What deporting 15 million people would actually look like

You pointed it out in post #111.

It's his M.O.

He simply makes these statements about the right that are unfounded, unsupported, and unjustified in anyway.

Seems to be his way of call us names while hiding under his mother's skirt.
Sorry. I thought you were talking about me.

Yeah, Clayton is a lost cause from way back.
I suspect it's a lot like "I'll make Mexico pay for the wall". He just says it to excite them, but they know it won't actually happen.

That's showbiz.

As I pointed out, when AZ passed SB 1070, a lot of them left on their own. The bill didn't tell them to go, but it upset their status quo.

Rather than deal with it here, they chose to go home.
It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

He has 4 years
It would take an army bigger than the US army to get it done.

It would cost more than the annual military budget.

All in the name of "Making America White Again".

So what. It must be done.
Hmmm....maybe if we did something to those hiring them more than just a slap on the wrist they would stop hiring them...

100% agree.

Now, that does mean costs will go up, but I am O.K. with that.

I read an article (about 10 years ago) that said someone came here to work and sent a lot of his money home to Mexico. It was so much (relative to what his brothers could make there) that they quit their jobs and just lived off of it. Thus turning them into dole lovers.

The article wasn't really biased....but it was asking the question....why are not a lot of Americans moving to Mexico where their S.S. dollars can go a lot further ?
The article wasn't really biased....but it was asking the question....why are not a lot of Americans moving to Mexico where their S.S. dollars can go a lot further ?

More and more are, as well as places like the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Panama, and other places. I have been emailing back and forth with an Army Vet that lives in DR and has started a blog helping other Vets move overseas.

I was shocked to find out there are roughly 25k American veterans living in the DR alone.
More and more are, as well as places like the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Panama, and other places. I have been emailing back and forth with an Army Vet that lives in DR and has started a blog helping other Vets move overseas.

I was shocked to find out there are roughly 25k American veterans living in the DR alone.

I have a friend who immigrated to india so her 900/month would work and she would not have to mooch off her kids.

Her liviing quarters were not as nice, but she loved it there.

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