Cruz: ‘In Effect, They Are Counterfeiting Immigration Papers’


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
As many have said, "prosecutorial discretion" can in no way be used to justify handing out work permits to illegals. That' actually doing something - not just looking the other way while illegals break laws.

Cruz In Effect They Are Counterfeiting Immigration Papers CNS News

jan 29 2015 - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Thursday that contrary to what attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch said in her confirmation hearing on Wednesday that illegal aliens do not have a right to work in the United States and that by printing work authorizations for them the Obama administration is effectively “counterfeiting immigration papers.”

CNSNews asked asked Cruz: Do you believe illegal aliens should have a right to work in the United States as Loretta Lynch told Senator Sessions?

Cruz responded: Federal law is unequivocal. Those who are present in this country illegally are barred from working. The Obama administration is printing up work authorizations directly contrary to federal law. In effect, they are counterfeiting immigration papers, because the plain text of federal law makes it illegal for those who have entered this country illegally to obtain employment.
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.
As many have said, "prosecutorial discretion" can in no way be used to justify handing out work permits to illegals. That' actually doing something - not just looking the other way while illegals break laws.

Cruz In Effect They Are Counterfeiting Immigration Papers CNS News

jan 29 2015 - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Thursday that contrary to what attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch said in her confirmation hearing on Wednesday that illegal aliens do not have a right to work in the United States and that by printing work authorizations for them the Obama administration is effectively “counterfeiting immigration papers.”

CNSNews asked asked Cruz: Do you believe illegal aliens should have a right to work in the United States as Loretta Lynch told Senator Sessions?

Cruz responded: Federal law is unequivocal. Those who are present in this country illegally are barred from working. The Obama administration is printing up work authorizations directly contrary to federal law. In effect, they are counterfeiting immigration papers, because the plain text of federal law makes it illegal for those who have entered this country illegally to obtain employment.
Too bad that his party doesn't give a shit except in the weeks leading up to an election.
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.

Dumb ass, how about we take care of our citizens.....let other countries worry about their own! You don't like it when we get involved militarily with other countries, what double standard do you play be?:ahole-1:
As many have said, "prosecutorial discretion" can in no way be used to justify handing out work permits to illegals. That' actually doing something - not just looking the other way while illegals break laws.

Cruz In Effect They Are Counterfeiting Immigration Papers CNS News

jan 29 2015 - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Thursday that contrary to what attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch said in her confirmation hearing on Wednesday that illegal aliens do not have a right to work in the United States and that by printing work authorizations for them the Obama administration is effectively “counterfeiting immigration papers.”

CNSNews asked asked Cruz: Do you believe illegal aliens should have a right to work in the United States as Loretta Lynch told Senator Sessions?

Cruz responded: Federal law is unequivocal. Those who are present in this country illegally are barred from working. The Obama administration is printing up work authorizations directly contrary to federal law. In effect, they are counterfeiting immigration papers, because the plain text of federal law makes it illegal for those who have entered this country illegally to obtain employment.
SOLUTION: A prison sentence of life without the possibility of parole for anyone hiring them, housing them, feeding them, or otherwise aiding or assisting them in anyway. Doing that would have all illegals immigrants running for the border. And, if anyone was caught assisting or helping them in anyway, they should be tried and sentenced on national TV in prime time. After one or two are convicted and sentenced, the problem would be solved for good.

SAVINGS: We spend multi-$Billions on the care and support of illegal immigrants. We print Bi-lingual signs, government issued instructions and guides, we hire Bi-lingual social workers, members of law enforcement, teachers, emergency personnel, border patrol officers, etc. etc. We give them medical care, housing, food, and money for transportation. Saving on these items alone would save hundreds of $Millions a year nation wide.

BENFITS: Less crime, less illegal drugs, less cost to our prisons and jails, more jobs for U.S. citizens, and less crowded classrooms.
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.

Dumb ass, how about we take care of our citizens.....let other countries worry about their own! You don't like it when we get involved militarily with other countries, what double standard do you play be?:ahole-1:
I don't like unilaterally deciding to invade counties that are no threat to us and I don't like ripping families apart just to make the xenophobes happy. Both opinions go along with my feeling that government should reflect my values of goodness and mercy rather than your values of wanting to beat down defenseless people because of irrational fear and loathing and the need for a scapegoat.
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.
It's also disheartening how the government acts towards U.S citizens. Look what they've done to this once great country over the past 50 plus years. Look where we are now. Look at the number of citizens living in poverty, the homeless, the citizens that can't find employment, our infrastructure, our debt that'll be passed on to future generations, senseless deadly costly wars, taxation without representation, lost privacy, our corrupt judicial system, government corruption, our police state, sub par education system, sub par health care, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Yep, poor pitiful illegal immigrants. Free education, free health care, housing and food, and other assistance paid for by U.S. citizens' hard earned tax dollars.
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.

Dumb ass, how about we take care of our citizens.....let other countries worry about their own! You don't like it when we get involved militarily with other countries, what double standard do you play be?:ahole-1:
I don't like unilaterally deciding to invade counties that are no threat to us and I don't like ripping families apart just to make the xenophobes happy. Both opinions go along with my feeling that government should reflect my values of goodness and mercy rather than your values of wanting to beat down defenseless people because of irrational fear and loathing and the need for a scapegoat.

Says the far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars..
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.


For every hardworking Mexican we accept I say we should send them one USMB Progressive
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.
It's also disheartening how the government acts towards U.S citizens. Look what they've done to this once great country over the past 50 plus years. Look where we are now. Look at the number of citizens living in poverty, the homeless, the citizens that can't find employment, our infrastructure, our debt that'll be passed on to future generations, senseless deadly costly wars, taxation without representation, lost privacy, our corrupt judicial system, government corruption, our police state, sub par education system, sub par health care, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Yep, poor pitiful illegal immigrants. Free education, free health care, housing and food, and other assistance paid for by U.S. citizens' hard earned tax dollars.

Conservatives always try to solve social problems with surveillance, coercion, cops and force. Thank the fearful conservatives for our "police state". It was built to combat crime, drugs, terrorism, etc. and now it seems they now want to turn it's arbitrary force on illegal immigrants because they just cannot live without an enemy within to fear.
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.
It's also disheartening how the government acts towards U.S citizens. Look what they've done to this once great country over the past 50 plus years. Look where we are now. Look at the number of citizens living in poverty, the homeless, the citizens that can't find employment, our infrastructure, our debt that'll be passed on to future generations, senseless deadly costly wars, taxation without representation, lost privacy, our corrupt judicial system, government corruption, our police state, sub par education system, sub par health care, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Yep, poor pitiful illegal immigrants. Free education, free health care, housing and food, and other assistance paid for by U.S. citizens' hard earned tax dollars.

Conservatives always try to solve social problems with surveillance, coercion, cops and force. Thank the fearful conservatives for our "police state". It was built to combat crime, drugs, terrorism, etc. and now it seems they now want to turn it's arbitrary force on illegal immigrants because they just cannot live without an enemy within to fear.

Yet the far left wants to disarm all citizens have those citizens rely on the police, so who is really creating the "police" state?

The far left drones and their propaganda not connected to reality.
"As many have said, "prosecutorial discretion" can in no way be used to justify handing out work permits to illegals. That' actually doing something - not just looking the other way while illegals break laws."

And many are wrong, just like you and Cruz.

Immigration policy provides for work authorization for undocumented immigrants awaiting adjudication of their immigration status, and those granted deferral status:

Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA USCIS

An undocumented immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as a court of law has in fact determined the immigrant entered the country absent authorization, as all persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented; because all persons in the United States are presumed innocent until proven guilty, to withhold work authorization without a final determination of one's immigration status would be un-Constitutional.

That you 'think' or 'believe' that someone 'might' be in the United States absent authorization simply as a consequence of your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics is not 'justification' to deny those undocumented their right to due process.
"As many have said, "prosecutorial discretion" can in no way be used to justify handing out work permits to illegals. That' actually doing something - not just looking the other way while illegals break laws."

And many are wrong, just like you and Cruz.

Immigration policy provides for work authorization for undocumented immigrants awaiting adjudication of their immigration status, and those granted deferral status:

Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA USCIS

An undocumented immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as a court of law has in fact determined the immigrant entered the country absent authorization, as all persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented; because all persons in the United States are presumed innocent until proven guilty, to withhold work authorization without a final determination of one's immigration status would be un-Constitutional.

That you 'think' or 'believe' that someone 'might' be in the United States absent authorization simply as a consequence of your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics is not 'justification' to deny those undocumented their right to due process.

So is that what you say to the person breaking into your house? Do you just let them take what they want? Do you even call the police? Do you want them locked up for breaking the law?

Typical far left drone..
"As many have said, "prosecutorial discretion" can in no way be used to justify handing out work permits to illegals. That' actually doing something - not just looking the other way while illegals break laws."

And many are wrong, just like you and Cruz.

Immigration policy provides for work authorization for undocumented immigrants awaiting adjudication of their immigration status, and those granted deferral status:

Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA USCIS

An undocumented immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as a court of law has in fact determined the immigrant entered the country absent authorization, as all persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented; because all persons in the United States are presumed innocent until proven guilty, to withhold work authorization without a final determination of one's immigration status would be un-Constitutional.

That you 'think' or 'believe' that someone 'might' be in the United States absent authorization simply as a consequence of your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics is not 'justification' to deny those undocumented their right to due process.
Conservatives despise due process when it protects someone who is not a white protestant natural born American male.
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.

Well hell, I guess we should just empty all the prisons and jails and just let criminals do what ever the hell they want. That's exactly what your dear leader is doing with criminal aliens, they broke our laws be coming here, they are breaking our laws daily by working, so we should just give them a pass. They chose to break our laws and according to you they should not be required to live with the consequences of their actions, Quite the contrary you want to reward them.

Now your dear leader is hiring 1,000 people to process these illegal work permits and I'm very sure your fine with that also.
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.


For every hardworking Mexican we accept I say we should send them one USMB Progressive

Only 60% of illegals come from south of the border, don't just make it about Mexicans.
"As many have said, "prosecutorial discretion" can in no way be used to justify handing out work permits to illegals. That' actually doing something - not just looking the other way while illegals break laws."

And many are wrong, just like you and Cruz.

Immigration policy provides for work authorization for undocumented immigrants awaiting adjudication of their immigration status, and those granted deferral status:

Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA USCIS

An undocumented immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as a court of law has in fact determined the immigrant entered the country absent authorization, as all persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented; because all persons in the United States are presumed innocent until proven guilty, to withhold work authorization without a final determination of one's immigration status would be un-Constitutional.

That you 'think' or 'believe' that someone 'might' be in the United States absent authorization simply as a consequence of your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics is not 'justification' to deny those undocumented their right to due process.
Conservatives despise due process when it protects someone who is not a white protestant natural born American male.

Due process according to the law would be sending their asses home.
It is so disheartening to see how conservatives react when the government acts with consideration and mercy for vulnerable people.

Well hell, I guess we should just empty all the prisons and jails and just let criminals do what ever the hell they want. That's exactly what your dear leader is doing with criminal aliens, they broke our laws be coming here, they are breaking our laws daily by working, so we should just give them a pass. They chose to break our laws and according to you they should not be required to live with the consequences of their actions, Quite the contrary you want to reward them.

Now your dear leader is hiring 1,000 people to process these illegal work permits and I'm very sure your fine with that also.
I'm fine with the idea that you unnecessarily live in fear of people who are mostly harmless and do the shit jobs that no amount of money could get your spoiled self-righteous ass to do. As to your fearful delusions I am not a psychiatrist but you need to quit letting yourself be ruled by phantom fears.
"As many have said, "prosecutorial discretion" can in no way be used to justify handing out work permits to illegals. That' actually doing something - not just looking the other way while illegals break laws."

And many are wrong, just like you and Cruz.

Immigration policy provides for work authorization for undocumented immigrants awaiting adjudication of their immigration status, and those granted deferral status:

Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA USCIS

An undocumented immigrant is not 'illegal' until such time as a court of law has in fact determined the immigrant entered the country absent authorization, as all persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented; because all persons in the United States are presumed innocent until proven guilty, to withhold work authorization without a final determination of one's immigration status would be un-Constitutional.

That you 'think' or 'believe' that someone 'might' be in the United States absent authorization simply as a consequence of your unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics is not 'justification' to deny those undocumented their right to due process.
Conservatives despise due process when it protects someone who is not a white protestant natural born American male.

Due process according to the law would be sending their asses home.
Yeah right, much too slow for you people who want to see full cattle cars rolling South.

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