Dan Crenshaw details life in Colombia and Navy SEAL training

i had hopes for him..till he went off on the young lady asking him about his religion and he lost it.

Why is his religion of any concern? In case you were not aware, there is a part of the Constitution that specifically says that we have freedom of religion.

What, do you think only people of a certain religion should hold public office?

The thing is, the question was inappropriate, and I think he answered it the best he could be expected. Questioning a person's religion is highly inappropriate. Especially in a hostile manner as she did.
sorry he showed a total lack of temperament in that exchange...she ask him a valid question after he had made remarks that counter the religion he claims to follow...she called him out on his hypocrisy and he lost it....i wonder if he is hormonal or what?
Tough dude for sure. Lefties want to award PTSD pensions to Vets who never saw combat but they criticize a real combat Vet who lost an eye if he is a republican.

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