*Cost Of Everythings Going Up: Thanks Fucking Obama!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.

A couple of comments from me:

1.) Can I have a copy of your oil rap?

2.) On a more serious note, global gas / oil prices are high primarily because of increased global demand for oil. That really doesn't have anything to do with Obama, or the US government at all. The era of cheap oil is gone, it will be generations before we ever see $1.75 or $2 a gallon of gasoline again.
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


Though I loathe the moonbat messiah, and hold his acolytes in utter contempt, I have to say that this isn't ALL his fault. This has been an ongoing problem for a decade now.

Of course it would be nice if he took some initiative, or at least stopped standing in the way of things.
Though I loathe the moonbat messiah, and hold his acolytes in utter contempt, I have to say that this isn't ALL his fault. This has been an ongoing problem for a decade now.

Of course it would be nice if he took some initiative, or at least stopped standing in the way of things.

What would you like to see us do in order to decrease long run oil prices?
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


7. Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, moron. And they've been stable anyway. Sorry you weren't looking.
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A couple of comments from me:

1.) Can I have a copy of your oil rap?

2.) On a more serious note, global gas / oil prices are high primarily because of increased global demand for oil. That really doesn't have anything to do with Obama, or the US government at all. The era of cheap oil is gone, it will be generations before we ever see $1.75 or $2 a gallon of gasoline again.

We'll NEVER see $2 gas again. EVER. No matter how much we pump. That's because the value of the dollar has gone down so much.

But the assholes keep printing more....
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, moron. And they've been stable anyway. Sorry you weren't looking.

I mean, there are some things that we could do to see short run changes, aka we could dip into national reserves, we could abolish excise taxes, we could try to pressure other countries to release more to the market, we could try to impact speculation markets, etc, but there isn't much that we can do to reverse long run high gas prices.
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.

HE TOLD US before 2008 he wanted the following to happen!!!

Obama: " I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly"
LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
The only rationale was to supplant gas with alternative ... but AT A HUGE market cost which obviously this community organizer DID NOT understand!.
Reality, Price of a gallon of gas
Bush Jan 05, 2009 $1.672
Obama May 20,2013 $3.673 131% Increase...
Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update - Energy Information Administration

Obama: “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
In one interview he said, "If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted." Obama's normal campaign rhetoric did not promise to bankrupt our own coal industry. While he promised a new dawn of abundant energy, he actually planned to declare war on the coal industry.
Source: To Save America, by Newt Gingrich, p. 63 , May 17, 2010

So this community organizer doesn't CARE what it costs society just as long as a cap-and-trade system exists!
Obama said:"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program
What this community organizer didn't consider, what happens to the 1,300 insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes?
Where will that tax money come from? Or the 400,000 people employed where would they go after the $12 billion in unemployment runs out? If you own property in cities where insurance companies paid property taxes you will have to pay more in taxes.

Doesn't care that ALL AMERICANS would be paying MORE....
Does that make sense to any American to have a president that wants to destroy businesses, create unemployment, cost Americans MORE to live??
A couple of comments from me:

1.) Can I have a copy of your oil rap?

2.) On a more serious note, global gas / oil prices are high primarily because of increased global demand for oil. That really doesn't have anything to do with Obama, or the US government at all. The era of cheap oil is gone, it will be generations before we ever see $1.75 or $2 a gallon of gasoline again.

We'll NEVER see $2 gas again. EVER. No matter how much we pump. That's because the value of the dollar has gone down so much.

But the assholes keep printing more....

Right, but that isn't why. Even if we hold dollar values constant we'll never see relatively cheap oil again. (unless the substance gets replaced by something else and no one really wants it for much anymore).

as a side note, we currently have a fairly healthy rate of inflation.
Though I loathe the moonbat messiah, and hold his acolytes in utter contempt, I have to say that this isn't ALL his fault. This has been an ongoing problem for a decade now.

Of course it would be nice if he took some initiative, or at least stopped standing in the way of things.

What would you like to see us do in order to decrease long run oil prices?

Shut off the printing presses so the dollar stops shrinking in value. That might help. Allowing more permits for exploitation in barren public lands, get out of the way on Keystone are a couple things the moonbat messiah can do.

Getting rid of all these different blends and streamline production at refineries would help too.
Shut off the printing presses so the dollar stops shrinking in value. That might help. Allowing more permits for exploitation in barren public lands, get out of the way on Keystone are a couple things the moonbat messiah can do.

Getting rid of all these different blends and streamline production at refineries would help too.

A couple of comments:

1.) We have a pretty healthy rate of inflation right now.

2.) as a side note simply printing more money doesn't mean we are going to have high levels of inflation, it really depends on the velocity of the money mixed with other factors such as the reserve rate for banks. Our inflation isn't out of control at the moment. Our dollar is currently fine.

3.) The reason why Canada is looking to build the Keystone pipeline is only because oil prices are so high. If they were lower then it wouldn't be profitable for Canada to mine its tar sands. Thinks like the Keystone pipeline aren't really going to reduce market oil prices.
Though I loathe the moonbat messiah, and hold his acolytes in utter contempt, I have to say that this isn't ALL his fault. This has been an ongoing problem for a decade now.

Of course it would be nice if he took some initiative, or at least stopped standing in the way of things.

What would you like to see us do in order to decrease long run oil prices?

Shut off the printing presses so the dollar stops shrinking in value. That might help. Allowing more permits for exploitation in barren public lands, get out of the way on Keystone are a couple things the moonbat messiah can do.

Getting rid of all these different blends and streamline production at refineries would help too.

The sludge that would come through Keystone wouldn't go to us, Brainiac. It goes on the international oil market just like everything else. All we do is provide the vehicle to get it to Houston so it can be shipped to India.

As for the oil refineries, they're run by the oil companies, not the gummint. Unless you want to nationalize them.

Still missing that "think it through" button I see.
A couple of comments from me:

1.) Can I have a copy of your oil rap?

2.) On a more serious note, global gas / oil prices are high primarily because of increased global demand for oil. That really doesn't have anything to do with Obama, or the US government at all. The era of cheap oil is gone, it will be generations before we ever see $1.75 or $2 a gallon of gasoline again.

We'll NEVER see $2 gas again. EVER. No matter how much we pump. That's because the value of the dollar has gone down so much.

But the assholes keep printing more....

Right, but that isn't why. Even if we hold dollar values constant we'll never see relatively cheap oil again. (unless the substance gets replaced by something else and no one really wants it for much anymore).

as a side note, we currently have a fairly healthy rate of inflation.

I'm not an economist, so you could be right or wrong about that and I wouldn't know.

All I can go by is my perception, and just in the last 4 years my grocery bill has far more than doubled. I used to be able to buy a months worth of shit, filling more than a cart for about $200.

Now I have to go twice a month, almost fill a single cart and damned if it doesn't get closer too $300 each time. Granted I have an additional mouth to feed, but she doesn't eat THAT MUCH.

On that basis alone it seems like inflation is through the roof. Now that isn't the rule on everything of course, but a lot of commonly used items have gone up enough to notice.

Lets not even talk about ammo.
Increasing margin requirements to 20% on oil futures and coercing refineries to work to 90% capacity instead of 70% would drop the price of crude a third in six weeks.

There has never, ever in human history been as much crude above ground waiting for a sale than there is at this exact second. And the supply above ground grows daily and is expected to grow for the next ten to fifteen years by which time most industrialists believe alternative power sources will be cheap enough to begin replacing petroleum as fuel. Fact is petroleum has tens of thousands of uses, none of which are as critical as its use as fuel.

These are the good old days for the petroleum industry. Thank Clinton for signing CFTMA. His kneepadder clownshow don't understand any more about the effects of that than white trash understand about the long term effects of tripling the debt in the 1980s.
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Sorry bout that,

1. No, its Obama's fault.
2. His lack of knowledge is killing America, and Americans.
3. Everything he reaches his hand out to do as a policy, kills us.
4. There is no end, he is trying to end America.

Sorry bout that,

1. No, its Obama's fault.
2. His lack of knowledge is killing America, and Americans.
3. Everything he reaches his hand out to do as a policy, kills us.
4. There is no end, he is trying to end America.


No, you addlebrained idiot, oil is an internationally traded fungible commodity. A POTUS has nothing to say about what the international market price is. Clearly you're not the one that should be talking about "lack of knowledge".

Perhaps if you actually broke a brain cell sweat once in a while you wouldn't have to lead off every post with "sorry about that". Just a thought.
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