Cowardly police run from protestors in minneapolis

The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?

The cops may or may not have been in the wrong....I will wait and see on that but the media is always trying to racebait and stir up division in a nation already beset with many problems.
The cops were definitely in the wrong as they don’t have authority as judge and executioner.

How many times have we seen videos of blacks doing completely outrageous things much worse than what the police may have done in this case....videos of blacks playing the knockout game, where a black tries to knock out someone with one punch whilst sometimes actually killing someone do that...usually a older person or a woman....whilst his friend videotapes it. etc.etc.. video after video...quite common and even more cases of stuff like that that were not videotaped and you never hear about.

Yet when was the last time you seen white folks fact white folks never riot least not in many decades. They just sit back and let the judicial system deal with it.
I saw some white people rioting live tonight on TV. Are you saying some black person doing some stupid knockout game justifies 4 officers of the law taking a man that was already handcuffed and putting on the ground, squatting with their knee on the guys neck (instead of putting the handcuffed guy in the car) while he pleaded he couldn't breath, called out for his mama and kept doing in until he passed out and died. You really want any representatives of the government to have that right to punish and kill people without a trial or due process or lawyer or judge. You think one justifies the other?
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.

I think Atlanta will be the next city to go berserk. They are already primed and ready.

I remember when their slogan was...."a city too busy to hate"
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?

The cops may or may not have been in the wrong....I will wait and see on that but the media is always trying to racebait and stir up division in a nation already beset with many problems.
The cops were definitely in the wrong as they don’t have authority as judge and executioner.

How many times have we seen videos of blacks doing completely outrageous things much worse than what the police may have done in this case....videos of blacks playing the knockout game, where a black tries to knock out someone with one punch whilst sometimes actually killing someone do that...usually a older person or a woman....whilst his friend videotapes it. etc.etc.. video after video...quite common and even more cases of stuff like that that were not videotaped and you never hear about.

Yet when was the last time you seen white folks fact white folks never riot least not in many decades. They just sit back and let the judicial system deal with it.
I saw some white people rioting live tonight on TV. Are you saying some black person doing some stupid knockout game justifies 4 officers of the law taking a man that was already handcuffed and putting on the ground, squatting with their knee on the guys neck (instead of putting the handcuffed guy in the car) while he pleaded he couldn't breath, called out for his mama and kept doing in until he passed out and died. You really want any representatives of the government to have that right to punish and kill people without a trial or due process or lawyer or judge. You think one justifies the other?

You do not know any of that....all just heresay.....that is why we have a judicial system. That is why we are supposedly a nation of laws.....but blacks seem to think they are above all that....they want vigilante justice, they want to riot, they want to loot, they want to burn.

Tell me how their reaction is any better than that when back in the day a mob of whites would pull a black rapist out of his jail cell and lynch him?

The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.

Have you ever heard the old saying. The straw that broke the camels back? It is a curious truth. A straw is a very light item. It might weigh an ounce. If that. Probably less.

Yet the truth is that at some point, that straw exceeds the maximum capacity of something, like a camels back.

But what it implies is a lot of things were put on there first. A lot of straws. My father used to ask me what I would rather be crushed by. A ton of feathers, or a ton of lead? I would answer feathers because they were lighter and softer. The truth is as I grew and matured I figured out that what the material was did not matter. It was the ton that was the important part of the discussion. A ton of feathers would crush me as effectively as the lead would.

So let’s talk about those straws. Thousands of them piled up on the Camels back. Bullshit traffic stops to check for drugs. Do you own this car, and a thousand other nonsense interactions. Arrests for questionable reasons, and planted evidence. And finally the last straw falls, and it is imperfect. But it is the last straw. It is the one that will tip it over to disaster, crushing the Camel.

You deride the camel for surrendering to his one straw, but you don’t give it any credit for holding up under all the others.

You like to bring up Ferguson as an example. Well we know that Ferguson was violating the civil rights of the citizens. We know that Ferguson police were dumping bullshit charges on people. Including my personal favorite, charging a man they had beaten to a pulp for destruction of public property. The specifics? He bled on the police during the altercation, and ruined their uniforms. Seriously. He wasn’t the guy they were looking for, he wasn’t the man with a warrant. He had committed no crime. The charges were resisting arrest, and destruction of public property.

The DOJ using the same investigation standards started long before and carried out during the entire administration of W. Bush, found that Ferguson was violating the Constitution in many areas.

Yes, Mike Brown was an imperfect straw, but there were a lot of straws on that camel that were less imperfect. This situation is another imperfect straw, but there are a lot of straws dumped on the camel every day.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.

Have you ever heard the old saying. The straw that broke the camels back? It is a curious truth. A straw is a very light item. It might weigh an ounce. If that. Probably less.

Yet the truth is that at some point, that straw exceeds the maximum capacity of something, like a camels back.

But what it implies is a lot of things were put on there first. A lot of straws. My father used to ask me what I would rather be crushed by. A ton of feathers, or a ton of lead? I would answer feathers because they were lighter and softer. The truth is as I grew and matured I figured out that what the material was did not matter. It was the ton that was the important part of the discussion. A ton of feathers would crush me as effectively as the lead would.

So let’s talk about those straws. Thousands of them piled up on the Camels back. Bullshit traffic stops to check for drugs. Do you own this car, and a thousand other nonsense interactions. Arrests for questionable reasons, and planted evidence. And finally the last straw falls, and it is imperfect. But it is the last straw. It is the one that will tip it over to disaster, crushing the Camel.

You deride the camel for surrendering to his one straw, but you don’t give it any credit for holding up under all the others.

You like to bring up Ferguson as an example. Well we know that Ferguson was violating the civil rights of the citizens. We know that Ferguson police were dumping bullshit charges on people. Including my personal favorite, charging a man they had beaten to a pulp for destruction of public property. The specifics? He bled on the police during the altercation, and ruined their uniforms. Seriously. He wasn’t the guy they were looking for, he wasn’t the man with a warrant. He had committed no crime. The charges were resisting arrest, and destruction of public property.

The DOJ using the same investigation standards started long before and carried out during the entire administration of W. Bush, found that Ferguson was violating the Constitution in many areas.

Yes, Mike Brown was an imperfect straw, but there were a lot of straws on that camel that were less imperfect. This situation is another imperfect straw, but there are a lot of straws dumped on the camel every day.

All you have is heresay.....the same thing that motivates any mob or lynching party.....yet when blacks do it....a different standard is applied .aika oh dey entitled.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.
You mean they are waiting to film white cops killing black people and all the white cops have to do to avoid it is not handcuff a guy while he is seen not resisting, and then walking him around and killing him by standing on his throat with their knee until he is dead? That doesn't sound so hard. I can understand if a guy is point a gun at them and they shoot to protect their life. Nobdy will agree it is OK for cops to handcuff you then take you off the sidewalk and then pin you to the asphalt by your neck until you are dead. Minnesota isn't going to buy your view. There is a lot of normal people up there. You have a very unusual understanding of right and wrong.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?

The cops may or may not have been in the wrong....I will wait and see on that but the media is always trying to racebait and stir up division in a nation already beset with many problems.
The cops were definitely in the wrong as they don’t have authority as judge and executioner.

How many times have we seen videos of blacks doing completely outrageous things much worse than what the police may have done in this case....videos of blacks playing the knockout game, where a black tries to knock out someone with one punch whilst sometimes actually killing someone do that...usually a older person or a woman....whilst his friend videotapes it. etc.etc.. video after video...quite common and even more cases of stuff like that that were not videotaped and you never hear about.

Yet when was the last time you seen white folks fact white folks never riot least not in many decades. They just sit back and let the judicial system deal with it.
I live in a black jurisdiction so I don’t need videos to see blacks misbehave incessantly.
Doesn’t justify killing someone. If they threaten me, sure.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

The purge day is getting nearer each day. Have your guns ready.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.
You mean they are waiting to film white cops killing black people and all the white cops have to do to avoid it is not handcuff a guy while he is seen not resisting, and then walking him around and killing him by standing on his throat with their knee until he is dead? That doesn't sound so hard. I can understand if a guy is point a gun at them and they shoot to protect their life. Nobdy will agree it is OK for cops to handcuff you then take you off the sidewalk and then pin you to the asphalt by your neck until you are dead. Minnesota isn't going to buy your view. There is a lot of normal people up there. You have a very unusual understanding of right and wrong.
No, it’s not hard. We’re a country of 330 million people, and yes some bad things will happen. Are we going to burn down cities every time someone is killed?

You think it’s okay to burn down buildings if you’re upset. You are the one that has a very unusual understanding of right and wrong.
You realize there were more protesters than the cops had ammo. Especially when the cops tend to empty a magazine into one baddie.

When was the last time you heard of a cop shooting a protestor? They have other things to use to deal with this case maybe they were just surprised or disorganized....anyhow a shameful scene to see cops running from protestors....not that long ago we were seeing videos of cops in N.Y. being openly harrassed on the streets and they had their hands tied ...unable to respond because their superiors gave them orders to do nothing...just take it...when they spit on nothing. When they dump water on you do other words cops now at least in N.Y. get no respect and that is not a good situation...leads to more problems and insurrections.

Respect is earned. The same police in New York were carrying out unconstitutional orders to violate the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments. When the police were told to stop this unconstitutional practice they got angry and the president of the Union was on every news channel claiming this was endangering police and citizens.

The same police arrested a fellow officer and took him to the psych ward because they found out he had been recording them discuss how to get around those restrictions the courts and political leaders had put on them.

Those same cops in New York were ignoring the recommendations from the Civilian Oversight board who found evidence of cops lying and planting evidence.

Why would the people respect the cops? The cops don’t respect the law. The constitution. Or anything else.

Who you gonna call when some thug breaks into your house hell bent on raping you? the ghostbusters?
No one, actually.
I got this.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.

Have you ever heard the old saying. The straw that broke the camels back? It is a curious truth. A straw is a very light item. It might weigh an ounce. If that. Probably less.

Yet the truth is that at some point, that straw exceeds the maximum capacity of something, like a camels back.

But what it implies is a lot of things were put on there first. A lot of straws. My father used to ask me what I would rather be crushed by. A ton of feathers, or a ton of lead? I would answer feathers because they were lighter and softer. The truth is as I grew and matured I figured out that what the material was did not matter. It was the ton that was the important part of the discussion. A ton of feathers would crush me as effectively as the lead would.

So let’s talk about those straws. Thousands of them piled up on the Camels back. Bullshit traffic stops to check for drugs. Do you own this car, and a thousand other nonsense interactions. Arrests for questionable reasons, and planted evidence. And finally the last straw falls, and it is imperfect. But it is the last straw. It is the one that will tip it over to disaster, crushing the Camel.

You deride the camel for surrendering to his one straw, but you don’t give it any credit for holding up under all the others.

You like to bring up Ferguson as an example. Well we know that Ferguson was violating the civil rights of the citizens. We know that Ferguson police were dumping bullshit charges on people. Including my personal favorite, charging a man they had beaten to a pulp for destruction of public property. The specifics? He bled on the police during the altercation, and ruined their uniforms. Seriously. He wasn’t the guy they were looking for, he wasn’t the man with a warrant. He had committed no crime. The charges were resisting arrest, and destruction of public property.

The DOJ using the same investigation standards started long before and carried out during the entire administration of W. Bush, found that Ferguson was violating the Constitution in many areas.

Yes, Mike Brown was an imperfect straw, but there were a lot of straws on that camel that were less imperfect. This situation is another imperfect straw, but there are a lot of straws dumped on the camel every day.

All you have is heresay.....the same thing that motivates any mob or lynching party.....yet when blacks do it....a different standard is applied .aika oh dey entitled.

No, we have the results of the investigation into the Ferguson Police Department which I highlighted.

Now, if it was your family, and friends, who were the victims of unconstitutional policing. Even if they were not arrested, wouldn’t you get angry? Wouldn’t that anger simmer?

The problem is that we view such things as individual incidents. Oh a cop just went a little too far. Oh this cop made a bad choice. We don’t think of the cumulative effect of it. Like Chinese Water Torture, a tiny thing adds up after time and repetition.

None of this is new, it is all old news. Baltimore, the Freddy Gray. No video there. But hey, the result was the same. And the investigation into the Police Department was as predictable.

The police had a pattern of unconstitutional stops, searches, and arrests. Each one of those was a straw on a camels back. Small and insignificant in the grand scheme, and taken with the other small and insignificant events, eventually certain to overwhelm the ability to resist.

Do I support Riots? Absolutely not. Do I understand why they are angry? I probably can not truly imagine the rage. But I do understand that the rage exists, and why. Now, Trump and Sessions shut down those DOJ department wide investigations. So now nobody is examining the policies and practices of the Police Departments. And that is always a bad thing. Because the oath Trump took was the same one every Federal Official took. To support and defend the Constitution. That means defending the rights contained within.

We have to be determined to defend those rights, of every citizen, every single time.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.

Have you ever heard the old saying. The straw that broke the camels back? It is a curious truth. A straw is a very light item. It might weigh an ounce. If that. Probably less.

Yet the truth is that at some point, that straw exceeds the maximum capacity of something, like a camels back.

But what it implies is a lot of things were put on there first. A lot of straws. My father used to ask me what I would rather be crushed by. A ton of feathers, or a ton of lead? I would answer feathers because they were lighter and softer. The truth is as I grew and matured I figured out that what the material was did not matter. It was the ton that was the important part of the discussion. A ton of feathers would crush me as effectively as the lead would.

So let’s talk about those straws. Thousands of them piled up on the Camels back. Bullshit traffic stops to check for drugs. Do you own this car, and a thousand other nonsense interactions. Arrests for questionable reasons, and planted evidence. And finally the last straw falls, and it is imperfect. But it is the last straw. It is the one that will tip it over to disaster, crushing the Camel.

You deride the camel for surrendering to his one straw, but you don’t give it any credit for holding up under all the others.

You like to bring up Ferguson as an example. Well we know that Ferguson was violating the civil rights of the citizens. We know that Ferguson police were dumping bullshit charges on people. Including my personal favorite, charging a man they had beaten to a pulp for destruction of public property. The specifics? He bled on the police during the altercation, and ruined their uniforms. Seriously. He wasn’t the guy they were looking for, he wasn’t the man with a warrant. He had committed no crime. The charges were resisting arrest, and destruction of public property.

The DOJ using the same investigation standards started long before and carried out during the entire administration of W. Bush, found that Ferguson was violating the Constitution in many areas.

Yes, Mike Brown was an imperfect straw, but there were a lot of straws on that camel that were less imperfect. This situation is another imperfect straw, but there are a lot of straws dumped on the camel every day.

All you have is heresay.....the same thing that motivates any mob or lynching party.....yet when blacks do it....a different standard is applied .aika oh dey entitled.

No, we have the results of the investigation into the Ferguson Police Department which I highlighted.

Now, if it was your family, and friends, who were the victims of unconstitutional policing. Even if they were not arrested, wouldn’t you get angry? Wouldn’t that anger simmer?

The problem is that we view such things as individual incidents. Oh a cop just went a little too far. Oh this cop made a bad choice. We don’t think of the cumulative effect of it. Like Chinese Water Torture, a tiny thing adds up after time and repetition.

None of this is new, it is all old news. Baltimore, the Freddy Gray. No video there. But hey, the result was the same. And the investigation into the Police Department was as predictable.

The police had a pattern of unconstitutional stops, searches, and arrests. Each one of those was a straw on a camels back. Small and insignificant in the grand scheme, and taken with the other small and insignificant events, eventually certain to overwhelm the ability to resist.

Do I support Riots? Absolutely not. Do I understand why they are angry? I probably can not truly imagine the rage. But I do understand that the rage exists, and why. Now, Trump and Sessions shut down those DOJ department wide investigations. So now nobody is examining the policies and practices of the Police Departments. And that is always a bad thing. Because the oath Trump took was the same one every Federal Official took. To support and defend the Constitution. That means defending the rights contained within.

We have to be determined to defend those rights, of every citizen, every single time.

You are sounding more and more like a leftist.

There is zero excuse for the riots, and the riots alone were worse than police brutality for decades.

If you want to see the cops actually do something wrong, see how they arrested the business owner who defended his business against the savages. See how they ran away and let their community burn. See how they arrest Americans for covid stupidity. A true wrong.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?
We can take it to the bank it was some rogue cops
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.

Have you ever heard the old saying. The straw that broke the camels back? It is a curious truth. A straw is a very light item. It might weigh an ounce. If that. Probably less.

Yet the truth is that at some point, that straw exceeds the maximum capacity of something, like a camels back.

But what it implies is a lot of things were put on there first. A lot of straws. My father used to ask me what I would rather be crushed by. A ton of feathers, or a ton of lead? I would answer feathers because they were lighter and softer. The truth is as I grew and matured I figured out that what the material was did not matter. It was the ton that was the important part of the discussion. A ton of feathers would crush me as effectively as the lead would.

So let’s talk about those straws. Thousands of them piled up on the Camels back. Bullshit traffic stops to check for drugs. Do you own this car, and a thousand other nonsense interactions. Arrests for questionable reasons, and planted evidence. And finally the last straw falls, and it is imperfect. But it is the last straw. It is the one that will tip it over to disaster, crushing the Camel.

You deride the camel for surrendering to his one straw, but you don’t give it any credit for holding up under all the others.

You like to bring up Ferguson as an example. Well we know that Ferguson was violating the civil rights of the citizens. We know that Ferguson police were dumping bullshit charges on people. Including my personal favorite, charging a man they had beaten to a pulp for destruction of public property. The specifics? He bled on the police during the altercation, and ruined their uniforms. Seriously. He wasn’t the guy they were looking for, he wasn’t the man with a warrant. He had committed no crime. The charges were resisting arrest, and destruction of public property.

The DOJ using the same investigation standards started long before and carried out during the entire administration of W. Bush, found that Ferguson was violating the Constitution in many areas.

Yes, Mike Brown was an imperfect straw, but there were a lot of straws on that camel that were less imperfect. This situation is another imperfect straw, but there are a lot of straws dumped on the camel every day.

All you have is heresay.....the same thing that motivates any mob or lynching party.....yet when blacks do it....a different standard is applied .aika oh dey entitled.

No, we have the results of the investigation into the Ferguson Police Department which I highlighted.

Now, if it was your family, and friends, who were the victims of unconstitutional policing. Even if they were not arrested, wouldn’t you get angry? Wouldn’t that anger simmer?

The problem is that we view such things as individual incidents. Oh a cop just went a little too far. Oh this cop made a bad choice. We don’t think of the cumulative effect of it. Like Chinese Water Torture, a tiny thing adds up after time and repetition.

None of this is new, it is all old news. Baltimore, the Freddy Gray. No video there. But hey, the result was the same. And the investigation into the Police Department was as predictable.

The police had a pattern of unconstitutional stops, searches, and arrests. Each one of those was a straw on a camels back. Small and insignificant in the grand scheme, and taken with the other small and insignificant events, eventually certain to overwhelm the ability to resist.

Do I support Riots? Absolutely not. Do I understand why they are angry? I probably can not truly imagine the rage. But I do understand that the rage exists, and why. Now, Trump and Sessions shut down those DOJ department wide investigations. So now nobody is examining the policies and practices of the Police Departments. And that is always a bad thing. Because the oath Trump took was the same one every Federal Official took. To support and defend the Constitution. That means defending the rights contained within.

We have to be determined to defend those rights, of every citizen, every single time.
It’s faux outrage, based in a false, propagated narrative. It’s contrived.
All political. And the more that democrats keep blacks segregated the easier it is to perpetuate the fraud.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
It doesn’t take much for the BLM crowd to start a riot. Plenty of people get murdered in this country every day. But these losers are just waiting for a “white kills black” on camera to give themselves an excuse to riot and make the news. I guess they think America will finally “listen to them” in their pleas for “social justice”. Thing is, no one is buying their shit. America keeps rejecting their racist bullshit, and they are losing their minds over it.

Have you ever heard the old saying. The straw that broke the camels back? It is a curious truth. A straw is a very light item. It might weigh an ounce. If that. Probably less.

Yet the truth is that at some point, that straw exceeds the maximum capacity of something, like a camels back.

But what it implies is a lot of things were put on there first. A lot of straws. My father used to ask me what I would rather be crushed by. A ton of feathers, or a ton of lead? I would answer feathers because they were lighter and softer. The truth is as I grew and matured I figured out that what the material was did not matter. It was the ton that was the important part of the discussion. A ton of feathers would crush me as effectively as the lead would.

So let’s talk about those straws. Thousands of them piled up on the Camels back. Bullshit traffic stops to check for drugs. Do you own this car, and a thousand other nonsense interactions. Arrests for questionable reasons, and planted evidence. And finally the last straw falls, and it is imperfect. But it is the last straw. It is the one that will tip it over to disaster, crushing the Camel.

You deride the camel for surrendering to his one straw, but you don’t give it any credit for holding up under all the others.

You like to bring up Ferguson as an example. Well we know that Ferguson was violating the civil rights of the citizens. We know that Ferguson police were dumping bullshit charges on people. Including my personal favorite, charging a man they had beaten to a pulp for destruction of public property. The specifics? He bled on the police during the altercation, and ruined their uniforms. Seriously. He wasn’t the guy they were looking for, he wasn’t the man with a warrant. He had committed no crime. The charges were resisting arrest, and destruction of public property.

The DOJ using the same investigation standards started long before and carried out during the entire administration of W. Bush, found that Ferguson was violating the Constitution in many areas.

Yes, Mike Brown was an imperfect straw, but there were a lot of straws on that camel that were less imperfect. This situation is another imperfect straw, but there are a lot of straws dumped on the camel every day.

All you have is heresay.....the same thing that motivates any mob or lynching party.....yet when blacks do it....a different standard is applied .aika oh dey entitled.

No, we have the results of the investigation into the Ferguson Police Department which I highlighted.

Now, if it was your family, and friends, who were the victims of unconstitutional policing. Even if they were not arrested, wouldn’t you get angry? Wouldn’t that anger simmer?

The problem is that we view such things as individual incidents. Oh a cop just went a little too far. Oh this cop made a bad choice. We don’t think of the cumulative effect of it. Like Chinese Water Torture, a tiny thing adds up after time and repetition.

None of this is new, it is all old news. Baltimore, the Freddy Gray. No video there. But hey, the result was the same. And the investigation into the Police Department was as predictable.

The police had a pattern of unconstitutional stops, searches, and arrests. Each one of those was a straw on a camels back. Small and insignificant in the grand scheme, and taken with the other small and insignificant events, eventually certain to overwhelm the ability to resist.

Do I support Riots? Absolutely not. Do I understand why they are angry? I probably can not truly imagine the rage. But I do understand that the rage exists, and why. Now, Trump and Sessions shut down those DOJ department wide investigations. So now nobody is examining the policies and practices of the Police Departments. And that is always a bad thing. Because the oath Trump took was the same one every Federal Official took. To support and defend the Constitution. That means defending the rights contained within.

We have to be determined to defend those rights, of every citizen, every single time.
It’s faux outrage, based in a false, propagated narrative. It’s contrived.
All political. And the more that democrats keep blacks segregated the easier it is to perpetuate the fraud.

It's not the democrats that keep them segregated. That's just good old diversity not working - as it was never intended to.

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