How Putin ( and another criminal 'leaders' ) deceive humanity by the Covid-1984 statistic of deaths.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
If you believe only Putin does it you're naive. The entirely statistic of Corona deaths has only two main causes of deaths:

1. Deliberately murdered by ventilators in ICU.
2. Deaths after receiving the deadly jab.

The name of vaccines isn't important. All of them including Sputnic came from Schwab, Gates, Rotschild & Satan.
All true scientists ( not scoundrels like Fauci, Drosten and anothers ) have the similar opinion:
Any inoculated will quickly die, with highly probability within the next two years.

Too sad, but if peoples are dumb no one else can help.

Here is the translation from Russian:

On how mass deaths from vaccination are hidden in Russia:

1. On 12.07.2021, a completely healthy young man is vaccinated with the experimental drug "satellite-5" under compulsion in the form of dismissal;
2. On July 13, 2021 he is admitted to the intensive care unit with convulsions and unconscious. The victim is put into an induced coma;
3. On July 18, 2021, he dies;
4. On the death certificate, the doctors put the code (according to ICD-10) - U07.2. "Coronavirus infection caused by COVID-19 virus, virus not identified (COVID-19 is diagnosed clinically or epidemiologically, but laboratory tests are inconclusive or unavailable);
5. A person who dies from vaccination falls into the statistics of covid deaths. The phenomenon is massive and apparently a planned, planned genocide.

Documents published by the sister of the deceased @vaimazerova
The deceased was Makar Andreyevich Lukinykh, born on 06 July 1994; place of death: Russia, Moscow region, Khimki (Khimki Regional Hospital), 11 Kurkinskoye shosse.

-#genocide #genocide evidence




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