Could Ukraine take back Crimea?

There is nothing to negotiate. The fighting stops when Russia has withdrawn from all of Ukraine, and then the negotiations can begin to see what it will take for the sanctions to be eased and for Russia to be allowed to trade with the West again.

Russia withdrew from the western bank of Dnipro River because they found it impossible to supply their forces, largely because of the destruction to bridges over that waterway.

Those vulnerable bridges are now working for Russian defensive benefit.

Since Russia will never voluntarily withdraw for all of Ukraine, how will Ukraine drive hundreds of thousands of Russian troops from its country without fuel and electricity while dealing with a 20% inflation rate?

Ukraine Inflation Rate (CPI) - FocusEconomics.
About 40,000 Ukrainian civilians have been murdered by the Russian invaders.
This from a guy who knows nothing about the thousands of Russian speakers murdered by Ukrainian forces in the Donbas since 2014.

Proof government controlled propaganda works on some.

Russia withdrew from the western bank of Dnipro River because they found it impossible to supply their forces, largely because of the destruction to bridges over that waterway.

Those vulnerable bridges are now working for Russian defensive benefit.

Since Russia will never voluntarily withdraw for all of Ukraine, how will Ukraine drive hundreds of thousands of Russian troops from its country without fuel and electricity while dealing with a 20% inflation rate?

Ukraine Inflation Rate (CPI) - FocusEconomics.
The Russians found it impossible to resupply their troops on the western side of the river because the AFU blew up their supply depots and convoys to prevent supplies from reaching the front-line troops, and I imagine they will continue with this strategy since it has been working so well.

From almost the first days of the invasion, Russian front-line troops have been chronically short of fuel, ammo and food because the AFU has been destroying their supply lines. This made the front-line Russians vulnerable to attack and has been the basis for all the Ukrainian advances across the country. Unless the Russian can find a way to stop these attacks on their supply lines, the Russians will have to continue to retreat until the last Russian has left the country.
This from a guy who knows nothing about the thousands of Russian speakers murdered by Ukrainian forces in the Donbas since 2014.

Proof government controlled propaganda works on some.
That's exactly the same argument Hitler used to justify his invasion of Czechoslovakia. You see, as we were discussing before, there really is no difference between Hitler, Stalin and Putin.
That's exactly the same argument Hitler used to justify his invasion of Czechoslovakia. You see, as we were discussing before, there really is no difference between Hitler, Stalin and Putin.
Proving once again, you know very little.
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there are many rapports that Moscow run out of shells do you agree in this ?


I read that Russia is firing 20,000 artillery shells a day, and we know from past reports that Russia's military factories have been unable to replace Russia's losses at the front, so it is likely Russia was at least in danger of running out of ammunition when it started buying artillery shells from NK.
I read that Russia is firing 20,000 artillery shells a day, and we know from past reports that Russia's military factories have been unable to replace Russia's losses at the front, so it is likely Russia was at least in danger of running out of ammunition when it started buying artillery shells from NK.
Yeah sure. You’re getting information from western sources, who have lied over and over.

Isn’t Putin dead by now from cancer?
I read that Russia is firing 20,000 artillery shells a day, and we know from past reports that Russia's military factories have been unable to replace Russia's losses at the front, so it is likely Russia was at least in danger of running out of ammunition when it started buying artillery shells from NK.

This one is interesting also from the munitions standpoint. Prior to the Kharkiv offensive, the only rockets we saw for HIMARS were the M31 unitary warhead.
Beginning with the Kharkiv offensive, we started to see the M30A1 alternate warhead, that is the one in this video. The AW has 180K pre-formed tungsten fragments, which is why you see the blast effect in these clips.

The significance is this- the M30A1 warhead is designed for unarmored or lightly armored targets, and infantry that's out in the open. The kill radius is about 100m.
That warhead selection is not accidental. Sometime back in August, the planners made the determination that the AFU would have fewer heavily armored and fixed targets going forward, and adjusted the munitions accordingly.
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Moscow horde´s war record :-
1856 defeated by Britain and France
1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany
1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states
1939 defeated by Finland
1969 defeated by China
1989 defeated by Afghanistan
1989 defeated in the Cold War.
1996 defeated by Chechnya
2022 defeated by Ukraine
WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn
Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-
a) Hungary 1956
b) Czechoslovakia 1968
c) Moldova 1992
d) Georgia 2008
he Russians found it impossible to resupply their troops on the western side of the river because the AFU blew up their supply depots and convoys to prevent supplies from reaching the front-line troops, and I imagine they will continue with this strategy since it has been working so well.
Where did you hear that?

Russia couldn't resupply the west bank of the river because Ukraine was consistently destroying pontoon bridges; that's no longer a concern.

There would appear to be two possible futures at this point:

Ukraine continues driving eastward towards Crimea.

Russia pushes westward toward Odessa.

What's your expectation?
rom almost the first days of the invasion, Russian front-line troops have been chronically short of fuel, ammo and food because the AFU has been destroying their supply lines. This made the front-line Russians vulnerable to attack and has been the basis for all the Ukrainian advances across the country
You and I are getting our information from entirely different sources.
I've heard it's Russia that has been destroying Ukraine's ammo and fuel dumps over the last nine months, and given the advantage Russians have with airpower and artillery, I find it hard to believe your version.

Which side will be without electricity and heat this winter?

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