Damn right i’m entitled and not a victim


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Unless Romney makes me a victim by turning my Medicare to a voucher program and privatizing my Social Security.

I worked 50 years and sometime two jobs and put my self through college without any help but a full time job and raised three kids in the process. I paid into the system, paid into two wars I did not support, paid into a welfare system I never used, paid into unemployment insurance and never had to use and now my Social Security insurance policy entitles me to Social Security and Medicare, $10 in food stamps, (that Romney want to begrudge me?) a discount on my prescriptions.

My dad invested his future into social security and never lived to collect after working 40 years. He was not able to pass his insurance policy on to his survivors, but Romney’s dad investment was pass on to him and gave him a head start. African slaves worked and built the country and the toils of their labor was not pass on the survivors to give them a head start.

Social Security is one investment that is not pass on to surviving relatives in the form of stock.

Damn right I am entitled, but I am not a victim yet but Romney has all intentions to make me one if he is elected to look out for my interest. A big no thanks Romney. :eusa_hand:
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Social Security isn't insurance and it isn't an investment. At best it's welfare for old people. In reality, however, it's the world's biggest Ponzi scheme. Every dollar you "invested" was flushed down the welfare sewer the day the government took it. You are not legally entitled to receive anything in return.

Unless Romney makes me a victim by turning my Medicare to a voucher program and privatizing my Social Security.

I worked 50 years and sometime two jobs and put my self through college without any help but a full time job and raised three kids in the process. I paid into the system, paid into two wars I did not support, paid into a welfare system I never used, paid into unemployment insurance and never had to use and now my insurance policy entitles me to Social Security and Medicare, $10 in food stamps, (that Romney want to begrudge me?) a discount on my prescriptions.

My dad invested his future into social security and never lived to collect after working 40 years. He was not able to pass his insurance policy on to his survivors, but Romney’s dad investment was pass on to him and gave him a head start. African slaves worked and built the country and the toils of their labor was not pass on the survivors to give them a head start.

Social Security is one investment that is not pass on to surviving relatives in the form of stock.

Damn right I am entitled, but I am not a victim yet but Romney has all intentions to make me one if he is elected to look out for my interest. A big no thanks Romney. :eusa_hand:
Unless Romney makes me a victim by turning my Medicare to a voucher program and privatizing my Social Security.

I worked 50 years and sometime two jobs and put my self through college without any help but a full time job and raised three kids in the process. I paid into the system, paid into two wars I did not support, paid into a welfare system I never used, paid into unemployment insurance and never had to use and now my Social Security insurance policy entitles me to Social Security and Medicare, $10 in food stamps, (that Romney want to begrudge me?) a discount on my prescriptions.

My dad invested his future into social security and never lived to collect after working 40 years. He was not able to pass his insurance policy on to his survivors, but Romney’s dad investment was pass on to him and gave him a head start. African slaves worked and built the country and the toils of their labor was not pass on the survivors to give them a head start.

Social Security is one investment that is not pass on to surviving relatives in the form of stock.

Damn right I am entitled, but I am not a victim yet but Romney has all intentions to make me one if he is elected to look out for my interest. A big no thanks Romney. :eusa_hand:

Hey IDIOT.. If you worked 50 years, you must be at least 66 years old which means Romney's plans don't even affect you. FAUX OUTRAGE NOTED.
If you worked 50 yrs, then your about 6 years older than me....
I won't be losing anything....nothing will change for people close to retirement (over 55).
So your rant is a bunch of BS.

Besides, if you don't think SOMETHING needs to be done with SS then your nuts! If it weren't for our government "borrowing" so much of it, giving it out to people who didn't put into it, using it to fund Obamacare, we wouldn't be in this spot. Something has to be done or there won't be anything there in a few years!

Stop your whining.....
People like the OP somehow "miss" that Social Security as it now exists will soon become insolvent if it isn't fixed which is what some politicians with spines, like Paul Ryan, have gone way out on a political limb to attempt to do.

Contrast that with the political cowardice of Barack Obama who attacks others for trying to fix something that he won't touch even though it's quite apparent SOMETHING has to be done. Leaders make the tough calls and Barack Obama is NOT a leader.
You aren't entitled to jack from the government merely because you let them rob you blind for years.

Other people are supporting you, you aren't entitled to that support. Some are doing it because of the goodness of their heart. Some are doing it because they are forced to. Regardless, it's still their money you are using. And you aren't entitled to that.

Maybe instead of demanding what you feel you are entitled to, you should give thanks to what others generously and begrudgingly give you.
why dont you run on those ideas and see how far the American people back you?
why dont you run on those ideas and see how far the American people back you?

You may enjoy the following quote (source uncertain):

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."
Killing SS?? What an idiot you are.

It needs fixing.

My idea of fixing it is to let people take out ONLY what they have in it. I'm sure the program will lose its popularity in no time. After all SS only draws 1% interest. Any bank in the Union would give you better odds with YOUR money.

Yep. They should let folks know that they can only take out what they put into it. Popularity gone. Program hopefully gone.
Unless Romney makes me a victim by turning my Medicare to a voucher program and privatizing my Social Security.

I worked 50 years and sometime two jobs and put my self through college without any help but a full time job and raised three kids in the process. I paid into the system, paid into two wars I did not support, paid into a welfare system I never used, paid into unemployment insurance and never had to use and now my Social Security insurance policy entitles me to Social Security and Medicare, $10 in food stamps, (that Romney want to begrudge me?) a discount on my prescriptions.

My dad invested his future into social security and never lived to collect after working 40 years. He was not able to pass his insurance policy on to his survivors, but Romney’s dad investment was pass on to him and gave him a head start. African slaves worked and built the country and the toils of their labor was not pass on the survivors to give them a head start.

Social Security is one investment that is not pass on to surviving relatives in the form of stock.

Damn right I am entitled, but I am not a victim yet but Romney has all intentions to make me one if he is elected to look out for my interest. A big no thanks Romney. :eusa_hand:

Hey IDIOT.. If you worked 50 years, you must be at least 66 years old which means Romney's plans don't even affect you. FAUX OUTRAGE NOTED.

I am 73 years old and it will affect my childern and grand children and some have already paid into Social Security as it will not be there for them when they become of age. And anything that affects my childern and grand children it affect me.
Killing SS?? What an idiot you are.

It needs fixing.

My idea of fixing it is to let people take out ONLY what they have in it. I'm sure the program will lose its popularity in no time. After all SS only draws 1% interest. Any bank in the Union would give you better odds with YOUR money.

Yep. They should let folks know that they can only take out what they put into it. Popularity gone. Program hopefully gone.

Social Security is fine and it grows stronger with the eoncomy and privatizing is not the answer. Vouchers are not the answer to Medicare.
If Romney don't trust bank with his money, why should I? Banks go under and have to be bailed out by government so I stay with government.
Killing SS?? What an idiot you are.

It needs fixing.

My idea of fixing it is to let people take out ONLY what they have in it. I'm sure the program will lose its popularity in no time. After all SS only draws 1% interest. Any bank in the Union would give you better odds with YOUR money.

Yep. They should let folks know that they can only take out what they put into it. Popularity gone. Program hopefully gone.
No bank is paying much more than 1%.
killing SS is not saving it you fools

Nobody is KILLING it.....fool

Do you NOT know the money is not going to be there when you need it because our government has taken so much from it and not put it back??

They need to STOP giving it to people who never put into it....and only give to people what they actually put in it. And i can see a wife getting what SS her husband may have put in, but ONLY the amount he put in.

Actually, they should just get rid of it and let the people put away for their own retirement. If they don't do it, then it'll suck to be them when they retire!
You probably wouldn't like that then, since you probably never paid in....you would have had to work.

OH .... THAT'S RIGHT! You said you were a teacher! Lol!
killing SS is not saving it you fools

Nobody is KILLING it.....fool

Do you NOT know the money is not going to be there when you need it because our government has taken so much from it and not put it back??

They need to STOP giving it to people who never put into it....and only give to people what they actually put in it. And i can see a wife getting what SS her husband may have put in, but ONLY the amount he put in.

Actually, they should just get rid of it and let the people put away for their own retirement. If they don't do it, then it'll suck to be them when they retire!
You probably wouldn't like that then, since you probably never paid in....you would have had to work.

OH .... THAT'S RIGHT! You said you were a teacher! Lol!

Say what??!!! TM is a teacher??? Of freaking what?? Perhaps at a circus freak show but a teacher of real children?? I'll bet if someone goes back and traces the kids who had the misfortune of being stuck with her in a classroom, the majority are probably scarred for life!
In any system where there becomes too many takers and not enough givers there will be losers at some point.

Ponzi scheme

In 1950, there were 16 workers paying taxes into the system for every retiree who was taking benefits out of it. Today, there are a little more than three. By the time the baby boomers retire, there will be just two workers who will have to pay all the taxes to support every one retiree.

I am not attesting to Romney's proposal as being the best one but the facts of what is happening with SS can't be dismissed.
I am 73 years old and it will affect my childern and grand children and some have already paid into Social Security as it will not be there for them when they become of age. And anything that affects my childern and grand children it affect me.

You've hit the nail on the head here. Team Romney/Ryan expects we'll be dumb enough to take their offer of preserving ours while screwing our kids and grandkids out of theirs.

Sorry, that won't wash with me either.

For those yelling about how it's "insolvent?" That's easily fixed, ain't it? Just raise the maximum income level for FICA taxation and the problem is solved. Moreover, when we Boomer's are gone, the system will be fine. It's just a temporary condition based upon our all getting old, but y'all are acting like it's permanent. Only a fool would make a permanent correction for a temporary problem and that's exactly what the GOP thinks we ought to do.
Do you NOT know the money is not going to be there when you need it because our government has taken so much from it and not put it back??

Don't worry. Congress took it out and Congress will put it back when necessary. Even a GOP controlled Congress isn't about to let we old folks miss a SS check.

They need to STOP giving it to people who never put into it....and only give to people what they actually put in it.

Who gets it that never put into it except kids and spouses?

Actually, they should just get rid of it and let the people put away for their own retirement. If they don't do it, then it'll suck to be them when they retire!

Yeah, great idea. Let the same banks and investment companies handle your retirement that tanked the economy back in '07. What would you do if the stock market collapsed the day after you retired? Remember...if the GOP gets their way, there won't be any social safety net to fall back on.

If you think "investing" your retirement funds is a good idea, ask the employees of the City of Stockton, CA how that worked out for them.

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