Court strikes down Covid eviction ban


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
U.S. District Judge John Barker, a Trump appointee, ruled in favor of a group of property managers and landlords who challenged a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) order that prevented them from temporarily evicting tenants for non-payment of rent during the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic. Federal Judge Rules Nationwide Eviction Ban Is Unconstitutional (
This ought to get interesting considering the huge number who expeted to get evicted after this. Think the number was 54%
U.S. District Judge John Barker, a Trump appointee, ruled in favor of a group of property managers and landlords who challenged a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) order that prevented them from temporarily evicting tenants for non-payment of rent during the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic. Federal Judge Rules Nationwide Eviction Ban Is Unconstitutional (
This ought to get interesting considering the huge number who expeted to get evicted after this. Think the number was 54%
It's about time we got a common sense ruling from the courts. Property owners rights were terribly abused by the ban. Did they stop foreclosures on the owners who could not make the payments when the tenants defaulted--nope, thats different. BS.
These are valid legal questions. No matter what one thinks, it should be brought before the courts.
U.S. District Judge John Barker, a Trump appointee, ruled in favor of a group of property managers and landlords who challenged a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) order that prevented them from temporarily evicting tenants for non-payment of rent during the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic. Federal Judge Rules Nationwide Eviction Ban Is Unconstitutional (
This ought to get interesting considering the huge number who expeted to get evicted after this. Think the number was 54%
Rightwingers love to evict people and put them on the streets.
Maybe landlords should get a real job.

Giving people who have no home of their own, a place to live is a real job. That brings in a real income. To pay real bills with and to put food on the table.
Are you suggesting that the owner buy the property, remodel it at their expense, then give it to someone for free, while the owner is forced to go on assistance to pay their bills and put food on the table?
Maybe landlords should get a real job.
Why isn't managing properties a real job?
Landlords don't manage properties. They manage money. The properties go to shit and the people call and ask for new AC units and new walls and new sinks and the landlord sits there and continues raking in rent while doing nothing.

They're a scourge on society. A bottom-feeder. If you disagree that's cool dude, but they serve no purpose to us. Go lick your millionaire rulers boots some more.
Name how a landlord benefits society?
They provide housing opportunities for people who can't afford or don't want to own a home.
How do you benefit society? By whining about people who are more successful and competent than you?
Landlords don't manage properties. They manage money. The properties go to shit and the people call and ask for new AC units and new walls and new sinks and the landlord sits there and continues raking in rent while doing nothing.

They're a scourge on society. A bottom-feeder. If you disagree that's cool dude, but they serve no purpose to us. Go lick your millionaire rulers boots some more.
You're the epitome of a moron.
Name how a landlord benefits society?
They provide housing opportunities for people who can't afford or don't want to own a home.
How do you benefit society? By whining about people who are more successful and competent than you?
And why shouldn't housing be free? Why should people need to afford it anyhow? If your brother called you tomorrow saying he lost his job and needed a place to live, you'd just tell him to live on the street? Your own brother?

All Americans are my brother.

I benefit society by working for a living. And satisfying women. I donate to COVID charities and try to help hungry kids.

How do you benefit society?
Maybe landlords should get a real job.
Why is that?
Because having a job where you sit in an office and call people and tell them they owe you money is a job for a loan shark.
They provide housing. No one is holding anyone hostage. It is an entirely voluntary transaction. And it is contractual. And usually the ones executing the terms of the contract are employees who are being paid to do a job.

Do you understand?

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