D-Schiff, Epitome Of Criminal Anti-Trump Dems: 'There Was No Quid Pro Quo' - Continuous Dem Treason


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.

D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.

Schiff is connected to a Ukrainian Company that is actively trying to destroy Trump. Schiff is a foreign actor/spy and a terrorist in our congress. He needs to be charged and taken away in handcuffs.
Trump Orders Declassification of FISA Applications and ALL Russia-Related Texts From Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, and Ohr

The full press release from the Office of the Press Secretary reads:

"At the request of a number of committees of Congress, and for reasons of transparency, the President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications."

This is why democrats are if full panic mode... they are being exposed.. They will be out today or tomorrow so this attack is preemptive to blunt the exposure.
Last edited:
Taking down President Trump is NOT the only mission D-Schiff is attempting to carry out. His other mission is to protect former VP Biden, keeping attention away from his and his son's scandal, which is at the heart of the Ukraine Collusion Delusion'. It is also to distract from the FACT that, once again, Democrats are attempting to accuse others of what they have done and of being who they are:

"Democrats and their operatives sought foreign help for anti-Trump dirt on a number of occasions during the 2016 election and afterward, including the infamous Kremlin-sourced dossier and Rep. Adam B. Schiff’s attempt to obtain from Russians supposed photos of a naked Donald Trump.


'I am asking anyone who hears
my voice to send me any naked
pictures of President Trump.'

Yeah, THAT'S not creepy at all! :rolleyes:

"Democrats also reached out to
Ukraine to collect political smut on President Trump and his aides. Three Democratic senators pressured the Ukrainian government last year to help special counsel Robert Mueller investigate Mr. Trump."

‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

What was that about using US Political Office / Power to pressure a foreign government to spy on / investigate / dig up dirt on an American citizen...or the President of the United States?

D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.

Schiff is connected to a Ukrainian Company that is actively trying to destroy Trump. Schiff is a foreign actor/spy and a terrorist in our congress. He needs to be charged and taken away in handcuffs.
Nothing like Schiff getting caught directly trying to get Naked Trump from Russians!

Taking down President Trump is NOT the only mission D-Schiff is attempting to carry out. His other mission is to protect former VP Biden, keeping attention away from his and his son's scandal, which is at the heart of the Ukraine Collusion Delusion'. It is also to distract from the FACT that, once again, Democrats are attempting to accuse others of what they have done and of being who they are:

"Democrats and their operatives sought foreign help for anti-Trump dirt on a number of occasions during the 2016 election and afterward, including the infamous Kremlin-sourced dossier and Rep. Adam B. Schiff’s attempt to obtain from Russians supposed photos of a naked Donald Trump.


'I am asking anyone who hears
my voice to send me any naked
pictures of President Trump.'

Yeah, THAT'S not creepy at all! :rolleyes:

"Democrats also reached out to
Ukraine to collect political smut on President Trump and his aides. Three Democratic senators pressured the Ukrainian government last year to help special counsel Robert Mueller investigate Mr. Trump."

‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

What was that about using US Political Office / Power to pressure a foreign government to spy on / investigate / dig up dirt on an American citizen...or the President of the United States?

First off, it's not illegal from everything I read to get opposition research from a Foreign Country. This was the defense The Clinton Campaign and their army of trolls used to defend The Dirty Russian Dossier weaponized against Trump and paid for by Obama and Clinton.

And Unlike Joe Biden, Obama and Clinton, President Trump never directly asked for dirt on any of his opponents, nor paid for it out of campaign funds or their own personal funds.
In an attempt to 'soften' the 'Fact Checking' of some of D-Schiff's documented LIES and false narratives regarding the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion', CNN wrote paragraphs and paragraphs of editorializing, 'explaining' and justifying to avoid stating the obvious:

Schiff's counter-intelligence false narrative propaganda spouting was 'Onion'-worthy, and - due to a complete lack of legitimate evidence against the President, again, and both the transcript debunking the false accusation by Democrats and statement by the Ukraine President that it did not happen, instead of trying to produce evidence to back their claims, SCHIFF ACTED OUT A FICTIONAL SKIT THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON 'SNL':

Schiff: "This is in sum and character what the president was trying to communicate with the president of Ukraine. It would be funny if it wasn't such a graphic betrayal of the President's oath of office. But as it does represent a real betrayal, there's nothing the president says here that is in America's interest after all."

Analysis: This concluding quote may have further confused viewers. Schiff suggested here that he had just provided listeners with what "the president says," though he had added in things that Trump did not actually say.

Fact check: Breaking down Adam Schiff's account of Trump's Ukraine call - CNNPolitics

In other words, in his attack on / accusing the President of the United States, D-Schiff INTENTIONALLY FALSELY accredited the President of the United States with saying things he NEVER said!

Schiff is DELIBERATELY spreading false information, seditiously creating and spreading his own FICTION in order to continue to intentionally treasonously attempt to undermine / remove the President of the United States from office...ACCORDING TO CNN!
First off, it's not illegal from everything I read to get opposition research from a Foreign Country. This was the defense The Clinton Campaign and their army of trolls used to defend The Dirty Russian Dossier weaponized against Trump and paid for by Obama and Clinton.

Hillary, a US citizen and (criminal) 2016 DNC candidate, purchased Russian-Authored counter-intelligence propaganda with the intent of using it in a US Presidential election to alter the election outcome.

Let's break this down:

Former President Barak Obama knew in 2014 about Russia's attempts to hack our power grid, their successful use of social media to con snowflakes into organizing and marching for them, paying Liberal groups Antifa / BLM / The Black Fist to spread racial hatred and violence, that they were trying to hack prominent political figures' server / e-mails, and that they were attempting to divide the country. Barry also knew Hillary was operating a personal un-authorized, un-encrypted, un-secured illegal server that was bound to be a target....and according to his own administration officials he never told her about this and never told her to shut it down. He went on to allow Russia to keep doing what they were doing for 2 years. His own people have said they did not do enough to stop it, that they 'choked'. So, Barry, it can be argued facilitated / allowed Russian interference.

Hillary Clinton (along with hiring thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters AT TRUMP RALLIES) bought Russian-authored counter-Intelligence propaganda...meaning she worked / colluded with the same Russians who had been targeting and attacking the country for 2 years in order to get political dirt on an opponent to win the Presidency.
- Democrats lost their minds over Don Jr. meeting with a Russian for 10 minutes and walking away without any information being exchanged, accusing both Don Jr and Donald Trump of 'treason' and being a 'compromised agent of Russia' because of this meeting, again, during which no information exchanged hands. Can you imagine what the Left would have done had it been proven that Trump bought Russian-authored counter-Intelligence propaganda with the intent to use it against Hillary?
Trump would have been Impeached by now, and he and his son would be in prison for treason right now.

Hillary Clinton also colluded with - purchased that Russian-authored information from - a politically partisan, Trump-hating FOREIGN SPY...who 'just happened' to be working for Obama's / Comey's FBI, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation. Obama's / Comey's FBI KNEW Hillary was colluding with / paying a FOREIGN SPY WHO WAS KNOWN TO BE WORKING WITH THE RUSSIANS to acquire the Russian-authored information.

- Again, Don Jr, meeting with a Russian Lawyer - a meeting Obama made possible by overruling his own Dept of Homeland Security that had banned her from letting her into the United States - and walked away with NO INFORMATION EXCHANGING HANDS is STILL considered illegal / treasonous by Democrats (and many snowflakes); YET, Obama, Comey, and Obama's Cabinet Members / Agency Directors KNEW Hillary was working with the FOREIGN SPY on the FVBI's Payroll to acquire Russian-authored counter-Intel propaganda - form the RUSSIANS who Obama and his administration KNEW had been interfering and running ops against the US IN the US for the last 2 years....and this was perfectly 'OK'?!


D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.

Schiff is connected to a Ukrainian Company that is actively trying to destroy Trump. Schiff is a foreign actor/spy and a terrorist in our congress. He needs to be charged and taken away in handcuffs.
Nothing like Schiff getting caught directly trying to get Naked Trump from Russians!

If Democrats had any idea of what they were talking about, they wouldn't have given shift a pass on that.
D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.

Schiff is connected to a Ukrainian Company that is actively trying to destroy Trump. Schiff is a foreign actor/spy and a terrorist in our congress. He needs to be charged and taken away in handcuffs.
Nothing like Schiff getting caught directly trying to get Naked Trump from Russians!

If Democrats had any idea of what they were talking about, they wouldn't have given shift a pass on that.

Democrats are all in on TREASON & SEDITION. This is exactly what "RESISTANCE" is about. Exactly what are they resisting?

DEMOCRACY, that's what. That is why they are trying to stop the election and have been since 2016.
D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.

Schiff is connected to a Ukrainian Company that is actively trying to destroy Trump. Schiff is a foreign actor/spy and a terrorist in our congress. He needs to be charged and taken away in handcuffs.
Nothing like Schiff getting caught directly trying to get Naked Trump from Russians!

If Democrats had any idea of what they were talking about, they wouldn't have given shift a pass on that.

Democrats are all in on TREASON & SEDITION. This is exactly what "RESISTANCE" is about. Exactly what are they resisting?

DEMOCRACY, that's what. That is why they are trying to stop the election and have been since 2016.

I've been posting that vid a lot as well. Most Democrats have never heard of it.

It is a really funny vid. Adam shift is a total fool. I recommend Democrats check it out so they know the kind of guy adam shift is and if they need to feel confident in elected Democrats.
Accepting a meeting / agreeing to engage in a discussion with foreign government officials in an effort to acquire 'dirt' on a US citizen (or President of the United States) is a 'threat to our Constitution', a 'threat to our Democracy', an 'illegal act', and 'act of treason'...so says Democrats and D-Schiff...

Then why was Schiff so willing to work with self-identified politicians from Ukraine in an effort to acquire 'dirt' on the President back in 2017?

Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz has dug up a nearly two-year-old prank call in which House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff told two Russian radio hosts posing as a Ukranian politician that he would be willing to accept damaging anti-Trump information.

"So, you have recordings of both [Russian journalist Ksenia] Sobchak and [Russian model and singer Olga] Buzova where they're discussing the compromising material on Mr. Trump?" Schiff asked the callers posing as Parubiy.

"Absolutely," one of the pranksters responded.

"Well obviously we would welcome a chance to get copies of those recordings," Schiff said later in the call after he and the fake "Parubiy" go on to discuss more details of the bogus allegations.

GOP lawmaker digs up audio of Schiff telling prank callers he would accept Trump dirt from Ukraine

Schiff should be indicted for Conspiracy, Leaking Classified, Sedition, & Treason.

It is no surprise snowflakes have refused to come to his defense - there is none for him.
D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.


I think we now know there was quid pro quo

The United States’ top diplomat in Ukraine reportedly testified on Tuesday to House lawmakers that President Donald Trump held up military aid to Ukraine until its president agreed to investigate Joe Biden ― effectively confirming a quid pro quo demand on the part of the White House.

Acting Ambassador Bill Taylor’s private testimony for the House impeachment inquiry said it was “crazy” to make the military aid contingent on investigations of Trump’s political rivals

“During that phone call, Amb. Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President [Volodymyr] Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election,” Taylor said Tuesday in his opening statement, obtained by the Post.

Taylor’s testimony described a clear connection between U.S. foreign policy and Trump’s political goals, and called it the most damaging account yet for the president

The question of a quid pro quo is at the center of the impeachment inquiry, relating to a July 25 call between Trump and Zelensky in which the U.S. president pressured the Ukrainian leader to “do us a favor” and investigate the Biden family. The call came soon after Trump suspended nearly $400 million in already approved military aid to Ukraine.

I do not know how you would listen to today’s testimony from Ambassador Taylor and come to any other conclusion except that the president abused his power and withheld foreign aid.
The question of a quid pro quo is at the center of the impeachment inquiry, relating to a July 25 call between Trump and Zelensky in which the U.S. president pressured the Ukrainian leader to “do us a favor” and investigate the Biden family. The call came soon after Trump suspended nearly $400 million in already approved military aid to Ukraine.

I do not know how you would listen to today’s testimony from Ambassador Taylor and come to any other conclusion except that the president abused his power and withheld foreign aid.

There doesn't need to be a quid pro quo for that call and what trump did to be criminal and very illegal.

It's very illegal to solicit anything of value from a foreign person for an election.


End of story.

The quid pro quo is just more crimes to add to the articles of impeachment.
D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.


I think we now know there was quid pro quo

The United States’ top diplomat in Ukraine reportedly testified on Tuesday to House lawmakers that President Donald Trump held up military aid to Ukraine until its president agreed to investigate Joe Biden ― effectively confirming a quid pro quo demand on the part of the White House.

Acting Ambassador Bill Taylor’s private testimony for the House impeachment inquiry said it was “crazy” to make the military aid contingent on investigations of Trump’s political rivals

“During that phone call, Amb. Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President [Volodymyr] Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election,” Taylor said Tuesday in his opening statement, obtained by the Post.

Taylor’s testimony described a clear connection between U.S. foreign policy and Trump’s political goals, and called it the most damaging account yet for the president

D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.


I think we now know there was quid pro quo

The United States’ top diplomat in Ukraine reportedly testified on Tuesday to House lawmakers that President Donald Trump held up military aid to Ukraine until its president agreed to investigate Joe Biden ― effectively confirming a quid pro quo demand on the part of the White House.

Acting Ambassador Bill Taylor’s private testimony for the House impeachment inquiry said it was “crazy” to make the military aid contingent on investigations of Trump’s political rivals

“During that phone call, Amb. Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President [Volodymyr] Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election,” Taylor said Tuesday in his opening statement, obtained by the Post.

Taylor’s testimony described a clear connection between U.S. foreign policy and Trump’s political goals, and called it the most damaging account yet for the president

Words actually matter....

If you READ / listen to what the Diplomat said you see he actually said, "I THINK" and "I FEEL", but he offered NO EVIDENCE to support his EMOTIONS.

In other words, the guy is your average, run-of-the-mill snowflake.

At the end of the day there were 2 people involved in the conversation in question - President Trump and the Ukraine PM, BOTH of which have declared there was no pressure applied to Ukraine, nothing was withheld, as it was delivered without bei g dependent on the Ukraine PM doing anything.
D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.


I think we now know there was quid pro quo

The United States’ top diplomat in Ukraine reportedly testified on Tuesday to House lawmakers that President Donald Trump held up military aid to Ukraine until its president agreed to investigate Joe Biden ― effectively confirming a quid pro quo demand on the part of the White House.

Acting Ambassador Bill Taylor’s private testimony for the House impeachment inquiry said it was “crazy” to make the military aid contingent on investigations of Trump’s political rivals

“During that phone call, Amb. Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President [Volodymyr] Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election,” Taylor said Tuesday in his opening statement, obtained by the Post.

Taylor’s testimony described a clear connection between U.S. foreign policy and Trump’s political goals, and called it the most damaging account yet for the president

D-Rep Adam Schiff is ONE of the biggest leading Democrats who have been attempting to make 'Sedition' and 'Treason' perpetrated by Democrats acceptable while continuing to lead the charge in doing / saying anything necessary to take down the President of the United States.

When pressed on his false accusation that President Trump engaged in a 'Quid Pro Quo' 'treasonous' deal with Ukraine's Prime Minister, after the released transcript proved differently and Ukraine's PM publicly debunked the false narrative by stating it never happened, Schiff admitted this was not the case, that the Democrats do not need for that to have happened for them to Impeach the President:

"We don't have to show a quid pro quo, although this conversation comes awfully close."
Oh, Brother: Schiff Admits There Was No Quid Pro Quo But Still Believes In Impeachment

'Awfully close' is 1) not evidence of a crime / 2) Is NOT 'quid pro quo'.

"There was no quid pro quo – no "browbeating" of a foreign leader. Just two heads of state talking about Ukraine's role in 2016 U.S. election interference and discussing getting to the bottom of the corruption that has spilled over between the two countries.

With his history of deliberately distorting the truth, secretly disclosing classified information, and openly converting the House Intelligence Committee into a partisan opposition research operation, Schiff has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted."


"Schiff openly admitted leaking after information from closed Intelligence Committee testimony by Donald Trump Jr. surfaced in 2017. Many pointed to him as the likely source of the leak. Although Schiff initially denied leaking the testimony of the president’s son, he later defended the leak on CNN. “That’s not a leak,” he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “It is exposure of his noncooperation and his stonewalling of our committee.”
‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump

Schiff was forced to make up his own definition of 'Leak' to defend his criminal / corrupt leaking of information.

D-Schiff is a politically corrupt partisan, Trump-hating, admitted classified information-leaking, counter-intelligence false narrative-pushing, seditious, treasonous enemy of the state who should be in prison, not in Congress, at the most. At the very least, he should not be on any committee, having the platform / power to do what he is doing, which is betraying the American people's trust by attempting to undermine the current President of the United States and US government.

Having him continue to be one of the leading Democrat voices / driving forces for Impeachment of the President equates to a 'self-inflicted chest wound' that underscores the fact that the 'Ukraine Collusion Delusion' is a continuation of the exposed failed Obama coup attempted 'Russia Collusion Delusion'.


I think we now know there was quid pro quo

The United States’ top diplomat in Ukraine reportedly testified on Tuesday to House lawmakers that President Donald Trump held up military aid to Ukraine until its president agreed to investigate Joe Biden ― effectively confirming a quid pro quo demand on the part of the White House.

Acting Ambassador Bill Taylor’s private testimony for the House impeachment inquiry said it was “crazy” to make the military aid contingent on investigations of Trump’s political rivals

“During that phone call, Amb. Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President [Volodymyr] Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election,” Taylor said Tuesday in his opening statement, obtained by the Post.

Taylor’s testimony described a clear connection between U.S. foreign policy and Trump’s political goals, and called it the most damaging account yet for the president

Words actually matter....

If you READ / listen to what the Diplomat said you see he actually said, "I THINK" and "I FEEL", but he offered NO EVIDENCE to support his EMOTIONS.

In other words, the guy is your average, run-of-the-mill snowflake.

At the end of the day there were 2 people involved in the conversation in question - President Trump and the Ukraine PM, BOTH of which have declared there was no pressure applied to Ukraine, nothing was withheld, as it was delivered without bei g dependent on the Ukraine PM doing anything.
Okay buddy

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