Covid-19 will re-elect Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

Yes and as always, it's driving his detractors absolutely crazy
It should easily. Nothing else need to be said about controlling borders or depending on communists for manufacturing vital parts of the American economy. We’ve had an object lesson.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

ABC poll for The Donald:

Poll: 55% Approve of How Trump's Handling Chinese Coronavirus Crisis
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.



HuffPo Reporter: The Democrats' Response to the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak Has Been Disastrous
The Libs made a huge miscue by colluding with the Red Chinese and bringing coronavirus to America in an attempt to take down Trump.

CV has everything that will contrast the two political positions.

It shows that Red China, not the Russian Federation is the main adversary for America

It shows the folly of risky socialized medicine schemes.

It shows the need to get America's economy strong.

It shows the superiority of America, Americans exceptionalism, better than any speech that Trump could give.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

ABC poll for The Donald:

Poll: 55% Approve of How Trump's Handling Chinese Coronavirus Crisis

The dems are hoping to hang a recession on Trump in the election. But if the voters blame the virus, and think that Trump did as well as could be expected.

THey might fail to put the blame on him. ESPECIALLY if he manages a quick come back.
This will all pass in a few weeks.

Dimms who like people to suffer will have a short term of glee.
Once again the democrat "hoax" of the day (Trump is mishandling the response to COVID-19) backfires on them.
Whenever they try to blame Trump for:
1. Lack of testing capacity

NR Coronavirus Update: U.S. Ramps Up Testing Capacity as Cases Grow in New York, California, Washington | National Review

2. Firing the pandemic response team
PolitiFact - Celebrities are sharing a misleading post about Trump’s response to coronavirus

3. Lack of urgency addressing the pandemic, democrat governors disagree

California's Democrat governor praises Trump's response to Coronavirus on cruise ship
New York governor praises "very creative" Trump on coronavirus response as president sends ship to serve as floating hospital

No wonder Trump's approval is way over 50%. Its about time.
Crying Chukie Schummer was one of the main idiots yelling when Trump put a travel ban on China and the EU. Then he turns around and complains that Trump did not do enough.

I see so many of the misinformed left posting that Trump cut off funding for the pandemic response team but somehow they seem to forget that Scummer was responsible for cutting off that same funding during the swine flue epidemic while claiming it was one of the" porky things "in the bill.

Numerous democrat mayors and governors have congratulated him for his response to the pandemic.

But you look at where is the democrat leaders? Where is Biden? Are they standing tall? Are they holding pressers talking about their efforts? They seem to be hiding.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

There was little chance of Trump winning even before the spread of this virus. Donald Trump is an impeached President. He should have stopped international Travel back in early February when it was clear this was probably going to happen and the United States already had its first cases. But his administration was asleep at the wheel and now the country is on lockdown. The Presidents own advisors predict unemployment will rise to over 20%. This won't be a recession, it will be an economic depression that will rival the one from the 1930s. Trump is way behind when it comes to testing, travel restrictions, social distancing, and stay in place orders. A month to two months behind. That's why we have 20,000 cases now and 276 deaths. Russia, a country that borders china only has 250 cases and one death. Russia closed its borders back in January/February. That's a big part of the reason for the vastly different figures. Trump will be easily defeated in November. His failures have led to the shut down of the largest economy in the world for months and maybe even years. His inaction and downplaying of the problem has unnecessarily risked the lives of millions of Americans.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

There was little chance of Trump winning even before the spread of this virus. Donald Trump is an impeached President. He should have stopped international Travel back in early February when it was clear this was probably going to happen and the United States already had its first cases. But his administration was asleep at the wheel and now the country is on lockdown. The Presidents own advisors predict unemployment will rise to over 20%. This won't be a recession, it will be an economic depression that will rival the one from the 1930s. Trump is way behind when it comes to testing, travel restrictions, social distancing, and stay in place orders. A month to two months behind. That's why we have 20,000 cases now and 276 deaths. Russia, a country that borders china only has 250 cases and one death. Russia closed its borders back in January/February. That's a big part of the reason for the vastly different figures. Trump will be easily defeated in November. His failures have led to the shut down of the largest economy in the world for months and maybe even years. His inaction and downplaying of the problem has unnecessarily risked the lives of millions of Americans.
Your bullshit has no basis in fact. In fact they are lies. Trump's early stopping of flights from China is saving the US from becoming the EU.
The EU has 15x more infections than the US for comparable populations. Thank you President Trump.

Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

Yes and as always, it's driving his detractors absolutely crazy
Owning the libs is not governing responsibily during a pandemic. This isn't professional wrestling anymore. This is serious stuff the grownup should handle.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.
You're looking through tRump colored glasses. He's been anything but quick and decisive.
Crying Chukie Schummer was one of the main idiots yelling when Trump put a travel ban on China and the EU. Then he turns around and complains that Trump did not do enough.

I see so many of the misinformed left posting that Trump cut off funding for the pandemic response team but somehow they seem to forget that Scummer was responsible for cutting off that same funding during the swine flue epidemic while claiming it was one of the" porky things "in the bill.

Numerous democrat mayors and governors have congratulated him for his response to the pandemic.

But you look at where is the democrat leaders? Where is Biden? Are they standing tall? Are they holding pressers talking about their efforts? They seem to be hiding.
Biden is repeating everything Trump does saying that's what he would do. The democrats know that Biden is a loser. That's why they cooked up this hysteria to begin with. Now they believe if they can just get a black woman to run as VP. Maybe Stacy Abrams. She's dark enough and fat enough to run on the Big Momma ticket.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

There was little chance of Trump winning even before the spread of this virus. Donald Trump is an impeached President. He should have stopped international Travel back in early February when it was clear this was probably going to happen and the United States already had its first cases. But his administration was asleep at the wheel and now the country is on lockdown. The Presidents own advisors predict unemployment will rise to over 20%. This won't be a recession, it will be an economic depression that will rival the one from the 1930s. Trump is way behind when it comes to testing, travel restrictions, social distancing, and stay in place orders. A month to two months behind. That's why we have 20,000 cases now and 276 deaths. Russia, a country that borders china only has 250 cases and one death. Russia closed its borders back in January/February. That's a big part of the reason for the vastly different figures. Trump will be easily defeated in November. His failures have led to the shut down of the largest economy in the world for months and maybe even years. His inaction and downplaying of the problem has unnecessarily risked the lives of millions of Americans.

A pandemic was going to spark an economic downturn. If it looks like America did well, compared to other first world nations, the voters should not, and may not hold the President responsible.
What with the orange menace closing the border, who is going to mow my lawn? Or maybe W.H.O. will mow my lawn.
I think talking about Covid 19 is just one of many things Trump makes far more sense on than Democrats. All anyone sees for years now is Trump, gathering information from experts and then making solid decisions based on that info. Trump has become a dependable problem solver and leader. In the meanwhile, Democrats have spent all their time resisting, complaining and acting like a victim. They have no ideas, no solutions, no vision, no confidence, not much of anything we need. On top of that, they seem to have chosen a mentally unfit candidate for President. We'd be insane to give up Trump for anything they have.

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