Cult of Personality

It sure feels like it when you watch some of these people swooning over him, when I find it hard to even know where he actually stands on a lot of issues.

If you are genuinely curious here you go Welcome to Obama for America... Now as far a C.O.P or swooning or praising... get a grip... he is a presidential candidate in the opposition party thats run down the GOP. Hes young, presidential and a new face... all this other talk just smacks of sour grapes and jealousy...
We have nothing to lose in November. EVERYONE thinks he will win, so if he does, no biggy. Now if he loses, this board will be full of accusations of how it was racism, how the Republicans somehow cheated the system, on and on, with none admitting his lack of positions had anything to do with it or his assumtion that cause he kept claiming "change" would win it for him.

As for a NEW face, ya from the most CORRUPT political machine in the Country. Go ahead remind us all how he has no debts and has no one pulling HIS strings. He already sold out to the Ethanol lobby that we know of. He is beholden to corrupt politicians and party members in his home State.

But ya we will see a change alright, from someone that cares about the Country to someone that cares about himself.
When you have no ideas, no solutions that help people, you engage in guilt by association. What do any of those people shown have to do with Obama?

They are actually closer in ideology to the current administration in its secretiveness, it eavesdropping on American citizens, its suspension of habeas corpus. If the thread poster thought about it, rather than act as another ideologue, they would realize that.

If one wants a real cult of personality consider the same right wing adulation of Ronald Reagan, the presidency that marked the beginning of the decline of America to the status of a third world nation.

CEPR - America Since 1980: A Right Turn Leading to a Dead End
The Conservative Nanny State

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering. is every POTUS in history.

I don't agree with that. I doubt anyone would ever have said there is a cult of personality surrounding either Bush president, or Jimmy Carter or Eisenhower.. or Johnson.

I think to be a cult of personality, there has to be an extra bit of charisma, something that makes people get attached to the person and not only what he's saying.

It's like the difference between Southside Johnny and Bruce Springsteen. Southside has a great voice, Bruce is a cult of personality, IMO, of course. ;)

Or Jerry Garcia vs Neil Young, say....
The thread title pretty much begged for this

So were John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

People in America and around the world like Obama because he is intelligent, well spoken, and charismatic.

The Republicans are frightened because he is the best candidate the Dems have had in a long time.

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