethal aid to the Taliban to attrite ISAF and expedite force withdrawal. Tehran opposes the establishment of permanent U.S. bases in Afghanistan. However, Iran fears that a precipitous departure of NATO forces will increase instability on its border and perhaps lead to the return of the Taliban. At a minimum, Iran seeks to ensure its security concerns are addressed by maintaining pressure on GIRoA officials and seeking its own security agreement with Kabul. Since 2001, Iran pledged more than $1 billion in aid to Afghanistan and actually paid out more than $500 million. Iran’s reconstruction and development efforts are largely concentrated in western Afghanistan. Iran intends to increase its influence among the local population in order to foster pro-Iranian sentiment. Iran also wants to expand its sphere of influence beyond border 99 regions into other parts of Afghanistan, particularly Kabul. Iran maintains its embassy in Kabul and consulates in Herat, Jalalabad, Kandahar, and Mazar-e-Sharif, and is considering opening additional consulates in Bamiyan and Nimroz Provinces. Iran participates in the regional Istanbul Process. At the same time, Iran continued to provide lethal assistance, including light weapons and training, to elements of the Taliban and other insurgent groups. Since 2007, coalition and Afghan forces interdicted several shipments of Iranian weapons.

Beyond economic and security issues, the protracted Afghan refugee situation continues to be a contentious issue between Iran and Afghanistan. Approximately one million registered Afghan refugees and at least 1.4 million Afghan migrants (non-refugees) currently reside in Iran. During this reporting period, Iran did not forcibly expel or return registered refugees. Iran continued to deport undocumented Afghans (non-refugees), although at a slightly reduced pace compared to previous years.

This is a Pentagon Report..............
House Bill Would Designate Iran s Revolutionary Guard As Terrorist Group CNS News

– A bill introduced in the House of Representatives with bipartisan sponsorship Wednesday requires the secretary of state to determine whether Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) should be designated a “foreign terrorist organization” – a move that has been opposed in the past by President Obama and key members of his administration.

President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, newly sworn-in Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice have all taken issue in the past with calls to designate the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO).

“The IRGC is not only involved in Iran’s WMD programs but it is also the key instrument through which the regime has suppressed the pro-democracy movement,” a summary of the bill reads. “Recent reports of IRGC involvement in terrorist operations from Southeast Asia to the Middle East underscores the threat.”

When the U.S. Senate in 2007 considered a bipartisan amendment calling for FTO designation for the Revolutionary Guard, Sens. Biden (D-Dela.), Kerry (D-Mass.) and Hagel (R-Nebr.) all voted against it.

The measure passed by a 76-22 vote, with Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) – who would become Kerry’s predecessor at State – among its supporters.

Sens. Obama (D-Ill.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) were the only two senators who did not vote. Obama made his opposition clear, though, saying in a Union Leader editorial that the Bush administration may use the language in the amendment “to justify an attack on Iran” and calling Clinton’s vote in favor “reckless.”

Over the past decade and more, annual State Department reports on global terrorism have consistently placed Iran at the top of the list of terror-sponsoring states. Law enforcement officials and researchers attribute much of that activity to the IRGC and its Qods Force.

Among other activities, the State and Defense Departments accused the IRGC of supplying lethal assistance, including armor-piercing explosives, to militants fighting U.S. forces in Iraq.

The Bush administration in 2007 imposed sanctions on the IRGC for support of terrorists, including the Taliban, and for proliferation activities, a move renewed by the Obama administration in 2011.

Also in 2011, the U.S. accused the IRGC-Qods Force of being behind a plot to carry out terror attacks on American soil, including the assassination of the Saudi ambassador in a Washington restaurant bombing that could have killed many Americans in addition to the target.
These forces are now fighting alongside Iraqi forces and were part of the reason Iraq took Tikrit................

As they STILL SUPPLY WEAPONS to the TALIBAN.................Their actions and SUPPLIES ARE PROVIDED BY THE IRANIAN GOV'T.........................
Evidently, the sanctions have had their intended effect and brought Iran to the negotiating table

Have they?

Well that is only valuable where it presents the means to negotiate a viable agreement, of which there is only one... and THAT IS: THAT IRAN WILL NEVER POSSESS A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

And since we know that Iran is determined to possess such... and that the would-be president of the US is determined to help them DO SO... and given that the sane elements of civilization KNOW that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon that such will end in mass-murder... such is not possible without an agreement wherein it appears that the US is preventing such, but wherein the US is literally providing the means for such... we can rest assured that THAT is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

How does forcing Iran to destroy their only reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium and forcing them to destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium "help" them produce a bomb?

Golly... If there was only some twisted possibility that ANY OF THAT is even REMOTELY a part of any deal obama and Kerry might get the Iranians to commit to... . MAN! Would that be a great point.

Of course, the Iranians have stated in unambiguous terms that they have no intention of stopping any portion of their enrichment program and no more that just two weeks ago reaffirmed their RIGHT and subsequent intention to develop and use nuclear weapons.

Which was shortly before they publicly professed their desire to induce DEATH to America... .

(The Reader should recognize here, that the world as 'perceived' by the Ideological Left is a world with absolutely NO KINSHIP WITH REALITY. This being yet ANOTHER example of the mental disorder that presents homosexuality, demonstrating itself as a fundamental element of Left-think. LOL! And you though it was a coincidence that the Left is the only species of reasoning to endorse the Normalization of Mental Abnormality.)
Do you get news from any others source than Breitbart?

Yes, destruction of their reactor and nuclear stockpiles are part of the deal.

Sleep better now?

I get that from 6 years of obama experience... wherein he has for 6 years, consistently promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States..., and 30 years experience with Iran, which has just as consistently attacked, the US, our interests and allies.

FYI: that is what reasonable people refer to as "Reality".

But, in fairness to you; a Relativist, there was no way you could have known that.
The only terrorists I have any allegiance to are the Irish freedom fighters. I was 100% in favor of what they did to the British to gain some freedom from British control of Irish lives.
You do realize that you're the reason why so many Irish people hate Americans of Irish descent, right? We funded and armed their terrorists. We aided the criminal scum that murdered them and made their children live in fear. We even named a fucking drink after one of the terrorists' primary weapons against their own people. And we justified it all because Great Aunt Bertha might have came from Galway. We just had to prolong a war that wasn't ours against an enemy that wasn't ours for a cause that wasn't ours in a land that wasn't ours and support fucking armies of terrorists to do it.

You are wrong. No, You are worse than wrong. The Irish did with practically nothing what it took George Washington and an army which would have failed without the French to do. The war of 1776 was no more worthy than what the Irish did to make the British leave Ireland.

Yes there were those that made money having the British in Ireland. We have those kind here that will turn treason for a dollar. Probably your best friends no doubt.

The British had no claim to Ireland. The oppressed my own kin for centuries. What the English did to the Irish was beyond the pale.

The Irish were a peace loving people before forced to use all means available to rid themselves of the tyrants. The Irish never attacked the British, attempted to steal British land nor property nor provoked them in any way.

Britain's empire was built on the backs of the poor and those unable to defend themselves all over the globe. If you are a defender of England then your ancestors were probably the POS's that were on the side of the Crown when this nation was born. so piss on you and those that spawned you.

If you are Irish then you are a snake, vermin. A rat in the store of the grain Irish have broken their backs to harvest. You are the weasel that comes around to take the King's share. If this is so I hope my people took your people as often as possible.

Good day to ya.


Hatred is hatred punk, you are filled with.

The only real difference your hatred and any other hatred is you justify yours.

It is priceless irony.

Ya it's VERY impressive what names some twerp on the internet comes up with. Save it for when you venture outside your mommy's basement. But if you choose ass whoopins for $1000 Alex I'm your huckleberry. We can cut to the chase any time you like. I'm the most easy to find on this MB.

There is plenty to hate Bitch.

This nation is so riddled with caustic scum and their spawn that one doesn't have to go but a few steps and some "god fearin" Yokel will step up and get his Ish. Those are my personal favorites. The guys that get drunk and act a fool on Fridays and Saturdays and think it's all cool on Sunday. Then every couple of years the same butt hurt morons vote for the snake that promises to carry out some lie about women's choices and sexual orientation.

The old saying that "one bad apple will spoil the barrel" is a sad joke when we see what's really all around us. Nearly half the barrel is rotten.

No worries though. This nation is too big and rich to get run over by these poor-ass terrorists and the occasional dweeb that just gets tired of being bullied and shoots up a HS lunchroom.

Now run along Sport. You aren't trying to make this place better. You are still just trying to figure out how you will make it through half a day without getting your lunch money took.
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?

Congress can kill the whole thing.

No question Republicans will try to fuck it up......They usually do

Yeah right, blame republicans. According to Obozo this deal keeps Iran from getting the bomb for one year...and you clowns wanna celebrate. Iran knows they need to become a nuclear state by the time the paper tiger (I.e.) Hussein Obozo is out of office. The only question left is will we see Israel or an Arab coalition attack Iran. My guess is yes. long do you think it would take right now?

Sanctions do not prevent them from developing a bomb.......only an incentive not to

You're are correct Sanctions won't do shit. Israel and the Arabs are either going to live with a nuclear Iran, or go to war to try and prevent a nuclear Iran. Those are the only feasible options I see.

You are in error. The sanctions are exactly what brought Iran around.
The only terrorists I have any allegiance to are the Irish freedom fighters. I was 100% in favor of what they did to the British to gain some freedom from British control of Irish lives.
You do realize that you're the reason why so many Irish people hate Americans of Irish descent, right? We funded and armed their terrorists. We aided the criminal scum that murdered them and made their children live in fear. We even named a fucking drink after one of the terrorists' primary weapons against their own people. And we justified it all because Great Aunt Bertha might have came from Galway. We just had to prolong a war that wasn't ours against an enemy that wasn't ours for a cause that wasn't ours in a land that wasn't ours and support fucking armies of terrorists to do it.

You are wrong. No, You are worse than wrong. The Irish did with practically nothing what it took George Washington and an army which would have failed without the French to do. The war of 1776 was no more worthy than what the Irish did to make the British leave Ireland.

Yes there were those that made money having the British in Ireland. We have those kind here that will turn treason for a dollar. Probably your best friends no doubt.

The British had no claim to Ireland. The oppressed my own kin for centuries. What the English did to the Irish was beyond the pale.

The Irish were a peace loving people before forced to use all means available to rid themselves of the tyrants. The Irish never attacked the British, attempted to steal British land nor property nor provoked them in any way.

Britain's empire was built on the backs of the poor and those unable to defend themselves all over the globe. If you are a defender of England then your ancestors were probably the POS's that were on the side of the Crown when this nation was born. so piss on you and those that spawned you.

If you are Irish then you are a snake, vermin. A rat in the store of the grain Irish have broken their backs to harvest. You are the weasel that comes around to take the King's share. If this is so I hope my people took your people as often as possible.

Good day to ya.


Hatred is hatred punk, you are filled with.

The only real difference your hatred and any other hatred is you justify yours.

It is priceless irony.

Ya it's VERY impressive what names some twerp on the internet comes up with. Save it for when you venture outside your mommy's basement. But if you choose ass whoopins for $1000 Alex I'm your huckleberry. We can cut to the chase any time you like. I'm the most easy to find on this MB.

There is plenty to hate Bitch.

This nation is so riddled with caustic scum and their spawn that one doesn't have to go but a few steps and some "god fearin" Yokel will step up and get his Ish. Those are my personal favorites. The guys that get drunk and act a fool on Fridays and Saturdays and think it's all cool on Sunday. Then every couple of years the same butt hurt morons vote for the snake that promises to carry out some lie about women's choices and sexual orientation.

The old saying that "one bad apple will spoil the barrel" is a sad joke when we see what's really all around us. Nearly half the barrel is rotten.

No worries though. This nation is too big and rich to get run over by these poor-ass terrorists and the occasional dweeb that just gets tired of being bullied and shoots up a HS lunchroom.

Now run along Sport. You aren't trying to make this place better. You are still just trying to figure out how you will make it through half a day without getting your lunch money took.

Baby squirrel you jus one more internet tough guy tryin to be relevant in this big bad world, you are failing badly

Again priceless irony,make this place better?

The day they ban you it will be a better place kid . :)

You are much too emotional and it will be used against you.

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