Covid-19 vaccines are causing excess deaths.

I remember when Jeff Berwick predicted this would happen, quite a while ago. He said the vaccine was going to cause a lot of deaths and other health problems, and that instead of acknowledging it's the vaccine, the crooks behind this whole thing would blame it on Covid. It looks like his prediction was right. :dunno:

New World Next Year 2023​

Interview 1774 - New World Next Year 2023

Corbett • 12/16/2022 • 94 Comments
Welcome to New World Next Year, the annual wrap up of the New World Next Week video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This year:

Media Monarchy's 2022 Story: They Think They're Getting Amnesty After This?

Corbett Report’s 2022 Story: Canada's Freedom Convoy

Media Monarchy's Trend Prediction for 2023: You've Got A Sustainable Screw Loose

Corbett Report’s Trend Prediction for 2023: The Digital ID Cometh
I had polio when I was eleven. Fortunately, it didn't cause paralysis. This was at the height of the disease and before the vaccine was developed.
The polio vaccine was in 1955. You were born in 1943? That means you’re almost 80.
The subject of miscarriages due to the "jab" is also frightening. How many expecting mothers were "coerced" into getting the "jab"? How many of those mothers lost the child because of that jab?
A couple of my younger friends told me they were getting their periods twice a month after getting the vaccine. It definitely did something to the reproductive system.

New World Next Year 2023​

Interview 1774 - New World Next Year 2023

Corbett • 12/16/2022 • 94 Comments
Welcome to New World Next Year, the annual wrap up of the New World Next Week video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This year:

Media Monarchy's 2022 Story: They Think They're Getting Amnesty After This?

Corbett Report’s 2022 Story: Canada's Freedom Convoy

Media Monarchy's Trend Prediction for 2023: You've Got A Sustainable Screw Loose

Corbett Report’s Trend Prediction for 2023: The Digital ID Cometh

Thanks, I haven't watched anything by Corbett for a while (I'm pretty sure he's no longer on YouTube, right?) so I'll for sure watch their year end wrap-up. (not right now though, because i'm actually still awake from yesterday) 😝

This cracked me up. hehehe...perfect!


here's another embodiment of "I toada so" 😉

Thanks, I haven't watched anything by Corbett for a while (I'm pretty sure he's no longer on YouTube, right?) so I'll for sure watch their year end wrap-up. (not right now though, because i'm actually still awake from yesterday) 😝

This cracked me up. hehehe...perfect!


here's another embodiment of "I toada so" 😉

Oh yeah. He's been off YouTube for a year or more now.

And bitchute is now having problems, so they have even started using Rumble, though Rumble has connections to billionaire, Peter Thiel, so he has never really trusted that site.

It has always been a matter of reach, exposure, coding and versatility. His preferred external video sharing site, I believe, is a place called (
But that is a blockchain platform, that most places can't embed on their platforms. I am not a techie, so I couldn't even tell you if it is possible. There was some federal ruling against the folks that created the parent company LBRY, which runs a blockchain cyber.

There was a test case on that crypto;

Which could be used to crack down on all cryptos, and clear the way for CBDC's, (central bank digital currencies,) though I don't see this moving as quickly as the coming global ID agenda, which must be put in place first.

So for now, for embedding on this site, I have been favoring displaying their videos with Rumble or Archive.

It is good to see dollarvigilante is still putting out content though.
Oh yeah. He's been off YouTube for a year or more now.

And bitchute is now having problems, so they have even started using Rumble, though Rumble has connections to billionaire, Peter Thiel, so he has never really trusted that site.

It has always been a matter of reach, exposure, coding and versatility. His preferred external video sharing site, I believe, is a place called (
But that is a blockchain platform, that most places can't embed on their platforms. I am not a techie, so I couldn't even tell you if it is possible. There was some federal ruling against the folks that created the parent company LBRY, which runs a blockchain cyber.

There was a test case on that crypto;

Which could be used to crack down on all cryptos, and clear the way for CBDC's, (central bank digital currencies,) though I don't see this moving as quickly as the coming global ID agenda, which must be put in place first.

So for now, for embedding on this site, I have been favoring displaying their videos with Rumble or Archive.

It is good to see dollarvigilante is still putting out content though.

Yeah, I'm signed up on odysee… mainly because all the interesting content creators who were deleted from YouTube are over there. But yeah, it is very annoying that odysee videos still can't be embedded.
It is you and all the other sheeple who bought the lies. That's why you react the way you do. It's denialism, pure and simple. Anything that upsets your apple cart [paradigm] is obviously fake news. Because ...

What facts show that human caused AGW isn happening?

Present them

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