Covid math questions


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
When the CDC removed 6k listed as Covid vax deaths, how were those deaths re-classified?

Were they classified as delta deaths? Even Un-vaxed deaths....

In the CDC report, it said 12k Covid vax deaths (before being "corrected" via "climate science") but that 330 million vaxes were given out in the US......

How many people live here? 330 million? Is that a per shot count, or everyone is vaxed?

Covid math requires an AUDIT because it is always FRAUDULENT.....
When the CDC removed 6k listed as Covid vax deaths, how were those deaths re-classified?

Were they classified as delta deaths? Even Un-vaxed deaths....

In the CDC report, it said 12k Covid vax deaths (before being "corrected" via "climate science") but that 330 million vaxes were given out in the US......

How many people live here? 330 million? Is that a per shot count, or everyone is vaxed?

Covid math requires an AUDIT because it is always FRAUDULENT.....

If 330 million people received the full amount of Covid shots then the total amount shots given would be 660 million seeing it takes two shots, so if you went by that 330 million shots given and this is the number for fully vaccinated then the number of people fully vaccinated would be 115 million because you need to divide the 330 million by two.

Now the adjusted numbers for the CDC and deaths from vaccination is something that should be study.
unfortunately , the inmates are running the insane asylum EMH


Notice McConnell and Fox News chiming in. Fox News has no interest in covering vax deaths.

The way they flinched, spazzed, and removed my topic about checking Covid vax deaths by party affiliation is eye opening...

These people are fascists. Einstein nailed that 73 years ago.
If 330 million people received the full amount of Covid shots then the total amount shots given would be 660 million seeing it takes two shots, so if you went by that 330 million shots given and this is the number for fully vaccinated then the number of people fully vaccinated would be 115 million because you need to divide the 330 million by two.

Now the adjusted numbers for the CDC and deaths from vaccination is something that should be study.

Clearly there are not 330 vaxed Americans.

Yet the CDC used that number for its % calc....


The bias on vax deaths is down on the total and pooh poohing them with cooked percetages.....


Everything else is treasonous fraud.
Shots given versus fully vaccinated is two different stories seeing at times the number shots administered could also include only one shot dosages and the person never came back for the second dosage which make that person partially vaccinated and over a period of time not vaccinated at all because they never got their second dose.

As for those that died from the Vaccine the numbers should be transparent as can be so that people can judge wisely if they intend on getting vaccinated or not and the death count should explain why the vaccine caused the death.

The issue is no government or it propaganda media will tell the whole or even half of the truth because if they did many would not take the vaccine seeing we are the damn test subjects.

In the end the numbers will always be slanted to hide things…
You have to wonder since nobody knows anyone who is sick....

Are they just classifying Covid vax deaths as delta deaths?

It would cover up their mass murder and cause another vullshit shutdown....
When the CDC removed 6k listed as Covid vax deaths, how were those deaths re-classified?

Were they classified as delta deaths? Even Un-vaxed deaths....

In the CDC report, it said 12k Covid vax deaths (before being "corrected" via "climate science") but that 330 million vaxes were given out in the US......

How many people live here? 330 million? Is that a per shot count, or everyone is vaxed?

Covid math requires an AUDIT because it is always FRAUDULENT.....

What are you talking about, "When the CDC removed 6k listed as Covid vax deaths,"?

What list? What 6k? When were there "removed"?
When the CDC removed 6k listed as Covid vax deaths, how were those deaths re-classified?

Were they classified as delta deaths? Even Un-vaxed deaths....

In the CDC report, it said 12k Covid vax deaths (before being "corrected" via "climate science") but that 330 million vaxes were given out in the US......

How many people live here? 330 million? Is that a per shot count, or everyone is vaxed?

Covid math requires an AUDIT because it is always FRAUDULENT.....

So, no, not correct. You are not understanding the data or what you are reading.
What are you talking about, "When the CDC removed 6k listed as Covid vax deaths,"?

What list? What 6k? When were there "removed"?

We have had at least one topic on this subject, and that issue has been cited over and over

This tactic - demanding links for everything including OP topics with the link and full story already posted - should be grounds for suspension. These people do not want to debate. They want to waste time, shout down, and drive bye...
If 330 million people received the full amount of Covid shots then the total amount shots given would be 660 million seeing it takes two shots, so if you went by that 330 million shots given and this is the number for fully vaccinated then the number of people fully vaccinated would be 115 million because you need to divide the 330 million by two.

Now the adjusted numbers for the CDC and deaths from vaccination is something that should be study.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was only one shot, how many got that one will alter your calculations.
When the CDC removed 6k listed as Covid vax deaths, how were those deaths re-classified?

Were they classified as delta deaths? Even Un-vaxed deaths....

In the CDC report, it said 12k Covid vax deaths (before being "corrected" via "climate science") but that 330 million vaxes were given out in the US......

How many people live here? 330 million? Is that a per shot count, or everyone is vaxed?

Covid math requires an AUDIT because it is always FRAUDULENT.....
For the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines 2 injections were required. That's 2 vaccinations for each person. With 600,000 a day now getting vaccinations that number will soon be over 400 million vaccinations given. Your math was faulty.
For the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines 2 injections were required. That's 2 vaccinations for each person. With 600,000 a day now getting vaccinations that number will soon be over 400 million vaccinations given. Your math was faulty.
And everyone will still not be vaccinated. Imagine the numbers required for over 7 billion people on the planet. This is a massive undertaking, I just hope we have the time to get it all done before the virus mutate even more. the vast majority of mutations are not any worse, they're just different. The problem is the few that are more virulent. Until recently there were no breakthrough cases. Someday down the road a variant could destroy all of the efficacy of the vaccines. Then we will all be at risk again you're even more dangerous variety of this disease. Time is working against us.
For the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines 2 injections were required. That's 2 vaccinations for each person. With 600,000 a day now getting vaccinations that number will soon be over 400 million vaccinations given. Your math was faulty.

Covid math:

Over 400 million Americans are faux vaxed.

Problem - America does not have 400 million people

Problem 2 - not all Americans are faux vaxed
Covid math:

Over 400 million Americans are faux vaxed.

Problem - America does not have 400 million people

Problem 2 - not all Americans are faux vaxed. Over 400 million DOSES all of the vaccine have been given out already. There is no problem with the math, Pfizer and Moderna require two doses per individual to reach the high level of efficacy against the virus that they have. If you can't figure that out, you are either purposely lying in order to spread misinformation or you are very ignorant about basic grade school math.
Lindsay graham was "smart." He got the vax.

And now he is "positive for Covid," presumably delta fraudulent.

So what good is the vax if it does NOT vaccinate?
Lindsay graham was "smart." He got the vax.

And now he is "positive for Covid," presumably delta fraudulent.

So what good is the vax if it does NOT vaccinate?
Lindsey Graham was never smart. He probably got the vaccine to play it safe. He knew the facts, and if you did catch covid, with the vaccine, it wouldn't be bad. No hospitalization, no death. Trump who said he was immune, secretly got the vaccine during his last days in office in January. Melania did too.
If 330 million people received the full amount of Covid shots then the total amount shots given would be 660 million seeing it takes two shots, so if you went by that 330 million shots given and this is the number for fully vaccinated then the number of people fully vaccinated would be 115 million because you need to divide the 330 million by two.

Now the adjusted numbers for the CDC and deaths from vaccination is something that should be study.
You are neglecting to take into account the J&J shot only takes one.

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