*CWN STUDY*: *Why Negros Are Racists*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,


1. One reason is they don't hug each other.
2. They fail to bond with each other while growing up.
3. It makes them feel inferior, disowned, worthless, and abandoned.
4. Seeing they feel like this, it automatically makes them hate white people, because they need a scapegoat, they can't blame their own culture, which is minimal, so its got to be *ol whitey* whos doing it to them.
5. Yes, it really is that simple folks.
6. This is just one reason why the negro culture is what it is.:eusa_hand:
7. Can you dumb fucks just learn how to bond with your children and each other, like normal humans do???:eek:

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Sorry bout that,

1. Negros *are* racists, so because of that I gotta be a racist too?
2. Fuck that!
3. I am indifferent about negros, I don't hate them, or abhor them, I don't make them appear stupid, they seem to handle that all by themselves.
4. But the way things stand for negros, is, they are their own worst enemy, how and what can I do to stop this, well, I'm doing it, I'm talking about why I think negros can and should change for the better.
5. I want to help them, and not blame them for their inadequacy's, in their struggle to advance themselves, into something they can be proud of.
6. I don't see all that much pride in the negros I see here in Texas, I see more or less shameless living, no shame, no gain, it would seem.
7. Until they can hold their heads up with pride about who they are, this problem of negros being racists shall not be transformed.
8. And another thing that amazes me, is when I see negros here wearing those African cloths, bright color head dresses, African patterns from Africa, hey some one should explain to them, if they are so proud of Africa, and the way they use to dress when they lived there, isn't making a display of this sort of pride in a country they left seem unreasonable, to their own self worth, seeing they abandoned Africa to come to the *Good ol USA*?

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Sorry bout that,

1. Negros *are* racists, so because of that I gotta be a racist too?
2. Fuck that!
3. I am indifferent about negros, I don't hate them, or abhor them, I don't make them appear stupid, they seem to handle that all by themselves.
4. But the way things stand for negros, is, they are their own worst enemy, how and what can I do to stop this, well, I'm doing it, I'm talking about why I think negros can and should change for the better.
5. I want to help them, and not blame them for their inadequacy's, in their struggle to advance themselves, into something they can be proud of.
6. I don't see all that much pride in the negros I see here in Texas, I see more or less shameless living, no shame, no gain, it would seem.
7. Until they can hold their heads up with pride about who they are, this problem of negros being racists shall not be transformed.
8. And another thing that amazes me, is when I see negros here wearing those African cloths, bright color head dresses, African patterns from Africa, hey some one should explain to them, if they are so proud of Africa, and the way they use to dress when they lived there, isn't making a display of this sort of pride in a country they left seem unreasonable, to their own self worth, seeing they abandoned Africa to come to the *Good ol USA*?

the average ape in afreeka does not dress like the apes in afreekan garb in America!!!only the top apes that rule over the starving apes dress that way!!!the average black in Africa is garbed in rags!!:lol::lol:
Sorry bout that,

Interesting.........a USMB KKK rally.......

Let’s hope for their sake they’re just liberal trolls trying to make the right look bad.

Either that or they’re posting from a mental institution.

1. Some negros aren't ready to take a look under the hood.
2. If I were a troll, I wouldn't be explaining how the negro can better themselves.:eusa_hand:
3. I could be wrong, but I don't think they allow crazy people on computers, though, who let you on that one?

Interesting.........a USMB KKK rally.......

Let’s hope for their sake they’re just liberal trolls trying to make the right look bad.

Either that or they’re posting from a mental institution.

I'll tell you what I think makes people look bad. Those who refuse to differentiate between individuals and groups. Racism is no more prevalent among 'white conservatives' than it is within 'liberal blacks'.
Sorry bout that,


1. One reason is they don't hug each other.
2. They fail to bond with each other while growing up.
3. It makes them feel inferior, disowned, worthless, and abandoned.
4. Seeing they feel like this, it automatically makes them hate white people, because they need a scapegoat, they can't blame their own culture, which is minimal, so its got to be *ol whitey* whos doing it to them.
5. Yes, it really is that simple folks.
6. This is just one reason why the negro culture is what it is.:eusa_hand:
7. Can you dumb fucks just learn how to bond with your children and each other, like normal humans do???:eek:


Conservative logic is a wonderful thing.

Sorry bout that,

Interesting.........a USMB KKK rally.......

Let’s hope for their sake they’re just liberal trolls trying to make the right look bad.

Either that or they’re posting from a mental institution.

I'll tell you what I think makes people look bad. Those who refuse to differentiate between individuals and groups. Racism is no more prevalent among 'white conservatives' than it is within 'liberal blacks'.

1. Yes, and if I say anything bad about Obama, then I'm a automatic *racists*, at least from a *liberal muckity mucks* view point, negro or not.
2. No I'm not!:eusa_hand:
3. What tends to look bad, in my opinion, is no one wants to face their own racist tendency, they just want to express how everyone else is *a racist*.
4. I'm not demanding negros do anything, nor condemning them, only teaching them what I see as *there problem*, and yet, I get blamed for being a *racist*.
5. I'm sure most of the readers who read my stuff, know I hold no ill will towards negros.
6. And I'm doing what I can to help their plight.

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,


1. One reason is they don't hug each other.
2. They fail to bond with each other while growing up.
3. It makes them feel inferior, disowned, worthless, and abandoned.
4. Seeing they feel like this, it automatically makes them hate white people, because they need a scapegoat, they can't blame their own culture, which is minimal, so its got to be *ol whitey* whos doing it to them.
5. Yes, it really is that simple folks.
6. This is just one reason why the negro culture is what it is.:eusa_hand:
7. Can you dumb fucks just learn how to bond with your children and each other, like normal humans do???:eek:


Conservative logic is a wonderful thing.


1. Its *FACT*.:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,


1. One reason is they don't hug each other.
2. They fail to bond with each other while growing up.
3. It makes them feel inferior, disowned, worthless, and abandoned.
4. Seeing they feel like this, it automatically makes them hate white people, because they need a scapegoat, they can't blame their own culture, which is minimal, so its got to be *ol whitey* whos doing it to them.
5. Yes, it really is that simple folks.
6. This is just one reason why the negro culture is what it is.:eusa_hand:
7. Can you dumb fucks just learn how to bond with your children and each other, like normal humans do???:eek:


Conservative logic is a wonderful thing.


If taking the views of an idiot as 'conservative logic' then I would suggest that the 'liberal logic' needs work too.
Sorry bout that,


1. One reason is they don't hug each other.
2. They fail to bond with each other while growing up.
3. It makes them feel inferior, disowned, worthless, and abandoned.
4. Seeing they feel like this, it automatically makes them hate white people, because they need a scapegoat, they can't blame their own culture, which is minimal, so its got to be *ol whitey* whos doing it to them.
5. Yes, it really is that simple folks.
6. This is just one reason why the negro culture is what it is.:eusa_hand:
7. Can you dumb fucks just learn how to bond with your children and each other, like normal humans do???:eek:


Conservative logic is a wonderful thing.

No one has ever accused CheeseWarNow of logic. He is no more representative of white Conservatives than Idi Amin is of black Liberals.
What I find interesting is the culture of black in America that discriminates against islanders and Afrikaners.

Truly racist.
Sorry bout that,

1. Negros seldom hug, they might kiss their wife, or husband, but they don't hug.
2. Hugging is a white thing, and *all* negros hate white people, and will not hug.:eusa_hand:


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