
Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
So Florida is experiencing infections numbers higher than at any point in the pandemic and what does Governor Covid do?

Simply stop reporting the numbers.

Nope. No numbers for two days...after having to add eight HUNDRED deaths to the numbers they reported in July

So Florida is experiencing infections numbers higher than at any point in the pandemic and what does Governor Covid do?

Simply stop reporting the numbers.

Nope. No numbers for two days...after having to add eight HUNDRED deaths to the numbers they reported in July

Wasn't it just three weeks ago everyone had to apologize and retract their stories on Florida covid numbers?....we've seen this movie libtards.....
It will all come out in the wash. DeSantis time is coming. When the dust settles, I don't think his stock will be worth shit.
I suspect a number of red state Republican governors will be in the same boat.
So Florida is experiencing infections numbers higher than at any point in the pandemic and what does Governor Covid do?

Simply stop reporting the numbers.

Nope. No numbers for two days...after having to add eight HUNDRED deaths to the numbers they reported in July

Why not? The Biden administration will just fudge or fabricate whatever data they want. This failure of an administration should have no expectation that anyone would comply with their corrupt wishes.
Why not? The Biden administration will just fudge or fabricate whatever data they want. This failure of an administration should have no expectation that anyone would comply with their corrupt wishes.
The CDC posted estimated numbers BECAUSE Florida was refusing to post them,'

Governor Covid is trying to hide the extent of his covid dumpster fire.

You can only do that for so long
The CDC posted estimated numbers BECAUSE Florida was refusing to post them,'

Governor Covid is trying to hide the extent of his covid dumpster fire.

You can only do that for so long
Governor covid just left the building in NY and left his prop dog there....
Yeah... DeSantis isn't doing anything to help his citizens:

He's opening a total of 17 of these sites. The eligible are the high-risk or those who've already begun showing symptoms, regardless of vaccination status:

Gov. DeSantis says Regeneron is the only treatment designed to keep those infected with COVID-19 out of the hospital. Regeneron, which was approved by the FDA, can be given in a shot-form or an I-V.
So Florida is experiencing infections numbers higher than at any point in the pandemic and what does Governor Covid do?

Simply stop reporting the numbers.

Nope. No numbers for two days...after having to add eight HUNDRED deaths to the numbers they reported in July

And just think when the Kung Flu first came out, we were all supposed to sequester ourselves for 2 weeks and all would be better. Then when less people died of the Kung Flu than Cancer, it became known that we needed to stop the spread, because that was the new normal, so we shut down for 2 months. After that red states started opening while blue states started having the inner city folks murder each other and any innocent person caught in the crossfire. So the mass exodus happened where Blue state people moved to red states, thus bringing their infected selves along. I wonder how many of the 800 deaths were people who were already on the way out, but since reported as Kung Flu, they get COVID relief funds for that reporting? Yep, you can bet the numbers arent what they really are...
We were in a traffic accident in Tampa, FL on the 9th & not able to get into ER because all hospitals packed with Covid patients. We had to get treatment at a rehab facility days later.
You shoulda stayed the hell away from Fla. JS
So Florida is experiencing infections numbers higher than at any point in the pandemic and what does Governor Covid do?

Simply stop reporting the numbers.

Nope. No numbers for two days...after having to add eight HUNDRED deaths to the numbers they reported in July

Clusterfuck Biden dumping infected Illegals in FL
You shoulda stayed the hell away from Fla. JS
You do know even though Covid can be anywhere, in Florida it is most heavily concentrated in Blue areas or Deep Blue areas. There is also propaganda to some extent for some areas.
If that were the cause of Governor Covid's Covid Dumpster Fire those supposed illegals would be showing up in ERS.

They're not.
Down here in Florida there is no Sanctuary, so if they did show up at ERS they would be deported across the gulf...Without a life raft.

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