
Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
WE centrally focus and gather and keep YeruShalem the city holy for a reason, it's to set it as a beacon, to recognize that everything we need is in that holy city's name. Like Cliff notes for the Bible is in the legend of how YeruShalem becomes the city of Shalom. The purpose in life is in the name, discerning right from wrong, good from evil is no longer subjective when you have that defined name.
Even the good cop bad cop story is in the name and legend of the holy city- like I said the ultimate cliff note to the book.
Shalem means completeness and wholeness.
Your purpose is to be all you could and should be.
Mankinds purpose and direction is to progress to be complete and whole aka EVOLVE to be all we could and should be.
That simple!
All understanding of
right and wrong acts,
good vs evil, depend on discerning is it towards or opposing that direction/path?

Sources for Shalem:
YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.
the good..............over 850 christians from the WB have permits to visit Jerusalem for easter
The bad:
1) Easter (Ishtar) son (fish hatched out of the egg) called Morning Star is the son of Baal and nemesis of Shalem (Evening Star).
2) they get to see priests push, shove, and hit each other jockeying for position at the Holy Sepulchre.
3) they get to see Satanism fulfilled in
Rev 13:13 It works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of men; (note to this day the church goes into the holy Sepulchre during Easter procession and lights a candle with a bic lighter but comes out saying Jesus sent the flame to light it down from heaven.)=adversary of the righteous fullfilled.
And the ugly instead of spaghetti westerns we will get a little bunny rabbit hoping around looking for little eggs and some Italian priest going mama Mia what's a and wherea are ah you ah going toa maka usa some a morea donations a....
I wonder if the Italian priests(morning star worshipers shove the coptic priests because Coptics are Michaeline thus Evening Star is their Judge and Christ. Instinctly at odds.
Maybe they are just trying to Copt a feel Michael after all it isn't everyday that they get to play with another Sepulcar.....smiling...

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